David Overton ac87eff905 Document ActionFieldsG
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Add some documentation on `ActionFieldG` type.

GitOrigin-RevId: d9543ed7a8fe3ccfe9f5267c3a2ac71fb040f4db
2022-03-12 01:38:19 +00:00

750 lines
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module Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Action
( fetchActionLogResponses,
LockedActionIdArray (..),
module Types,
import Control.Concurrent.Async.Lifted.Safe qualified as LA
import Control.Concurrent.Extended (Forever (..), sleep)
import Control.Concurrent.STM qualified as STM
import Control.Exception (try)
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl)
import Data.Aeson qualified as J
import Data.Aeson.Ordered qualified as AO
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BL
import Data.CaseInsensitive qualified as CI
import Data.Environment qualified as Env
import Data.Has
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.TByteString qualified as TBS
import Data.Text.Extended
import Data.Text.NonEmpty
import Database.PG.Query qualified as Q
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Execute.Prepare
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.DML qualified as S
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Types
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Value (PGScalarValue (..))
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Translate.Select (asSingleRowJsonResp)
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Translate.Select qualified as RS
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.EncJSON
import Hasura.Eventing.Common
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Action.Types as Types
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser
import Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.HTTP.Protocol as GH
import Hasura.HTTP
import Hasura.Logging qualified as L
import Hasura.Metadata.Class
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Headers
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Webhook.Transform
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Webhook.Transform.Class (mkReqTransformCtx)
import Hasura.RQL.IR.Action qualified as RA
import Hasura.RQL.IR.Select qualified as RS
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.SQL.Types
import Hasura.Server.Utils
( mkClientHeadersForward,
import Hasura.Session
import Hasura.Tracing qualified as Tracing
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax qualified as G
import Network.HTTP.Client.Transformable qualified as HTTP
import Network.Wreq qualified as Wreq
fetchActionLogResponses ::
(MonadError QErr m, MonadMetadataStorage (MetadataStorageT m), Foldable t) =>
t ActionId ->
m (ActionLogResponseMap, Bool)
fetchActionLogResponses actionIds = do
responses <- for (toList actionIds) $ \actionId ->
<$> liftEitherM (runMetadataStorageT $ fetchActionResponse actionId)
-- An action is said to be completed/processed iff response is captured from webhook or
-- in case any exception occured in calling webhook.
let isActionComplete ActionLogResponse {..} =
isJust _alrResponsePayload || isJust _alrErrors
pure (Map.fromList responses, all (isActionComplete . snd) responses)
runActionExecution ::
( MonadIO m,
MonadBaseControl IO m,
MonadError QErr m,
Tracing.MonadTrace m,
MonadMetadataStorage (MetadataStorageT m)
) =>
UserInfo ->
ActionExecutionPlan ->
m (DiffTime, (EncJSON, Maybe HTTP.ResponseHeaders))
runActionExecution userInfo aep =
withElapsedTime $ case aep of
AEPSync e -> second Just <$> unActionExecution e
AEPAsyncQuery (AsyncActionQueryExecutionPlan actionId execution) -> do
actionLogResponse <- liftEitherM $ runMetadataStorageT $ fetchActionResponse actionId
(,Nothing) <$> case execution of
AAQENoRelationships f -> liftEither $ f actionLogResponse
AAQEOnSourceDB srcConfig (AsyncActionQuerySourceExecution _ jsonAggSelect f) -> do
let selectAST = f actionLogResponse
selectResolved <- traverse (prepareWithoutPlan userInfo) selectAST
let querySQL = Q.fromBuilder $ toSQL $ RS.mkSQLSelect jsonAggSelect selectResolved
liftEitherM $ runExceptT $ runTx (_pscExecCtx srcConfig) Q.ReadOnly $ liftTx $ asSingleRowJsonResp querySQL []
AEPAsyncMutation actionId -> pure $ (,Nothing) $ encJFromJValue $ actionIdToText actionId
