Vishnu Bharathi 4b76289d03 cli: add interactive prompt to get input when --database-name flag is missing
GitOrigin-RevId: f92478d0ca6a4f6d0cfaa7aca3b4bb8a215a5cad
2021-06-09 07:13:46 +00:00

990 lines
30 KiB

// Package cli and it's sub packages implements the command line tool for Hasura
// GraphQL Engine. The CLI operates on a directory, denoted by
// "ExecutionDirectory" in the "ExecutionContext" struct.
// The ExecutionContext is passed to all the subcommands so that a singleton
// context is available for the execution. Logger and Spinner comes from the same
// context.
package cli
import (
// Other constants used in the package
const (
// Name of the global configuration directory
GlobalConfigDirName = ".hasura"
// Name of the global configuration file
GlobalConfigFileName = "config.json"
// Name of the file to store last update check time
LastUpdateCheckFileName = "last_update_check_at"
DefaultMigrationsDirectory = "migrations"
DefaultMetadataDirectory = "metadata"
DefaultSeedsDirectory = "seeds"
const (
XHasuraAdminSecret = "X-Hasura-Admin-Secret"
XHasuraAccessKey = "X-Hasura-Access-Key"
// String constants
const (
StrTelemetryNotice = `Help us improve Hasura! The cli collects anonymized usage stats which
allow us to keep improving Hasura at warp speed. To opt-out or read more,
// ConfigVersion defines the version of the Config.
type ConfigVersion int
const (
// V1 represents config version 1
V1 ConfigVersion = iota + 1
// V2 represents config version 2
// ServerAPIPaths has the custom paths defined for server api
type ServerAPIPaths struct {
V1Query string `yaml:"v1_query,omitempty"`
V2Query string `yaml:"v2_query,omitempty"`
V1Metadata string `yaml:"v1_metadata,omitempty"`
GraphQL string `yaml:"graphql,omitempty"`
Config string `yaml:"config,omitempty"`
PGDump string `yaml:"pg_dump,omitempty"`
Version string `yaml:"version,omitempty"`
// GetQueryParams - encodes the values in url
func (s ServerAPIPaths) GetQueryParams() url.Values {
vals := url.Values{}
t := reflect.TypeOf(s)
for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
field := t.Field(i)
tag := field.Tag.Get("yaml")
splitTag := strings.Split(tag, ",")
if len(splitTag) == 0 {
name := splitTag[0]
if name == "-" {
v := reflect.ValueOf(s).Field(i)
vals.Add(name, v.String())
return vals
// ErrInvalidConfigVersion - if the config version is not valid
var ErrInvalidConfigVersion error = fmt.Errorf("invalid config version")
// NewConfigVersionValue returns ConfigVersion set with default value
func NewConfigVersionValue(val ConfigVersion, p *ConfigVersion) *ConfigVersion {
*p = val
return p
// Set sets the value of the named command-line flag.
func (c *ConfigVersion) Set(s string) error {
v, err := strconv.ParseInt(s, 0, 64)
*c = ConfigVersion(v)
if err != nil {
return err
if !c.IsValid() {
return ErrInvalidConfigVersion
return nil
// Type returns a string that uniquely represents this flag's type.
func (c *ConfigVersion) Type() string {
return "int"
func (c *ConfigVersion) String() string {
return strconv.Itoa(int(*c))
// IsValid returns if its a valid config version
func (c ConfigVersion) IsValid() bool {
return c != 0 && c <= V3
// ServerConfig has the config values required to contact the server
type ServerConfig struct {
// Endpoint for the GraphQL Engine
Endpoint string `yaml:"endpoint"`
// AccessKey (deprecated) (optional) Admin secret key required to query the endpoint
AccessKey string `yaml:"access_key,omitempty"`
// AdminSecret (optional) Admin secret required to query the endpoint
AdminSecret string `yaml:"admin_secret,omitempty"`
// APIPaths (optional) API paths for server
APIPaths *ServerAPIPaths `yaml:"api_paths,omitempty"`
// InsecureSkipTLSVerify - indicates if TLS verification is disabled or not.
