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-- | This module defines all basic Template Haskell functions we use in the rest
-- of this folder, to generate code that deals with all possible known
-- backends.
-- Those are all "normal" Haskell functions in the @Q@ monad: they deal with
-- values that represent Haskell code. Those functions are used, in other
-- modules, within Template Haskell splices.
-- For more information about Template Haskell:
-- * this tutorial is an incredible resource: https://markkarpov.com/tutorial/th.html
-- * the definition of the AST is fairly readable:
-- * Exp: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/template-haskell-
-- * Dec: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/template-haskell-
module Hasura.SQL.TH
( backendConstructors
, forEachBackend
, getBackendValue
, getBackendTypeValue
, getBackendTagName
, getBackendValueName
, backendList
, backendCase
, backendData
, mkDispatch
) where
import Hasura.Prelude
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Hasura.SQL.Backend
type BackendConstructor = [Name]
-- | Inspects the 'BackendType' to produce a list of its constructors in the 'Q' monad. Each
-- constructor is represented as a list of names, to include the arguments, if any.
-- This assumes that the arguments themselves don't have arguments.
backendConstructors :: Q [BackendConstructor]
backendConstructors = do
TyConI (DataD _ _ _ _ cons _) <- reify ''BackendType
concat <$> for cons \con -> do
-- We pattern match in the monad to rely on 'fail'.
NormalC name args <- pure con
argsConstructors <- for args \(_, arg) -> do
ConT argName <- pure arg
TyConI (DataD _ _ _ _ argCons _) <- reify argName
pure [argCon | NormalC argCon _ <- argCons]
pure $ map (name :) $ sequenceA argsConstructors
-- | Associates a value in the 'Q' monad to each backend @Name@.
forEachBackend :: (BackendConstructor -> Q a) -> Q [a]
forEachBackend f = traverse f =<< backendConstructors
-- | Associates to a backend the promoted type level value.
-- getBackendValue ["Postgres", "Vanilla"] = [| Postgres Vanilla |]
getBackendValue :: BackendConstructor -> Exp
getBackendValue backend = foldl1 AppE $ ConE <$> backend
-- | Associates to a backend the promoted type level value.
-- getBackendValue ["Postgres", "Vanilla"] = [t| ('Postgres 'Vanilla) |]
getBackendTypeValue :: BackendConstructor -> Type
getBackendTypeValue backend = ParensT $ foldl1 AppT $ PromotedT <$> backend
-- | Associates to a backend the Name of its corresponding tag.
getBackendTagName :: BackendConstructor -> Name
getBackendTagName backend = mkName $ concatMap nameBase backend ++ "Tag"
-- | Associates to a backend the Name of its corresponding 'AnyBackend' constructor.
getBackendValueName :: BackendConstructor -> Name
getBackendValueName backend = mkName $ concatMap nameBase backend ++ "Value"
-- | Creates a list of values by associating an expression to each backend.
backendList :: (BackendConstructor -> Q Exp) -> Q Exp
backendList f = ListE <$> forEachBackend f
-- | Creates a case expression with a match for each backend. It is not possible
-- do directly expand a @Q [Match]@, which is a body of a case, hence the need
-- to instead generate the full @Q Exp@.
:: Q Exp -- ^ the expresion on which we do a case switch
-> (BackendConstructor -> Q Pat) -- ^ the match pattern for a given backend
-> (BackendConstructor -> Q Exp) -- ^ the match body for a given backend
-> Maybe (Q Exp) -- ^ the default case, if any
-> Q Exp
backendCase caseExp toPat toBody defaultCase = do
cexp <- caseExp
matches <- forEachBackend \b -> do
pat <- toPat b
body <- toBody b
pure $ Match pat (NormalB body) []
allMatches <- case defaultCase of
Nothing -> pure matches
Just e -> do
defaultBody <- NormalB <$> e
pure $ matches ++ [Match WildP defaultBody []]
pure $ CaseE cexp allMatches
-- | Creates a data type in which there's one constructor per backend. While
-- this only returns one declaration, it nonetheless returns a @[Dec]@ as it's
-- what the $() splice interpolation syntax expects.
:: Name -- ^ the name of the type
-> [TyVarBndr] -- ^ type variables of the type if any
-> (BackendConstructor -> Q Con) -- ^ the constructor for a given backend
-> Q [Dec]
backendData name tVars mkCon = do
constructors <- forEachBackend mkCon
pure [DataD [] name tVars Nothing constructors []]
-- | Generates a case expression that applies a function @f@ to each possible value
-- of an 'AnyBackend' @e@:
-- case e of
-- FooValue x -> f x
-- BarValue x -> f x
-- This function needs to be in a separate file from 'AnyBackend', so that it
-- can be used in splices of another module.
:: Name -- ^ the name of the function to dispatch
-> Name -- ^ the name of the 'AnyBackend' value
-> Q Exp
mkDispatch func value = do
let fE = pure $ VarE func
vE = pure $ VarE value
backendCase [| $vE |]
-- the pattern for a backend
(\b -> pure $ ConP (getBackendValueName b) [VarP $ mkName "x"])
-- the body for a backend
(const [| $fE x |])
-- no default case