Tirumarai Selvan c0d2bc6653
Remote Joins: Create relationships across database and remote schemas (#2392)
add remote joins: Create relationships across database and remote schemas (#2392)

Co-authored-by: Aleksandra Sikora <>

Co-authored-by: Chris Done <>
Co-authored-by: Chris Done <>
Co-authored-by: wawhal <>
Co-authored-by: Aravind Shankar <>
Co-authored-by: Brandon Simmons <>
Co-authored-by: Rishichandra Wawhal <>
Co-authored-by: Brandon Simmons <>
Co-authored-by: nizar-m <>
Co-authored-by: Praveen Durairaju <>
Co-authored-by: rakeshkky <>
Co-authored-by: Anon Ray <>
Co-authored-by: Shahidh K Muhammed <>
Co-authored-by: soorajshankar <>
Co-authored-by: Sooraj Sanker <sooraj@Soorajs-MacBook-Pro.local>
Co-authored-by: Karthikeyan Chinnakonda <>
Co-authored-by: Aleksandra Sikora <>
2020-05-27 20:32:58 +05:30

129 lines
3.7 KiB

module Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Common
( qualObjectToName
, addTypeSuffix
, fromInpValL
, RelationshipFieldInfo(..)
, SelField(..)
, _SFPGColumn
, getPGColumnFields
, getRelationshipFields
, getComputedFields
, getRemoteRelationships
, mkColumnType
, mkRelName
, mkAggRelName
, mkComputedFieldName
, mkTableTy
, mkTableEnumType
, mkTableAggTy
, mkColumnEnumVal
, mkColumnInputVal
, mkDescriptionWith
, mkFuncArgsTy
) where
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import Control.Lens
import Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.Types
import Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.Types
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.SQL.Types
data RelationshipFieldInfo
= RelationshipFieldInfo
{ _rfiInfo :: !RelInfo
, _rfiAllowAgg :: !Bool
, _rfiColumns :: !PGColGNameMap
, _rfiPermFilter :: !AnnBoolExpPartialSQL
, _rfiPermLimit :: !(Maybe Int)
, _rfiIsNullable :: !Bool
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data SelField
= SFPGColumn !PGColumnInfo
| SFRelationship !RelationshipFieldInfo
| SFComputedField !ComputedField
| SFRemoteRelationship !RemoteFieldInfo
deriving (Show, Eq)
$(makePrisms ''SelField)
getPGColumnFields :: [SelField] -> [PGColumnInfo]
getPGColumnFields = mapMaybe (^? _SFPGColumn)
getRelationshipFields :: [SelField] -> [RelationshipFieldInfo]
getRelationshipFields = mapMaybe (^? _SFRelationship)
getComputedFields :: [SelField] -> [ComputedField]
getComputedFields = mapMaybe (^? _SFComputedField)
getRemoteRelationships :: [SelField] -> [RemoteFieldInfo]
getRemoteRelationships = mapMaybe (^? _SFRemoteRelationship)
qualObjectToName :: (ToTxt a) => QualifiedObject a -> G.Name
qualObjectToName = G.Name . snakeCaseQualObject
addTypeSuffix :: Text -> G.NamedType -> G.NamedType
addTypeSuffix suffix baseType = G.NamedType $ G.unNamedType baseType <> G.Name suffix
fromInpValL :: [InpValInfo] -> Map.HashMap G.Name InpValInfo
fromInpValL = mapFromL _iviName
mkRelName :: RelName -> G.Name
mkRelName rn = G.Name $ relNameToTxt rn
mkAggRelName :: RelName -> G.Name
mkAggRelName rn = G.Name $ relNameToTxt rn <> "_aggregate"
mkComputedFieldName :: ComputedFieldName -> G.Name
mkComputedFieldName = G.Name . computedFieldNameToText
mkColumnType :: PGColumnType -> G.NamedType
mkColumnType = \case
PGColumnScalar scalarType -> mkScalarTy scalarType
PGColumnEnumReference (EnumReference enumTable _) -> mkTableEnumType enumTable
mkTableTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType
mkTableTy = G.NamedType . qualObjectToName
mkTableEnumType :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType
mkTableEnumType = addTypeSuffix "_enum" . mkTableTy
mkTableAggTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType
mkTableAggTy = addTypeSuffix "_aggregate" . mkTableTy
-- used for 'distinct_on' in select and upsert's 'update columns'
mkColumnEnumVal :: G.Name -> EnumValInfo
mkColumnEnumVal colName =
EnumValInfo (Just "column name") (G.EnumValue colName) False
mkColumnInputVal :: PGColumnInfo -> InpValInfo
mkColumnInputVal ci =
InpValInfo (mkDescription <$> pgiDescription ci) (pgiName ci)
Nothing $ G.toGT $ G.toNT $ mkColumnType $ pgiType ci
mkDescriptionWith :: Maybe PGDescription -> Text -> G.Description
mkDescriptionWith descM defaultTxt = G.Description $ case descM of
Nothing -> defaultTxt
Just (PGDescription descTxt) -> T.unlines [descTxt, "\n", defaultTxt]
mkDescription :: PGDescription -> G.Description
mkDescription = G.Description . getPGDescription
mkFuncArgsName :: QualifiedFunction -> G.Name
mkFuncArgsName fn =
qualObjectToName fn <> "_args"
mkFuncArgsTy :: QualifiedFunction -> G.NamedType
mkFuncArgsTy =
G.NamedType . mkFuncArgsName