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[NDAT-621]: https://hasurahq.atlassian.net/browse/NDAT-621?atlOrigin=eyJpIjoiNWRkNTljNzYxNjVmNDY3MDlhMDU5Y2ZhYzA5YTRkZjUiLCJwIjoiZ2l0aHViLWNvbS1KU1cifQ PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/9201 GitOrigin-RevId: 91886f5f8d125d49c35647cfbfc3c6621d932761
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{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
-- | Postgres Instances Metadata
-- Defines a 'Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata.Backend.BackendMetadata' type class instance for Postgres.
module Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Instances.Metadata () where
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd qualified as InsOrdHashMap
import Data.HashMap.Strict.NonEmpty qualified as NEHashMap
import Data.HashSet qualified as HashSet
import Data.Semigroup.Foldable (toNonEmpty)
import Data.String.Interpolate (i)
import Data.Text.Extended
import Database.PG.Query.PTI qualified as PTI
import Database.PG.Query.Pool (fromPGTxErr)
import Database.PG.Query.Transaction (Query)
import Database.PG.Query.Transaction qualified as Query
import Database.PostgreSQL.LibPQ qualified as PQ
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.DDL qualified as Postgres
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Execute.Types (PGExecCtxInfo (..), PGExecFrom (..), PGExecTxType (..), runPgSourceReadTx, _pecRunTx, _pscExecCtx)
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Instances.NativeQueries as Postgres (validateNativeQuery)
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Types (QualifiedObject (..), QualifiedTable)
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Types qualified as Postgres
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Types.CitusExtraTableMetadata
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Relationship (defaultBuildArrayRelationshipInfo, defaultBuildObjectRelationshipInfo)
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Backend (Backend)
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Backend qualified as Backend
import Hasura.RQL.Types.BackendType
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Column (ColumnMutability (..), RawColumnInfo (..))
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata.Backend
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Relationships.Local
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCache (askSourceConfig)
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Source.Column (SourceColumnInfo (..))
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Source.Table (SourceConstraint (..), SourceForeignKeys (..), SourceTableInfo (..), SourceTableType (..))
import Hasura.Table.Cache
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax (unDescription)
-- PostgresMetadata
-- | We differentiate the handling of metadata between Citus and Vanilla
-- Postgres because Citus imposes limitations on the types of joins that it
-- permits, which then limits the types of relations that we can track.
class PostgresMetadata (pgKind :: PostgresKind) where
-- TODO: find a better name
validateRel ::
(MonadError QErr m) =>
TableCache ('Postgres pgKind) ->
QualifiedTable ->
Either (ObjRelDef ('Postgres pgKind)) (ArrRelDef ('Postgres pgKind)) ->
m ()
-- | A query for getting the list of all tables on a given data source. This
-- is primarily used by the console to display tables for tracking etc.
listAllTablesSql :: Query
-- | Given 'PgExtraTableMetadata', return whether this is source "table" is a
-- table or a view.
tableTypeImpl :: Backend.ExtraTableMetadata ('Postgres pgKind) -> SourceTableType
-- | A mapping from pg scalar types with clear oid equivalent to oid.
-- This is a insert order hash map so that when we invert it
-- duplicate oids will point to a more "general" type.