InsecureSkipTLSVerify bool `yaml:"insecure_skip_tls_verify,omitempty"`
// CAPath - Path to a cert file for the certificate authority
CAPath string `yaml:"certificate_authority,omitempty"`
ParsedEndpoint *url.URL `yaml:"-"`
TLSConfig *tls.Config `yaml:"-"`
HTTPClient *http.Client `yaml:"-"`
HasuraServerInternalConfig HasuraServerInternalConfig `yaml:"-"`
func (c *ServerConfig) GetHasuraInternalServerConfig() error {
// Determine from where assets should be served
url := c.getConfigEndpoint()
client := http.Client{Timeout: 30 * time.Second}
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "error fetching config from server")
if c.AdminSecret != "" {
req.Header.Set(XHasuraAdminSecret, c.AdminSecret)
r, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return err
defer r.Body.Close()
if r.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
var horror hasuradb.HasuraError
err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&horror)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error fetching server config")
return fmt.Errorf("error fetching server config: %v", horror.Error())
return json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&c.HasuraServerInternalConfig)
// HasuraServerConfig is the type returned by the v1alpha1/config API
// TODO: Move this type to a client implementation for hasura
type HasuraServerInternalConfig struct {
Version string `json:"version"`
IsAdminSecretSet bool `json:"is_admin_secret_set"`
IsAuthHookSet bool `json:"is_auth_hook_set"`
IsJwtSet bool `json:"is_jwt_set"`
JWT string `json:"jwt"`
ConsoleAssetsDir string `json:"console_assets_dir"`
// GetVersionEndpoint provides the url to contact the version API
func (s *ServerConfig) GetVersionEndpoint() string {
nurl := *s.ParsedEndpoint
nurl.Path = path.Join(nurl.Path, s.APIPaths.Version)
return nurl.String()
// GetQueryEndpoint provides the url to contact the query API
func (s *ServerConfig) GetV1QueryEndpoint() string {
nurl := *s.ParsedEndpoint
nurl.Path = path.Join(nurl.Path, s.APIPaths.V1Query)
return nurl.String()
func (s *ServerConfig) GetV2QueryEndpoint() string {
nurl := *s.ParsedEndpoint
nurl.Path = path.Join(nurl.Path, s.APIPaths.V2Query)
return nurl.String()
func (s *ServerConfig) GetPGDumpEndpoint() string {
nurl := *s.ParsedEndpoint
nurl.Path = path.Join(nurl.Path, s.APIPaths.PGDump)
return nurl.String()
func (s *ServerConfig) GetV1GraphqlEndpoint() string {
nurl := *s.ParsedEndpoint
nurl.Path = path.Join(nurl.Path, s.APIPaths.GraphQL)
return nurl.String()
// GetQueryEndpoint provides the url to contact the query API
func (s *ServerConfig) GetV1MetadataEndpoint() string {
nurl := *s.ParsedEndpoint
nurl.Path = path.Join(nurl.Path, s.APIPaths.V1Metadata)
return nurl.String()
// GetVersionEndpoint provides the url to contact the config API
func (s *ServerConfig) getConfigEndpoint() string {
nurl := *s.ParsedEndpoint
nurl.Path = path.Join(nurl.Path, s.APIPaths.Config)
return nurl.String()
// ParseEndpoint ensures the endpoint is valid.
func (s *ServerConfig) ParseEndpoint() error {
nurl, err := url.ParseRequestURI(s.Endpoint)
if err != nil {
return err
s.ParsedEndpoint = nurl
return nil
// SetTLSConfig - sets the TLS config
func (s *ServerConfig) SetTLSConfig() error {
if s.InsecureSkipTLSVerify {
s.TLSConfig = &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true}
if s.CAPath != "" {
// Get the SystemCertPool, continue with an empty pool on error
rootCAs, _ := x509.SystemCertPool()
if rootCAs == nil {
rootCAs = x509.NewCertPool()
// read cert
certPath, _ := filepath.Abs(s.CAPath)
cert, err := ioutil.ReadFile(certPath)
if err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("error reading CA %s", s.CAPath)
if ok := rootCAs.AppendCertsFromPEM(cert); !ok {
return errors.Errorf("Unable to append given CA cert.")
s.TLSConfig = &tls.Config{
RootCAs: rootCAs,
InsecureSkipVerify: s.InsecureSkipTLSVerify,
return nil
// SetHTTPClient - sets the http client
func (s *ServerConfig) SetHTTPClient() error {
s.HTTPClient = &http.Client{Transport: http.DefaultTransport}
if s.TLSConfig != nil {
tr := &http.Transport{TLSClientConfig: s.TLSConfig}
s.HTTPClient.Transport = tr
return nil
// Config represents configuration required for the CLI to function
type Config struct {
// Version of the config.