-- | Synchronously execute webhook handler and resolve response to action "output"
resolveActionExecution ::
Env.Environment ->
L.Logger L.Hasura ->
UserInfo ->
AnnActionExecution Void ->
ActionExecContext ->
Maybe GQLQueryText ->
resolveActionExecution env logger _userInfo AnnActionExecution {..} ActionExecContext {..} gqlQueryText =
ActionExecution $ first (encJFromOrderedValue . makeActionResponseNoRelations _aaeFields) <$> runWebhook
handlerPayload = ActionWebhookPayload (ActionContext _aaeName) _aecSessionVariables _aaePayload gqlQueryText
runWebhook ::
(MonadIO m, MonadError QErr m, Tracing.MonadTrace m) =>
m (ActionWebhookResponse, HTTP.ResponseHeaders)
runWebhook =
flip runReaderT logger $
-- | Build action response from the Webhook JSON response when there are no relationships defined
makeActionResponseNoRelations :: RA.ActionFields -> ActionWebhookResponse -> AO.Value
makeActionResponseNoRelations annFields webhookResponse =
let mkResponseObject :: RA.ActionFields -> HashMap Text J.Value -> AO.Value
mkResponseObject fields obj =
AO.object $
flip mapMaybe fields $ \(fieldName, annField) ->
let fieldText = getFieldNameTxt fieldName
in (fieldText,) <$> case annField of
RA.ACFExpression t -> Just $ AO.String t
RA.ACFScalar fname -> AO.toOrdered <$> Map.lookup (G.unName fname) obj
RA.ACFNestedObject _ nestedFields -> do
let mkValue :: J.Value -> Maybe AO.Value
mkValue = \case
J.Object o -> Just $ mkResponseObject nestedFields o
J.Array a -> Just $ AO.array $ mapMaybe mkValue $ toList a
_ -> Nothing
Map.lookup fieldText obj >>= mkValue
in -- NOTE (Sam): This case would still not allow for aliased fields to be
-- a part of the response. Also, seeing that none of the other `annField`
-- types would be caught in the example, I've chosen to leave it as it is.
case webhookResponse of
AWRArray objs -> AO.array $ map (mkResponseObject annFields) (mapKeys G.unName <$> objs)
AWRObject obj -> mkResponseObject annFields (mapKeys G.unName obj)
AWRNum n -> AO.toOrdered n
AWRBool b -> AO.toOrdered b
AWRString s -> AO.toOrdered s
AWRNull -> AO.Null
{- Note: [Async action architecture]
In async actions, acquiring the action result is deferred. The async action mutation is made to
initiate the action which returns an UUID. The UUID is used to query/subsribe for actions response.
On mutation, the server makes an action log record in the metadata storage with request headers
and input arguments. The `asyncActionsProcessor` background thread processes the async actions by executing
the webhook handler and writing back the response payload or errors if any in the metadata storage.
When an async action query/subscription is made, the server fetches the relavent data from the
metadata storage. See Note [Resolving async action query] below.
-- | Resolve asynchronous action mutation which returns only the action uuid
resolveActionMutationAsync ::
(MonadMetadataStorage m) =>
AnnActionMutationAsync ->
[HTTP.Header] ->
SessionVariables ->
m ActionId
resolveActionMutationAsync annAction reqHeaders sessionVariables =
insertAction actionName sessionVariables reqHeaders inputArgs
AnnActionMutationAsync actionName _ inputArgs = annAction
{- Note: [Resolving async action query]
Resolving async action query happens in two steps;
1. Fetching webhook response from the metadata storage:
In this step, using @'fetchActionResponse' method of @'MonadMetadataStorage' type class, we fetch
the webhook response of any async action mutation (See Note [Async action architecture] for more)
2. Generating client response:
Generation of appropriate client response happens in two ways based on the availibility of
relationships on action output object type.
a. With relationships:- If there are any relationships defined to tables in a source,
we need to join the rows from the tables. So, we'll generate a SELECT SQL statement from
a table built virtually from action webhook response fetched in the Step 1 and joining it
with appropriate tables. Then, we execute this SQL in the source database.
SELECT .... FROM pg_catalog.jsonb_to_recordset('action webhook response')
JOIN .... (SELECT ... FROM <source relationship table>)
b. Without relationships:- In this case, we'll build the response purely in Haskell code from
the action webhook response fetched in the Step 1.
