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synced 2024-12-17 20:41:49 +03:00
When using self referential relationships in boolean expressions, the exists clause incorrectly uses the table names to qualify columns which will be the same for parent table and the child table. This is now fixed by generating unique aliases as we traverse down the relationships.
624 lines
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624 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveLift #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Hasura.RQL.DML.Select.Internal where
import Data.Aeson.Types
import Instances.TH.Lift ()
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.DML.Internal
import Hasura.RQL.GBoolExp
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.SQL.Types
import qualified Hasura.SQL.DML as S
-- Conversion of SelectQ happens in 2 Stages.
-- Stage 1 : Convert input query into an annotated AST
-- Stage 2 : Convert annotated AST to SQL Select
type SelectQExt = SelectG ExtCol BoolExp Int
-- Columns in RQL
data ExtCol
= ECSimple !PGCol
| ECRel !RelName !(Maybe RelName) !SelectQExt
deriving (Show, Eq, Lift)
instance ToJSON ExtCol where
toJSON (ECSimple s) = toJSON s
toJSON (ECRel rn mrn selq) =
object $ [ "name" .= rn
, "alias" .= mrn
] ++ selectGToPairs selq
instance FromJSON ExtCol where
parseJSON v@(Object o) =
<$> o .: "name"
<*> o .:? "alias"
<*> parseJSON v
parseJSON (String s) =
return $ ECSimple $ PGCol s
parseJSON _ =
fail $ mconcat
[ "A column should either be a string or an "
, "object (relationship)"
data AnnObCol
= AOCPG !PGColInfo
| AOCRel !RelInfo !AnnBoolExpSQL !AnnObCol
deriving (Show, Eq)
type AnnOrderByItem = OrderByItemG AnnObCol
data AnnRel
= AnnRel
{ arName :: !RelName -- Relationship name
, arType :: !RelType -- Relationship type (ObjRel, ArrRel)
, arMapping :: ![(PGCol, PGCol)] -- Column of the left table to join with
, arAnnSel :: !AnnSel -- Current table. Almost ~ to SQL Select
} deriving (Show, Eq)
type AnnAggSel = AnnSelG [(T.Text, TableAggFld)]
data AggSel
= AggSel
{ agColMapping :: ![(PGCol, PGCol)]
, agAnnSel :: !AnnAggSel
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data AnnFld
= FCol !PGColInfo
| FExp !T.Text
| FRel !AnnRel
| FAgg !AggSel
deriving (Show, Eq)
data TableArgs
= TableArgs
{ _taWhere :: !(Maybe AnnBoolExpSQL)
, _taOrderBy :: !(Maybe (NE.NonEmpty AnnOrderByItem))
, _taLimit :: !(Maybe Int)
, _taOffset :: !(Maybe S.SQLExp)
} deriving (Show, Eq)
noTableArgs :: TableArgs
noTableArgs = TableArgs Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
data PGColFld
= PCFCol !PGCol
| PCFExp !T.Text
deriving (Show, Eq)
type ColFlds = [(T.Text, PGColFld)]
data AggOp
= AggOp
{ _aoOp :: !T.Text
, _aoFlds :: !ColFlds
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data AggFld
= AFCount !S.CountType
| AFOp !AggOp
| AFExp !T.Text
deriving (Show, Eq)
type AggFlds = [(T.Text, AggFld)]
data TableAggFld
= TAFAgg !AggFlds
| TAFNodes ![(FieldName, AnnFld)]
| TAFExp !T.Text
