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synced 2024-12-17 04:24:35 +03:00
fixes #3868 docker image - `hasura/graphql-engine:inherited-roles-preview-48b73a2de` Note: To be able to use the inherited roles feature, the graphql-engine should be started with the env variable `HASURA_GRAPHQL_EXPERIMENTAL_FEATURES` set to `inherited_roles`. Introduction ------------ This PR implements the idea of multiple roles as presented in this [paper](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/FGALanguageICDE07.pdf). The multiple roles feature in this PR can be used via inherited roles. An inherited role is a role which can be created by combining multiple singular roles. For example, if there are two roles `author` and `editor` configured in the graphql-engine, then we can create a inherited role with the name of `combined_author_editor` role which will combine the select permissions of the `author` and `editor` roles and then make GraphQL queries using the `combined_author_editor`. How are select permissions of different roles are combined? ------------------------------------------------------------ A select permission includes 5 things: 1. Columns accessible to the role 2. Row selection filter 3. Limit 4. Allow aggregation 5. Scalar computed fields accessible to the role Suppose there are two roles, `role1` gives access to the `address` column with row filter `P1` and `role2` gives access to both the `address` and the `phone` column with row filter `P2` and we create a new role `combined_roles` which combines `role1` and `role2`. Let's say the following GraphQL query is queried with the `combined_roles` role. ```graphql query { employees { address phone } } ``` This will translate to the following SQL query: ```sql select (case when (P1 or P2) then address else null end) as address, (case when P2 then phone else null end) as phone from employee where (P1 or P2) ``` The other parameters of the select permission will be combined in the following manner: 1. Limit - Minimum of the limits will be the limit of the inherited role 2. Allow aggregations - If any of the role allows aggregation, then the inherited role will allow aggregation 3. Scalar computed fields - same as table column fields, as in the above example APIs for inherited roles: ---------------------- 1. `add_inherited_role` `add_inherited_role` is the [metadata API](https://hasura.io/docs/1.0/graphql/core/api-reference/index.html#schema-metadata-api) to create a new inherited role. It accepts two arguments `role_name`: the name of the inherited role to be added (String) `role_set`: list of roles that need to be combined (Array of Strings) Example: ```json { "type": "add_inherited_role", "args": { "role_name":"combined_user", "role_set":[ "user", "user1" ] } } ``` After adding the inherited role, the inherited role can be used like single roles like earlier Note: An inherited role can only be created with non-inherited/singular roles. 2. `drop_inherited_role` The `drop_inherited_role` API accepts the name of the inherited role and drops it from the metadata. It accepts a single argument: `role_name`: name of the inherited role to be dropped Example: ```json { "type": "drop_inherited_role", "args": { "role_name":"combined_user" } } ``` Metadata --------- The derived roles metadata will be included under the `experimental_features` key while exporting the metadata. ```json { "experimental_features": { "derived_roles": [ { "role_name": "manager_is_employee_too", "role_set": [ "employee", "manager" ] } ] } } ``` Scope ------ Only postgres queries and subscriptions are supported in this PR. Important points: ----------------- 1. All columns exposed to an inherited role will be marked as `nullable`, this is done so that cell value nullification can be done. TODOs ------- - [ ] Tests - [ ] Test a GraphQL query running with a inherited role without enabling inherited roles in experimental features - [] Tests for aggregate queries, limit, computed fields, functions, subscriptions (?) - [ ] Introspection test with a inherited role (nullability changes in a inherited role) - [ ] Docs - [ ] Changelog Co-authored-by: Vamshi Surabhi <6562944+0x777@users.noreply.github.com> GitOrigin-RevId: 3b8ee1e11f5ceca80fe294f8c074d42fbccfec63
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module Hasura.Server.Auth.WebHook
( AuthHookType(..)
, AuthHookG (..)