pgTypeOidMapping :: InsOrdHashMap.InsOrdHashMap Postgres.PGScalarType PQ.Oid
pgTypeOidMapping =
$ [ (Postgres.PGSmallInt, PTI.int2),
(Postgres.PGSerial, PTI.int4),
(Postgres.PGInteger, PTI.int4),
(Postgres.PGBigSerial, PTI.int8),
(Postgres.PGBigInt, PTI.int8),
(Postgres.PGFloat, PTI.float4),
(Postgres.PGDouble, PTI.float8),
(Postgres.PGMoney, PTI.numeric),
(Postgres.PGNumeric, PTI.numeric),
(Postgres.PGBoolean, PTI.bool),
(Postgres.PGChar, PTI.bpchar),
(Postgres.PGVarchar, PTI.varchar),
(Postgres.PGText, PTI.text),
(Postgres.PGDate, PTI.date),
(Postgres.PGTimeStamp, PTI.timestamp),
(Postgres.PGTimeStampTZ, PTI.timestamptz),
(Postgres.PGTimeTZ, PTI.timetz),
(Postgres.PGJSON, PTI.json),
(Postgres.PGJSONB, PTI.jsonb),
(Postgres.PGUUID, PTI.uuid),
(Postgres.PGArray Postgres.PGSmallInt, PTI.int2_array),
(Postgres.PGArray Postgres.PGSerial, PTI.int4_array),
(Postgres.PGArray Postgres.PGInteger, PTI.int4_array),
(Postgres.PGArray Postgres.PGBigSerial, PTI.int8_array),
(Postgres.PGArray Postgres.PGBigInt, PTI.int8_array),
(Postgres.PGArray Postgres.PGFloat, PTI.float4_array),
(Postgres.PGArray Postgres.PGDouble, PTI.float8_array),
(Postgres.PGArray Postgres.PGMoney, PTI.numeric_array),
(Postgres.PGArray Postgres.PGNumeric, PTI.numeric_array),
(Postgres.PGArray Postgres.PGBoolean, PTI.bool_array),
(Postgres.PGArray Postgres.PGChar, PTI.char_array),
(Postgres.PGArray Postgres.PGVarchar, PTI.varchar_array),
(Postgres.PGArray Postgres.PGText, PTI.text_array),
(Postgres.PGArray Postgres.PGDate, PTI.date_array),
(Postgres.PGArray Postgres.PGTimeStamp, PTI.timestamp_array),
(Postgres.PGArray Postgres.PGTimeStampTZ, PTI.timestamptz_array),
(Postgres.PGArray Postgres.PGTimeTZ, PTI.timetz_array),
(Postgres.PGArray Postgres.PGJSON, PTI.json_array),
(Postgres.PGArray Postgres.PGJSON, PTI.jsonb_array),
(Postgres.PGArray Postgres.PGUUID, PTI.uuid_array)
instance PostgresMetadata 'Vanilla where
validateRel _ _ _ = pure ()
tableTypeImpl = Postgres._petmTableType
listAllTablesSql =
WITH partitions as (
SELECT array(
child.relname AS partition
FROM pg_inherits
JOIN pg_class child ON pg_inherits.inhrelid = child.oid
JOIN pg_namespace nmsp_child ON nmsp_child.oid = child.relnamespace
) as names
SELECT info_schema.table_schema, info_schema.table_name
FROM information_schema.tables as info_schema, partitions
info_schema.table_schema NOT IN ('information_schema', 'pg_catalog', 'hdb_catalog', '_timescaledb_internal')
AND NOT (info_schema.table_name = ANY (partitions.names))
ORDER BY info_schema.table_schema, info_schema.table_name
instance PostgresMetadata 'Citus where
validateRel ::
forall m.
(MonadError QErr m) =>
TableCache ('Postgres 'Citus) ->
QualifiedTable ->
Either (ObjRelDef ('Postgres 'Citus)) (ArrRelDef ('Postgres 'Citus)) ->
m ()
validateRel tableCache sourceTable relInfo = do
sourceTableInfo <- lookupTableInfo sourceTable
case relInfo of
Left (RelDef _ obj _) ->
case obj of
RUFKeyOn (SameTable _) -> pure ()
RUFKeyOn (RemoteTable targetTable _) -> checkObjectRelationship sourceTableInfo targetTable
RUManual RelManualTableConfig {} -> pure ()
Right (RelDef _ obj _) ->
case obj of
RUFKeyOn (ArrRelUsingFKeyOn targetTable _col) -> checkArrayRelationship sourceTableInfo targetTable
RUManual RelManualTableConfig {} -> pure ()
lookupTableInfo tableName =
HashMap.lookup tableName tableCache
`onNothing` throw400 NotFound ("no such table " <>> tableName)
checkObjectRelationship sourceTableInfo targetTable = do
