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{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Control.Arrow.Trans
( ArrowTrans (..),
ArrowError (..),
ErrorA (..),
ArrowReader (..),
ReaderA (..),
ArrowWriter (..),
WriterA (WriterA, runWriterA),
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Category
import Control.Monad.Error.Class
import Control.Monad.Reader.Class
import Control.Monad.Writer.Class
import Prelude hiding (id, (.))
class (Arrow arr, Arrow (t arr)) => ArrowTrans t arr where
liftA :: arr a b -> t arr a b
class (Arrow arr) => ArrowError e arr | arr -> e where
throwA :: arr e a
-- see Note [Weird control operator types]
catchA :: arr (a, s) b -> arr (a, (e, s)) b -> arr (a, s) b
liftEitherA :: (ArrowChoice arr, ArrowError e arr) => arr (Either e a) a
liftEitherA = throwA ||| returnA
{-# INLINE liftEitherA #-}
mapErrorA :: (ArrowError e arr) => arr (a, s) b -> arr (a, (e -> e, s)) b
mapErrorA f = proc (a, (g, s)) -> (f -< (a, s)) `catchA` \e -> throwA -< g e
{-# INLINE mapErrorA #-}
class (Arrow arr) => ArrowReader r arr | arr -> r where
askA :: arr a r
-- see Note [Weird control operator types]
localA :: arr (a, s) b -> arr (a, (r, s)) b
class (Monoid w, Arrow arr) => ArrowWriter w arr | arr -> w where
tellA :: arr w ()
listenA :: arr a b -> arr a (b, w)
instance (MonadError e m) => ArrowError e (Kleisli m) where
throwA = Kleisli throwError
catchA (Kleisli f) (Kleisli g) = Kleisli \(a, s) -> f (a, s) `catchError` \e -> g (a, (e, s))
instance (MonadReader r m) => ArrowReader r (Kleisli m) where
askA = Kleisli $ const ask
localA (Kleisli f) = Kleisli \(a, (r, s)) -> local (const r) (f (a, s))
instance (MonadWriter w m) => ArrowWriter w (Kleisli m) where
tellA = Kleisli tell
listenA (Kleisli f) = Kleisli (listen . f)
newtype ErrorA e arr a b = ErrorA {runErrorA :: arr a (Either e b)}
deriving (Functor)
instance (ArrowChoice arr) => Category (ErrorA e arr) where
id = ErrorA (arr Right)
{-# INLINE id #-}
ErrorA f . ErrorA g = ErrorA ((arr Left ||| f) . g)
{-# INLINEABLE (.) #-}
sequenceFirst :: (Functor f) => (f a, b) -> f (a, b)
sequenceFirst (a, b) = (,b) <$> a
{-# INLINEABLE sequenceFirst #-}
instance (ArrowChoice arr) => Arrow (ErrorA e arr) where
arr f = ErrorA (arr (Right . f))
{-# INLINE arr #-}
first (ErrorA f) = ErrorA (arr sequenceFirst . first f)
{-# INLINE first #-}
reassociateEither :: Either (Either a b) c -> Either a (Either b c)
reassociateEither = either (either Left (Right . Left)) (Right . Right)
instance (ArrowChoice arr) => ArrowChoice (ErrorA e arr) where
left (ErrorA f) = ErrorA (arr reassociateEither . left f)
{-# INLINE left #-}
ErrorA f ||| ErrorA g = ErrorA (f ||| g)
{-# INLINE (|||) #-}
instance (ArrowChoice arr, ArrowApply arr) => ArrowApply (ErrorA e arr) where
app = ErrorA (app . first (arr runErrorA))
{-# INLINE app #-}
instance (ArrowChoice arr) => ArrowTrans (ErrorA e) arr where
liftA f = ErrorA (arr Right . f)
{-# INLINE liftA #-}
instance (ArrowChoice arr) => ArrowError e (ErrorA e arr) where
throwA = ErrorA (arr Left)
{-# INLINE throwA #-}
catchA (ErrorA f) (ErrorA g) = ErrorA proc (a, s) -> do
r <- f -< (a, s)
case r of
Left e -> g -< (a, (e, s))
Right v -> returnA -< Right v
{-# INLINEABLE catchA #-}
instance (ArrowReader r arr, ArrowChoice arr) => ArrowReader r (ErrorA e arr) where
askA = liftA askA
{-# INLINE askA #-}
localA (ErrorA f) = ErrorA (localA f)
{-# INLINE localA #-}
instance (ArrowWriter w arr, ArrowChoice arr) => ArrowWriter w (ErrorA e arr) where
tellA = liftA tellA
{-# INLINE tellA #-}
listenA (ErrorA f) = ErrorA (arr sequenceFirst . listenA f)
{-# INLINE listenA #-}
newtype ReaderA r arr a b = ReaderA {runReaderA :: arr (a, r) b}
