Brandon Martin ecc9ffd070 server: Fix experimental sql optimization read
GitOrigin-RevId: 66f22ff705d22d0d9ecc7da20aac649734b41398
2022-02-25 18:43:12 +00:00

467 lines
15 KiB

-- | Types and classes related to configuration when the server is initialised
module Hasura.Server.Init.Config
( API (..),
DowngradeOptions (..),
FromEnv (..),
HGECommandG (..),
HGEOptionsG (..),
KeepAliveDelay (..),
OptionalInterval (..),
PostgresConnInfo (..),
PostgresRawConnDetails (..),
PostgresRawConnInfo (..),
RawConnParams (..),
RawServeOptions (..),
ResponseInternalErrorsConfig (..),
ServeOptions (..),
WSConnectionInitTimeout (..),
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson qualified as J
import Data.Aeson.Casing qualified as J
import Data.Aeson.TH qualified as J
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.HashSet qualified as Set
import Data.String qualified as DataString
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Time
import Data.URL.Template
import Database.PG.Query qualified as Q
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.LiveQuery.Options qualified as LQ
import Hasura.Logging qualified as L
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.Server.Auth
import Hasura.Server.Cors
import Hasura.Server.Types
import Hasura.Server.Utils
import Hasura.Session
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (HostPreference)
import Network.WebSockets qualified as WS
data RawConnParams = RawConnParams
{ rcpStripes :: !(Maybe Int),
rcpConns :: !(Maybe Int),
rcpIdleTime :: !(Maybe Int),
-- | Time from connection creation after which to destroy a connection and
-- choose a different/new one.
rcpConnLifetime :: !(Maybe NominalDiffTime),
rcpAllowPrepare :: !(Maybe Bool),
rcpPoolTimeout :: !(Maybe NominalDiffTime)
deriving (Show, Eq)
type RawAuthHook = AuthHookG (Maybe Text) (Maybe AuthHookType)
-- | Sleep time interval for recurring activities such as (@'asyncActionsProcessor')
-- Presently @'msToOptionalInterval' interprets `0` as Skip.
data OptionalInterval
= -- | No polling
| -- | Interval time
Interval !Milliseconds
deriving (Show, Eq)
msToOptionalInterval :: Milliseconds -> OptionalInterval
msToOptionalInterval = \case
0 -> Skip
s -> Interval s
instance FromJSON OptionalInterval where
parseJSON v = msToOptionalInterval <$> parseJSON v
instance ToJSON OptionalInterval where
toJSON = \case
Skip -> toJSON @Milliseconds 0
Interval s -> toJSON s
data API
deriving (Show, Eq, Read, Generic)
$( J.deriveJSON
(J.defaultOptions {J.constructorTagModifier = map toLower})
instance Hashable API
{- Note: [Experimental features]
The graphql-engine accepts a list of experimental features that can be
enabled at the startup. Experimental features are a way to introduce
new, but not stable features to our users in a manner in which they have
the choice to enable or disable a certain feature(s).
The objective of an experimental feature should be that when the feature is disabled,
the graphql-engine should work the same way as it worked before adding the said feature.
The experimental feature's flag is `--experimental-features` and the corresponding
environment variable is `HASURA_GRAPHQL_EXPERIMENTAL_FEATURES` which expects a comma-seperated
When an experimental feature is stable enough i.e. it's stable through multiple non-beta releases
then we make the feature not experimental i.e. it will always be enabled. Note that when we do this
we still have to support parsing of the experimental feature because users of the previous version
will have it enabled and when they upgrade an error should not be thrown at the startup. For example:
The inherited roles was an experimental feature when introduced and it was enabled by
setting `--experimental-features` to `inherited_roles` and then it was decided to make the inherited roles
a stable feature, so it was removed as an experimental feature but the code was modified such that
`--experimental-features inherited_roles` to not throw an error.