-- TODO: Add tracing here? Avoided now because currently the function is pure
-- | See Note: [Resolving async action query]
resolveAsyncActionQuery ::
UserInfo ->
AnnActionAsyncQuery ('Postgres 'Vanilla) Void ->
AsyncActionQueryExecution (UnpreparedValue ('Postgres 'Vanilla))
resolveAsyncActionQuery userInfo annAction =
case actionSource of
ASINoSource -> AAQENoRelationships \actionLogResponse -> runExcept do
let ActionLogResponse {..} = actionLogResponse
resolvedFields <- for asyncFields $ \(fieldName, fld) -> do
let fieldText = getFieldNameTxt fieldName
(fieldText,) <$> case fld of
AsyncTypename t -> pure $ AO.String t
AsyncOutput annFields ->
fromMaybe AO.Null <$> forM
\response -> makeActionResponseNoRelations annFields <$> decodeValue response
AsyncId -> pure $ AO.String $ actionIdToText actionId
AsyncCreatedAt -> pure $ AO.toOrdered $ J.toJSON _alrCreatedAt
AsyncErrors -> pure $ AO.toOrdered $ J.toJSON _alrErrors
pure $ encJFromOrderedValue $ AO.object resolvedFields
ASISource sourceName sourceConfig ->
let jsonAggSelect = mkJsonAggSelect outputType
in AAQEOnSourceDB sourceConfig $
AsyncActionQuerySourceExecution sourceName jsonAggSelect $ \actionLogResponse ->
let annotatedFields =
asyncFields <&> second \case
AsyncTypename t -> RS.AFExpression t
AsyncOutput annFields ->
RS.AFComputedField () (ComputedFieldName $$(nonEmptyText "__action_computed_field")) $
RS.CFSTable jsonAggSelect $
processOutputSelectionSet RS.AEActionResponsePayload outputType definitionList annFields stringifyNumerics
AsyncId -> mkAnnFldFromPGCol idColumn
AsyncCreatedAt -> mkAnnFldFromPGCol createdAtColumn
AsyncErrors -> mkAnnFldFromPGCol errorsColumn
jsonbToRecordSet = QualifiedObject "pg_catalog" $ FunctionName "jsonb_to_recordset"
actionLogInput = UVParameter Nothing $ ColumnValue (ColumnScalar PGJSONB) $ PGValJSONB $ Q.JSONB $ J.toJSON [actionLogResponse]
functionArgs = RS.FunctionArgsExp [RS.AEInput actionLogInput] mempty
tableFromExp =
RS.FromFunction jsonbToRecordSet functionArgs $
[idColumn, createdAtColumn, responsePayloadColumn, errorsColumn, sessionVarsColumn]
tableArguments =
{ RS._saWhere = Just tableBoolExpression
tablePermissions = RS.TablePerm annBoolExpTrue Nothing
in RS.AnnSelectG annotatedFields tableFromExp tablePermissions tableArguments stringifyNumerics
AnnActionAsyncQuery _ actionId outputType asyncFields definitionList stringifyNumerics _ actionSource = annAction
idColumn = (unsafePGCol "id", PGUUID)
responsePayloadColumn = (unsafePGCol RS.actionResponsePayloadColumn, PGJSONB)
createdAtColumn = (unsafePGCol "created_at", PGTimeStampTZ)
errorsColumn = (unsafePGCol "errors", PGJSONB)
sessionVarsColumn = (unsafePGCol "session_variables", PGJSONB)
mkAnnFldFromPGCol (column', columnType) =
RS.mkAnnColumnField column' (ColumnScalar columnType) Nothing Nothing
-- TODO: avoid using ColumnInfo
-- TODO(#3478): avoid using `unsafeMkName`
mkPGColumnInfo (column', columnType) =
{ ciColumn = column',
ciName = G.unsafeMkName $ getPGColTxt column',
ciPosition = 0,
ciType = ColumnScalar columnType,
ciIsNullable = True,
ciDescription = Nothing,
ciMutability = ColumnMutability False False
tableBoolExpression =
let actionIdColumnInfo =
{ ciColumn = unsafePGCol "id",
ciName = $$(G.litName "id"),
ciPosition = 0,
ciType = ColumnScalar PGUUID,
ciIsNullable = False,
ciDescription = Nothing,
ciMutability = ColumnMutability False False
actionIdColumnEq = BoolFld $ AVColumn actionIdColumnInfo [AEQ True $ UVLiteral $ S.SELit $ actionIdToText actionId]
sessionVarsColumnInfo = mkPGColumnInfo sessionVarsColumn
sessionVarValue =
UVParameter Nothing $
ColumnValue (ColumnScalar PGJSONB) $
PGValJSONB $ Q.JSONB $ J.toJSON $ _uiSession userInfo
sessionVarsColumnEq = BoolFld $ AVColumn sessionVarsColumnInfo [AEQ True sessionVarValue]
in -- For non-admin roles, accessing an async action's response should be allowed only for the user
-- who initiated the action through mutation. The action's response is accessible for a query/subscription
-- only when it's session variables are equal to that of action's.