instance (Arrow arr) => Category (ReaderA r arr) where
id = ReaderA (arr fst)
{-# INLINE id #-}
ReaderA f . ReaderA g = ReaderA proc (a, r) -> do
b <- g -< (a, r)
f -< (b, r)
{-# INLINE (.) #-}
instance (Arrow arr) => Arrow (ReaderA r arr) where
arr f = ReaderA (arr (f . fst))
{-# INLINE arr #-}
first (ReaderA f) = ReaderA proc ((a, c), r) -> do
b <- f -< (a, r)
returnA -< (b, c)
{-# INLINE first #-}
instance (ArrowChoice arr) => ArrowChoice (ReaderA r arr) where
left (ReaderA f) = ReaderA proc (e, r) -> case e of
Left a -> arr Left . f -< (a, r)
Right b -> returnA -< Right b
{-# INLINE left #-}
ReaderA f ||| ReaderA g = ReaderA ((f ||| g) . arr \(e, r) -> ((,r) +++ (,r)) e)
{-# INLINE (|||) #-}
instance (ArrowApply arr) => ArrowApply (ReaderA r arr) where
app = ReaderA (app . arr \((ReaderA f, x), r) -> (f, (x, r)))
{-# INLINE app #-}
instance (Arrow arr) => ArrowTrans (ReaderA r) arr where
liftA f = ReaderA (f . arr fst)
{-# INLINE liftA #-}
instance (Arrow arr) => ArrowReader r (ReaderA r arr) where
askA = ReaderA (arr snd)
{-# INLINE askA #-}
localA (ReaderA f) = ReaderA proc ((a, (r, s)), _) -> f -< ((a, s), r)
{-# INLINE localA #-}
instance (ArrowError e arr) => ArrowError e (ReaderA r arr) where
throwA = liftA throwA
{-# INLINE throwA #-}
catchA (ReaderA f) (ReaderA g) = ReaderA proc ((a, s), r) ->
(f -< ((a, s), r)) `catchA` \e -> g -< ((a, (e, s)), r)
{-# INLINE catchA #-}
instance (ArrowWriter w arr) => ArrowWriter w (ReaderA r arr) where
tellA = liftA tellA
{-# INLINE tellA #-}
listenA (ReaderA f) = ReaderA (listenA f)
{-# INLINE listenA #-}
newtype WriterA w arr a b
= -- Internally defined using state passing to avoid space leaks. The real constructor should be
-- left unexported to avoid misuse.
MkWriterA (arr (a, w) (b, w))
pattern WriterA :: (Monoid w, Arrow arr) => arr a (b, w) -> WriterA w arr a b
pattern WriterA {runWriterA} <-
MkWriterA (\f -> f . arr (,mempty) -> runWriterA)
WriterA f = MkWriterA (arr (\((b, w), w1) -> let !w2 = w1 <> w in (b, w2)) . first f)
{-# COMPLETE WriterA #-}
instance (Category arr) => Category (WriterA w arr) where
id = MkWriterA id
{-# INLINE id #-}
MkWriterA f . MkWriterA g = MkWriterA (f . g)
{-# INLINE (.) #-}
instance (Arrow arr) => Arrow (WriterA w arr) where
arr f = MkWriterA (arr $ first f)
{-# INLINE arr #-}
first (MkWriterA f) = MkWriterA proc ((a1, b), w1) -> do
(a2, w2) <- f -< (a1, w1)
returnA -< ((a2, b), w2)
{-# INLINE first #-}
instance (ArrowChoice arr) => ArrowChoice (WriterA w arr) where
left (MkWriterA f) = MkWriterA proc (e, w) -> case e of
Left a -> arr (first Left) . f -< (a, w)
Right b -> returnA -< (Right b, w)
{-# INLINE left #-}
f ||| g = arr (either id id) . right g . left f
{-# INLINE (|||) #-}
instance (ArrowApply arr) => ArrowApply (WriterA w arr) where
app = MkWriterA (app . arr \((MkWriterA f, x), w) -> (f, (x, w)))
{-# INLINE app #-}
instance (Arrow arr) => ArrowTrans (WriterA w) arr where
liftA = MkWriterA . first
{-# INLINE liftA #-}
instance (Monoid w, Arrow arr) => ArrowWriter w (WriterA w arr) where
tellA = MkWriterA $ arr \(w, w1) -> let !w2 = w1 <> w in ((), w2)
listenA (WriterA f) = WriterA (arr (\(a, w) -> ((a, w), w)) . f)
{-# INLINE listenA #-}
instance (ArrowError e arr) => ArrowError e (WriterA w arr) where
throwA = liftA throwA
{-# INLINE throwA #-}
catchA (MkWriterA f) (MkWriterA g) = MkWriterA proc ((a, s), w) ->
(f -< ((a, s), w)) `catchA` \e -> g -< ((a, (e, s)), w)
{-# INLINE catchA #-}
instance (ArrowReader r arr) => ArrowReader r (WriterA w arr) where
askA = liftA askA
{-# INLINE askA #-}
localA (MkWriterA f) = MkWriterA proc ((a, (r, s)), w) -> (| localA (f -< ((a, s), w)) |) r
{-# INLINE localA #-}