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synced 2024-12-17 12:31:52 +03:00
The connection handler in websocket transport was not using the 'UserAuthentication' interface to resolve user info. Fix resolving user info in websocket transport to use the common 'UserAuthentication' interface
282 lines
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282 lines
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module Hasura.Server.Auth
( getUserInfo
, getUserInfoWithExpTime
, AuthMode(..)
, mkAuthMode
, AdminSecret (..)
, AuthHookType(..)
, AuthHookG (..)
, AuthHook
-- JWT related
, RawJWT
, JWTConfig (..)
, JWTCtx (..)
, JWKSet (..)
, processJwt
, updateJwkRef
, jwkRefreshCtrl
, UserAuthentication (..)
) where
import Control.Exception (try)
import Control.Lens
import Data.Aeson
import Data.IORef (newIORef)
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as H
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as N
import qualified Network.Wreq as Wreq
import Hasura.HTTP
import Hasura.Logging
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.Server.Auth.JWT
import Hasura.Server.Logging
import Hasura.Server.Utils
-- | Typeclass representing the @UserInfo@ authorization and resolving effect
class (Monad m) => UserAuthentication m where
:: Logger Hasura
-> H.Manager
-> [N.Header]
-- ^ request headers
-> AuthMode
-> m (Either QErr (UserInfo, Maybe UTCTime))
newtype AdminSecret
= AdminSecret { getAdminSecret :: T.Text }
deriving (Show, Eq)
data AuthHookType
= AHTGet
| AHTPost
deriving (Eq)
instance Show AuthHookType where
show AHTGet = "GET"
show AHTPost = "POST"
data AuthHookG a b
= AuthHookG
{ ahUrl :: !a
, ahType :: !b
} deriving (Show, Eq)
type AuthHook = AuthHookG T.Text AuthHookType
data AuthMode
= AMNoAuth
| AMAdminSecret !AdminSecret !(Maybe RoleName)
| AMAdminSecretAndHook !AdminSecret !AuthHook
| AMAdminSecretAndJWT !AdminSecret !JWTCtx !(Maybe RoleName)
deriving (Show, Eq)
:: ( MonadIO m
, MonadError T.Text m
=> Maybe AdminSecret
-> Maybe AuthHook
-> Maybe JWTConfig
-> Maybe RoleName
-> H.Manager
-> Logger Hasura
-> m AuthMode
mkAuthMode mAdminSecret mWebHook mJwtSecret mUnAuthRole httpManager logger =
case (mAdminSecret, mWebHook, mJwtSecret) of
(Nothing, Nothing, Nothing) -> return AMNoAuth
(Just key, Nothing, Nothing) -> return $ AMAdminSecret key mUnAuthRole
(Just key, Just hook, Nothing) -> unAuthRoleNotReqForWebHook >>
return (AMAdminSecretAndHook key hook)
(Just key, Nothing, Just jwtConf) -> do
jwtCtx <- mkJwtCtx jwtConf httpManager logger
return $ AMAdminSecretAndJWT key jwtCtx mUnAuthRole
(Nothing, Just _, Nothing) -> throwError $
"Fatal Error : --auth-hook (HASURA_GRAPHQL_AUTH_HOOK)" <> requiresAdminScrtMsg
(Nothing, Nothing, Just _) -> throwError $
"Fatal Error : --jwt-secret (HASURA_GRAPHQL_JWT_SECRET)" <> requiresAdminScrtMsg
(Nothing, Just _, Just _) -> throwError
"Fatal Error: Both webhook and JWT mode cannot be enabled at the same time"
(Just _, Just _, Just _) -> throwError
"Fatal Error: Both webhook and JWT mode cannot be enabled at the same time"
requiresAdminScrtMsg =
" requires --admin-secret (HASURA_GRAPHQL_ADMIN_SECRET) or "
<> " --access-key (HASURA_GRAPHQL_ACCESS_KEY) to be set"
unAuthRoleNotReqForWebHook =
when (isJust mUnAuthRole) $ throwError $
"Fatal Error: --unauthorized-role (HASURA_GRAPHQL_UNAUTHORIZED_ROLE) is not allowed"
<> " when --auth-hook (HASURA_GRAPHQL_AUTH_HOOK) is set"
:: ( MonadIO m
, MonadError T.Text m
=> JWTConfig
-> H.Manager
-> Logger Hasura
-> m JWTCtx
mkJwtCtx conf httpManager logger = do
jwkRef <- case jcKeyOrUrl conf of
Left jwk -> liftIO $ newIORef (JWKSet [jwk])
Right url -> do
ref <- liftIO $ newIORef $ JWKSet []
mTime <- updateJwkRef logger httpManager url ref
case mTime of
Nothing -> return ref
Just t -> do
jwkRefreshCtrl logger httpManager url ref t
return ref
let claimsFmt = fromMaybe JCFJson (jcClaimsFormat conf)