, AuthHook
, userInfoFromAuthHook
, type ReqsText
) where
import Control.Exception.Lifted (try)
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime, addUTCTime, getCurrentTime)
import Hasura.Server.Version (HasVersion)
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as H
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as N
import qualified Network.Wreq as Wreq
import Data.Parser.CacheControl
import Data.Parser.Expires
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.HTTP.Protocol as GH
import Hasura.HTTP
import Hasura.Logging
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.Server.Logging
import Hasura.Server.Utils
import Hasura.Session
import qualified Hasura.Tracing as Tracing
data AuthHookType
= AHTGet
| AHTPost
deriving (Eq)
instance Show AuthHookType where
show AHTGet = "GET"
show AHTPost = "POST"
data AuthHookG a b
= AuthHookG
{ ahUrl :: !a
, ahType :: !b
} deriving (Show, Eq)
type AuthHook = AuthHookG Text AuthHookType
hookMethod :: AuthHook -> N.StdMethod
hookMethod authHook = case ahType authHook of
type ReqsText = GH.GQLBatchedReqs GH.GQLQueryText
-- | Makes an authentication request to the given AuthHook and returns
-- UserInfo parsed from the response, plus an expiration time if one
-- was returned. Optionally passes a batch of raw GraphQL requests
-- for finer-grained auth. (#2666)
:: forall m
. (HasVersion, MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadError QErr m, Tracing.MonadTrace m)
=> Logger Hasura
-> H.Manager
-> AuthHook
-> [N.Header]
-> Maybe ReqsText
-> m (UserInfo, Maybe UTCTime)
userInfoFromAuthHook logger manager hook reqHeaders reqs = do
resp <- (`onLeft` logAndThrow) =<< try performHTTPRequest
let status = resp ^. Wreq.responseStatus
respBody = resp ^. Wreq.responseBody
mkUserInfoFromResp logger (ahUrl hook) (hookMethod hook) status respBody
performHTTPRequest :: m (Wreq.Response BL.ByteString)
performHTTPRequest = do
let url = T.unpack $ ahUrl hook
req <- liftIO $ H.parseRequest url
Tracing.tracedHttpRequest req \req' -> liftIO do
case ahType hook of
AHTGet -> do
let isCommonHeader = (`elem` commonClientHeadersIgnored)
filteredHeaders = filter (not . isCommonHeader . fst) reqHeaders
H.httpLbs (req' { H.requestHeaders = addDefaultHeaders filteredHeaders }) manager
AHTPost -> do
let contentType = ("Content-Type", "application/json")
headersPayload = J.toJSON $ Map.fromList $ hdrsToText reqHeaders
H.httpLbs (req' { H.method = "POST"
, H.requestHeaders = addDefaultHeaders [contentType]
, H.requestBody = H.RequestBodyLBS . J.encode $ object ["headers" J..= headersPayload,
"request" J..= reqs]
}) manager
logAndThrow :: H.HttpException -> m a
logAndThrow err = do
unLogger logger $
WebHookLog LevelError Nothing (ahUrl hook) (hookMethod hook)
(Just $ HttpException err) Nothing Nothing
throw500 "webhook authentication request failed"
:: (MonadIO m, MonadError QErr m)
=> Logger Hasura
-> Text
-> N.StdMethod
-> N.Status
-> BL.ByteString
-> m (UserInfo, Maybe UTCTime)
mkUserInfoFromResp (Logger logger) url method statusCode respBody
| statusCode == N.status200 =
case eitherDecode respBody of
Left e -> do
throw500 $ "Invalid response from authorization hook: " <> T.pack e
Right rawHeaders -> getUserInfoFromHdrs rawHeaders
| statusCode == N.status401 = do
throw401 "Authentication hook unauthorized this request"
| otherwise = do
throw500 "Invalid response from authorization hook"
getUserInfoFromHdrs rawHeaders = do
userInfo <- mkUserInfo URBFromSessionVariables UAdminSecretNotSent $
mkSessionVariablesText rawHeaders
logWebHookResp LevelInfo Nothing Nothing
expiration <- runMaybeT $ timeFromCacheControl rawHeaders <|> timeFromExpires rawHeaders
pure (userInfo, expiration)
logWebHookResp :: MonadIO m => LogLevel -> Maybe BL.ByteString -> Maybe Text -> m ()
logWebHookResp logLevel mResp message =
logger $ WebHookLog logLevel (Just statusCode)
url method Nothing (bsToTxt . BL.toStrict <$> mResp) message
logWarn message = logWebHookResp LevelWarn (Just respBody) (Just message)
logError = logWebHookResp LevelError (Just respBody) Nothing
timeFromCacheControl headers = do
header <- afold $ Map.lookup "Cache-Control" headers
duration <- parseMaxAge header `onLeft` \err -> logWarn (T.pack err) *> empty
addUTCTime (fromInteger duration) <$> liftIO getCurrentTime
timeFromExpires headers = do
header <- afold $ Map.lookup "Expires" headers
parseExpirationTime header `onLeft` \err -> logWarn (T.pack err) *> empty