targetTableInfo <- lookupTableInfo targetTable
let notSupported = throwNotSupportedError sourceTableInfo targetTableInfo "object"
case ( _tciExtraTableMetadata $ _tiCoreInfo sourceTableInfo,
_tciExtraTableMetadata $ _tiCoreInfo targetTableInfo
) of
(Distributed {}, Local {}) -> notSupported
(Distributed {}, Reference {}) -> pure ()
(Distributed {}, Distributed {}) -> pure ()
(_, Distributed {}) -> notSupported
(_, _) -> pure ()
checkArrayRelationship sourceTableInfo targetTable = do
targetTableInfo <- lookupTableInfo targetTable
let notSupported = throwNotSupportedError sourceTableInfo targetTableInfo "array"
case ( _tciExtraTableMetadata $ _tiCoreInfo sourceTableInfo,
_tciExtraTableMetadata $ _tiCoreInfo targetTableInfo
) of
(Distributed {}, Distributed {}) -> pure ()
(Distributed {}, _) -> notSupported
(_, Distributed {}) -> notSupported
(_, _) -> pure ()
showDistributionType :: ExtraTableMetadata -> Text
showDistributionType = \case
Local {} -> "local"
Distributed {} -> "distributed"
Reference {} -> "reference"
throwNotSupportedError :: TableInfo ('Postgres 'Citus) -> TableInfo ('Postgres 'Citus) -> Text -> m ()
throwNotSupportedError sourceTableInfo targetTableInfo t =
let tciSrc = _tiCoreInfo sourceTableInfo
tciTgt = _tiCoreInfo targetTableInfo
in throw400
( showDistributionType (_tciExtraTableMetadata tciSrc)
<> " tables ("
<> toTxt (_tciName tciSrc)
<> ") cannot have an "
<> t
<> " relationship against a "
<> showDistributionType (_tciExtraTableMetadata $ _tiCoreInfo targetTableInfo)
<> " table ("
<> toTxt (_tciName tciTgt)
<> ")"
tableTypeImpl = tableType
listAllTablesSql =
WITH partitions as (
SELECT array(
child.relname AS partition
FROM pg_inherits
JOIN pg_class child ON pg_inherits.inhrelid = child.oid
JOIN pg_namespace nmsp_child ON nmsp_child.oid = child.relnamespace
) as names
SELECT info_schema.table_schema, info_schema.table_name
FROM information_schema.tables as info_schema, partitions
info_schema.table_schema NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'citus', 'information_schema', 'columnar', 'columnar_internal', 'guest', 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA', 'sys', 'db_owner', 'db_securityadmin', 'db_accessadmin', 'db_backupoperator', 'db_ddladmin', 'db_datawriter', 'db_datareader', 'db_denydatawriter', 'db_denydatareader', 'hdb_catalog', '_timescaledb_internal')
AND NOT (info_schema.table_name = ANY (partitions.names))
AND info_schema.table_name NOT IN ('citus_tables')
ORDER BY info_schema.table_schema, info_schema.table_name
instance PostgresMetadata 'Cockroach where
validateRel _ _ _ = pure ()
tableTypeImpl = Postgres._petmTableType
pgTypeOidMapping =
[ (Postgres.PGInteger, PTI.int8),
(Postgres.PGSerial, PTI.int8),
(Postgres.PGJSON, PTI.jsonb)
`InsOrdHashMap.union` pgTypeOidMapping @'Vanilla
listAllTablesSql =
WITH partitions as (
SELECT array(
child.relname AS partition
FROM pg_inherits
JOIN pg_class child ON pg_inherits.inhrelid = child.oid
JOIN pg_namespace nmsp_child ON nmsp_child.oid = child.relnamespace
) as names
SELECT info_schema.table_schema, info_schema.table_name
FROM information_schema.tables as info_schema, partitions
info_schema.table_schema NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'crdb_internal', 'information_schema', 'columnar', 'guest', 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA', 'sys', 'db_owner', 'db_securityadmin', 'db_accessadmin', 'db_backupoperator', 'db_ddladmin', 'db_datawriter', 'db_datareader', 'db_denydatawriter', 'db_denydatareader', 'hdb_catalog', '_timescaledb_internal', 'pg_extension')