Version ConfigVersion `yaml:"version,omitempty"`
// DisableInteractive disables interactive prompt
DisableInteractive bool `yaml:"disable_interactive,omitempty"`
// ServerConfig to be used by CLI to contact server.
ServerConfig `yaml:",inline"`
// MetadataDirectory defines the directory where the metadata files were stored.
MetadataDirectory string `yaml:"metadata_directory,omitempty"`
// MigrationsDirectory defines the directory where the migration files were stored.
MigrationsDirectory string `yaml:"migrations_directory,omitempty"`
// SeedsDirectory defines the directory where seed files will be stored
SeedsDirectory string `yaml:"seeds_directory,omitempty"`
// ActionConfig defines the config required to create or generate codegen for an action.
ActionConfig *types.ActionExecutionConfig `yaml:"actions,omitempty"`
// ExecutionContext contains various contextual information required by the cli
// at various points of it's execution. Values are filled in by the
// initializers and passed on to each command. Commands can also fill in values
// to be used further down the line.
type ExecutionContext struct {
// CMDName is the name of CMD (os.Args[0]). To be filled in later to
// correctly render example strings etc.
CMDName string
// ID is a unique ID for this Execution
ID string
// ServerUUID is the unique ID for the server this execution is contacting.
ServerUUID string
// Spinner is the global spinner object used to show progress across the cli.
Spinner *spinner.Spinner
// Logger is the global logger object to print logs.
Logger *logrus.Logger
// ExecutionDirectory is the directory in which command is being executed.
ExecutionDirectory string
// Envfile is the .env file to load ENV vars from
Envfile string
// MigrationDir is the name of directory where migrations are stored.
MigrationDir string
// MetadataDir is the name of directory where metadata files are stored.
MetadataDir string
// Seed directory -- directory in which seed files are to be stored
SeedsDirectory string
// ConfigFile is the file where endpoint etc. are stored.
ConfigFile string
// HGE Headers, are the custom headers which can be passed to HGE API
HGEHeaders map[string]string
// Config is the configuration object storing the endpoint and admin secret
// information after reading from config file or env var.
Config *Config
// GlobalConfigDir is the ~/.hasura-graphql directory to store configuration
// globally.
GlobalConfigDir string
// GlobalConfigFile is the file inside GlobalConfigDir where values are
// stored.
GlobalConfigFile string
// GlobalConfig holds all the configuration options.
GlobalConfig *GlobalConfig
// IsStableRelease indicates if the CLI release is stable or not.
IsStableRelease bool
// Version indicates the version object
Version *version.Version
// Viper indicates the viper object for the execution
Viper *viper.Viper
// LogLevel indicates the logrus default logging level
LogLevel string
// NoColor indicates if the outputs shouldn't be colorized
NoColor bool
// Telemetry collects the telemetry data throughout the execution
Telemetry *telemetry.Data
// LastUpdateCheckFile is the file where the timestamp of last update check is stored
LastUpdateCheckFile string
// SkipUpdateCheck will skip the auto update check if set to true
SkipUpdateCheck bool
// PluginsConfig defines the config for plugins
PluginsConfig *plugins.Config
// CodegenAssetsRepo defines the config to handle codegen-assets repo
CodegenAssetsRepo *util.GitUtil
// InitTemplatesRepo defines the config to handle init-templates repo
InitTemplatesRepo *util.GitUtil
// IsTerminal indicates whether the current session is a terminal or not
IsTerminal bool
// instance of API client which communicates with Hasura API
APIClient *hasura.Client
// current database on which operation is being done
Source Source
HasMetadataV3 bool
// after a `scripts update-config-v3` all migrate commands will try to automatically
// move cli state from hdb_catalog.* tables to catalog state if that hasn't happened
// already this configuration option will disable this step
// more details in:
DisableAutoStateMigration bool
// proPluginVersionValidated is used to avoid validating pro plugin multiple times
// while preparing the execution context
proPluginVersionValidated bool
type Source struct {
Name string
Kind hasura.SourceKind
// NewExecutionContext returns a new instance of execution context
func NewExecutionContext() *ExecutionContext {
ec := &ExecutionContext{}
ec.Telemetry = telemetry.BuildEvent()
ec.Telemetry.Version = version.BuildVersion
return ec
// Prepare as the name suggests, prepares the ExecutionContext ec by
// initializing most of the variables to sensible defaults, if it is not already
// set.
