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synced 2025-01-05 22:34:22 +03:00
[GDC-1063]: https://hasurahq.atlassian.net/browse/GDC-1063?atlOrigin=eyJpIjoiNWRkNTljNzYxNjVmNDY3MDlhMDU5Y2ZhYzA5YTRkZjUiLCJwIjoiZ2l0aHViLWNvbS1KU1cifQ PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/8249 GitOrigin-RevId: 9d6dec3b4ef38fd7972bd0b9d3cfdfece1dcdcb5
368 lines
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368 lines
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-- | This module contains Data Connector request/response planning code and utility
-- functions and types that are common across the different categories of requests
-- (ie queries, mutations, etc). It contains code and concepts that are independent
-- of these different categories.
-- Both 'Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.Plan.QueryPlan' and
-- 'Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.Plan.MutationPlan' use the contents of this module,
-- for example 'Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.Plan.QueryPlan.mkQueryPlan`.
module Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.Plan.Common
( Plan (..),
TableRelationships (..),
Cardinality (..),
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.CPS qualified as CPS
import Data.Aeson qualified as J
import Data.Aeson.Encoding qualified as JE
import Data.Aeson.Types qualified as J
import Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor (bimap))
import Data.ByteString qualified as BS
import Data.Has (Has (modifier))
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as TE
import Data.Text.Extended (toTxt, (<<>), (<>>))
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.API qualified as API
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.Adapter.Backend
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.Adapter.Types
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.IR.BoolExp
import Hasura.RQL.IR.Value
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Backend (SessionVarType)
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Column
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Relationships.Local (RelInfo (..))
import Hasura.SQL.Backend
import Hasura.SQL.Types (CollectableType (..))
import Hasura.Session
import Witch qualified
-- | Represents a 'request' to be sent to a data connector agent ('_pRequest') and a function
-- that is capable of reshaping the response to that request into the final JSON form expected
-- to be returned by the GraphQL endpoint ('_pResponseReshaper').
data Plan request response = Plan
{ _pRequest :: request,
_pResponseReshaper :: forall m. (MonadError QErr m) => response -> m J.Encoding
-- | A monoidal data structure used to record Table Relationships encountered during request
-- translation. Used with 'recordTableRelationship'.
newtype TableRelationships = TableRelationships
{unTableRelationships :: HashMap API.TableName (HashMap API.RelationshipName API.Relationship)}
deriving stock (Eq, Show)
instance Semigroup TableRelationships where
(TableRelationships l) <> (TableRelationships r) = TableRelationships $ HashMap.unionWith HashMap.union l r
instance Monoid TableRelationships where
mempty = TableRelationships mempty
-- | Records a table relationship encountered during request translation into the output of the current
-- 'CPS.WriterT'
recordTableRelationship ::
( Has TableRelationships writerOutput,
Monoid writerOutput,
MonadError QErr m
) =>
API.TableName ->
API.RelationshipName ->
API.Relationship ->
CPS.WriterT writerOutput m ()
recordTableRelationship sourceTableName relationshipName relationship =
let newRelationship = TableRelationships $ HashMap.singleton sourceTableName (HashMap.singleton relationshipName relationship)
in CPS.tell $ modifier (const newRelationship) mempty
recordTableRelationshipFromRelInfo ::
( Has TableRelationships writerOutput,
Monoid writerOutput,
MonadError QErr m
) =>
API.TableName ->
RelInfo 'DataConnector ->
CPS.WriterT writerOutput m (API.RelationshipName, API.Relationship)
recordTableRelationshipFromRelInfo sourceTableName RelInfo {..} = do
let relationshipName = mkRelationshipName riName
let relationshipType = case riType of
ObjRel -> API.ObjectRelationship
ArrRel -> API.ArrayRelationship
let relationship =
{ _rTargetTable = Witch.from riRTable,
_rRelationshipType = relationshipType,
_rColumnMapping = HashMap.fromList $ bimap Witch.from Witch.from <$> HashMap.toList riMapping
pure (relationshipName, relationship)
-- | Represents a potential prefix that can be applied to a field name, useful for
-- namespacing field names that may be otherwise duplicated.
