Vamshi Surabhi a01d1188f2 scaffolding for remote-schemas module
The main aim of the PR is:

1. To set up a module structure for 'remote-schemas' package.
2. Move parts by the remote schema codebase into the new module structure to validate it.

## Notes to the reviewer

Why a PR with large-ish diff?

1. We've been making progress on the MM project but we don't yet know long it is going to take us to get to the first milestone. To understand this better, we need to figure out the unknowns as soon as possible. Hence I've taken a stab at the first two items in the [end-state]( document to figure out the unknowns. Unsurprisingly, there are a bunch of issues that we haven't discussed earlier. These are documented in the 'open questions' section.

1. The diff is large but that is only code moved around and I've added a section that documents how things are moved. In addition, there are fair number of PR comments to help with the review process.

## Changes in the PR

### Module structure

Sets up the module structure as follows:


### 1. Types representing metadata are moved

Types that capture metadata information (currently scattered across several RQL modules) are moved into `Hasura.RemoteSchema.Metadata.Types`.

- This new module only depends on very 'core' modules such as
  `Hasura.Session` for the notion of roles and `Hasura.Incremental` for `Cacheable` typeclass.

- The requirement on database modules is avoided by generalizing the remote schemas metadata to accept an arbitrary 'r' for a remote relationship

### 2. SchemaCache related types and build logic have been moved

Types that represent remote schemas information in SchemaCache are moved into `Hasura.RemoteSchema.SchemaCache.Types`.

Similar to `H.RS.Metadata.Types`, this module depends on 'core' modules except for `Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Variable`. It has something to do with remote relationships but I haven't spent time looking into it. The validation of 'remote relationships to remote schema' is also something that needs to be looked at.

Rips out the logic that builds remote schema's SchemaCache information from the monolithic `buildSchemaCacheRule` and moves it into `Hasura.RemoteSchema.SchemaCache.Build`. Further, the `.SchemaCache.Permission` and `.SchemaCache.RemoteRelationship` have been created from existing modules that capture schema cache building logic for those two components.

This was a fair amount of work. On main, currently remote schema's SchemaCache information is built in two phases - in the first phase, 'permissions' and 'remote relationships' are ignored and in the second phase they are filled in.

While remote relationships can only be resolved after partially resolving sources and other remote schemas, the same isn't true for permissions. Further, most of the work that is done to resolve remote relationships can be moved to the first phase so that the second phase can be a very simple traversal.

This is the approach that was taken - resolve permissions and as much as remote relationships information in the first phase.

### 3. Metadata APIs related types and build logic have been moved

The types that represent remote schema related metadata APIs and the execution logic have been moved to `Hasura.RemoteSchema.MetadataAPI.Types` and `.Execute` modules respectively.

## Open questions:

1. `Hasura.RemoteSchema.Metadata.Types` is so called because I was hoping that all of the metadata related APIs of remote schema can be brought in at `Hasura.RemoteSchema.Metadata.API`. However, as metadata APIs depended on functions from `SchemaCache` module (see [1](ceba6d6226/server/src-lib/Hasura/RQL/DDL/RemoteSchema.hs (L55)) and [2](ceba6d6226/server/src-lib/Hasura/RQL/DDL/RemoteSchema.hs (L91)), it made more sense to create a separate top-level module for `MetadataAPI`s.

   Maybe we can just have `Hasura.RemoteSchema.Metadata` and get rid of the extra nesting or have `Hasura.RemoteSchema.Metadata.{Core,Permission,RemoteRelationship}` if we want to break them down further.

1. `buildRemoteSchemas` in `H.RS.SchemaCache.Build` has the following type:

   buildRemoteSchemas ::
     ( ArrowChoice arr,
       Inc.ArrowDistribute arr,
       ArrowWriter (Seq CollectedInfo) arr,
       Inc.ArrowCache m arr,
       MonadIO m,
       HasHttpManagerM m,
       Inc.Cacheable remoteRelationshipDefinition,
       ToJSON remoteRelationshipDefinition,
       MonadError QErr m
     ) =>
     Env.Environment ->
     ( (Inc.Dependency (HashMap RemoteSchemaName Inc.InvalidationKey), OrderedRoles),
       [RemoteSchemaMetadataG remoteRelationshipDefinition]
       `arr` HashMap RemoteSchemaName (PartiallyResolvedRemoteSchemaCtxG remoteRelationshipDefinition, MetadataObject)

   Note the dependence on `CollectedInfo` which is defined as

   data CollectedInfo
     = CIInconsistency InconsistentMetadata
     | CIDependency
         -- ^ for error reporting on missing dependencies
     deriving (Eq)

   this pretty much means that remote schemas is dependent on types from databases, actions, ....

