Tirumarai Selvan c0d2bc6653
Remote Joins: Create relationships across database and remote schemas (#2392)
add remote joins: Create relationships across database and remote schemas (#2392)

Co-authored-by: Aleksandra Sikora <>

Co-authored-by: Chris Done <>
Co-authored-by: Chris Done <>
Co-authored-by: wawhal <>
Co-authored-by: Aravind Shankar <>
Co-authored-by: Brandon Simmons <>
Co-authored-by: Rishichandra Wawhal <>
Co-authored-by: Brandon Simmons <>
Co-authored-by: nizar-m <>
Co-authored-by: Praveen Durairaju <>
Co-authored-by: rakeshkky <>
Co-authored-by: Anon Ray <>
Co-authored-by: Shahidh K Muhammed <>
Co-authored-by: soorajshankar <>
Co-authored-by: Sooraj Sanker <sooraj@Soorajs-MacBook-Pro.local>
Co-authored-by: Karthikeyan Chinnakonda <>
Co-authored-by: Aleksandra Sikora <>
2020-05-27 20:32:58 +05:30

236 lines
8.1 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.HTTP.Protocol
( GQLReq(..)
, GQLBatchedReqs(..)
, GQLReqUnparsed
, GQLReqParsed
, toParsed
, GQLQueryText(..)
, GQLExecDoc(..)
, OperationName(..)
, VariableValues
, encodeGQErr
, encodeGQResp
, GQResult(..)
, GQResponse
, isExecError
, RemoteGqlResp(..)
, GraphqlResponse(..)
, encodeGraphqlResponse
, GQRespValue(..), gqRespData, gqRespErrors
, encodeGQRespValue
, parseGQRespValue
, parseEncJObject
, GQJoinError(..), gqJoinErrorToValue
) where
import Control.Lens
import Hasura.EncJSON
import Hasura.GraphQL.Utils
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Instances ()
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.Casing as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.Ordered as OJ
import qualified Data.Aeson.TH as J
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Parser as G
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import qualified VectorBuilder.Builder as VB
import qualified VectorBuilder.Vector as VB
newtype GQLExecDoc
= GQLExecDoc { unGQLExecDoc :: [G.ExecutableDefinition] }
deriving (Ord, Show, Eq, Hashable, Lift)
instance J.FromJSON GQLExecDoc where
parseJSON v = (GQLExecDoc . G.getExecutableDefinitions) <$> J.parseJSON v
instance J.ToJSON GQLExecDoc where
toJSON = J.toJSON . G.ExecutableDocument . unGQLExecDoc
newtype OperationName
= OperationName { _unOperationName :: G.Name }
deriving (Ord, Show, Eq, Hashable, J.ToJSON, Lift)
instance J.FromJSON OperationName where
parseJSON v = OperationName . G.Name <$> J.parseJSON v
type VariableValues = Map.HashMap G.Variable J.Value
data GQLReq a
= GQLReq
{ _grOperationName :: !(Maybe OperationName)
, _grQuery :: !a
, _grVariables :: !(Maybe VariableValues)
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Functor, Lift)
$(J.deriveJSON (J.aesonDrop 3 J.camelCase){J.omitNothingFields=True}
instance (Hashable a) => Hashable (GQLReq a)
-- | Batched queries are sent as a JSON array of
-- 'GQLReq' records. This newtype exists to support
-- the unusual JSON encoding.
-- See <>.
data GQLBatchedReqs a
= GQLSingleRequest (GQLReq a)
| GQLBatchedReqs [GQLReq a]
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance J.ToJSON a => J.ToJSON (GQLBatchedReqs a) where
toJSON (GQLSingleRequest q) = J.toJSON q
toJSON (GQLBatchedReqs qs) = J.toJSON qs
instance J.FromJSON a => J.FromJSON (GQLBatchedReqs a) where
parseJSON arr@J.Array{} = GQLBatchedReqs <$> J.parseJSON arr
parseJSON other = GQLSingleRequest <$> J.parseJSON other
newtype GQLQueryText
= GQLQueryText
{ _unGQLQueryText :: Text
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, J.FromJSON, J.ToJSON, Hashable, Lift)
type GQLReqUnparsed = GQLReq GQLQueryText
type GQLReqParsed = GQLReq GQLExecDoc
toParsed :: (MonadError QErr m ) => GQLReqUnparsed -> m GQLReqParsed
toParsed req = case G.parseExecutableDoc gqlText of
Left _ -> withPathK "query" $ throwVE "not a valid graphql query"
Right a -> return $ req { _grQuery = GQLExecDoc $ G.getExecutableDefinitions a }
gqlText = _unGQLQueryText $ _grQuery req
encodeGQErr :: Bool -> QErr -> J.Value
encodeGQErr includeInternal qErr =
J.object [ "errors" J..= [encodeGQLErr includeInternal qErr]]