newtype FieldPrefix = FieldPrefix (Maybe FieldName)
deriving stock (Show, Eq)
instance Semigroup FieldPrefix where
(FieldPrefix Nothing) <> (FieldPrefix something) = FieldPrefix something
(FieldPrefix something) <> (FieldPrefix Nothing) = FieldPrefix something
(FieldPrefix (Just l)) <> (FieldPrefix (Just r)) = FieldPrefix . Just $ l <> "_" <> r
instance Monoid FieldPrefix where
mempty = FieldPrefix Nothing
noPrefix :: FieldPrefix
noPrefix = FieldPrefix Nothing
prefixWith :: FieldName -> FieldPrefix
prefixWith = FieldPrefix . Just
applyPrefix :: FieldPrefix -> FieldName -> FieldName
applyPrefix (FieldPrefix fieldNamePrefix) fieldName = maybe fieldName (\prefix -> prefix <> "_" <> fieldName) fieldNamePrefix
data Cardinality
= Single
| Many
prepareLiteral ::
MonadError QErr m =>
SessionVariables ->
UnpreparedValue 'DataConnector ->
m Literal
prepareLiteral sessionVariables = \case
UVLiteral literal -> pure $ literal
UVParameter _ e -> pure (ValueLiteral (columnTypeToScalarType $ cvType e) (cvValue e))
UVSession -> throw400 NotSupported "prepareLiteral: UVSession"
UVSessionVar sessionVarType sessionVar -> do
textValue <-
getSessionVariableValue sessionVar sessionVariables
`onNothing` throw400 NotSupported ("prepareLiteral: session var not found: " <>> sessionVar)
parseSessionVariable sessionVar sessionVarType textValue
parseSessionVariable ::
forall m.
MonadError QErr m =>
SessionVariable ->
SessionVarType 'DataConnector ->
Text ->
m Literal
parseSessionVariable varName varType varValue = do
case varType of
CollectableTypeScalar scalarType@(ScalarType customTypeName _) ->
parseCustomValue scalarType (customTypeName <> " JSON value")
CollectableTypeArray scalarType@(ScalarType customTypeName _) ->
parseCustomArray scalarType ("JSON array of " <> customTypeName <> " JSON values")
parseCustomValue :: ScalarType -> Text -> m Literal
parseCustomValue scalarType description =
case scalarType of
ScalarType _ (Just GraphQLString) ->
-- Special case for string: uses literal session variable value rather than trying to parse a JSON string
pure . ValueLiteral scalarType $ J.String varValue
_ ->
parseValue' (parseValue scalarType) (ValueLiteral scalarType) description
parseCustomArray :: ScalarType -> Text -> m Literal
parseCustomArray scalarType =
parseValue' parser (ArrayLiteral scalarType)
parser :: (J.Value -> J.Parser [J.Value])
parser = J.withArray "array of JSON values" (fmap toList . traverse (parseValue scalarType))
parseValue' :: (J.Value -> J.Parser a) -> (a -> Literal) -> Text -> m Literal
parseValue' parser toLiteral description =
<$> (J.eitherDecodeStrict' valValueBS >>= J.parseEither parser)
`onLeft` (\err -> throw400 ParseFailed ("Expected " <> description <> " for session variable " <> varName <<> ". " <> T.pack err))
valValueBS :: BS.ByteString
valValueBS = TE.encodeUtf8 varValue
translateBoolExpToExpression ::
( Has TableRelationships writerOutput,
Monoid writerOutput,
MonadError QErr m
) =>
SessionVariables ->
API.TableName ->
AnnBoolExp 'DataConnector (UnpreparedValue 'DataConnector) ->
CPS.WriterT writerOutput m (Maybe API.Expression)
translateBoolExpToExpression sessionVariables sourceTableName boolExp = do
removeAlwaysTrueExpression <$> translateBoolExp sessionVariables sourceTableName boolExp
translateBoolExp ::
( Has TableRelationships writerOutput,
Monoid writerOutput,
MonadError QErr m
) =>
SessionVariables ->
API.TableName ->
AnnBoolExp 'DataConnector (UnpreparedValue 'DataConnector) ->
CPS.WriterT writerOutput m API.Expression
translateBoolExp sessionVariables sourceTableName = \case