data RawServeOptions impl = RawServeOptions
{ rsoPort :: Maybe Int,
rsoHost :: Maybe HostPreference,
rsoConnParams :: RawConnParams,
rsoTxIso :: Maybe Q.TxIsolation,
rsoAdminSecret :: Maybe AdminSecretHash,
rsoAuthHook :: RawAuthHook,
rsoJwtSecret :: Maybe JWTConfig,
rsoUnAuthRole :: Maybe RoleName,
rsoCorsConfig :: Maybe CorsConfig,
rsoEnableConsole :: Bool,
rsoConsoleAssetsDir :: Maybe Text,
rsoEnableTelemetry :: Maybe Bool,
rsoWsReadCookie :: Bool,
rsoStringifyNum :: Bool,
rsoDangerousBooleanCollapse :: Maybe Bool,
rsoEnabledAPIs :: Maybe [API],
rsoMxRefetchInt :: Maybe LQ.RefetchInterval,
rsoMxBatchSize :: Maybe LQ.BatchSize,
rsoEnableAllowlist :: Bool,
rsoEnabledLogTypes :: Maybe [L.EngineLogType impl],
rsoLogLevel :: Maybe L.LogLevel,
rsoDevMode :: Bool,
rsoAdminInternalErrors :: Maybe Bool,
rsoEventsHttpPoolSize :: Maybe Int,
rsoEventsFetchInterval :: Maybe Milliseconds,
rsoAsyncActionsFetchInterval :: Maybe Milliseconds,
rsoLogHeadersFromEnv :: Bool,
rsoEnableRemoteSchemaPermissions :: Bool,
rsoWebSocketCompression :: Bool,
rsoWebSocketKeepAlive :: Maybe Int,
rsoInferFunctionPermissions :: Maybe Bool,
rsoEnableMaintenanceMode :: Bool,
rsoSchemaPollInterval :: Maybe Milliseconds,
rsoExperimentalFeatures :: Maybe [ExperimentalFeature],
rsoEventsFetchBatchSize :: Maybe NonNegativeInt,
rsoGracefulShutdownTimeout :: Maybe Seconds,
rsoWebSocketConnectionInitTimeout :: Maybe Int
-- see Note [Experimental features]
-- | @'ResponseInternalErrorsConfig' represents the encoding of the internal
-- errors in the response to the client.
-- See the github comment for more details.
data ResponseInternalErrorsConfig
= InternalErrorsAllRequests
| InternalErrorsAdminOnly
| InternalErrorsDisabled
deriving (Show, Eq)
shouldIncludeInternal :: RoleName -> ResponseInternalErrorsConfig -> Bool
shouldIncludeInternal role = \case
InternalErrorsAllRequests -> True
InternalErrorsAdminOnly -> role == adminRoleName
InternalErrorsDisabled -> False
newtype KeepAliveDelay = KeepAliveDelay {unKeepAliveDelay :: Seconds}
deriving (Eq, Show)
$(J.deriveJSON hasuraJSON ''KeepAliveDelay)
defaultKeepAliveDelay :: KeepAliveDelay
defaultKeepAliveDelay = KeepAliveDelay $ fromIntegral (5 :: Int)
newtype WSConnectionInitTimeout = WSConnectionInitTimeout {unWSConnectionInitTimeout :: Seconds}
deriving (Eq, Show)
$(J.deriveJSON hasuraJSON ''WSConnectionInitTimeout)
defaultWSConnectionInitTimeout :: WSConnectionInitTimeout
defaultWSConnectionInitTimeout = WSConnectionInitTimeout $ fromIntegral (3 :: Int)
data ServeOptions impl = ServeOptions
{ soPort :: Int,
soHost :: HostPreference,
soConnParams :: Q.ConnParams,
soTxIso :: Q.TxIsolation,
soAdminSecret :: Set.HashSet AdminSecretHash,
soAuthHook :: Maybe AuthHook,
soJwtSecret :: [JWTConfig],
soUnAuthRole :: Maybe RoleName,
soCorsConfig :: CorsConfig,
soEnableConsole :: Bool,
soConsoleAssetsDir :: Maybe Text,
soEnableTelemetry :: Bool,
soStringifyNum :: StringifyNumbers,
soDangerousBooleanCollapse :: Bool,
soEnabledAPIs :: Set.HashSet API,
soLiveQueryOpts :: LQ.LiveQueriesOptions,
soEnableAllowlist :: Bool,
soEnabledLogTypes :: Set.HashSet (L.EngineLogType impl),
soLogLevel :: L.LogLevel,