deriving (Show, Eq)
data TableFrom
= TableFrom
{ _tfTable :: !QualifiedTable
, _tfIden :: !(Maybe Iden)
} deriving (Show, Eq)
tableFromToFromItem :: TableFrom -> S.FromItem
tableFromToFromItem = \case
TableFrom tn Nothing -> S.FISimple tn Nothing
TableFrom _ (Just i) -> S.FIIden i
tableFromToQual :: TableFrom -> S.Qual
tableFromToQual = \case
TableFrom tn Nothing -> S.QualTable tn
TableFrom _ (Just i) -> S.QualIden i
data TablePerm
= TablePerm
{ _tpFilter :: !AnnBoolExpSQL
, _tpLimit :: !(Maybe Int)
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data AnnSelG a
= AnnSelG
{ _asnFields :: !a
, _asnFrom :: !TableFrom
, _asnPerm :: !TablePerm
, _asnArgs :: !TableArgs
} deriving (Show, Eq)
type AnnSel = AnnSelG [(FieldName, AnnFld)]
data BaseNode
= BaseNode
{ _bnPrefix :: !Iden
, _bnFrom :: !S.FromItem
, _bnWhere :: !S.BoolExp
, _bnOrderBy :: !(Maybe S.OrderByExp)
, _bnLimit :: !(Maybe Int)
, _bnOffset :: !(Maybe S.SQLExp)
, _bnExtrs :: !(HM.HashMap S.Alias S.SQLExp)
, _bnObjRels :: !(HM.HashMap RelName RelNode)
, _bnArrRels :: !(HM.HashMap S.Alias RelNode)
, _bnAggs :: !(HM.HashMap S.Alias AggNode)
} deriving (Show, Eq)
txtToAlias :: Text -> S.Alias
txtToAlias = S.Alias . Iden
aggFldToExp :: AggFlds -> S.SQLExp
aggFldToExp aggFlds = jsonRow
jsonRow = S.applyJsonBuildObj (concatMap aggToFlds aggFlds)
withAls fldName sqlExp = [S.SELit fldName, sqlExp]
aggToFlds (t, fld) = withAls t $ case fld of
AFCount cty -> S.SECount cty
AFOp aggOp -> aggOpToObj aggOp
AFExp e -> S.SELit e
aggOpToObj (AggOp op flds) =
S.applyJsonBuildObj $ concatMap (colFldsToExtr op) flds
colFldsToExtr op (t, PCFCol col) =
[ S.SELit t
, S.SEFnApp op [S.SEIden $ toIden col] Nothing
colFldsToExtr _ (t, PCFExp e) =
[ S.SELit t , S.SELit e]
asSingleRow :: S.Alias -> S.FromItem -> S.Select
asSingleRow col fromItem =
{ S.selExtr = [S.Extractor extr $ Just col]
, S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp [fromItem]
extr = S.SEFnApp "coalesce" [jsonAgg, S.SELit "null"] Nothing
jsonAgg = S.SEOpApp (S.SQLOp "->")
[ S.SEFnApp "json_agg" [S.SEIden $ toIden col] Nothing
, S.SEUnsafe "0"
aggNodeToSelect :: BaseNode -> S.Extractor -> S.BoolExp -> S.Select
aggNodeToSelect bn extr joinCond =
{ S.selExtr = [extr]
, S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp [selFrom]
selFrom = S.mkSelFromItem (baseNodeToSel joinCond bn) $ S.Alias $
_bnPrefix bn
withJsonAgg :: Maybe S.OrderByExp -> S.Alias -> S.FromItem -> S.Select
withJsonAgg orderByM col fromItem =
{ S.selExtr = [S.Extractor extr $ Just col]
, S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp [fromItem]
extr = S.SEFnApp "coalesce" [jsonAgg, S.SELit "[]"] Nothing
jsonAgg = S.SEFnApp "json_agg" [S.SEIden $ toIden col] orderByM
asJsonAggSel :: Bool -> S.Alias -> S.BoolExp -> BaseNode -> S.Select
asJsonAggSel singleObj als joinCond n =
let ordByM = _bnOrderBy n
fromItem = S.mkSelFromItem (baseNodeToSel joinCond n) $
S.Alias $ _bnPrefix n
in bool
(withJsonAgg ordByM als fromItem)
(asSingleRow als fromItem)
