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Co-authored-by: Vamshi Surabhi <vamshi@hasura.io> Co-authored-by: Vladimir Ciobanu <admin@cvlad.info> Co-authored-by: Antoine Leblanc <antoine@hasura.io> Co-authored-by: Stylish Haskell Bot <stylish-haskell@users.noreply.github.com> GitOrigin-RevId: 9d631878037637f3ed2994b5d0525efd978f7b8f
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module Hasura.Backends.Postgres.DDL.Field
( buildComputedFieldInfo
, buildRemoteFieldInfo
import qualified Control.Monad.Validate as MV
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.HashSet as S
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import Data.Text.Extended
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.DDL.Function
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Types
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.RemoteRelationship.Validate
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Column
import Hasura.RQL.Types.ComputedField
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Error
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Function
import Hasura.RQL.Types.RemoteRelationship
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCache
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCacheTypes
import Hasura.SQL.Backend
import Hasura.SQL.Types
import Hasura.Server.Utils
data ComputedFieldValidateError
= CFVENotValidGraphQLName !ComputedFieldName
| CFVEInvalidTableArgument !InvalidTableArgument
| CFVEInvalidSessionArgument !InvalidSessionArgument
| CFVENotBaseReturnType !PGScalarType
| CFVEReturnTableNotFound !QualifiedTable
| CFVENoInputArguments
| CFVEFunctionVolatile
deriving (Show, Eq)
data InvalidTableArgument
= ITANotFound !FunctionArgName
| ITANotComposite !FunctionTableArgument
| ITANotTable !QualifiedTable !FunctionTableArgument
deriving (Show, Eq)
data InvalidSessionArgument
= ISANotFound !FunctionArgName
| ISANotJSON !FunctionSessionArgument
deriving (Show, Eq)
showError :: QualifiedFunction -> ComputedFieldValidateError -> Text
showError qf = \case
CFVENotValidGraphQLName computedField ->
computedField <<> " is not valid GraphQL name"
CFVEInvalidTableArgument (ITANotFound argName) ->
argName <<> " is not an input argument of the function " <>> qf
CFVEInvalidTableArgument (ITANotComposite functionArg) ->
showFunctionTableArgument functionArg <> " is not COMPOSITE type"
CFVEInvalidTableArgument (ITANotTable ty functionArg) ->
showFunctionTableArgument functionArg <> " of type " <> ty
<<> " is not the table to which the computed field is being added"
CFVEInvalidSessionArgument (ISANotFound argName) ->
argName <<> " is not an input argument of the function " <>> qf
CFVEInvalidSessionArgument (ISANotJSON functionArg) ->
showFunctionSessionArgument functionArg <> " is not of type JSON"
CFVENotBaseReturnType scalarType ->
"the function " <> qf <<> " returning type " <> toSQLTxt scalarType
<> " is not a BASE type"
CFVEReturnTableNotFound table ->
"the function " <> qf <<> " returning set of table " <> table
<<> " is not tracked or not found in database"
CFVENoInputArguments ->
"the function " <> qf <<> " has no input arguments"
CFVEFunctionVolatile ->
"the function " <> qf <<> " is of type VOLATILE; cannot be added as a computed field"
showFunctionTableArgument = \case
FTAFirst -> "first argument of the function " <>> qf
FTANamed argName _ -> argName <<> " argument of the function " <>> qf
showFunctionSessionArgument = \case
FunctionSessionArgument argName _ -> argName <<> " argument of the function " <>> qf
:: (QErrM m)
=> S.HashSet QualifiedTable
-- ^ the set of all tracked tables
-> QualifiedTable
-> ComputedFieldName
-> ComputedFieldDefinition 'Postgres
-> RawFunctionInfo
-> Maybe Text
-> m (ComputedFieldInfo 'Postgres)
buildComputedFieldInfo trackedTables table computedField definition rawFunctionInfo comment =
either (throw400 NotSupported . showErrors) pure =<< MV.runValidateT mkComputedFieldInfo
inputArgNames = rfiInputArgNames rawFunctionInfo
ComputedFieldDefinition function maybeTableArg maybeSessionArg = definition
functionReturnType = QualifiedPGType (rfiReturnTypeSchema rawFunctionInfo)
(rfiReturnTypeName rawFunctionInfo)
(rfiReturnTypeType rawFunctionInfo)
computedFieldGraphQLName = G.mkName $ computedFieldNameToText computedField
mkComputedFieldInfo :: (MV.MonadValidate [ComputedFieldValidateError] m)
=> m (ComputedFieldInfo 'Postgres)
mkComputedFieldInfo = do
-- Check if computed field name is a valid GraphQL name
unless (isJust computedFieldGraphQLName) $
MV.dispute $ pure $ CFVENotValidGraphQLName computedField
-- Check if function is VOLATILE