   How do we fix this? Maybe introduce a typeclass such as `ArrowCollectRemoteSchemaDependencies` which is defined in `Hasura.RemoteSchema` and then implemented in graphql-engine?

1. The dependency on `buildSchemaCacheFor` in `.MetadataAPI.Execute` which has the following signature:

   buildSchemaCacheFor ::
     (QErrM m, CacheRWM m, MetadataM m) =>
     MetadataObjId ->
     MetadataModifier ->

   This can be easily resolved if we restrict what the metadata APIs are allowed to do. Currently, they operate in an unfettered access to modify SchemaCache (the `CacheRWM` constraint):

   runAddRemoteSchema ::
     ( QErrM m,
       CacheRWM m,
       MonadIO m,
       HasHttpManagerM m,
       MetadataM m,
       Tracing.MonadTrace m
     ) =>
     Env.Environment ->
     AddRemoteSchemaQuery ->
     m EncJSON

   This should instead be changed to restrict remote schema APIs to only modify remote schema metadata (but has access to the remote schemas part of the schema cache), this dependency is completely removed.

   runAddRemoteSchema ::
     ( QErrM m,
       MonadIO m,
       HasHttpManagerM m,
       MonadReader RemoteSchemasSchemaCache m,
       MonadState RemoteSchemaMetadata m,
       Tracing.MonadTrace m
     ) =>
     Env.Environment ->
     AddRemoteSchemaQuery ->
     m RemoteSchemeMetadataObjId

   The idea is that the core graphql-engine would call these functions and then call

GitOrigin-RevId: 51357148c6404afe70219afa71bd1d59bdf4ffc6
2022-10-21 03:15:04 +00:00