-- |
-- NOTE: this type and parseGQRespValue are a lax representation of the spec,
-- since...
-- - remote GraphQL servers may not conform strictly, and...
-- - we use this type as an accumulator.
-- Ideally we'd have something correct by construction for hasura results
-- someplace.
data GQRespValue =
{ _gqRespData :: OJ.Object
-- ^ 'OJ.empty' (corresponding to the invalid `"data": {}`) indicates an error.
, _gqRespErrors :: VB.Builder OJ.Value
-- ^ An 'OJ.Array', but with efficient cons and concatenation. Null indicates
-- query success.
makeLenses ''GQRespValue
newtype GQJoinError = GQJoinError Text
deriving (Show, Eq, IsString, Monoid, Semigroup)
-- | "Error result format"
gqJoinErrorToValue :: GQJoinError -> OJ.Value
gqJoinErrorToValue (GQJoinError msg) =
OJ.Object (OJ.fromList [("message", OJ.String msg)])
data GQResult a
= GQSuccess !a
| GQPreExecError ![J.Value]
| GQExecError ![J.Value]
| GQGeneric !GQRespValue
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
type GQResponse = GQResult BL.ByteString
isExecError :: GQResult a -> Bool
isExecError = \case
GQExecError _ -> True
_ -> False
-- | Represents GraphQL response from a remote server
data RemoteGqlResp
= RemoteGqlResp
{ _rgqrData :: !(Maybe J.Value)
, _rgqrErrors :: !(Maybe [J.Value])
, _rgqrExtensions :: !(Maybe J.Value)
} deriving (Show, Eq)
$(J.deriveFromJSON (J.aesonDrop 5 J.camelCase) ''RemoteGqlResp)
encodeRemoteGqlResp :: RemoteGqlResp -> EncJSON
encodeRemoteGqlResp (RemoteGqlResp d e ex) =
encJFromAssocList [ ("data", encJFromJValue d)
, ("errors", encJFromJValue e)
, ("extensions", encJFromJValue ex)
-- | Represents a proper GraphQL response
data GraphqlResponse
= GRHasura !GQResponse
| GRRemote !RemoteGqlResp
encodeGraphqlResponse :: GraphqlResponse -> EncJSON
encodeGraphqlResponse = \case
GRHasura resp -> encodeGQResp resp
GRRemote resp -> encodeRemoteGqlResp resp
-- emptyResp :: GQRespValue
-- emptyResp = GQRespValue OJ.empty VB.empty
parseEncJObject :: EncJSON -> Either String OJ.Object
parseEncJObject = OJ.eitherDecode . encJToLBS >=> \case
OJ.Object obj -> pure obj
_ -> Left "expected object for GraphQL response"
parseGQRespValue :: EncJSON -> Either String GQRespValue
parseGQRespValue = parseEncJObject >=> \obj -> do
_gqRespData <-
case OJ.lookup "data" obj of
-- "an error was encountered before execution began":
Nothing -> pure OJ.empty
-- "an error was encountered during the execution that prevented a valid response":
Just OJ.Null -> pure OJ.empty
Just (OJ.Object dobj) -> pure dobj
Just _ -> Left "expected object or null for GraphQL data response"
_gqRespErrors <-
case OJ.lookup "errors" obj of
Nothing -> pure VB.empty
Just (OJ.Array vec) -> pure $ VB.vector vec
Just _ -> Left "expected array for GraphQL error response"
pure (GQRespValue {_gqRespData, _gqRespErrors})
encodeGQRespValue :: GQRespValue -> EncJSON
encodeGQRespValue GQRespValue{..} = OJ.toEncJSON $ OJ.Object $ OJ.fromList $
-- "If the data entry in the response is not present, the errors entry in the
-- response must not be empty. It must contain at least one error. "
if _gqRespData == OJ.empty && not anyErrors
let msg = "Somehow did not accumulate any errors or data from graphql queries"
in [("errors", OJ.Array $ V.singleton $ OJ.Object (OJ.fromList [("message", OJ.String msg)]) )]
-- NOTE: "If an error was encountered during the execution that prevented
-- a valid response, the data entry in the response should be null."
-- TODO it's not clear to me how we can enforce that here or if we should try.
("data", OJ.Object _gqRespData) :
[("errors", OJ.Array gqRespErrorsV) | anyErrors ]
gqRespErrorsV = _gqRespErrors
anyErrors = not $ V.null gqRespErrorsV
encodeGQResp :: GQResponse -> EncJSON
encodeGQResp = \case
GQSuccess r -> encJFromAssocList [("data", encJFromLBS r)]
GQPreExecError e -> encJFromAssocList [("errors", encJFromJValue e)]
GQExecError e -> encJFromAssocList [("data", "null"), ("errors", encJFromJValue e)]
GQGeneric v -> encodeGQRespValue v