Tirumarai Selvan c0d2bc6653
Remote Joins: Create relationships across database and remote schemas (#2392)
add remote joins: Create relationships across database and remote schemas (#2392)

Co-authored-by: Aleksandra Sikora <>

Co-authored-by: Chris Done <>
Co-authored-by: Chris Done <>
Co-authored-by: wawhal <>
Co-authored-by: Aravind Shankar <>
Co-authored-by: Brandon Simmons <>
Co-authored-by: Rishichandra Wawhal <>
Co-authored-by: Brandon Simmons <>
Co-authored-by: nizar-m <>
Co-authored-by: Praveen Durairaju <>
Co-authored-by: rakeshkky <>
Co-authored-by: Anon Ray <>
Co-authored-by: Shahidh K Muhammed <>
Co-authored-by: soorajshankar <>
Co-authored-by: Sooraj Sanker <sooraj@Soorajs-MacBook-Pro.local>
Co-authored-by: Karthikeyan Chinnakonda <>
Co-authored-by: Aleksandra Sikora <>
2020-05-27 20:32:58 +05:30

372 lines
12 KiB

module Hasura.GraphQL.Execute
( GQExecPlan(..)
, ExecPlanPartial
, getExecPlanPartial
, ExecOp(..)
, GQExecPlanResolved
, getResolvedExecPlan
, execRemoteGQ
, getSubsOp
, EP.PlanCache
, EP.PlanCacheOptions(..)
, EP.initPlanCache
, EP.clearPlanCache
, EP.dumpPlanCache
, ExecutionCtx(..)
) where
import Control.Lens
import Data.Has
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.HashSet as Set
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as N
import Hasura.EncJSON
import Hasura.GraphQL.Context
import Hasura.GraphQL.Logging
import Hasura.GraphQL.RemoteServer (execRemoteGQ')
import Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.Action
import Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.Context
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema
import Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.HTTP.Protocol
import Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.Types
import Hasura.HTTP
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.Server.Utils (RequestId)
import Hasura.Server.Version (HasVersion)
import Hasura.Session
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.LiveQuery as EL
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Plan as EP
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Query as EQ
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve as GR
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Validate as VQ
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.Types as VT
import qualified Hasura.Logging as L
import qualified Hasura.Server.Telemetry.Counters as Telem
-- The current execution plan of a graphql operation, it is
-- currently, either local pg execution or a remote execution
-- The 'a' is parameterised so this AST can represent
-- intermediate passes
data GQExecPlan a
= GExPHasura !a
| GExPRemote !RemoteSchemaInfo !G.TypedOperationDefinition
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
-- | Execution context
data ExecutionCtx
= ExecutionCtx
{ _ecxLogger :: !(L.Logger L.Hasura)
, _ecxSqlGenCtx :: !SQLGenCtx
, _ecxPgExecCtx :: !PGExecCtx
, _ecxPlanCache :: !EP.PlanCache
, _ecxSchemaCache :: !SchemaCache
, _ecxSchemaCacheVer :: !SchemaCacheVer
, _ecxHttpManager :: !HTTP.Manager
, _ecxEnableAllowList :: !Bool
-- Enforces the current limitation
:: (MonadError QErr m) => [VT.TypeLoc] -> m VT.TypeLoc
assertSameLocationNodes typeLocs =
case Set.toList (Set.fromList typeLocs) of
-- this shouldn't happen
[] -> return VT.TLHasuraType
[loc] -> return loc
_ -> throw400 NotSupported msg
msg = "cannot mix top level fields from two different graphql servers"
-- TODO: we should fix this function asap
-- as this will fail when there is a fragment at the top level
getTopLevelNodes :: G.TypedOperationDefinition -> [G.Name]
getTopLevelNodes opDef =
mapMaybe f $ G._todSelectionSet opDef
f = \case
G.SelectionField fld -> Just $ G._fName fld
G.SelectionFragmentSpread _ -> Nothing
G.SelectionInlineFragment _ -> Nothing
gatherTypeLocs :: GCtx -> [G.Name] -> [VT.TypeLoc]