BoolAnd xs ->
mkIfZeroOrMany API.And . mapMaybe removeAlwaysTrueExpression <$> traverse (translateBoolExp' sourceTableName) xs
BoolOr xs ->
mkIfZeroOrMany API.Or . mapMaybe removeAlwaysFalseExpression <$> traverse (translateBoolExp' sourceTableName) xs
BoolNot x ->
API.Not <$> (translateBoolExp' sourceTableName) x
BoolField (AVColumn c xs) ->
lift $ mkIfZeroOrMany API.And <$> traverse (translateOp sessionVariables (Witch.from $ ciColumn c) (Witch.from . columnTypeToScalarType $ ciType c)) xs
BoolField (AVRelationship relationshipInfo boolExp) -> do
(relationshipName, API.Relationship {..}) <- recordTableRelationshipFromRelInfo sourceTableName relationshipInfo
API.Exists (API.RelatedTable relationshipName) <$> translateBoolExp' _rTargetTable boolExp
BoolExists GExists {..} ->
let tableName = Witch.from _geTable
in API.Exists (API.UnrelatedTable tableName) <$> translateBoolExp' tableName _geWhere
translateBoolExp' = translateBoolExp sessionVariables
-- Makes an 'API.Expression' like 'API.And' if there is zero or many input expressions otherwise
-- just returns the singleton expression. This helps remove redundant 'API.And' etcs from the expression.
mkIfZeroOrMany :: ([API.Expression] -> API.Expression) -> [API.Expression] -> API.Expression
mkIfZeroOrMany mk = \case
[singleExp] -> singleExp
zeroOrManyExps -> mk zeroOrManyExps
removeAlwaysTrueExpression :: API.Expression -> Maybe API.Expression
removeAlwaysTrueExpression = \case
API.And [] -> Nothing
API.Not (API.Or []) -> Nothing
other -> Just other
removeAlwaysFalseExpression :: API.Expression -> Maybe API.Expression
removeAlwaysFalseExpression = \case
API.Or [] -> Nothing
API.Not (API.And []) -> Nothing
other -> Just other
translateOp ::
MonadError QErr m =>
SessionVariables ->
API.ColumnName ->
API.ScalarType ->
OpExpG 'DataConnector (UnpreparedValue 'DataConnector) ->
m API.Expression
translateOp sessionVariables columnName columnType opExp = do
preparedOpExp <- traverse (prepareLiteral sessionVariables) $ opExp
case preparedOpExp of
AEQ _ (ValueLiteral scalarType value) ->
pure $ mkApplyBinaryComparisonOperatorToScalar API.Equal value scalarType
AEQ _ (ArrayLiteral _scalarType _array) ->
throw400 NotSupported "Array literals not supported for AEQ operator"
ANE _ (ValueLiteral scalarType value) ->
pure . API.Not $ mkApplyBinaryComparisonOperatorToScalar API.Equal value scalarType
ANE _ (ArrayLiteral _scalarType _array) ->
throw400 NotSupported "Array literals not supported for ANE operator"
AGT (ValueLiteral scalarType value) ->
pure $ mkApplyBinaryComparisonOperatorToScalar API.GreaterThan value scalarType
AGT (ArrayLiteral _scalarType _array) ->
throw400 NotSupported "Array literals not supported for AGT operator"
ALT (ValueLiteral scalarType value) ->
pure $ mkApplyBinaryComparisonOperatorToScalar API.LessThan value scalarType
ALT (ArrayLiteral _scalarType _array) ->
throw400 NotSupported "Array literals not supported for ALT operator"
AGTE (ValueLiteral scalarType value) ->
pure $ mkApplyBinaryComparisonOperatorToScalar API.GreaterThanOrEqual value scalarType
AGTE (ArrayLiteral _scalarType _array) ->
throw400 NotSupported "Array literals not supported for AGTE operator"
ALTE (ValueLiteral scalarType value) ->
pure $ mkApplyBinaryComparisonOperatorToScalar API.LessThanOrEqual value scalarType
ALTE (ArrayLiteral _scalarType _array) ->
throw400 NotSupported "Array literals not supported for ALTE operator"
pure $ API.ApplyUnaryComparisonOperator API.IsNull currentComparisonColumn
pure $ API.Not (API.ApplyUnaryComparisonOperator API.IsNull currentComparisonColumn)