soResponseInternalErrorsConfig :: ResponseInternalErrorsConfig,
soEventsHttpPoolSize :: Maybe Int,
soEventsFetchInterval :: Maybe Milliseconds,
soAsyncActionsFetchInterval :: OptionalInterval,
soLogHeadersFromEnv :: Bool,
soEnableRemoteSchemaPermissions :: RemoteSchemaPermsCtx,
soConnectionOptions :: WS.ConnectionOptions,
soWebsocketKeepAlive :: KeepAliveDelay,
soInferFunctionPermissions :: FunctionPermissionsCtx,
soEnableMaintenanceMode :: MaintenanceMode,
soSchemaPollInterval :: OptionalInterval,
soExperimentalFeatures :: Set.HashSet ExperimentalFeature,
soEventsFetchBatchSize :: NonNegativeInt,
soDevMode :: Bool,
soGracefulShutdownTimeout :: Seconds,
soWebsocketConnectionInitTimeout :: WSConnectionInitTimeout,
soEventingMode :: EventingMode,
soReadOnlyMode :: ReadOnlyMode
data DowngradeOptions = DowngradeOptions
{ dgoTargetVersion :: !Text,
dgoDryRun :: !Bool
deriving (Show, Eq)
data PostgresConnInfo a = PostgresConnInfo
{ _pciDatabaseConn :: !a,
_pciRetries :: !(Maybe Int)
deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
data PostgresRawConnDetails = PostgresRawConnDetails
{ connHost :: !String,
connPort :: !Int,
connUser :: !String,
connPassword :: !String,
connDatabase :: !String,
connOptions :: !(Maybe String)
deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
data PostgresRawConnInfo
= PGConnDatabaseUrl !URLTemplate
| PGConnDetails !PostgresRawConnDetails
deriving (Show, Eq)
rawConnDetailsToUrl :: PostgresRawConnDetails -> URLTemplate
rawConnDetailsToUrl =
mkPlainURLTemplate . rawConnDetailsToUrlText
rawConnDetailsToUrlText :: PostgresRawConnDetails -> Text
rawConnDetailsToUrlText PostgresRawConnDetails {..} =
T.pack $
"postgresql://" <> connUser
<> ":"
<> connPassword
<> "@"
<> connHost
<> ":"
<> show connPort
<> "/"
<> connDatabase
<> maybe "" ("?options=" <>) connOptions
data HGECommandG a
= HCServe !a
| HCExport
| HCClean
| HCVersion
| HCDowngrade !DowngradeOptions
deriving (Show, Eq)
$(J.deriveJSON (J.aesonPrefix J.camelCase) {J.omitNothingFields = True} ''PostgresRawConnDetails)
type HGECommand impl = HGECommandG (ServeOptions impl)
type RawHGECommand impl = HGECommandG (RawServeOptions impl)
data HGEOptionsG a b = HGEOptionsG
{ hoDatabaseUrl :: !(PostgresConnInfo a),
hoMetadataDbUrl :: !(Maybe String),
hoCommand :: !(HGECommandG b)
deriving (Show, Eq)
type RawHGEOptions impl = HGEOptionsG (Maybe PostgresRawConnInfo) (RawServeOptions impl)
type HGEOptions impl = HGEOptionsG (Maybe UrlConf) (ServeOptions impl)
type Env = [(String, String)]
readHookType :: String -> Either String AuthHookType
readHookType tyS =
case tyS of
"GET" -> Right AHTGet
"POST" -> Right AHTPost
_ -> Left "Only expecting GET / POST"
parseStrAsBool :: String -> Either String Bool
parseStrAsBool t
| map toLower t `elem` truthVals = Right True
| map toLower t `elem` falseVals = Right False
| otherwise = Left errMsg
truthVals = ["true", "t", "yes", "y"]
falseVals = ["false", "f", "no", "n"]
errMsg =
" Not a valid boolean text. " ++ "True values are "
++ show truthVals
++ " and False values are "
++ show falseVals
++ ". All values are case insensitive"
readNonNegativeInt :: String -> Either String NonNegativeInt
readNonNegativeInt s =