func (ec *ExecutionContext) Prepare() error {
// set the command name
cmdName := os.Args[0]
if len(cmdName) == 0 {
cmdName = "hasura"
ec.CMDName = cmdName
ec.IsTerminal = terminal.IsTerminal(int(os.Stdout.Fd()))
// set spinner
// set logger
// populate version
// setup global config
err := ec.setupGlobalConfig()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "setting up global config failed")
// setup plugins path
err = ec.setupPlugins()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "setting up plugins path failed")
if !ec.proPluginVersionValidated {
ec.proPluginVersionValidated = true
err = ec.setupCodegenAssetsRepo()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "setting up codegen-assets repo failed")
err = ec.setupInitTemplatesRepo()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "setting up init-templates repo failed")
ec.LastUpdateCheckFile = filepath.Join(ec.GlobalConfigDir, LastUpdateCheckFileName)
// initialize a blank server config
if ec.Config == nil {
ec.Config = &Config{}
// generate an execution id
if ec.ID == "" {
id := "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
u, err := uuid.NewV4()
if err == nil {
id = u.String()
} else {
ec.Logger.Debugf("generating uuid for execution ID failed, %v", err)
ec.ID = id
ec.Logger.Debugf("execution id: %v", ec.ID)
ec.Telemetry.ExecutionID = ec.ID
return nil
// setupPlugins create and returns the inferred paths for hasura. By default, it assumes
// $HOME/.hasura as the base path
func (ec *ExecutionContext) setupPlugins() error {
base := filepath.Join(ec.GlobalConfigDir, "plugins")
base, err := filepath.Abs(base)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "cannot get absolute path")
ec.PluginsConfig = plugins.New(base)
ec.PluginsConfig.Logger = ec.Logger
ec.PluginsConfig.Repo.Logger = ec.Logger
if ec.GlobalConfig.CLIEnvironment == ServerOnDockerEnvironment {
ec.PluginsConfig.Repo.DisableCloneOrUpdate = true
return ec.PluginsConfig.Prepare()
func (ec *ExecutionContext) validateProPluginVersion() {
installedPlugins, err := ec.PluginsConfig.ListInstalledPlugins()
if err != nil {
proPluginVersion := installedPlugins["pro"]
cliVersion := ec.Version.GetCLIVersion()
proPluginSemVer, _ := semver.NewVersion(proPluginVersion)
cliSemVer := ec.Version.CLISemver
if proPluginSemVer == nil || cliSemVer == nil {
if cliSemVer.Major() != proPluginSemVer.Major() {
ec.Logger.Warnf("[cli: %s] [pro plugin: %s] incompatible version of cli and pro plugin.", cliVersion, proPluginVersion)
ec.Logger.Warn("Try running `hasura plugins upgrade pro` or `hasura plugins install pro --version <version>`")
func (ec *ExecutionContext) setupCodegenAssetsRepo() error {
base := filepath.Join(ec.GlobalConfigDir, util.ActionsCodegenDirName)
base, err := filepath.Abs(base)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "cannot get absolute path")
ec.CodegenAssetsRepo = util.NewGitUtil(util.ActionsCodegenRepoURI, base, "")
ec.CodegenAssetsRepo.Logger = ec.Logger
if ec.GlobalConfig.CLIEnvironment == ServerOnDockerEnvironment {
ec.CodegenAssetsRepo.DisableCloneOrUpdate = true
return nil
func (ec *ExecutionContext) setupInitTemplatesRepo() error {
base := filepath.Join(ec.GlobalConfigDir, util.InitTemplatesDirName)
base, err := filepath.Abs(base)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "cannot get absolute path")
ec.InitTemplatesRepo = util.NewGitUtil(util.InitTemplatesRepoURI, base, "")
ec.InitTemplatesRepo.Logger = ec.Logger
if ec.GlobalConfig.CLIEnvironment == ServerOnDockerEnvironment {
ec.InitTemplatesRepo.DisableCloneOrUpdate = true
return nil
func (ec *ExecutionContext) SetHGEHeaders(headers map[string]string) {
ec.HGEHeaders = headers
// Validate prepares the ExecutionContext ec and then validates the
// ExecutionDirectory to see if all the required files and directories are in
// place.