gatherTypeLocs gCtx nodes =
catMaybes $ flip map nodes $ \node ->
VT._fiLoc <$> Map.lookup node schemaNodes
schemaNodes =
let qr = VT._otiFields $ _gQueryRoot gCtx
mr = VT._otiFields <$> _gMutRoot gCtx
in maybe qr (Map.union qr) mr
-- This is for when the graphql query is validated
type ExecPlanPartial = GQExecPlan (GCtx, VQ.RootSelSet)
:: (MonadReusability m, MonadError QErr m)
=> UserInfo
-> SchemaCache
-> Bool
-> GQLReqParsed
-> m ExecPlanPartial
getExecPlanPartial userInfo sc enableAL req = do
-- check if query is in allowlist
when enableAL checkQueryInAllowlist
let gCtx = getGCtx (_uiBackendOnlyFieldAccess userInfo) sc roleName
queryParts <- flip runReaderT gCtx $ VQ.getQueryParts req
let opDef = VQ.qpOpDef queryParts
topLevelNodes = getTopLevelNodes opDef
-- gather TypeLoc of topLevelNodes
typeLocs = gatherTypeLocs gCtx topLevelNodes
-- see if they are all the same
typeLoc <- assertSameLocationNodes typeLocs
case typeLoc of
VT.TLHasuraType -> do
rootSelSet <- runReaderT (VQ.validateGQ queryParts) gCtx
pure $ GExPHasura (gCtx, rootSelSet)
VT.TLRemoteType _ rsi ->
pure $ GExPRemote rsi opDef
VT.TLCustom ->
throw500 "unexpected custom type for top level field"
roleName = _uiRole userInfo
checkQueryInAllowlist =
-- only for non-admin roles
when (roleName /= adminRoleName) $ do
let notInAllowlist =
not $ VQ.isQueryInAllowlist (_grQuery req) (scAllowlist sc)
when notInAllowlist $ modifyQErr modErr $ throwVE "query is not allowed"
modErr e =
let msg = "query is not in any of the allowlists"
in e{qeInternal = Just $ J.object [ "message" J..= J.String msg]}
-- An execution operation, in case of
-- queries and mutations it is just a transaction
-- to be executed
data ExecOp
= ExOpQuery !LazyRespTx !(Maybe EQ.GeneratedSqlMap)
| ExOpMutation !N.ResponseHeaders !LazyRespTx
| ExOpSubs !EL.LiveQueryPlan
-- The graphql query is resolved into an execution operation
type GQExecPlanResolved = GQExecPlan ExecOp
:: forall m. (HasVersion, MonadError QErr m, MonadIO m)
=> PGExecCtx
-> EP.PlanCache
-> UserInfo
-> SQLGenCtx
-> Bool
-> SchemaCache
-> SchemaCacheVer
-> HTTP.Manager
-> [N.Header]
-> GQLReqUnparsed
-> m (Telem.CacheHit, GQExecPlanResolved)
getResolvedExecPlan pgExecCtx planCache userInfo sqlGenCtx
enableAL sc scVer httpManager reqHeaders reqUnparsed = do
planM <- liftIO $ EP.getPlan scVer (_uiRole userInfo)
opNameM queryStr planCache
let usrVars = _uiSession userInfo
case planM of
-- plans are only for queries and subscriptions
Just plan -> (Telem.Hit,) . GExPHasura <$> case plan of
EP.RPQuery queryPlan -> do
(tx, genSql) <- EQ.queryOpFromPlan httpManager reqHeaders userInfo queryVars queryPlan
pure $ ExOpQuery tx (Just genSql)
EP.RPSubs subsPlan ->
ExOpSubs <$> EL.reuseLiveQueryPlan pgExecCtx usrVars queryVars subsPlan
Nothing -> (Telem.Miss,) <$> noExistingPlan
GQLReq opNameM queryStr queryVars = reqUnparsed
addPlanToCache plan =
liftIO $ EP.addPlan scVer (_uiRole userInfo)
opNameM queryStr plan planCache
noExistingPlan :: m GQExecPlanResolved
noExistingPlan = do
req <- toParsed reqUnparsed
(partialExecPlan, queryReusability) <- runReusabilityT $
getExecPlanPartial userInfo sc enableAL req
forM partialExecPlan $ \(gCtx, rootSelSet) ->
case rootSelSet of
VQ.RMutation selSet -> do
(tx, respHeaders) <- getMutOp gCtx sqlGenCtx userInfo httpManager reqHeaders selSet
pure $ ExOpMutation respHeaders tx
VQ.RQuery selSet -> do
(queryTx, plan, genSql) <- getQueryOp gCtx sqlGenCtx httpManager reqHeaders userInfo queryReusability (allowQueryActionExecuter httpManager reqHeaders) selSet
traverse_ (addPlanToCache . EP.RPQuery) plan
return $ ExOpQuery queryTx (Just genSql)
VQ.RSubscription fld -> do
(lqOp, plan) <- getSubsOp pgExecCtx gCtx sqlGenCtx userInfo queryReusability (restrictActionExecuter "query actions cannot be run as a subscription") fld
