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115 lines
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115 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Main where
import Control.Exception
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Text.Conversions (convertText)
import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (getPOSIXTime)
import Hasura.App
import Hasura.Logging (Hasura, LogLevel (..), defaultEnabledEngineLogTypes)
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.Server.Init
import Hasura.Server.Migrate (downgradeCatalog, dropCatalog)
import Hasura.Server.Version
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BLC
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Hasura.Tracing as Tracing
import qualified System.Exit as Sys
import qualified System.Metrics as EKG
import qualified System.Posix.Signals as Signals
main :: IO ()
main = do
tryExit $ do
args <- parseArgs
env <- Env.getEnvironment
runApp env args
tryExit io = try io >>= \case
Left (ExitException _code msg) -> BC.putStrLn msg >> Sys.exitFailure
Right r -> return r
runApp :: Env.Environment -> HGEOptions Hasura -> IO ()
runApp env (HGEOptionsG rci hgeCmd) = do
initTime <- liftIO getCurrentTime
globalCtx@GlobalCtx{..} <- initGlobalCtx rci
withVersion $$(getVersionFromEnvironment) $ case hgeCmd of
HCServe serveOptions -> do
serveCtx <- initialiseServeCtx env globalCtx serveOptions
ekgStore <- liftIO do
s <- EKG.newStore
EKG.registerGcMetrics s
let getTimeMs :: IO Int64
getTimeMs = (round . (* 1000)) `fmap` getPOSIXTime
EKG.registerCounter "ekg.server_timestamp_ms" getTimeMs s
pure s
let shutdownApp = return ()
-- Catches the SIGTERM signal and initiates a graceful shutdown.
-- Graceful shutdown for regular HTTP requests is already implemented in
-- Warp, and is triggered by invoking the 'closeSocket' callback.
-- We only catch the SIGTERM signal once, that is, if the user hits CTRL-C
-- once again, we terminate the process immediately.
_ <- liftIO $ Signals.installHandler
(Signals.CatchOnce (shutdownGracefully $ _scShutdownLatch serveCtx))
serverMetrics <- liftIO $ createServerMetrics ekgStore
flip runPGMetadataStorageApp (_scPgPool serveCtx) $
runHGEServer env serveOptions serveCtx Nothing initTime shutdownApp Nothing serverMetrics ekgStore
HCExport -> do
res <- runTxWithMinimalPool _gcConnInfo fetchMetadataFromCatalog
either (printErrJExit MetadataExportError) printJSON res
HCClean -> do
res <- runTxWithMinimalPool _gcConnInfo dropCatalog
let cleanSuccessMsg = "successfully cleaned graphql-engine related data"
either (printErrJExit MetadataCleanError) (const $ liftIO $ putStrLn cleanSuccessMsg) res
HCExecute -> do
queryBs <- liftIO BL.getContents
let sqlGenCtx = SQLGenCtx False
pool <- mkMinimalPool _gcConnInfo
res <- runAsAdmin pool sqlGenCtx _gcHttpManager $ do
schemaCache <- buildRebuildableSchemaCache env
metadata <- liftTx fetchMetadataFromCatalog
execQuery env queryBs
& Tracing.runTraceTWithReporter Tracing.noReporter "execute"
& runMetadataT metadata
& runCacheRWT schemaCache
& fmap (\((res, _), _, _) -> res)
either (printErrJExit ExecuteProcessError) (liftIO . BLC.putStrLn) res
HCDowngrade opts -> do
res <- runTxWithMinimalPool _gcConnInfo $ downgradeCatalog opts initTime
either (printErrJExit DowngradeProcessError) (liftIO . print) res
HCVersion -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Hasura GraphQL Engine: " ++ convertText currentVersion
runTxWithMinimalPool connInfo tx = do
minimalPool <- mkMinimalPool connInfo
liftIO $ runExceptT $ Q.runTx minimalPool (Q.ReadCommitted, Nothing) tx
-- | Generate Postgres pool with single connection.
-- It is useful when graphql-engine executes a transaction on database
-- and exits in commands other than 'serve'.
mkMinimalPool connInfo = do
pgLogger <- _lsPgLogger <$> mkLoggers defaultEnabledEngineLogTypes LevelInfo
let connParams = Q.defaultConnParams { Q.cpConns = 1 }
liftIO $ Q.initPGPool connInfo connParams pgLogger