423 lines
12 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.RemoteTest (spec) where
import Control.Lens (Prism', prism', to, (^..), _Right)
import Control.Monad.Memoize
import Data.Aeson qualified as J
import Data.Aeson.Key qualified as K
import Data.Aeson.KeyMap qualified as KM
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as LBS
import Data.HashMap.Strict.Extended qualified as M
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.Extended
import Data.Text.RawString
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.Base.ErrorMessage (ErrorMessage, fromErrorMessage)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Inline
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Remote (resolveRemoteVariable, runVariableCache)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Resolve
import Hasura.GraphQL.Namespace
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Name qualified as GName
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Names
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Variable
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Common
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Parser qualified as P
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Remote
import Hasura.Name qualified as Name
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.IR.RemoteSchema
import Hasura.RQL.IR.Root
import Hasura.RQL.IR.Value
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common
import Hasura.RemoteSchema.SchemaCache
import Hasura.Session
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Parser qualified as G
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax qualified as G
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax.QQ qualified as G
import Network.URI qualified as N
import Test.Hspec
-- test monad
newtype TestMonad a = TestMonad {runTest :: Either ErrorMessage a}
deriving newtype (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
instance P.MonadParse TestMonad where
withKey = const id
parseErrorWith = const $ TestMonad . Left
-- test tools
runError :: Monad m => ExceptT QErr m a -> m a
runError = runExceptT >=> (`onLeft` (error . T.unpack . qeError))
mkTestRemoteSchema :: Text -> RemoteSchemaIntrospection
mkTestRemoteSchema schema = RemoteSchemaIntrospection $
M.fromListOn getTypeName $
runIdentity $
runError $ do
G.SchemaDocument types <- G.parseSchemaDocument schema `onLeft` throw500
pure $ flip mapMaybe types \case
G.TypeSystemDefinitionSchema _ -> Nothing
G.TypeSystemDefinitionType td -> Just $ case fmap toRemoteInputValue td of
G.TypeDefinitionScalar std -> G.TypeDefinitionScalar std
G.TypeDefinitionObject otd -> G.TypeDefinitionObject otd
G.TypeDefinitionUnion utd -> G.TypeDefinitionUnion utd
G.TypeDefinitionEnum etd -> G.TypeDefinitionEnum etd
G.TypeDefinitionInputObject itd -> G.TypeDefinitionInputObject itd
G.TypeDefinitionInterface itd ->
G.TypeDefinitionInterface $
{ G._itdDescription = G._itdDescription itd,
G._itdName = G._itdName itd,
G._itdDirectives = G._itdDirectives itd,
G._itdFieldsDefinition = G._itdFieldsDefinition itd,
G._itdPossibleTypes = []
toRemoteInputValue ivd =
{ _rsitdDefinition = ivd,
_rsitdPresetArgument =
choice $
G._ivdDirectives ivd <&> \dir -> do
guard $ G._dName dir == Name._preset
value <- M.lookup Name._value $ G._dArguments dir
Just $ case value of
G.VString "x-hasura-test" ->
G.VVariable $
SessionPresetVariable (mkSessionVariable "x-hasura-test") GName._String SessionArgumentPresetScalar
_ -> absurd <$> value
mkTestExecutableDocument :: Text -> ([G.VariableDefinition], G.SelectionSet G.NoFragments G.Name)
mkTestExecutableDocument t = runIdentity $
runError $ do
G.ExecutableDocument execDoc <- G.parseExecutableDoc t `onLeft` throw500
case execDoc of
[G.ExecutableDefinitionOperation op] -> case op of
G.OperationDefinitionUnTyped selSet -> ([],) <$> inlineSelectionSet [] selSet
G.OperationDefinitionTyped opDef -> do
unless (G._todType opDef == G.OperationTypeQuery) $
throw500 "only queries for now"
resSelSet <- inlineSelectionSet [] $ G._todSelectionSet opDef
pure (G._todVariableDefinitions opDef, resSelSet)
_ -> throw500 "must have only one query in the document"
mkTestVariableValues :: LBS.ByteString -> M.HashMap G.Name J.Value
mkTestVariableValues vars = runIdentity $
runError $ do
value <- J.eitherDecode vars `onLeft` (throw500 . T.pack)
case value of
J.Object vs ->
M.fromList <$> for (KM.toList vs) \(K.toText -> name, val) -> do
gname <- G.mkName name `onNothing` throw500 ("wrong Name: " <>> name)
pure (gname, val)
_ -> throw500 "variables must be an object"
buildQueryParsers ::
RemoteSchemaIntrospection ->
IO (P.FieldParser TestMonad (GraphQLField (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) RemoteSchemaVariable))
buildQueryParsers introspection = do
let introResult = IntrospectionResult introspection GName._Query Nothing Nothing
remoteSchemaInfo = RemoteSchemaInfo (ValidatedRemoteSchemaDef (EnvRecord "" N.nullURI) [] False 60 Nothing) identityCustomizer
