mirror of
synced 2024-12-16 09:51:59 +03:00
* add types to represent unparsed http gql requests This will help when we add caching of frequently used ASTs * query plan caching * move livequery to execute * add multiplexed module * session variable can be customised depending on the context Previously the value was always "current_setting('hasura.user')" * get rid of typemap requirement in reusable plan * subscriptions are multiplexed when possible * use lazytx for introspection to avoid acquiring a pg connection * refactor to make execute a completely decoupled module * don't issue a transaction for a query * don't use current setting for explained sql * move postgres related types to a different module * validate variableValues on postgres before multiplexing subs * don't user current_setting for queries over ws * plan_cache is only visible when developer flag is enabled * introduce 'batch size' when multiplexing subscriptions * bump stackage to 13.16 * fix schema_stitching test case error code * store hashes instead of actual responses for subscriptions * internal api to dump subscriptions state * remove PlanCache from SchemaCacheRef * allow live query options to be configured on server startup * capture metrics for multiplexed subscriptions * more metrics captured for multiplexed subs * switch to tvar based hashmap for faster snapshotting * livequery modules do not expose internal details * fix typo in live query env vars * switch to hasura's pg-client-hs
283 lines
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283 lines
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module Hasura.Server.Query where
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Casing
import Data.Aeson.TH
import Data.Time (UTCTime)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP
import Hasura.EncJSON
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Metadata
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Permission
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.QueryTemplate
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Relationship
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Relationship.Rename
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.RemoteSchema
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Function
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Table
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.EventTrigger
import Hasura.RQL.DML.Count
import Hasura.RQL.DML.Delete
import Hasura.RQL.DML.Insert
import Hasura.RQL.DML.QueryTemplate
import Hasura.RQL.DML.Select
import Hasura.RQL.DML.Update
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.Server.Init (InstanceId (..))
import Hasura.Server.Utils
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
data RQLQuery
= RQAddExistingTableOrView !TrackTable
| RQTrackTable !TrackTable
| RQUntrackTable !UntrackTable
| RQTrackFunction !TrackFunction
| RQUntrackFunction !UnTrackFunction
| RQCreateObjectRelationship !CreateObjRel
| RQCreateArrayRelationship !CreateArrRel
| RQDropRelationship !DropRel
| RQSetRelationshipComment !SetRelComment
| RQRenameRelationship !RenameRel
| RQCreateInsertPermission !CreateInsPerm
| RQCreateSelectPermission !CreateSelPerm
| RQCreateUpdatePermission !CreateUpdPerm
| RQCreateDeletePermission !CreateDelPerm
| RQDropInsertPermission !DropInsPerm
| RQDropSelectPermission !DropSelPerm
| RQDropUpdatePermission !DropUpdPerm
| RQDropDeletePermission !DropDelPerm
| RQSetPermissionComment !SetPermComment
| RQInsert !InsertQuery
| RQSelect !SelectQuery
| RQUpdate !UpdateQuery
| RQDelete !DeleteQuery
| RQCount !CountQuery
| RQBulk ![RQLQuery]
-- schema-stitching, custom resolver related
| RQAddRemoteSchema !AddRemoteSchemaQuery
| RQRemoveRemoteSchema !RemoveRemoteSchemaQuery
| RQCreateEventTrigger !CreateEventTriggerQuery
| RQDeleteEventTrigger !DeleteEventTriggerQuery
| RQDeliverEvent !DeliverEventQuery
| RQCreateQueryTemplate !CreateQueryTemplate
| RQDropQueryTemplate !DropQueryTemplate
| RQExecuteQueryTemplate !ExecQueryTemplate
| RQSetQueryTemplateComment !SetQueryTemplateComment
| RQRunSql !RunSQL
| RQReplaceMetadata !ReplaceMetadata
| RQExportMetadata !ExportMetadata
| RQClearMetadata !ClearMetadata
| RQReloadMetadata !ReloadMetadata
| RQDumpInternalState !DumpInternalState
deriving (Show, Eq, Lift)
defaultOptions { constructorTagModifier = snakeCase . drop 2
, sumEncoding = TaggedObject "type" "args"
newtype Run a
= Run {unRun :: StateT SchemaCache (ReaderT (UserInfo, HTTP.Manager, SQLGenCtx) (LazyTx QErr)) a}
deriving ( Functor, Applicative, Monad
, MonadError QErr
, MonadState SchemaCache
, MonadReader (UserInfo, HTTP.Manager, SQLGenCtx)
, CacheRM
, CacheRWM
, MonadTx
, MonadIO
instance UserInfoM Run where
askUserInfo = asks _1
