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synced 2024-12-16 18:42:30 +03:00
This abstracts `CircularT`'s test cases to work against "any" memoizer, and then runs them against `MemoizeT` as well. Surprisingly (or not), this works without issue; `MemoizeT` passes all tests with a couple of extra instances. PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/5780 GitOrigin-RevId: 461880caf9220dc3f52d622a22e8b8bcd594e404
152 lines
4.9 KiB
152 lines
4.9 KiB
{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskellQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoOverloadedStrings #-}
-- | A suite of test cases for memoization monads.
-- Designed to be reusable.
module Control.Monad.MemoizationSpecDefinition (Memoizer (..), memoizationSpec) where
import Control.Monad.TimeLimit
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Hasura.Prelude
import Language.Haskell.TH (Name)
import Test.Hspec
( forall k v. MonadTrans (m k v),
forall k v n. Monad n => Functor (m k v n),
forall k v n. Monad n => Applicative (m k v n),
forall k v n. Monad n => Monad (m k v n),
forall k v n s. MonadState s n => MonadState s (m k v n)
) =>
Memoizer (m :: Type -> Type -> (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type)
runMemoizer ::
forall k v n a.
(MonadFix n, MonadIO n, Eq k, Ord k, Hashable k) =>
m k v n a ->
n a
memoize ::
forall k v n.
(MonadFix n, MonadIO n, Eq k, Ord k, Hashable k, Typeable k, Typeable v) =>
Name ->
k ->
m k v n v ->
m k v n v
memoizationSpec :: forall m. Memoizer m => Spec
memoizationSpec = do
describe "circular graphs" $ checkCircularGraphs @m
describe "infinite lists" $ checkInfiniteLists @m
describe "memoization" $ checkMemoization @m
describe "does not protect against bad code" $ checkFailure @m
-- Graphs
data Node = Node String [Node]
nodeName :: Node -> String
nodeName (Node n _) = n
instance Show Node where
show (Node name succs) = "Node " ++ show name ++ " " ++ show (nodeName <$> succs)
instance Eq Node where
Node n1 s1 == Node n2 s2 = n1 == n2 && map nodeName s1 == map nodeName s2
checkCircularGraphs :: forall m. Memoizer m => Spec
checkCircularGraphs = do
it "builds A -> B -> C -> A" do
(a, b, c) <- succeedsWithinTimeLimit $ runMemoizer @m do
let buildA = memoize 'checkCircularGraphs "a" do
b <- buildB
pure $ Node "a" [b]
buildB = memoize 'checkCircularGraphs "b" do
c <- buildC
pure $ Node "b" [c]
buildC = memoize 'checkCircularGraphs "c" do
a <- buildA
pure $ Node "c" [a]
<$> buildA
<*> buildB
<*> buildC
a `shouldBe` Node "a" [b]
b `shouldBe` Node "b" [c]
c `shouldBe` Node "c" [a]
it "builds A -> A" do
a <- succeedsWithinTimeLimit $ runMemoizer @m do
let buildA = memoize 'checkCircularGraphs "a" do
a <- buildA
pure $ Node "a" [a]
a `shouldBe` Node "a" [a]
-- Infinite lists
checkInfiniteLists :: forall m. Memoizer m => Spec
checkInfiniteLists = do
it "builds `x = 1 : x`" do
l <- succeedsWithinTimeLimit $ runMemoizer @m do
let x = memoize 'checkInfiniteLists () do
y <- x
pure $ (1 :: Int) : y
take 5 l `shouldBe` [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
it "builds `[0,1,2..]`" do
l <- succeedsWithinTimeLimit $ runMemoizer @m do
let x = memoize 'checkInfiniteLists () do
y <- x
pure $ (0 :: Int) : map succ y
take 5 l `shouldBe` [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
-- Memoization
checkMemoization :: forall m. Memoizer m => Spec
checkMemoization = do
it "memoizes fibo" do
(fibos, count) <- succeedsWithinTimeLimit $
flip runStateT (mempty :: HashMap Int Int) $ runMemoizer @m do
let fibo n = memoize 'checkMemoization n do
modify $ Map.insertWith (+) n (1 :: Int)
case n of
0 -> pure 0
1 -> pure 1
_ -> (+) <$> fibo (n - 2) <*> fibo (n - 1)
traverse fibo [0 .. 20]
fibos !! 20 `shouldBe` (6765 :: Int)
count `shouldBe` Map.fromList (zip [0 .. 20] (repeat 1))
-- Failure
checkFailure :: forall m. Memoizer m => Spec
checkFailure = do
it "unsuccessfully attempts to memoize Maybe" do
result <- runWithTimeLimit $ runMemoizer @m do
let buildA :: m String (Maybe Node) IO (Maybe Node)
buildA = memoize 'checkFailure "a" do
mb <- buildB
-- a can only exist if b exists
pure $ mb <&> \b -> Node "a" [b]
buildB :: m String (Maybe Node) IO (Maybe Node)
buildB = memoize 'checkFailure "b" do
ma <- buildA
-- b can only exist if a exists
pure $ ma <&> \a -> Node "b" [a]
result `shouldBe` Nothing
it "unsuccessfully attempts to build a self-referential int" do
result <- runWithTimeLimit $ runMemoizer @m do
let go = memoize 'checkFailure () do
x <- go
pure $ if odd x then 1 else 0 :: Int
result `shouldBe` Nothing