if (adminRoleName == (_uiRole userInfo))
then actionIdColumnEq
else BoolAnd [actionIdColumnEq, sessionVarsColumnEq]
-- | Process async actions from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log table. This functions is executed in a background thread.
-- See Note [Async action architecture] above
asyncActionsProcessor ::
forall m.
( MonadIO m,
MonadBaseControl IO m,
LA.Forall (LA.Pure m),
Tracing.HasReporter m,
MonadMetadataStorage (MetadataStorageT m)
) =>
Env.Environment ->
L.Logger L.Hasura ->
IO SchemaCache ->
STM.TVar (Set LockedActionEventId) ->
HTTP.Manager ->
Milliseconds ->
Maybe GH.GQLQueryText ->
m (Forever m)
asyncActionsProcessor env logger getSCFromRef' lockedActionEvents httpManager sleepTime gqlQueryText =
return $
Forever () $
const $ do
actionCache <- scActions <$> liftIO getSCFromRef'
let asyncActions =
Map.filter ((== ActionMutation ActionAsynchronous) . (^. aiDefinition . adType)) actionCache
unless (Map.null asyncActions) $ do
-- fetch undelivered action events only when there's at least
-- one async action present in the schema cache
asyncInvocationsE <- runMetadataStorageT fetchUndeliveredActionEvents
asyncInvocations <- liftIO $ onLeft asyncInvocationsE mempty
-- save the actions that are currently fetched from the DB to
-- be processed in a TVar (Set LockedActionEventId) and when
-- the action is processed we remove it from the set. This set
-- is maintained because on shutdown of the graphql-engine, we
-- would like to wait for a certain time (see `--graceful-shutdown-time`)
-- during which to complete all the in-flight actions. So, when this
-- locked action events set TVar is empty, it will mean that there are
-- no events that are in the 'processing' state
saveLockedEvents (map (EventId . actionIdToText . _aliId) asyncInvocations) lockedActionEvents
LA.mapConcurrently_ (callHandler actionCache) asyncInvocations
liftIO $ sleep $ milliseconds sleepTime
callHandler :: ActionCache -> ActionLogItem -> m ()
callHandler actionCache actionLogItem = Tracing.runTraceT "async actions processor" do
let ActionLogItem
inputPayload = actionLogItem
case Map.lookup actionName actionCache of
Nothing -> return ()
Just actionInfo -> do
let definition = _aiDefinition actionInfo
outputFields = getActionOutputFields $ snd $ _aiOutputType actionInfo
webhookUrl = _adHandler definition
forwardClientHeaders = _adForwardClientHeaders definition
confHeaders = _adHeaders definition
timeout = _adTimeout definition
outputType = _adOutputType definition
actionContext = ActionContext actionName
metadataRequestTransform = _adRequestTransform definition
metadataResponseTransform = _adResponseTransform definition
eitherRes <-
runExceptT $
flip runReaderT logger $
(ActionWebhookPayload actionContext sessionVariables inputPayload gqlQueryText)
resE <- runMetadataStorageT $
setActionStatus actionId $ case eitherRes of
Left e -> AASError e
Right (responsePayload, _) -> AASCompleted $ J.toJSON responsePayload
removeEventFromLockedEvents (EventId (actionIdToText actionId)) lockedActionEvents
liftIO $ onLeft resE mempty
callWebhook ::
forall m r.