func (ec *ExecutionContext) Validate() error {
// ensure plugins index exists
err := ec.PluginsConfig.Repo.EnsureCloned()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "ensuring plugins index failed")
// ensure codegen-assets repo exists
err = ec.CodegenAssetsRepo.EnsureCloned()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "ensuring codegen-assets repo failed")
// validate execution directory
err = ec.validateDirectory()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "validating current directory failed")
// load .env file
err = ec.loadEnvfile()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "loading .env file failed")
// set names of config file
ec.ConfigFile = filepath.Join(ec.ExecutionDirectory, "config.yaml")
// read config and parse the values into Config
err = ec.readConfig()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "cannot read config")
// set name of migration directory
ec.MigrationDir = filepath.Join(ec.ExecutionDirectory, ec.Config.MigrationsDirectory)
if _, err := os.Stat(ec.MigrationDir); os.IsNotExist(err) {
err = os.MkdirAll(ec.MigrationDir, os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "cannot create migrations directory")
ec.SeedsDirectory = filepath.Join(ec.ExecutionDirectory, ec.Config.SeedsDirectory)
if _, err := os.Stat(ec.SeedsDirectory); os.IsNotExist(err) {
err = os.MkdirAll(ec.SeedsDirectory, os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "cannot create seeds directory")
if ec.Config.Version >= V2 && ec.Config.MetadataDirectory != "" {
// set name of metadata directory
ec.MetadataDir = filepath.Join(ec.ExecutionDirectory, ec.Config.MetadataDirectory)
if _, err := os.Stat(ec.MetadataDir); os.IsNotExist(err) {
err = os.MkdirAll(ec.MetadataDir, os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "cannot create metadata directory")
ec.Logger.Debug("graphql engine endpoint: ", ec.Config.ServerConfig.Endpoint)
ec.Logger.Debug("graphql engine admin_secret: ", ec.Config.ServerConfig.AdminSecret)
// get version from the server and match with the cli version
err = ec.checkServerVersion()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "version check")
// get the server feature flags
err = ec.Version.GetServerFeatureFlags()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "error in getting server feature flags")
var headers map[string]string
if ec.Config.AdminSecret != "" {
headers = map[string]string{
GetAdminSecretHeaderName(ec.Version): ec.Config.AdminSecret,
if !strings.HasSuffix(ec.Config.Endpoint, "/") {
ec.Config.Endpoint = fmt.Sprintf("%s/", ec.Config.Endpoint)
httpClient, err := httpc.New(
Transport: &http.Transport{
TLSClientConfig: ec.Config.TLSConfig,
if err != nil {
return err
// check if server is using metadata v3
requestUri := ""
if ec.Config.APIPaths.V1Query != "" {
requestUri = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", ec.Config.Endpoint, ec.Config.APIPaths.V1Query)
} else {
requestUri = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", ec.Config.Endpoint, "v1/query")
metadata, err := commonmetadata.New(httpClient, requestUri).ExportMetadata()
if err != nil {
return err
var v struct {
Version int `json:"version"`
if err := json.NewDecoder(metadata).Decode(&v); err != nil {
return err
if v.Version == 3 {
ec.HasMetadataV3 = true
if ec.Config.Version >= V3 && !ec.HasMetadataV3 {
return fmt.Errorf("config v3 can only be used with servers having metadata version >= 3")
ec.APIClient = &hasura.Client{
V1Metadata: v1metadata.New(httpClient, ec.Config.GetV1MetadataEndpoint()),
V1Query: v1query.New(httpClient, ec.Config.GetV1QueryEndpoint()),
V2Query: v2query.New(httpClient, ec.Config.GetV2QueryEndpoint()),
PGDump: pgdump.New(httpClient, ec.Config.GetPGDumpEndpoint()),
V1Graphql: v1graphql.New(httpClient, ec.Config.GetV1GraphqlEndpoint()),
var state *util.ServerState
if ec.HasMetadataV3 {
state = util.GetServerState(ec.Config.GetV1MetadataEndpoint(), ec.Config.ServerConfig.AdminSecret, ec.Config.ServerConfig.TLSConfig, ec.HasMetadataV3, ec.Logger)
} else {
state = util.GetServerState(ec.Config.GetV1QueryEndpoint(), ec.Config.ServerConfig.AdminSecret, ec.Config.ServerConfig.TLSConfig, ec.HasMetadataV3, ec.Logger)
ec.ServerUUID = state.UUID
ec.Telemetry.ServerUUID = ec.ServerUUID
ec.Logger.Debugf("server: uuid: %s", ec.ServerUUID)