instance HasHttpManager Run where
askHttpManager = asks _2
instance HasSQLGenCtx Run where
askSQLGenCtx = asks _3
fetchLastUpdate :: Q.TxE QErr (Maybe (InstanceId, UTCTime))
fetchLastUpdate = do
l <- Q.listQE defaultTxErrorHandler
SELECT instance_id::text, occurred_at
FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_schema_update_event
ORDER BY occurred_at DESC LIMIT 1
|] () True
case l of
[] -> return Nothing
[(instId, occurredAt)] ->
return $ Just (InstanceId instId, occurredAt)
-- never happens
_ -> throw500 "more than one row returned by query"
recordSchemaUpdate :: InstanceId -> Q.TxE QErr ()
recordSchemaUpdate instanceId =
liftTx $ Q.unitQE defaultTxErrorHandler [Q.sql|
(instance_id, occurred_at)
VALUES ($1::uuid, DEFAULT)
|] (Identity $ getInstanceId instanceId) True
:: SchemaCache
-> UserInfo
-> HTTP.Manager
-> Bool
-> PGExecCtx
-> Run a -> ExceptT QErr IO (a, SchemaCache)
peelRun sc userInfo httMgr strfyNum pgExecCtx (Run m) =
runLazyTx pgExecCtx $ withUserInfo userInfo lazyTx
sqlGenCtx = SQLGenCtx strfyNum
lazyTx = runReaderT (runStateT m sc) (userInfo, httMgr, sqlGenCtx)
:: (MonadIO m, MonadError QErr m)
=> PGExecCtx -> InstanceId
-> UserInfo -> SchemaCache -> HTTP.Manager
-> Bool -> RQLQuery -> m (EncJSON, SchemaCache)
runQuery pgExecCtx instanceId userInfo sc hMgr strfyNum query = do
resE <- liftIO $ runExceptT $
peelRun sc userInfo hMgr strfyNum pgExecCtx $ runQueryM query
either throwError withReload resE
withReload r = do
when (queryNeedsReload query) $ do
e <- liftIO $ runExceptT $ runLazyTx pgExecCtx
$ liftTx $ recordSchemaUpdate instanceId
liftEither e
return r
queryNeedsReload :: RQLQuery -> Bool
queryNeedsReload qi = case qi of
RQAddExistingTableOrView _ -> True
RQTrackTable _ -> True
RQUntrackTable _ -> True
RQTrackFunction _ -> True
RQUntrackFunction _ -> True
RQCreateObjectRelationship _ -> True
RQCreateArrayRelationship _ -> True
RQDropRelationship _ -> True
RQSetRelationshipComment _ -> False
RQRenameRelationship _ -> True
RQCreateInsertPermission _ -> True
RQCreateSelectPermission _ -> True
RQCreateUpdatePermission _ -> True
RQCreateDeletePermission _ -> True
RQDropInsertPermission _ -> True
RQDropSelectPermission _ -> True
RQDropUpdatePermission _ -> True
RQDropDeletePermission _ -> True
RQSetPermissionComment _ -> False
RQInsert _ -> False
RQSelect _ -> False
RQUpdate _ -> False
RQDelete _ -> False
RQCount _ -> False
RQAddRemoteSchema _ -> True
RQRemoveRemoteSchema _ -> True
RQCreateEventTrigger _ -> True
RQDeleteEventTrigger _ -> True
RQDeliverEvent _ -> False
RQCreateQueryTemplate _ -> True
RQDropQueryTemplate _ -> True
RQExecuteQueryTemplate _ -> False
RQSetQueryTemplateComment _ -> False
RQRunSql _ -> True
RQReplaceMetadata _ -> True
RQExportMetadata _ -> False
RQClearMetadata _ -> True
RQReloadMetadata _ -> True
RQDumpInternalState _ -> False
RQBulk qs -> any queryNeedsReload qs
:: ( QErrM m, CacheRWM m, UserInfoM m, MonadTx m
, MonadIO m, HasHttpManager m, HasSQLGenCtx m
=> RQLQuery
-> m EncJSON
runQueryM rq = withPathK "args" $ case rq of
RQAddExistingTableOrView q -> runTrackTableQ q
RQTrackTable q -> runTrackTableQ q
RQUntrackTable q -> runUntrackTableQ q
RQTrackFunction q -> runTrackFunc q
RQUntrackFunction q -> runUntrackFunc q
RQCreateObjectRelationship q -> runCreateObjRel q
RQCreateArrayRelationship q -> runCreateArrRel q
RQDropRelationship q -> runDropRel q
RQSetRelationshipComment q -> runSetRelComment q
RQRenameRelationship q -> runRenameRel q
RQCreateInsertPermission q -> runCreatePerm q
RQCreateSelectPermission q -> runCreatePerm q
RQCreateUpdatePermission q -> runCreatePerm q
RQCreateDeletePermission q -> runCreatePerm q
RQDropInsertPermission q -> runDropPerm q
RQDropSelectPermission q -> runDropPerm q
RQDropUpdatePermission q -> runDropPerm q
RQDropDeletePermission q -> runDropPerm q
RQSetPermissionComment q -> runSetPermComment q
RQInsert q -> runInsert q
RQSelect q -> runSelect q
RQUpdate q -> runUpdate q
RQDelete q -> runDelete q
RQCount q -> runCount q
RQAddRemoteSchema q -> runAddRemoteSchema q
RQRemoveRemoteSchema q -> runRemoveRemoteSchema q
RQCreateEventTrigger q -> runCreateEventTriggerQuery q
RQDeleteEventTrigger q -> runDeleteEventTriggerQuery q
RQDeliverEvent q -> runDeliverEvent q
RQCreateQueryTemplate q -> runCreateQueryTemplate q
RQDropQueryTemplate q -> runDropQueryTemplate q
RQExecuteQueryTemplate q -> runExecQueryTemplate q
RQSetQueryTemplateComment q -> runSetQueryTemplateComment q
RQReplaceMetadata q -> runReplaceMetadata q
RQClearMetadata q -> runClearMetadata q
RQExportMetadata q -> runExportMetadata q
RQReloadMetadata q -> runReloadMetadata q
RQDumpInternalState q -> runDumpInternalState q
RQRunSql q -> runRunSQL q
RQBulk qs -> encJFromList <$> indexedMapM runQueryM qs