remoteSchemaRels = mempty
schemaContext =
RemoteSchemaParser query _ _ <-
runError $
runMemoizeT $
runRemoteSchema schemaContext $
buildRemoteParser introResult remoteSchemaRels remoteSchemaInfo
pure $
head query <&> \case
NotNamespaced remoteFld -> _rfField remoteFld
Namespaced _ ->
-- Shouldn't happen if we're using identityCustomizer
-- TODO: add some tests for remote schema customization
error "buildQueryParsers: unexpected Namespaced field"
runQueryParser ::
P.FieldParser TestMonad any ->
([G.VariableDefinition], G.SelectionSet G.NoFragments G.Name) ->
M.HashMap G.Name J.Value ->
runQueryParser parser (varDefs, selSet) vars = runIdentity . runError $ do
(_, resolvedSelSet) <- resolveVariables varDefs vars [] selSet
field <- case resolvedSelSet of
[G.SelectionField f] -> pure f
_ -> error "expecting only one field in the query"
runTest (P.fParser parser field) `onLeft` (throw500 . fromErrorMessage)
run ::
-- | schema
Text ->
-- | query
Text ->
-- | variables
LBS.ByteString ->
IO (GraphQLField (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) RemoteSchemaVariable)
run schema query variables = do
parser <- buildQueryParsers $ mkTestRemoteSchema schema
pure $
(mkTestExecutableDocument query)
(mkTestVariableValues variables)
-- actual test
spec :: Spec
spec = do
testNoVarExpansionIfNoPreset :: Spec
testNoVarExpansionIfNoPreset = it "variables aren't expanded if there's no preset" $ do
field <-
-- schema
scalar Int
input A {
b: B
input B {
c: C
input C {
i: Int
type Query {
test(a: A!): Int
-- query
query($a: A!) {
test(a: $a)
-- variables
"a": {
"b": {
"c": {
"i": 0
let arg = head $ M.toList $ _fArguments field
`shouldBe` ( _a,
-- the parser did not create a new JSON variable, and forwarded the query variable unmodified
G.VVariable $
QueryVariable $
(VIRequired _a)
(G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability False) _A)
(JSONValue $ J.Object $ KM.fromList [("b", J.Object $ KM.fromList [("c", J.Object $ KM.fromList [("i", J.Number 0)])])])
testNoVarExpansionIfNoPresetUnlessTopLevelOptionalField :: Spec
testNoVarExpansionIfNoPresetUnlessTopLevelOptionalField = it "unless fieldOptional peels the variable first" $ do
field <-
-- schema
scalar Int
input A {
b: B
input B {
c: C
input C {
i: Int
type Query {
test(a: A): Int
-- query
query($a: A) {
test(a: $a)
-- variables
"a": {
"b": {
"c": {
"i": 0
let arg = head $ M.toList $ _fArguments field
`shouldBe` ( _a,
-- fieldOptional has peeled the variable; all we see is a JSON blob, and in doubt
-- we repackage it as a newly minted JSON variable
G.VVariable $
(G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability True) _A)
(J.Object $ KM.fromList [("b", J.Object $ KM.fromList [("c", J.Object $ KM.fromList [("i", J.Number 0)])])])
testPartialVarExpansionIfPreset :: Spec
testPartialVarExpansionIfPreset = it "presets cause partial var expansion" $ do
field <-
-- schema
scalar Int
input A {
x: Int @preset(value: 0)
b: B
input B {
c: C
input C {
i: Int
type Query {
test(a: A!): Int
-- query
query($a: A!) {
test(a: $a)
-- variables
"a": {
"b": {
"c": {
"i": 0
let arg = head $ M.toList $ _fArguments field
`shouldBe` ( _a,
-- the preset has caused partial variable expansion, only up to where it's needed
G.VObject $
[ ( _x,
G.VInt 0
( _b,
G.VVariable $
(G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability True) _B)
(J.Object $ KM.fromList [("c", J.Object $ KM.fromList [("i", J.Number 0)])])
-- | Regression test for
testVariableSubstitutionCollision :: Spec
testVariableSubstitutionCollision = it "ensures that remote variables are de-duplicated by type and value, not just by value" $ do
field <- run schema query variables
let dummyUserInfo =
(mempty @SessionVariables)
eField <-
. runVariableCache
. traverse (resolveRemoteVariable dummyUserInfo)
$ field
let variableNames =
eField ^.. _Right . to _fArguments . traverse . _VVariable . to vInfo . to getName . to G.unName
variableNames `shouldBe` ["hasura_json_var_1", "hasura_json_var_2"]
-- A schema whose values are representable as collections of JSON values.
schema :: Text
schema =
scalar Int
scalar String
type Query {
test(a: [Int], b: [String]): Int
-- A query against values from 'schema' using JSON variable substitution.
query :: Text
query =
query($a: [Int], $b: [String]) {
test(a: $a, b: $b)
-- Two identical JSON variables to substitute; 'schema' and 'query' declare
-- that these variables should have different types despite both being
-- empty collections.
variables :: LBS.ByteString
variables =
"a": [],
"b": []
-- | Convenience function to focus on a 'G.VVariable' when pulling test values
-- out in 'testVariableSubstitutionCollision'.
_VVariable :: Prism' (G.Value var) var
_VVariable = prism' upcast downcast
upcast = G.VVariable
downcast = \case
G.VVariable var -> Just var
_ -> Nothing
_A :: G.Name
_A = [|A|]
_B :: G.Name
_B = [|B|]
_a :: G.Name
_a = [|a|]
_b :: G.Name
_b = [|b|]
_x :: G.Name
_x = [|x|]