-- array relationships are not grouped, so have to be prefixed by
-- parent's alias
mkUniqArrRelAls :: FieldName -> FieldName -> Iden
mkUniqArrRelAls parAls relAls =
Iden $
getFieldNameTxt parAls <> "." <> getFieldNameTxt relAls
mkArrRelTableAls :: Iden -> FieldName -> FieldName -> Iden
mkArrRelTableAls pfx parAls relAls =
pfx <> Iden ".ar." <> uniqArrRelAls
uniqArrRelAls = mkUniqArrRelAls parAls relAls
mkObjRelTableAls :: Iden -> RelName -> Iden
mkObjRelTableAls pfx relName =
pfx <> Iden ".or." <> toIden relName
mkAggAls :: Iden -> FieldName -> Iden
mkAggAls pfx fldAls =
pfx <> Iden ".agg." <> toIden fldAls
mkBaseTableAls :: Iden -> Iden
mkBaseTableAls pfx =
pfx <> Iden ".base"
mkBaseTableColAls :: Iden -> PGCol -> Iden
mkBaseTableColAls pfx pgCol =
pfx <> Iden ".pg." <> toIden pgCol
-- posttgres ignores anything beyond 63 chars for an iden
-- in this case, we'll need to use json_build_object function
-- json_build_object is slower than row_to_json hence it is only
-- used when needed
:: Iden -> FieldName
-> [(FieldName, AnnFld)] -> (S.Alias, S.SQLExp)
buildJsonObject pfx parAls flds =
if any ( (> 63) . T.length . getFieldNameTxt . fst ) flds
then withJsonBuildObj parAls jsonBuildObjExps
else withRowToJSON parAls rowToJsonExtrs
jsonBuildObjExps = concatMap (toSQLFld withAlsExp) flds
rowToJsonExtrs = map (toSQLFld withAlsExtr) flds
withAlsExp fldName sqlExp =
[S.SELit $ getFieldNameTxt fldName, sqlExp]
withAlsExtr fldName sqlExp =
S.Extractor sqlExp $ Just $ S.toAlias fldName
toSQLFld f (fldAls, fld) = f fldAls $ case fld of
FCol col -> toJSONableExp (pgiType col) $
S.mkQIdenExp (mkBaseTableAls pfx) $ pgiName col
FExp e -> S.SELit e
FRel annRel ->
let qual = case arType annRel of
ObjRel -> mkObjRelTableAls pfx $ arName annRel
ArrRel -> mkArrRelTableAls pfx parAls fldAls
in S.mkQIdenExp qual fldAls
FAgg _ -> S.mkQIdenExp (mkAggAls pfx fldAls) fldAls
-- uses row_to_json to build a json object
:: FieldName -> [S.Extractor] -> (S.Alias, S.SQLExp)
withRowToJSON parAls extrs =
(S.toAlias parAls, jsonRow)
jsonRow = S.applyRowToJson extrs
-- uses json_build_object to build a json object
:: FieldName -> [S.SQLExp] -> (S.Alias, S.SQLExp)
withJsonBuildObj parAls exps =
(S.toAlias parAls, jsonRow)
jsonRow = S.applyJsonBuildObj exps
:: Iden
-> AnnOrderByItem
-- the extractors which will select the needed columns
-> ( (S.Alias, S.SQLExp)
-- the sql order by item that is attached to the final select
, S.OrderByItem
-- optionally we may have to add an obj rel node
, Maybe (RelName, RelNode)
processAnnOrderByItem pfx (OrderByItemG obTyM annObCol obNullsM) =
( (obColAls, obColExp)
, sqlOrdByItem
, relNodeM
((obColAls, obColExp), relNodeM) = processAnnOrderByCol pfx annObCol
sqlOrdByItem =
S.OrderByItem (S.SEIden $ toIden obColAls) obTyM obNullsM
:: Iden
-> AnnObCol
-- the extractors which will select the needed columns
-> ( (S.Alias, S.SQLExp)
-- optionally we may have to add an obj rel node
, Maybe (RelName, RelNode)
processAnnOrderByCol pfx = \case