traverse_ (addPlanToCache . EP.RPSubs) plan
return $ ExOpSubs lqOp
-- Monad for resolving a hasura query/mutation
type E m =
ReaderT ( UserInfo
, QueryCtxMap
, MutationCtxMap
, TypeMap
, FieldMap
, OrdByCtx
, InsCtxMap
, SQLGenCtx
) (ExceptT QErr m)
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> GCtx
-> SQLGenCtx
-> UserInfo
-> E m a
-> m a
runE ctx sqlGenCtx userInfo action = do
res <- runExceptT $ runReaderT action
(userInfo, queryCtxMap, mutationCtxMap, typeMap, fldMap, ordByCtx, insCtxMap, sqlGenCtx)
either throwError return res
queryCtxMap = _gQueryCtxMap ctx
mutationCtxMap = _gMutationCtxMap ctx
typeMap = _gTypes ctx
fldMap = _gFields ctx
ordByCtx = _gOrdByCtx ctx
insCtxMap = _gInsCtxMap ctx
:: ( HasVersion
, MonadError QErr m
, MonadIO m)
=> GCtx
-> SQLGenCtx
-> HTTP.Manager
-> [N.Header]
-> UserInfo
-> QueryReusability
-> QueryActionExecuter
-> VQ.SelSet
-> m (LazyRespTx, Maybe EQ.ReusableQueryPlan, EQ.GeneratedSqlMap)
getQueryOp gCtx sqlGenCtx manager reqHdrs userInfo queryReusability actionExecuter selSet =
runE gCtx sqlGenCtx userInfo $ EQ.convertQuerySelSet manager reqHdrs queryReusability selSet actionExecuter
:: ( HasVersion
, MonadError QErr m
, MonadReader r m
, Has UserInfo r
, Has MutationCtxMap r
, Has FieldMap r
, Has OrdByCtx r
, Has SQLGenCtx r
, Has InsCtxMap r
, Has HTTP.Manager r
, Has [N.Header] r
, MonadIO m
=> VQ.SelSet
-> m (LazyRespTx, N.ResponseHeaders)
resolveMutSelSet fields = do
aliasedTxs <- forM (toList fields) $ \fld -> do
fldRespTx <- case VQ._fName fld of
"__typename" -> return (return $ encJFromJValue mutationRootNamedType, [])
_ -> evalReusabilityT $ GR.mutFldToTx fld
return (G.unName $ G.unAlias $ VQ._fAlias fld, fldRespTx)
-- combines all transactions into a single transaction
return (liftTx $ toSingleTx aliasedTxs, concatMap (snd . snd) aliasedTxs)
-- A list of aliased transactions for eg
-- [("f1", Tx r1), ("f2", Tx r2)]
-- are converted into a single transaction as follows
-- Tx {"f1": r1, "f2": r2}
-- toSingleTx :: [(Text, LazyRespTx)] -> LazyRespTx
toSingleTx aliasedTxs =
fmap encJFromAssocList $
forM aliasedTxs $ \(al, (tx, _)) -> (,) al <$> tx
:: (HasVersion, MonadError QErr m, MonadIO m)
=> GCtx
-> SQLGenCtx
-> UserInfo
-> HTTP.Manager
-> [N.Header]
-> VQ.SelSet
-> m (LazyRespTx, N.ResponseHeaders)
getMutOp ctx sqlGenCtx userInfo manager reqHeaders selSet =
peelReaderT $ resolveMutSelSet selSet
peelReaderT action =
runReaderT action
( userInfo, queryCtxMap, mutationCtxMap
, typeMap, fldMap, ordByCtx, insCtxMap, sqlGenCtx
, manager, reqHeaders
queryCtxMap = _gQueryCtxMap ctx
mutationCtxMap = _gMutationCtxMap ctx
typeMap = _gTypes ctx
fldMap = _gFields ctx
ordByCtx = _gOrdByCtx ctx
insCtxMap = _gInsCtxMap ctx
:: ( MonadError QErr m
, MonadIO m
, HasVersion
=> PGExecCtx
-> GCtx
-> SQLGenCtx
-> UserInfo
-> QueryReusability
-> QueryActionExecuter
-> VQ.SelSet
-> m (EL.LiveQueryPlan, Maybe EL.ReusableLiveQueryPlan)
getSubsOp pgExecCtx gCtx sqlGenCtx userInfo queryReusability actionExecuter fields =
runE gCtx sqlGenCtx userInfo $ EL.buildLiveQueryPlan pgExecCtx queryReusability actionExecuter fields
-- runE gCtx sqlGenCtx userInfo $ getSubsOpM pgExecCtx queryReusability fld actionExecuter
:: ( HasVersion
, MonadIO m
, MonadError QErr m
, MonadReader ExecutionCtx m
=> RequestId
-> UserInfo
-> [N.Header]
-> GQLReqUnparsed
-> RemoteSchemaInfo
-> G.OperationType
-> m (DiffTime, HttpResponse EncJSON)
-- ^ Also returns time spent in http request, for telemetry.
execRemoteGQ reqId userInfo reqHdrs q rsi opType = do
execCtx <- ask
let logger = _ecxLogger execCtx
manager = _ecxHttpManager execCtx
L.unLogger logger $ QueryLog q Nothing reqId
(time, respHdrs, resp) <- execRemoteGQ' manager userInfo reqHdrs q rsi opType
let !httpResp = HttpResponse (encJFromLBS resp) respHdrs
return (time, httpResp)