// Set headers required for communicating with HGE
return nil
func (ec *ExecutionContext) checkServerVersion() error {
v, err := version.FetchServerVersion(ec.Config.ServerConfig.GetVersionEndpoint(), ec.Config.ServerConfig.HTTPClient)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get version from server")
ec.Telemetry.ServerVersion = ec.Version.GetServerVersion()
isCompatible, reason := ec.Version.CheckCLIServerCompatibility()
ec.Logger.Debugf("versions: cli: [%s] server: [%s]", ec.Version.GetCLIVersion(), ec.Version.GetServerVersion())
ec.Logger.Debugf("compatibility check: [%v] %v", isCompatible, reason)
if !isCompatible {
ec.Logger.Warnf("[cli: %s] [server: %s] version mismatch: %s", ec.Version.GetCLIVersion(), ec.Version.GetServerVersion(), reason)
return nil
// WriteConfig writes the configuration from ec.Config or input config
func (ec *ExecutionContext) WriteConfig(config *Config) error {
var cfg *Config
if config != nil {
cfg = config
} else {
cfg = ec.Config
y, err := yaml.Marshal(cfg)
if err != nil {
return err
return ioutil.WriteFile(ec.ConfigFile, y, 0644)
type DefaultAPIPath string
// readConfig reads the configuration from config file, flags and env vars,
// through viper.
func (ec *ExecutionContext) readConfig() error {
// need to get existing viper because
v := ec.Viper
v.SetDefault("version", "1")
v.SetDefault("endpoint", "http://localhost:8080")
v.SetDefault("admin_secret", "")
v.SetDefault("access_key", "")
v.SetDefault("api_paths.query", "v1/query")
v.SetDefault("api_paths.v2_query", "v2/query")
v.SetDefault("api_paths.v1_metadata", "v1/metadata")
v.SetDefault("api_paths.graphql", "v1/graphql")
v.SetDefault("api_paths.config", "v1alpha1/config")
v.SetDefault("api_paths.pg_dump", "v1alpha1/pg_dump")
v.SetDefault("api_paths.version", "v1/version")
v.SetDefault("metadata_directory", "")
v.SetDefault("migrations_directory", DefaultMigrationsDirectory)
v.SetDefault("seeds_directory", DefaultSeedsDirectory)
v.SetDefault("actions.kind", "synchronous")
v.SetDefault("actions.handler_webhook_baseurl", "http://localhost:3000")
v.SetDefault("actions.codegen.framework", "")
v.SetDefault("actions.codegen.output_dir", "")
v.SetDefault("actions.codegen.uri", "")
err := v.ReadInConfig()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "cannot read config from file/env")
adminSecret := v.GetString("admin_secret")
if adminSecret == "" {
adminSecret = v.GetString("access_key")
ec.Config = &Config{
Version: ConfigVersion(v.GetInt("version")),
DisableInteractive: v.GetBool("disable_interactive"),
ServerConfig: ServerConfig{
Endpoint: v.GetString("endpoint"),
AdminSecret: adminSecret,
APIPaths: &ServerAPIPaths{
V1Query: v.GetString("api_paths.query"),
V2Query: v.GetString("api_paths.v2_query"),
V1Metadata: v.GetString("api_paths.v1_metadata"),
GraphQL: v.GetString("api_paths.graphql"),
Config: v.GetString("api_paths.config"),
PGDump: v.GetString("api_paths.pg_dump"),
Version: v.GetString("api_paths.version"),
InsecureSkipTLSVerify: v.GetBool("insecure_skip_tls_verify"),
CAPath: v.GetString("certificate_authority"),
MetadataDirectory: v.GetString("metadata_directory"),
MigrationsDirectory: v.GetString("migrations_directory"),
SeedsDirectory: v.GetString("seeds_directory"),
ActionConfig: &types.ActionExecutionConfig{
Kind: v.GetString("actions.kind"),
HandlerWebhookBaseURL: v.GetString("actions.handler_webhook_baseurl"),
Codegen: &types.CodegenExecutionConfig{
Framework: v.GetString("actions.codegen.framework"),
OutputDir: v.GetString("actions.codegen.output_dir"),
URI: v.GetString("actions.codegen.uri"),
if !ec.Config.Version.IsValid() {
return ErrInvalidConfigVersion
err = ec.Config.ServerConfig.ParseEndpoint()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "unable to parse server endpoint")
// this populates the ec.Config.ServerConfig.HasuraServerInternalConfig
err = ec.Config.ServerConfig.GetHasuraInternalServerConfig()
if err != nil {
// If config API is not enabled log it and don't fail
ec.Logger.Debugf("cannot get config information from server, this might be because config API is not enabled: %v", err)
err = ec.Config.ServerConfig.SetTLSConfig()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "setting up TLS config failed")
return ec.Config.ServerConfig.SetHTTPClient()
// setupSpinner creates a default spinner if the context does not already have
// one.