AOCPG colInfo ->
qualCol = S.mkQIdenExp (mkBaseTableAls pfx) (toIden $ pgiName colInfo)
obColAls = mkBaseTableColAls pfx $ pgiName colInfo
in ( (S.Alias obColAls, qualCol)
, Nothing
-- "pfx.or.relname"."pfx.ob.or.relname.rest" AS "pfx.ob.or.relname.rest"
AOCRel (RelInfo rn _ colMapping relTab _) relFltr rest ->
let relPfx = mkObjRelTableAls pfx rn
((nesAls, nesCol), nesNodeM) = processAnnOrderByCol relPfx rest
qualCol = S.mkQIdenExp relPfx nesAls
relBaseNode =
BaseNode relPfx (S.FISimple relTab Nothing)
(toSQLBoolExp (S.QualTable relTab) relFltr)
Nothing Nothing Nothing
(HM.singleton nesAls nesCol)
(maybe HM.empty (uncurry HM.singleton) nesNodeM)
HM.empty HM.empty
relNode = RelNode rn (fromRel rn) colMapping relBaseNode
in ( (nesAls, qualCol)
, Just (rn, relNode)
mkEmptyBaseNode :: Iden -> TableFrom -> BaseNode
mkEmptyBaseNode pfx tableFrom =
BaseNode pfx fromItem (S.BELit True) Nothing Nothing Nothing
selOne HM.empty HM.empty HM.empty
selOne = HM.singleton (S.Alias $ pfx <> Iden "__one") (S.SEUnsafe "1")
fromItem = tableFromToFromItem tableFrom
-- If query limit > permission limit then consider permission limit Else consider query limit
:: Maybe Int -- Permission limit
-> Maybe Int -- Query limit
-> Maybe Int -- Return SQL exp
applyPermLimit mPermLimit mQueryLimit =
maybe mQueryLimit compareWithPermLimit mPermLimit
compareWithPermLimit pLimit =
maybe (Just pLimit) (compareLimits pLimit) mQueryLimit
compareLimits pLimit qLimit = Just $
if qLimit > pLimit then pLimit else qLimit
aggSelToAggNode :: Iden -> FieldName -> AggSel -> AggNode
aggSelToAggNode pfx als aggSel =
AggNode colMapping extr mergedBN
AggSel colMapping annSel = aggSel
AnnSelG aggFlds tabFrm tabPerm tabArgs = annSel
fldAls = S.Alias $ toIden als
extr = flip S.Extractor (Just fldAls) $ S.applyJsonBuildObj $
concatMap selFldToExtr aggFlds
ordBy = _bnOrderBy mergedBN
allBNs = map mkAggBaseNode aggFlds
emptyBN = mkEmptyBaseNode pfx tabFrm
mergedBN = foldr mergeBaseNodes emptyBN allBNs
mkAggBaseNode (t, selFld) =
mkBaseNode pfx (FieldName t) selFld tabFrm tabPerm tabArgs
selFldToExtr (t, fld) = (:) (S.SELit t) $ pure $ case fld of
TAFAgg flds -> aggFldToExp flds
TAFNodes _ ->
let jsonAgg = S.SEFnApp "json_agg" [S.SEIden $ Iden t] ordBy
in S.SEFnApp "coalesce" [jsonAgg, S.SELit "[]"] Nothing
TAFExp e ->
-- bool_or to force aggregation
S.SEFnApp "coalesce"
[ S.SELit e , S.SEUnsafe "bool_or('true')::text"] Nothing
:: Iden -> FieldName -> TableAggFld -> TableFrom
-> TablePerm -> TableArgs -> BaseNode
mkBaseNode pfx fldAls annSelFlds tableFrom tablePerm tableArgs =
BaseNode pfx fromItem finalWhere ordByExpM finalLimit offsetM
allExtrs allObjsWithOb allArrs aggs
TablePerm fltr permLimitM = tablePerm
TableArgs whereM orderByM limitM offsetM = tableArgs
(allExtrs, allObjsWithOb, allArrs, aggs) = case annSelFlds of
TAFNodes flds ->
let selExtr = buildJsonObject pfx fldAls flds
-- all the relationships
(allObjs, allArrRels) =
foldl' addRel (HM.empty, HM.empty) $