( MonadIO m,
MonadError QErr m,
Tracing.MonadTrace m,
MonadReader r m,
Has (L.Logger L.Hasura) r
) =>
Env.Environment ->
HTTP.Manager ->
GraphQLType ->
ActionOutputFields ->
[HTTP.Header] ->
[HeaderConf] ->
Bool ->
ResolvedWebhook ->
ActionWebhookPayload ->
Timeout ->
Maybe RequestTransform ->
Maybe MetadataResponseTransform ->
m (ActionWebhookResponse, HTTP.ResponseHeaders)
metadataResponseTransform = do
resolvedConfHeaders <- makeHeadersFromConf env confHeaders
let clientHeaders = if forwardClientHeaders then mkClientHeadersForward reqHeaders else mempty
-- Using HashMap to avoid duplicate headers between configuration headers
-- and client headers where configuration headers are preferred
hdrs = (Map.toList . Map.fromList) (resolvedConfHeaders <> defaultHeaders <> clientHeaders)
postPayload = J.toJSON actionWebhookPayload
requestBody = J.encode postPayload
requestBodySize = BL.length requestBody
responseTimeout = HTTP.responseTimeoutMicro $ (unTimeout timeoutSeconds) * 1000000
url = unResolvedWebhook resolvedWebhook
sessionVars = Just $ _awpSessionVariables actionWebhookPayload
initReq <- liftIO $ HTTP.mkRequestThrow url
let req =
& set HTTP.method "POST"
& set HTTP.headers hdrs
& set HTTP.body (Just requestBody)
& set HTTP.timeout responseTimeout
(transformedReq, transformedReqSize, reqTransformCtx) <- case metadataRequestTransform of
Nothing -> pure (Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)
Just RequestTransform {..} ->
let reqTransformCtx = mkReqTransformCtx url sessionVars templateEngine
in case applyRequestTransform reqTransformCtx requestFields req of
Left err -> do
-- Log The Transformation Error
logger :: L.Logger L.Hasura <- asks getter
L.unLogger logger $ L.UnstructuredLog L.LevelError (TBS.fromLBS $ J.encode err)
-- Throw an exception with the Transformation Error
throw500WithDetail "Request Transformation Failed" $ J.toJSON err
Right transformedReq ->
let transformedPayloadSize = HTTP.getReqSize transformedReq
in pure (Just transformedReq, Just transformedPayloadSize, Just reqTransformCtx)
let actualReq = fromMaybe req transformedReq
httpResponse <-
Tracing.tracedHttpRequest actualReq $ \request ->
liftIO . try $ HTTP.performRequest request manager
let requestInfo = ActionRequestInfo url postPayload (confHeaders <> toHeadersConf clientHeaders) transformedReq
case httpResponse of
Left e ->
throw500WithDetail "http exception when calling webhook" $
J.toJSON $ ActionInternalError (J.toJSON $ HttpException e) requestInfo Nothing
Right responseWreq -> do
-- TODO(SOLOMON): Remove 'wreq'
let responseBody = responseWreq ^. Wreq.responseBody
responseBodySize = BL.length responseBody
actionName = _acName $ _awpAction actionWebhookPayload
responseStatus = responseWreq ^. Wreq.responseStatus
mkResponseInfo respBody =
ActionResponseInfo (HTTP.statusCode responseStatus) respBody $
toHeadersConf $ responseWreq ^. Wreq.responseHeaders
transformedResponseBody <- case metadataResponseTransform of
Nothing -> pure responseBody
Just metadataResponseTransform' ->
let responseTransform = mkResponseTransform metadataResponseTransform'
engine = respTransformTemplateEngine responseTransform
responseTransformCtx = buildRespTransformCtx (reqTransformCtx <*> Just actualReq) sessionVars engine (HTTP.responseBody responseWreq)
in applyResponseTransform responseTransform responseTransformCtx `onLeft` \err -> do
-- Log The Response Transformation Error
logger :: L.Logger L.Hasura <- asks getter
L.unLogger logger $ L.UnstructuredLog L.LevelError (TBS.fromLBS $ J.encode err)
-- Throw an exception with the Transformation Error
throw500WithDetail "Response Transformation Failed" $ J.toJSON err
