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synced 2024-12-19 05:21:47 +03:00
Previous versions of 'pg-client-hs' provided a Template Haskell splice 'sqlFromFile' which returned compile-time embedded PostgreSQL queries. Rather than returning a concrete 'Query', however, this function returned the polymorphic 'IsString txt => txt' which allowed the caller to implicitly convert the result to anything other type with some 'IsString' instance. https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/1570 GitOrigin-RevId: fb4294439148ae8b2762138ece2d59e8e18ef5e0
187 lines
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187 lines
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-- |
module Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.Meta
( loadDBMetadata
) where
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BSUTF8
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Database.ODBC.SQLServer as ODBC
import Data.Aeson as Aeson
import Data.FileEmbed (embedFile, makeRelativeToProject)
import Data.String
import Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.Connection
import Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.Instances.Types ()
import Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.Types
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Column
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common (OID (..))
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Table
import Hasura.SQL.Backend
-- Loader
:: (MonadError QErr m, MonadIO m)
=> MSSQLPool -> m (DBTablesMetadata 'MSSQL)
loadDBMetadata pool = do
queryBytes = $(makeRelativeToProject "src-rsr/mssql_table_metadata.sql" >>= embedFile)
odbcQuery :: ODBC.Query = fromString . BSUTF8.toString $ queryBytes
sysTablesText <- runJSONPathQuery pool odbcQuery
case Aeson.eitherDecodeStrict (T.encodeUtf8 sysTablesText) of
Left e -> throw500 $ T.pack $ "error loading sql server database schema: " <> e
Right sysTables -> pure $ HM.fromList $ map transformTable sysTables
-- Local types
data SysTable = SysTable
{ staName :: Text
, staObjectId :: Int
, staJoinedSysColumn :: [SysColumn]
, staJoinedSysSchema :: SysSchema
} deriving (Show, Generic)
instance FromJSON SysTable where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON hasuraJSON
data SysSchema = SysSchema
{ ssName :: Text
, ssSchemaId :: Int
} deriving (Show, Generic)
instance FromJSON SysSchema where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON hasuraJSON
data SysColumn = SysColumn
{ scName :: Text
, scColumnId :: Int
, scUserTypeId :: Int
, scIsNullable :: Bool
, scJoinedSysType :: SysType
, scJoinedForeignKeyColumns :: [SysForeignKeyColumn]
} deriving (Show, Generic)
instance FromJSON SysColumn where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON hasuraJSON
data SysType = SysType
{ styName :: Text
, stySchemaId :: Int
, styUserTypeId :: Int
} deriving (Show, Generic)
instance FromJSON SysType where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON hasuraJSON
data SysForeignKeyColumn = SysForeignKeyColumn
{ sfkcConstraintObjectId :: Int
, sfkcConstraintColumnId :: Int
, sfkcParentObjectId :: Int
, sfkcParentColumnId :: Int
, sfkcReferencedObjectId :: Int
, sfkcReferencedColumnId :: Int
, sfkcJoinedReferencedTableName :: Text
, sfkcJoinedReferencedColumnName :: Text
, sfkcJoinedReferencedSysSchema :: SysSchema
} deriving (Show, Generic)
instance FromJSON SysForeignKeyColumn where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON hasuraJSON
-- Transform
transformTable :: SysTable -> (TableName, DBTableMetadata 'MSSQL)
transformTable tableInfo =
let schemaName = ssName $ staJoinedSysSchema tableInfo
tableName = TableName (staName tableInfo) schemaName
tableOID = OID $ staObjectId tableInfo
(columns, foreignKeys) = unzip $ transformColumn <$> staJoinedSysColumn tableInfo
foreignKeysMetadata = HS.fromList $ map ForeignKeyMetadata $ coalesceKeys $ concat foreignKeys
in ( tableName
, DBTableMetadata
Nothing -- no primary key information?
HS.empty -- no unique constraints?
Nothing -- no views, only tables
Nothing -- no description
:: SysColumn
-> (RawColumnInfo 'MSSQL, [ForeignKey 'MSSQL])
transformColumn columnInfo =
let prciName = ColumnName $ scName columnInfo
prciPosition = scColumnId columnInfo
-- ^ the IR uses this to uniquely identify columns, as Postgres will
-- keep a unique position for a column even when columns are added
-- or dropped. We assume here that this arbitrary column id can
-- serve the same purpose.
prciIsNullable = scIsNullable columnInfo
prciDescription = Nothing
prciType = parseScalarType $ styName $ scJoinedSysType columnInfo
foreignKeys = scJoinedForeignKeyColumns columnInfo <&> \foreignKeyColumn ->
let _fkConstraint = Constraint () $ OID $ sfkcConstraintObjectId foreignKeyColumn
-- ^ constraints have no name in MSSQL, and are uniquely identified by their OID
schemaName = ssName $ sfkcJoinedReferencedSysSchema foreignKeyColumn
_fkForeignTable = TableName (sfkcJoinedReferencedTableName foreignKeyColumn) schemaName
_fkColumnMapping = HM.singleton prciName $ ColumnName $ sfkcJoinedReferencedColumnName foreignKeyColumn
in ForeignKey {..}
in (RawColumnInfo{..}, foreignKeys)
-- Helpers
coalesceKeys :: [ForeignKey 'MSSQL] -> [ForeignKey 'MSSQL]
coalesceKeys = HM.elems . foldl' coalesce HM.empty
coalesce mapping fk@(ForeignKey constraint tableName _) = HM.insertWith combine (constraint, tableName) fk mapping
combine oldFK newFK = oldFK { _fkColumnMapping = (HM.union `on` _fkColumnMapping) oldFK newFK }
parseScalarType :: Text -> ScalarType
parseScalarType = \case
"char" -> CharType
"numeric" -> NumericType
"decimal" -> DecimalType
"money" -> DecimalType
"smallmoney" -> DecimalType
"int" -> IntegerType
"smallint" -> SmallintType
"float" -> FloatType
"real" -> RealType
"date" -> DateType
"time" -> Ss_time2Type
"varchar" -> VarcharType
"nchar" -> WcharType
"nvarchar" -> WvarcharType
"ntext" -> WtextType
"timestamp" -> TimestampType
"text" -> TextType
"binary" -> BinaryType
"bigint" -> BigintType
"tinyint" -> TinyintType
"varbinary" -> VarbinaryType
"bit" -> BitType
"uniqueidentifier" -> GuidType
"geography" -> GeographyType
"geometry" -> GeometryType
t -> UnknownType t