Gil Mizrahi 20e72ddb29 reject untrack naqi when naqi does not exist
GitOrigin-RevId: e56385e7396c3980d78b53acc6e9b3656fd9909d
2023-02-14 14:40:15 +00:00

201 lines
6.4 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
-- | This module houses the function associated with the default implementation
-- of Metadata V1 commands (and their types) for handling user-specified Native
-- Query fragments.
-- The definitions herein ought to suffice for any instantiation of Native
-- Queries that only deviates in the contents of the 'TrackNativeQuery' payload.
-- And as such, the metadata endpoint 'Hasura.Server.API.Metadata' is hardwired
-- directly to this module without any overloading provided.
module Hasura.NativeQuery.API
( GetNativeQuery (..),
UntrackNativeQuery (..),
module Hasura.NativeQuery.Types,
import Control.Lens (preview, (^?))
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Environment qualified as Env
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.EncJSON
import Hasura.NativeQuery.Types
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Backend (Backend)
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common (SourceName, sourceNameToText, successMsg)
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata.Backend
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata.Object
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCache.Build
import Hasura.SQL.AnyBackend qualified as AB
import Hasura.SQL.Backend
import Hasura.Server.Init.FeatureFlag as FF
import Hasura.Server.Types (HasServerConfigCtx (..), ServerConfigCtx (..))
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax (unName)
-- | API payload for the 'get_native_query' endpoint.
data GetNativeQuery (b :: BackendType) = GetNativeQuery
{ gnqSource :: SourceName
deriving instance Backend b => Show (GetNativeQuery b)
deriving instance Backend b => Eq (GetNativeQuery b)
instance Backend b => FromJSON (GetNativeQuery b) where
parseJSON = withObject "GetNativeQuery" $ \o -> do
gnqSource <- o .: "source"
pure GetNativeQuery {..}
instance Backend b => ToJSON (GetNativeQuery b) where
toJSON GetNativeQuery {..} =
[ "source" .= gnqSource
-- | Handler for the 'get_native_query' endpoint.
runGetNativeQuery ::
forall b m.
( BackendMetadata b,
MetadataM m,
HasServerConfigCtx m,
MonadIO m,
MonadError QErr m
) =>
GetNativeQuery b ->
runGetNativeQuery q = do
metadata <- getMetadata
let nativeQuery :: Maybe (NativeQueries b)
nativeQuery = metadata ^? metaSources . ix (gnqSource q) . toSourceMetadata . smNativeQueries @b
pure (encJFromJValue nativeQuery)
-- | Handler for the 'track_native_query' endpoint. The type 'TrackNativeQuery
-- b' (appearing here in wrapped as 'BackendTrackNativeQuery b' for 'AnyBackend'
-- compatibility) is defined in 'class NativeQueryMetadata'.
runTrackNativeQuery ::
forall b m.
( BackendMetadata b,
CacheRWM m,
MetadataM m,
MonadError QErr m,
HasServerConfigCtx m,
MonadIO m
) =>
Env.Environment ->
BackendTrackNativeQuery b ->
runTrackNativeQuery env (BackendTrackNativeQuery trackNativeQueryRequest) = do
sourceConnConfig <-
maybe (throw400 NotFound $ "Source " <> sourceNameToText source <> " not found.") pure
. preview (metaSources . ix source . toSourceMetadata @b . smConfiguration)
=<< getMetadata
(metadata :: NativeQueryInfo b) <- do
r <- liftIO $ runExceptT $ nativeQueryTrackToInfo @b env sourceConnConfig trackNativeQueryRequest
case r of
Right nq -> pure nq
Left (NativeQueryParseError e) -> throw400 ParseFailed e
Left (NativeQueryValidationError e) -> throwError e
let fieldName = nativeQueryInfoName @b metadata
metadataObj =
MOSourceObjId source $
AB.mkAnyBackend $
SMONativeQuery @b fieldName
buildSchemaCacheFor metadataObj $
MetadataModifier $
(metaSources . ix source . toSourceMetadata @b . smNativeQueries)
%~ \nqs -> metadata : (filter ((/= fieldName) . nativeQueryInfoName @b) nqs)
pure successMsg
source = trackNativeQuerySource @b trackNativeQueryRequest
-- | API payload for the 'untrack_native_query' endpoint.
data UntrackNativeQuery (b :: BackendType) = UntrackNativeQuery
{ utnqSource :: SourceName,
utnqRootFieldName :: NativeQueryName
deriving instance Show (UntrackNativeQuery b)
deriving instance Eq (UntrackNativeQuery b)
instance FromJSON (UntrackNativeQuery b) where
parseJSON = withObject "UntrackNativeQuery" $ \o -> do
utnqSource <- o .: "source"
utnqRootFieldName <- o .: "root_field_name"
pure UntrackNativeQuery {..}
instance ToJSON (UntrackNativeQuery b) where
toJSON UntrackNativeQuery {..} =
[ "source" .= utnqSource,
"root_field_name" .= utnqRootFieldName
-- | Handler for the 'untrack_native_query' endpoint.
runUntrackNativeQuery ::
forall b m.
( BackendMetadata b,
MonadError QErr m,
CacheRWM m,
MetadataM m,
HasServerConfigCtx m,
MonadIO m
) =>
UntrackNativeQuery b ->
runUntrackNativeQuery q = do
-- Check source exists
sourceMetadata <-
maybe (throw400 NotFound $ "Source " <> sourceNameToText source <> " not found.") pure
. preview (metaSources . ix source . toSourceMetadata @b)
=<< getMetadata
-- Check native query exists
unless (any ((== fieldName) . nativeQueryInfoName @b) $ _smNativeQueries sourceMetadata) do
throw400 NotFound $ "Native query '" <> unName (getNativeQueryName fieldName) <> "' not found in source '" <> sourceNameToText source <> "'."
let metadataObj =
MOSourceObjId source $
AB.mkAnyBackend $
SMONativeQuery @b fieldName
buildSchemaCacheFor metadataObj $
dropNativeQueryInMetadata @b source fieldName
pure successMsg
source = utnqSource q
fieldName = utnqRootFieldName q
dropNativeQueryInMetadata :: forall b. BackendMetadata b => SourceName -> NativeQueryName -> MetadataModifier
dropNativeQueryInMetadata source rootFieldName =
MetadataModifier $
metaSources . ix source . toSourceMetadata @b . smNativeQueries %~ filter ((/= rootFieldName) . nativeQueryInfoName @b)
-- | check feature flag is enabled before carrying out any actions
throwIfFeatureDisabled :: (HasServerConfigCtx m, MonadIO m, MonadError QErr m) => m ()
throwIfFeatureDisabled = do
configCtx <- askServerConfigCtx
enableNativeQuery <- liftIO (_sccCheckFeatureFlag configCtx FF.nativeQueryInterface)
unless enableNativeQuery (throw500 "NativeQuery is disabled!")