func (ec *ExecutionContext) setupSpinner() {
if ec.Spinner == nil {
spnr := spinner.New(spinner.CharSets[7], 100*time.Millisecond)
spnr.Writer = os.Stderr
ec.Spinner = spnr
// Spin stops any existing spinner and starts a new one with the given message.
func (ec *ExecutionContext) Spin(message string) {
if ec.IsTerminal {
ec.Spinner.Prefix = message
} else {
// loadEnvfile loads .env file
func (ec *ExecutionContext) loadEnvfile() error {
envfile := filepath.Join(ec.ExecutionDirectory, ec.Envfile)
err := gotenv.Load(envfile)
if err != nil {
// return error if user provided envfile name
if ec.Envfile != ".env" {
return err
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
if err == nil {
ec.Logger.Debug("ENV vars read from: ", envfile)
return nil
// setupLogger creates a default logger if context does not have one set.
func (ec *ExecutionContext) setupLogger() {
if ec.Logger == nil {
logger := logrus.New()
ec.Logger = logger
if ec.LogLevel != "" {
level, err := logrus.ParseLevel(ec.LogLevel)
if err != nil {
ec.Logger.WithError(err).Error("error parsing log-level flag")
ec.Logger.Hooks = make(logrus.LevelHooks)
ec.Logger.AddHook(newSpinnerHandlerHook(ec.Logger, ec.Spinner, ec.IsTerminal, ec.NoColor))
// set the logger for telemetry
if ec.Telemetry.Logger == nil {
ec.Telemetry.Logger = ec.Logger
// SetVersion sets the version inside context, according to the variable
// 'version' set during build context.
func (ec *ExecutionContext) setVersion() {
if ec.Version == nil {
ec.Version = version.New()
func GetAdminSecretHeaderName(v *version.Version) string {
if v.ServerFeatureFlags.HasAccessKey {
return XHasuraAccessKey
return XHasuraAdminSecret
func GetCommonMetadataOps(ec *ExecutionContext) hasura.CommonMetadataOperations {
if !ec.HasMetadataV3 {
return ec.APIClient.V1Query
return ec.APIClient.V1Metadata
func GetMigrationsStateStore(ec *ExecutionContext) statestore.MigrationsStateStore {
if ec.Config.Version <= V2 {
if !ec.HasMetadataV3 {
return migrations.NewMigrationStateStoreHdbTable(ec.APIClient.V1Query, migrations.DefaultSchema, migrations.DefaultMigrationsTable)
return migrations.NewMigrationStateStoreHdbTable(ec.APIClient.V2Query, migrations.DefaultSchema, migrations.DefaultMigrationsTable)
return migrations.NewCatalogStateStore(statestore.NewCLICatalogState(ec.APIClient.V1Metadata))
func GetSettingsStateStore(ec *ExecutionContext, databaseName string) statestore.SettingsStateStore {
const (
defaultSettingsTable = "migration_settings"
defaultSchema = "hdb_catalog"
if ec.Config.Version <= V2 {
if !ec.HasMetadataV3 {
return settings.NewStateStoreHdbTable(ec.APIClient.V1Query, databaseName, defaultSchema, defaultSettingsTable)
return settings.NewStateStoreHdbTable(ec.APIClient.V2Query, databaseName, defaultSchema, defaultSettingsTable)
return settings.NewStateStoreCatalog(statestore.NewCLICatalogState(ec.APIClient.V1Metadata))