onNothing (mkNonNegativeInt =<< readMaybe s) $ Left "Only expecting a non negative integer"
readAPIs :: String -> Either String [API]
readAPIs = mapM readAPI . T.splitOn "," . T.pack
readAPI si = case T.toUpper $ T.strip si of
_ -> Left "Only expecting list of comma separated API types metadata,graphql,pgdump,developer,config"
readExperimentalFeatures :: String -> Either String [ExperimentalFeature]
readExperimentalFeatures = mapM readAPI . T.splitOn "," . T.pack
readAPI si = case T.toLower $ T.strip si of
"inherited_roles" -> Right EFInheritedRoles
"optimize_permission_filters" -> Right EFOptimizePermissionFilters
_ -> Left "Only expecting list of comma separated experimental features"
readLogLevel :: String -> Either String L.LogLevel
readLogLevel s = case T.toLower $ T.strip $ T.pack s of
"debug" -> Right L.LevelDebug
"info" -> Right L.LevelInfo
"warn" -> Right L.LevelWarn
"error" -> Right L.LevelError
_ -> Left "Valid log levels: debug, info, warn or error"
class FromEnv a where
fromEnv :: String -> Either String a
-- Deserialize from seconds, in the usual way
instance FromEnv NominalDiffTime where
fromEnv s =
maybe (Left "could not parse as a Double") (Right . realToFrac) $
(readMaybe s :: Maybe Double)
instance FromEnv String where
fromEnv = Right
instance FromEnv HostPreference where
fromEnv = Right . DataString.fromString
instance FromEnv Text where
fromEnv = Right . T.pack
instance FromEnv AuthHookType where
fromEnv = readHookType
instance FromEnv Int where
fromEnv = maybe (Left "Expecting Int value") Right . readMaybe
instance FromEnv AdminSecretHash where
fromEnv = Right . hashAdminSecret . T.pack
instance FromEnv RoleName where
fromEnv string = case mkRoleName (T.pack string) of
Nothing -> Left "empty string not allowed"
Just roleName -> Right roleName
instance FromEnv Bool where
fromEnv = parseStrAsBool
instance FromEnv Q.TxIsolation where
fromEnv = readIsoLevel
instance FromEnv CorsConfig where
fromEnv = readCorsDomains
instance FromEnv [API] where
fromEnv = readAPIs
instance FromEnv [ExperimentalFeature] where
fromEnv = readExperimentalFeatures
instance FromEnv LQ.BatchSize where
fromEnv s = do
val <- readEither s
maybe (Left "batch size should be a non negative integer") Right $ LQ.mkBatchSize val
instance FromEnv LQ.RefetchInterval where
fromEnv x = do
val <- fmap (milliseconds . fromInteger) . readEither $ x
maybe (Left "refetch interval should be a non negative integer") Right $ LQ.mkRefetchInterval val
instance FromEnv Milliseconds where
fromEnv = fmap fromInteger . readEither
instance FromEnv Seconds where
fromEnv = fmap fromInteger . readEither
instance FromEnv JWTConfig where
fromEnv = readJson
instance FromEnv [JWTConfig] where
fromEnv = readJson
instance L.EnabledLogTypes impl => FromEnv [L.EngineLogType impl] where
fromEnv = L.parseEnabledLogTypes
instance FromEnv L.LogLevel where
fromEnv = readLogLevel
instance FromEnv URLTemplate where
fromEnv = parseURLTemplate . T.pack
instance FromEnv NonNegativeInt where
fromEnv = readNonNegativeInt
type WithEnv a = ReaderT Env (ExceptT String Identity) a
runWithEnv :: Env -> WithEnv a -> Either String a
runWithEnv env m = runIdentity $ runExceptT $ runReaderT m env