return $ JWTCtx jwkRef (jcClaimNs conf) (jcAudience conf) claimsFmt (jcIssuer conf)
:: (MonadIO m, MonadError QErr m)
=> Logger Hasura
-> T.Text
-> N.StdMethod
-> N.Status
-> BL.ByteString
-> m UserInfo
mkUserInfoFromResp logger url method statusCode respBody
| statusCode == N.status200 =
case eitherDecode respBody of
Left e -> do
throw500 $ "Invalid response from authorization hook: " <> T.pack e
Right rawHeaders -> getUserInfoFromHdrs rawHeaders
| statusCode == N.status401 = do
throw401 "Authentication hook unauthorized this request"
| otherwise = do
throw500 "Invalid response from authorization hook"
getUserInfoFromHdrs rawHeaders = do
let usrVars = mkUserVars $ Map.toList rawHeaders
case roleFromVars usrVars of
Nothing -> do
throw500 "missing x-hasura-role key in webhook response"
Just rn -> do
logWebHookResp LevelInfo Nothing
return $ mkUserInfo rn usrVars
logError =
logWebHookResp LevelError $ Just respBody
logWebHookResp logLevel mResp =
unLogger logger $ WebHookLog logLevel (Just statusCode)
url method Nothing $ fmap (bsToTxt . BL.toStrict) mResp
:: (MonadIO m, MonadError QErr m)
=> Logger Hasura
-> H.Manager
-> AuthHook
-> [N.Header]
-> m UserInfo
userInfoFromAuthHook logger manager hook reqHeaders = do
res <- liftIO $ try $ bool withGET withPOST isPost
resp <- either logAndThrow return res
let status = resp ^. Wreq.responseStatus
respBody = resp ^. Wreq.responseBody
mkUserInfoFromResp logger urlT method status respBody
mkOptions = wreqOptions manager
AuthHookG urlT ty = hook
isPost = case ty of
AHTPost -> True
AHTGet -> False
method = bool N.GET N.POST isPost
withGET = Wreq.getWith (mkOptions filteredHeaders) $
T.unpack urlT
contentType = ("Content-Type", "application/json")
postHdrsPayload = J.toJSON $ Map.fromList $ hdrsToText reqHeaders
withPOST = Wreq.postWith (mkOptions [contentType]) (T.unpack urlT) $
object ["headers" J..= postHdrsPayload]
logAndThrow err = do
unLogger logger $
WebHookLog LevelError Nothing urlT method
(Just $ HttpException err) Nothing
throw500 "Internal Server Error"
filteredHeaders = flip filter reqHeaders $ \(n, _) ->
n `notElem` commonClientHeadersIgnored
:: (MonadIO m, MonadError QErr m)
=> Logger Hasura
-> H.Manager
-> [N.Header]
-> AuthMode
-> m UserInfo
getUserInfo l m r a = fst <$> getUserInfoWithExpTime l m r a
:: (MonadIO m, MonadError QErr m)
=> Logger Hasura
-> H.Manager
-> [N.Header]
-> AuthMode
-> m (UserInfo, Maybe UTCTime)
getUserInfoWithExpTime logger manager rawHeaders = \case
AMNoAuth -> return (userInfoFromHeaders, Nothing)
AMAdminSecret adminScrt unAuthRole ->
case adminSecretM of
Just givenAdminScrt ->
withNoExpTime $ userInfoWhenAdminSecret adminScrt givenAdminScrt
Nothing ->
withNoExpTime $ userInfoWhenNoAdminSecret unAuthRole
AMAdminSecretAndHook accKey hook ->
whenAdminSecretAbsent accKey $
withNoExpTime $ userInfoFromAuthHook logger manager hook rawHeaders
AMAdminSecretAndJWT accKey jwtSecret unAuthRole ->
whenAdminSecretAbsent accKey (processJwt jwtSecret rawHeaders unAuthRole)
-- when admin secret is absent, run the action to retrieve UserInfo, otherwise
-- adminsecret override
whenAdminSecretAbsent ak action =
maybe action (withNoExpTime . userInfoWhenAdminSecret ak) adminSecretM
adminSecretM= foldl1 (<|>) $
map (`getVarVal` usrVars) [adminSecretHeader, deprecatedAccessKeyHeader]
usrVars = mkUserVars $ hdrsToText rawHeaders
userInfoWhenAdminSecret key reqKey = do
when (reqKey /= getAdminSecret key) $ throw401 $
"invalid " <> adminSecretHeader <> "/" <> deprecatedAccessKeyHeader
return userInfoFromHeaders
userInfoWhenNoAdminSecret = \case
Nothing -> throw401 $ adminSecretHeader <> "/"
<> deprecatedAccessKeyHeader <> " required, but not found"
Just role -> return $ mkUserInfo role usrVars
withNoExpTime a = (, Nothing) <$> a
userInfoFromHeaders =
case roleFromVars usrVars of
Just rn -> mkUserInfo rn usrVars
Nothing -> mkUserInfo adminRole usrVars