AIN literal -> pure $ inOperator literal
ANIN literal -> pure . API.Not $ inOperator literal
CEQ rootOrCurrentColumn ->
pure $ mkApplyBinaryComparisonOperatorToAnotherColumn API.Equal rootOrCurrentColumn
CNE rootOrCurrentColumn ->
pure $ API.Not $ mkApplyBinaryComparisonOperatorToAnotherColumn API.Equal rootOrCurrentColumn
CGT rootOrCurrentColumn ->
pure $ mkApplyBinaryComparisonOperatorToAnotherColumn API.GreaterThan rootOrCurrentColumn
CLT rootOrCurrentColumn ->
pure $ mkApplyBinaryComparisonOperatorToAnotherColumn API.LessThan rootOrCurrentColumn
CGTE rootOrCurrentColumn ->
pure $ mkApplyBinaryComparisonOperatorToAnotherColumn API.GreaterThanOrEqual rootOrCurrentColumn
CLTE rootOrCurrentColumn ->
pure $ mkApplyBinaryComparisonOperatorToAnotherColumn API.LessThanOrEqual rootOrCurrentColumn
ALIKE _literal ->
throw400 NotSupported "The ALIKE operator is not supported by the Data Connector backend"
ANLIKE _literal ->
throw400 NotSupported "The ANLIKE operator is not supported by the Data Connector backend"
ACast _literal ->
throw400 NotSupported "The ACast operator is not supported by the Data Connector backend"
ABackendSpecific CustomBooleanOperator {..} -> case _cboRHS of
Nothing -> pure $ API.ApplyUnaryComparisonOperator (API.CustomUnaryComparisonOperator _cboName) currentComparisonColumn
Just (Left rootOrCurrentColumn) ->
pure $ mkApplyBinaryComparisonOperatorToAnotherColumn (API.CustomBinaryComparisonOperator _cboName) rootOrCurrentColumn
Just (Right (ValueLiteral scalarType value)) ->
pure $ mkApplyBinaryComparisonOperatorToScalar (API.CustomBinaryComparisonOperator _cboName) value scalarType
Just (Right (ArrayLiteral scalarType array)) ->
pure $ API.ApplyBinaryArrayComparisonOperator (API.CustomBinaryArrayComparisonOperator _cboName) currentComparisonColumn array (Witch.from scalarType)
currentComparisonColumn :: API.ComparisonColumn
currentComparisonColumn = API.ComparisonColumn API.CurrentTable columnName columnType
mkApplyBinaryComparisonOperatorToAnotherColumn :: API.BinaryComparisonOperator -> RootOrCurrentColumn 'DataConnector -> API.Expression
mkApplyBinaryComparisonOperatorToAnotherColumn operator (RootOrCurrentColumn rootOrCurrent otherColumnName) =
let columnPath = case rootOrCurrent of
IsRoot -> API.QueryTable
IsCurrent -> API.CurrentTable
in API.ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator operator currentComparisonColumn (API.AnotherColumnComparison $ API.ComparisonColumn columnPath (Witch.from otherColumnName) columnType)
inOperator :: Literal -> API.Expression
inOperator literal =
let (values, scalarType) = case literal of
ArrayLiteral scalarType' array -> (array, scalarType')
ValueLiteral scalarType' value -> ([value], scalarType')
in API.ApplyBinaryArrayComparisonOperator API.In currentComparisonColumn values (Witch.from scalarType)
mkApplyBinaryComparisonOperatorToScalar :: API.BinaryComparisonOperator -> J.Value -> ScalarType -> API.Expression
mkApplyBinaryComparisonOperatorToScalar operator value scalarType =
API.ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator operator currentComparisonColumn (API.ScalarValueComparison $ API.ScalarValue value (Witch.from scalarType))
mkRelationshipName :: RelName -> API.RelationshipName
mkRelationshipName relName = API.RelationshipName $ toTxt relName
mapFieldNameHashMap :: HashMap FieldName v -> HashMap API.FieldName v
mapFieldNameHashMap = HashMap.mapKeys (API.FieldName . getFieldNameTxt)
encodeAssocListAsObject :: [(Text, J.Encoding)] -> J.Encoding
encodeAssocListAsObject =
(\fn -> foldr (uncurry fn))