AND NOT (info_schema.table_name = ANY (partitions.names))
ORDER BY info_schema.table_schema, info_schema.table_name
-- BackendMetadata instance
( Backend ('Postgres pgKind),
PostgresMetadata pgKind,
Postgres.FetchTableMetadata pgKind,
Postgres.FetchFunctionMetadata pgKind,
Postgres.ToMetadataFetchQuery pgKind
) =>
BackendMetadata ('Postgres pgKind)
prepareCatalog = Postgres.prepareCatalog
buildComputedFieldInfo = Postgres.buildComputedFieldInfo
fetchAndValidateEnumValues = Postgres.fetchAndValidateEnumValues
resolveSourceConfig = Postgres.resolveSourceConfig
resolveDatabaseMetadata _ = Postgres.resolveDatabaseMetadata
parseBoolExpOperations = Postgres.parseBoolExpOperations
buildArrayRelationshipInfo _ = defaultBuildArrayRelationshipInfo
buildObjectRelationshipInfo _ = defaultBuildObjectRelationshipInfo
buildFunctionInfo = Postgres.buildFunctionInfo
updateColumnInEventTrigger = Postgres.updateColumnInEventTrigger
parseCollectableType = Postgres.parseCollectableType
postDropSourceHook = Postgres.postDropSourceHook
validateRelationship = validateRel @pgKind
buildComputedFieldBooleanExp = Postgres.buildComputedFieldBooleanExp
validateNativeQuery = Postgres.validateNativeQuery (pgTypeOidMapping @pgKind)
supportsBeingRemoteRelationshipTarget _ = True
getTableInfo sourceName tableName = do
sourceConfig <- askSourceConfig @('Postgres pgKind) sourceName
result <-
either throwError pure =<< runExceptT do
_pecRunTx (_pscExecCtx sourceConfig) (PGExecCtxInfo NoTxRead InternalRawQuery)
$ Postgres.pgFetchTableMetadata @pgKind (HashSet.singleton tableName)
pure do
DBTableMetadata {..} <- HashMap.lookup tableName result
let convertColumn :: RawColumnInfo ('Postgres pgKind) -> SourceColumnInfo ('Postgres pgKind)
convertColumn RawColumnInfo {..} =
{ _sciName = rciName,
_sciType = rciType,
_sciNullable = rciIsNullable,
_sciDescription = fmap unDescription rciDescription,
_sciInsertable = _cmIsInsertable rciMutability,
_sciUpdatable = _cmIsUpdatable rciMutability,
_sciValueGenerated = Nothing
convertForeignKeys :: HashSet (ForeignKeyMetadata ('Postgres pgKind)) -> SourceForeignKeys ('Postgres pgKind)
convertForeignKeys foreignKeys = SourceForeignKeys $ HashMap.fromList do
ForeignKeyMetadata ForeignKey {..} <- HashSet.toList foreignKeys
let mappings :: HashMap Postgres.PGCol Postgres.PGCol
mappings = NEHashMap.toHashMap _fkColumnMapping
pure (_cName _fkConstraint, SourceConstraint _fkForeignTable mappings)
{ _stiName = tableName,
_stiInsertable = maybe True viIsInsertable _ptmiViewInfo,
_stiUpdatable = maybe True viIsUpdatable _ptmiViewInfo,
_stiDeletable = maybe True viIsDeletable _ptmiViewInfo,
_stiForeignKeys = convertForeignKeys _ptmiForeignKeys,
_stiPrimaryKey = fmap (toNonEmpty . _pkColumns) _ptmiPrimaryKey,
_stiColumns = map convertColumn _ptmiColumns,
_stiType = tableTypeImpl @pgKind _ptmiExtraTableMetadata,
_stiDescription = Nothing
listAllTables sourceName = do
sourceConfig <- askSourceConfig @('Postgres pgKind) sourceName
results <-
runPgSourceReadTx sourceConfig (Query.multiQE fromPGTxErr (listAllTablesSql @pgKind))
`onLeftM` \err -> throwError (prefixQErr "failed to fetch source tables: " err)
pure [QualifiedObject {..} | (qSchema, qName) <- results]
listAllTrackables _ = throw500 "listAllTrackables not supported by Postgres"