-- log the request and response to/from the action handler
logger :: (L.Logger L.Hasura) <- asks getter
L.unLogger logger $ ActionHandlerLog req transformedReq requestBodySize transformedReqSize responseBodySize actionName
case J.eitherDecode transformedResponseBody of
Left e -> do
let responseInfo = mkResponseInfo $ J.String $ bsToTxt $ BL.toStrict responseBody
throw500WithDetail "not a valid json response from webhook" $
J.toJSON $
ActionInternalError (J.toJSON $ "invalid json: " <> e) requestInfo $ Just responseInfo
Right responseValue -> do
let responseInfo = mkResponseInfo responseValue
addInternalToErr e =
let actionInternalError =
J.toJSON $
ActionInternalError (J.String "unexpected response") requestInfo $ Just responseInfo
in e {qeInternal = Just $ ExtraInternal actionInternalError}
| HTTP.statusIsSuccessful responseStatus -> do
let expectedResponse = showGT' $ unGraphQLType outputType
expectingArray = isListType outputType
expectingNull = isNullableType outputType
modifyQErr addInternalToErr $ do
webhookResponse <- decodeValue responseValue
case webhookResponse of
AWRNull -> unless expectingNull $ throwUnexpected "got null for the action webhook response"
AWRNum _ -> do
unless (expectedResponse == "Int" || expectedResponse == "Float") $
throwUnexpected $ "got scalar Number for the action webhook response, expecting " <> expectedResponse
AWRBool _ ->
unless (expectedResponse == "Boolean") $
throwUnexpected $ "got scalar Boolean for the action webhook response, expecting " <> expectedResponse
AWRString _ ->
unless (expectedResponse == "String") $
throwUnexpected $ "got scalar String for the action webhook response, expecting " <> expectedResponse
AWRArray objs -> do
unless expectingArray $
throwUnexpected "got array for the action webhook response, might want to check the action return type defined!"
mapM_ validateResponseObject objs
AWRObject obj -> do
when (isScalar expectedResponse || expectingArray) $
throwUnexpected "got object for the action webhook response, might want to check the action return type defined!"
validateResponseObject obj
pure (webhookResponse, mkSetCookieHeaders responseWreq)
| HTTP.statusIsClientError responseStatus -> do
ActionWebhookErrorResponse message maybeCode maybeExtensions <-
modifyQErr addInternalToErr $ decodeValue responseValue
let code = maybe Unexpected ActionWebhookCode maybeCode
qErr = QErr [] responseStatus message code (ExtraExtensions <$> maybeExtensions)
throwError qErr
| otherwise -> do
let err =
J.toJSON $
"expecting 2xx or 4xx status code, but found "
++ show (HTTP.statusCode responseStatus)
throw500WithDetail "internal error" $
J.toJSON $
ActionInternalError err requestInfo $ Just responseInfo
throwUnexpected = throw400 Unexpected
-- Webhook response object should conform to action output fields
validateResponseObject obj = do
-- Note: Fields not specified in the output are ignored
void $
flip Map.traverseWithKey outputFields $ \fieldName fieldTy ->
-- When field is non-nullable, it has to present in the response with no null value
unless (G.isNullable fieldTy) $ case Map.lookup fieldName obj of
Nothing ->
throwUnexpected $
"field " <> fieldName <<> " expected in webhook response, but not found"
Just v ->
when (v == J.Null) $
throwUnexpected $
"expecting not null value for field " <>> fieldName
showGT' :: G.GType -> Text
showGT' = \case
G.TypeNamed _ nt -> G.unName nt
G.TypeList _ lt -> G.showLT lt
isScalar :: Text -> Bool
isScalar s
| s == "Int" = True
| s == "Float" = True
| s == "String" = True
| s == "Boolean" = True
| otherwise = False
processOutputSelectionSet ::
RS.ArgumentExp v ->
GraphQLType ->
[(PGCol, PGScalarType)] ->