mapMaybe (\(als, f) -> (als,) <$> getAnnRel f) flds
allObjRelsWithOb =
foldl' (\objs (rn, relNode) -> HM.insertWith mergeRelNodes rn relNode objs)
allObjs $ catMaybes $ maybe [] _3 procOrdByM
aggItems = HM.fromList $ map mkAggItem $
mapMaybe (\(als, f) -> (als,) <$> getAggFld f) flds
in ( HM.fromList $ selExtr:obExtrs
, allObjRelsWithOb
, allArrRels
, aggItems
TAFAgg aggFlds ->
let extrs = concatMap (fetchExtrFromAggFld . snd) aggFlds
in ( HM.fromList $ extrs <> obExtrs
, HM.empty
, HM.empty
, HM.empty
TAFExp _ -> (HM.fromList obExtrs, HM.empty, HM.empty, HM.empty)
fetchExtrFromAggFld (AFCount cty) = countTyToExps cty
fetchExtrFromAggFld (AFOp aggOp) = aggOpToExps aggOp
fetchExtrFromAggFld (AFExp _) = []
countTyToExps S.CTStar = []
countTyToExps (S.CTSimple cols) = colsToExps cols
countTyToExps (S.CTDistinct cols) = colsToExps cols
colsToExps = mapMaybe (mkColExp . PCFCol)
aggOpToExps = mapMaybe (mkColExp . snd) . _aoFlds
mkColExp (PCFCol c) =
let qualCol = S.mkQIdenExp (mkBaseTableAls pfx) (toIden c)
colAls = toIden c
in Just (S.Alias colAls, qualCol)
mkColExp _ = Nothing
finalWhere =
toSQLBoolExp tableQual $ maybe fltr (andAnnBoolExps fltr) whereM
fromItem = tableFromToFromItem tableFrom
tableQual = tableFromToQual tableFrom
finalLimit = applyPermLimit permLimitM limitM
_1 (a, _, _) = a
_2 (_, b, _) = b
_3 (_, _, c) = c
procOrdByM = unzip3 . map (processAnnOrderByItem pfx) . toList <$> orderByM
ordByExpM = S.OrderByExp . _2 <$> procOrdByM
-- the columns needed for orderby
obExtrs = maybe [] _1 procOrdByM
mkRelPfx rTy rn relAls = case rTy of
ObjRel -> mkObjRelTableAls pfx rn
ArrRel -> mkArrRelTableAls pfx fldAls relAls
-- process a relationship
addRel (objs, arrs) (relAls, annRel) =
let relName = arName annRel
relNodePfx = mkRelPfx (arType annRel) relName relAls
relNode = mkRelNode relNodePfx (relAls, annRel)
in case arType annRel of
-- in case of object relationships, we merge
ObjRel ->
(HM.insertWith mergeRelNodes relName relNode objs, arrs)
ArrRel ->
let arrRelTableAls = S.Alias $ mkUniqArrRelAls fldAls relAls
in (objs, HM.insert arrRelTableAls relNode arrs)
-- process agg field
mkAggItem (f, aggSel) =
let aggPfx = mkAggAls pfx f
aggAls = S.Alias aggPfx
aggNode = aggSelToAggNode aggPfx f aggSel
in (aggAls, aggNode)
getAnnRel = \case
FRel ar -> Just ar
_ -> Nothing
getAggFld = \case
FAgg af -> Just af
_ -> Nothing
annSelToBaseNode :: Iden -> FieldName -> AnnSel -> BaseNode
annSelToBaseNode pfx fldAls annSel =
mkBaseNode pfx fldAls (TAFNodes selFlds) tabFrm tabPerm tabArgs
AnnSelG selFlds tabFrm tabPerm tabArgs = annSel
mergeBaseNodes :: BaseNode -> BaseNode -> BaseNode
mergeBaseNodes lNodeDet rNodeDet =
BaseNode pfx f whr ordBy limit offset
(HM.union lExtrs rExtrs)
(HM.unionWith mergeRelNodes lObjs rObjs)
(HM.union lArrs rArrs)
(HM.union lAggs rAggs)
(BaseNode pfx f whr ordBy limit offset lExtrs lObjs lArrs lAggs) = lNodeDet
(BaseNode _ _ _ _ _ _ rExtrs rObjs rArrs rAggs) = rNodeDet
-- should only be used to merge obj rel nodes