when (rfiFunctionType rawFunctionInfo == FTVOLATILE) $
MV.dispute $ pure CFVEFunctionVolatile
-- Validate and resolve return type
returnType <-
if rfiReturnsTable rawFunctionInfo then do
let returnTable = typeToTable functionReturnType
unless (returnTable `S.member` trackedTables) $ MV.dispute $ pure $
CFVEReturnTableNotFound returnTable
pure $ CFRSetofTable returnTable
else do
let scalarType = _qptName functionReturnType
unless (isBaseType functionReturnType) $ MV.dispute $ pure $
CFVENotBaseReturnType scalarType
pure $ CFRScalar scalarType
-- Validate and resolve table argument
let inputArgs = mkFunctionArgs (rfiDefaultArgs rawFunctionInfo)
(rfiInputArgTypes rawFunctionInfo) inputArgNames
tableArgument <- case maybeTableArg of
Just argName ->
case findWithIndex ((Just argName ==) . faName) inputArgs of
Just (tableArg, index) -> do
let functionTableArg = FTANamed argName index
validateTableArgumentType functionTableArg $ faType tableArg
pure functionTableArg
Nothing ->
MV.refute $ pure $ CFVEInvalidTableArgument $ ITANotFound argName
Nothing -> do
case inputArgs of
[] -> MV.dispute $ pure CFVENoInputArguments
(firstArg:_) ->
validateTableArgumentType FTAFirst $ faType firstArg
pure FTAFirst
maybePGSessionArg <- sequence $ do
argName <- maybeSessionArg
return $ case findWithIndex ((Just argName ==) . faName) inputArgs of
Just (sessionArg, index) -> do
let functionSessionArg = FunctionSessionArgument argName index
validateSessionArgumentType functionSessionArg $ faType sessionArg
pure functionSessionArg
Nothing ->
MV.refute $ pure $ CFVEInvalidSessionArgument $ ISANotFound argName
let inputArgSeq = Seq.fromList $ dropTableAndSessionArgument tableArgument
maybePGSessionArg inputArgs
computedFieldFunction =
ComputedFieldFunction function inputArgSeq tableArgument maybePGSessionArg $
rfiDescription rawFunctionInfo
pure $ ComputedFieldInfo () computedField computedFieldFunction returnType comment
validateTableArgumentType :: (MV.MonadValidate [ComputedFieldValidateError] m)
=> FunctionTableArgument
-> QualifiedPGType
-> m ()
validateTableArgumentType tableArg qpt = do
when (_qptType qpt /= PGKindComposite) $
MV.dispute $ pure $ CFVEInvalidTableArgument $ ITANotComposite tableArg
let typeTable = typeToTable qpt
unless (table == typeTable) $
MV.dispute $ pure $ CFVEInvalidTableArgument $ ITANotTable typeTable tableArg
validateSessionArgumentType :: (MV.MonadValidate [ComputedFieldValidateError] m)
=> FunctionSessionArgument
-> QualifiedPGType
-> m ()
validateSessionArgumentType sessionArg qpt = do
unless (isJSONType $ _qptName qpt) $
MV.dispute $ pure $ CFVEInvalidSessionArgument $ ISANotJSON sessionArg
showErrors :: [ComputedFieldValidateError] -> Text
showErrors allErrors =
"the computed field " <> computedField <<> " cannot be added to table "
<> table <<> " " <> reasonMessage
reasonMessage = makeReasonMessage allErrors (showError function)
dropTableAndSessionArgument :: FunctionTableArgument
-> Maybe FunctionSessionArgument -> [FunctionArg 'Postgres]
-> [FunctionArg 'Postgres]
dropTableAndSessionArgument tableArg sessionArg inputArgs =
let withoutTable = case tableArg of
FTAFirst -> tail inputArgs
FTANamed argName _ ->
filter ((/=) (Just argName) . faName) inputArgs
alsoWithoutSession = case sessionArg of
Nothing -> withoutTable
Just (FunctionSessionArgument name _) ->
filter ((/=) (Just name) . faName) withoutTable
in alsoWithoutSession
:: QErrM m
=> RemoteRelationship 'Postgres
-> [ColumnInfo 'Postgres]
-> RemoteSchemaMap
-> m (RemoteFieldInfo 'Postgres, [SchemaDependency])
buildRemoteFieldInfo remoteRelationship
remoteSchemaMap = do
let remoteSchemaName = rtrRemoteSchema remoteRelationship
(RemoteSchemaCtx _name introspectionResult remoteSchemaInfo _ _ _permissions) <-
onNothing (Map.lookup remoteSchemaName remoteSchemaMap)
$ throw400 RemoteSchemaError $ "remote schema with name " <> remoteSchemaName <<> " not found"
eitherRemoteField <- runExceptT $
validateRemoteRelationship remoteRelationship (remoteSchemaInfo, introspectionResult) pgColumns
remoteField <- onLeft eitherRemoteField $ throw400 RemoteSchemaError . errorToText
let table = rtrTable remoteRelationship
source = rtrSource remoteRelationship
schemaDependencies =
let tableDep = SchemaDependency (SOSourceObj source $ SOITable table) DRTable
columnsDep =
(flip SchemaDependency DRRemoteRelationship . SOSourceObj source . SOITableObj table . TOCol . pgiColumn)
$ S.toList $ _rfiHasuraFields remoteField
remoteSchemaDep =
SchemaDependency (SORemoteSchema remoteSchemaName) DRRemoteSchema
in (tableDep : remoteSchemaDep : columnsDep)
pure (remoteField, schemaDependencies)