RA.ActionFields ->
StringifyNumbers ->
RS.AnnSimpleSelectG ('Postgres 'Vanilla) Void v
processOutputSelectionSet tableRowInput actionOutputType definitionList actionFields =
RS.AnnSelectG annotatedFields selectFrom RS.noTablePermissions RS.noSelectArgs
annotatedFields = fmap actionFieldToAnnField <$> actionFields
jsonbToPostgresRecordFunction =
QualifiedObject "pg_catalog" $
FunctionName $
if isListType actionOutputType
then "jsonb_to_recordset" -- Multirow array response
else "jsonb_to_record" -- Single object response
functionArgs = RS.FunctionArgsExp [tableRowInput] mempty
selectFrom = RS.FromFunction jsonbToPostgresRecordFunction functionArgs $ Just definitionList
actionFieldToAnnField :: RA.ActionFieldG Void -> RS.AnnFieldG ('Postgres 'Vanilla) Void v
actionFieldToAnnField = \case
RA.ACFScalar asf -> RS.mkAnnColumnField (unsafePGCol $ toTxt asf) (ColumnScalar PGJSON) Nothing Nothing
RA.ACFExpression txt -> RS.AFExpression txt
RA.ACFNestedObject fieldName _ -> RS.mkAnnColumnField (unsafePGCol $ toTxt fieldName) (ColumnScalar PGJSON) Nothing Nothing
mkJsonAggSelect :: GraphQLType -> JsonAggSelect
mkJsonAggSelect =
bool JASSingleObject JASMultipleRows . isListType
insertActionTx ::
ActionName ->
SessionVariables ->
[HTTP.Header] ->
J.Value ->
Q.TxE QErr ActionId
insertActionTx actionName sessionVariables httpHeaders inputArgsPayload =
runIdentity . Q.getRow
<$> Q.withQE
("action_name", "session_variables", "request_headers", "input_payload", "status")
($1, $2, $3, $4, $5)
( actionName,
Q.AltJ sessionVariables,
Q.AltJ $ toHeadersMap httpHeaders,
Q.AltJ inputArgsPayload,
"created" :: Text
toHeadersMap = Map.fromList . map ((bsToTxt . CI.original) *** bsToTxt)
fetchUndeliveredActionEventsTx :: Q.TxE QErr [ActionLogItem]
fetchUndeliveredActionEventsTx =
map mapEvent
<$> Q.listQE
update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log set status = 'processing'
id in (
select id from hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log
where status = 'created'
for update skip locked limit 10
id, action_name, request_headers::json, session_variables::json, input_payload::json
( actionId,
Q.AltJ headersMap,
Q.AltJ sessionVariables,
Q.AltJ inputPayload
) =
ActionLogItem actionId actionName (fromHeadersMap headersMap) sessionVariables inputPayload
fromHeadersMap = map (( . txtToBs) *** txtToBs) . Map.toList
setActionStatusTx :: ActionId -> AsyncActionStatus -> Q.TxE QErr ()
setActionStatusTx actionId = \case
AASCompleted responsePayload ->
update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log
set response_payload = $1, status = 'completed'
where id = $2
(Q.AltJ responsePayload, actionId)
AASError qerr ->
update hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log
set errors = $1, status = 'error'
where id = $2
(Q.AltJ qerr, actionId)
fetchActionResponseTx :: ActionId -> Q.TxE QErr ActionLogResponse
fetchActionResponseTx actionId = do
(ca, rp, errs, Q.AltJ sessVars) <-
<$> Q.withQE
SELECT created_at, response_payload::json, errors::json, session_variables::json
FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log
WHERE id = $1
(Identity actionId)
pure $ ActionLogResponse actionId ca (Q.getAltJ <$> rp) (Q.getAltJ <$> errs) sessVars
clearActionDataTx :: ActionName -> Q.TxE QErr ()
clearActionDataTx actionName =
DELETE FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log
WHERE action_name = $1
(Identity actionName)
setProcessingActionLogsToPendingTx :: LockedActionIdArray -> Q.TxE QErr ()
setProcessingActionLogsToPendingTx lockedActions =
UPDATE hdb_catalog.hdb_action_log
SET status = 'created'
WHERE status = 'processing' AND id = ANY($1::uuid[])
(Identity lockedActions)