mergeRelNodes :: RelNode -> RelNode -> RelNode
mergeRelNodes lNode rNode =
RelNode rn rAls rMapn $ mergeBaseNodes lNodeDet rNodeDet
(RelNode rn rAls rMapn lNodeDet) = lNode
(RelNode _ _ _ rNodeDet) = rNode
data RelNode
= RelNode
{ _rnRelName :: !RelName
, _rnRelAlias :: !FieldName
, _rnRelMapping :: ![(PGCol, PGCol)]
, _rnNodeDet :: !BaseNode
} deriving (Show, Eq)
mkRelNode :: Iden -> (FieldName, AnnRel) -> RelNode
mkRelNode pfx (relAls, AnnRel rn _ rMapn rAnnSel) =
RelNode rn relAls rMapn $ annSelToBaseNode pfx relAls rAnnSel
data AggNode
= AggNode
{ _anColMapping :: ![(PGCol, PGCol)]
, _anExtr :: !S.Extractor
, _anNodeDet :: !BaseNode
} deriving (Show, Eq)
injectJoinCond :: S.BoolExp -- ^ Join condition
-> S.BoolExp -- ^ Where condition
-> S.WhereFrag -- ^ New where frag
injectJoinCond joinCond whereCond =
S.WhereFrag $ S.simplifyBoolExp $ S.BEBin S.AndOp joinCond whereCond
mkJoinCond :: S.Alias -> [(PGCol, PGCol)] -> S.BoolExp
mkJoinCond baseTableAls colMapn =
foldl' (S.BEBin S.AndOp) (S.BELit True) $ flip map colMapn $
\(lCol, rCol) ->
S.BECompare S.SEQ (S.mkQIdenExp baseTableAls lCol) (S.mkSIdenExp rCol)
baseNodeToSel :: S.BoolExp -> BaseNode -> S.Select
baseNodeToSel joinCond (BaseNode pfx fromItem whr ordByM limitM offsetM extrs objRels arrRels aggs) =
{ S.selExtr = [S.Extractor e $ Just a | (a, e) <- HM.toList extrs]
, S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp [joinedFrom]
, S.selOrderBy = ordByM
, S.selLimit = S.LimitExp . S.intToSQLExp <$> limitM
, S.selOffset = S.OffsetExp <$> offsetM
-- this is the table which is aliased as "pfx.base"
baseSel = S.mkSelect
{ S.selExtr = [S.Extractor S.SEStar Nothing]
, S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp [fromItem]
, S.selWhere = Just $ injectJoinCond joinCond whr
baseSelAls = S.Alias $ mkBaseTableAls pfx
baseFromItem = S.FISelect (S.Lateral False) baseSel baseSelAls
-- function to create a joined from item from two from items
leftOuterJoin current new =
S.FIJoin $ S.JoinExpr current S.LeftOuter new $
S.JoinOn $ S.BELit True
-- this is the from eexp for the final select
joinedFrom :: S.FromItem
joinedFrom = foldl' leftOuterJoin baseFromItem $
map objRelToFromItem (HM.elems objRels) <>
map arrRelToFromItem (HM.elems arrRels) <>
map aggToFromItem (HM.toList aggs)
objRelToFromItem :: RelNode -> S.FromItem
objRelToFromItem (RelNode _ _ relMapn relBaseNode) =
let als = S.Alias $ _bnPrefix relBaseNode
sel = baseNodeToSel (mkJoinCond baseSelAls relMapn) relBaseNode
in S.mkLateralFromItem sel als
arrRelToFromItem :: RelNode -> S.FromItem
arrRelToFromItem (RelNode _ relFld relMapn relBaseNode) =
let als = S.Alias $ _bnPrefix relBaseNode
fldAls = S.Alias $ toIden relFld
sel = asJsonAggSel False fldAls (mkJoinCond baseSelAls relMapn) relBaseNode
in S.mkLateralFromItem sel als
aggToFromItem :: (S.Alias, AggNode) -> S.FromItem
aggToFromItem (als, AggNode colMapn extr bn) =
let sel = aggNodeToSelect bn extr (mkJoinCond baseSelAls colMapn)
in S.mkLateralFromItem sel als