mirror of
synced 2024-12-17 20:41:49 +03:00
The main aim of the PR is: 1. To set up a module structure for 'remote-schemas' package. 2. Move parts by the remote schema codebase into the new module structure to validate it. ## Notes to the reviewer Why a PR with large-ish diff? 1. We've been making progress on the MM project but we don't yet know long it is going to take us to get to the first milestone. To understand this better, we need to figure out the unknowns as soon as possible. Hence I've taken a stab at the first two items in the [end-state](https://gist.github.com/0x777/ca2bdc4284d21c3eec153b51dea255c9) document to figure out the unknowns. Unsurprisingly, there are a bunch of issues that we haven't discussed earlier. These are documented in the 'open questions' section. 1. The diff is large but that is only code moved around and I've added a section that documents how things are moved. In addition, there are fair number of PR comments to help with the review process. ## Changes in the PR ### Module structure Sets up the module structure as follows: ``` Hasura/ RemoteSchema/ Metadata/ Types.hs SchemaCache/ Types.hs Permission.hs RemoteRelationship.hs Build.hs MetadataAPI/ Types.hs Execute.hs ``` ### 1. Types representing metadata are moved Types that capture metadata information (currently scattered across several RQL modules) are moved into `Hasura.RemoteSchema.Metadata.Types`. - This new module only depends on very 'core' modules such as `Hasura.Session` for the notion of roles and `Hasura.Incremental` for `Cacheable` typeclass. - The requirement on database modules is avoided by generalizing the remote schemas metadata to accept an arbitrary 'r' for a remote relationship definition. ### 2. SchemaCache related types and build logic have been moved Types that represent remote schemas information in SchemaCache are moved into `Hasura.RemoteSchema.SchemaCache.Types`. Similar to `H.RS.Metadata.Types`, this module depends on 'core' modules except for `Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Variable`. It has something to do with remote relationships but I haven't spent time looking into it. The validation of 'remote relationships to remote schema' is also something that needs to be looked at. Rips out the logic that builds remote schema's SchemaCache information from the monolithic `buildSchemaCacheRule` and moves it into `Hasura.RemoteSchema.SchemaCache.Build`. Further, the `.SchemaCache.Permission` and `.SchemaCache.RemoteRelationship` have been created from existing modules that capture schema cache building logic for those two components. This was a fair amount of work. On main, currently remote schema's SchemaCache information is built in two phases - in the first phase, 'permissions' and 'remote relationships' are ignored and in the second phase they are filled in. While remote relationships can only be resolved after partially resolving sources and other remote schemas, the same isn't true for permissions. Further, most of the work that is done to resolve remote relationships can be moved to the first phase so that the second phase can be a very simple traversal. This is the approach that was taken - resolve permissions and as much as remote relationships information in the first phase. ### 3. Metadata APIs related types and build logic have been moved The types that represent remote schema related metadata APIs and the execution logic have been moved to `Hasura.RemoteSchema.MetadataAPI.Types` and `.Execute` modules respectively. ## Open questions: 1. `Hasura.RemoteSchema.Metadata.Types` is so called because I was hoping that all of the metadata related APIs of remote schema can be brought in at `Hasura.RemoteSchema.Metadata.API`. However, as metadata APIs depended on functions from `SchemaCache` module (see [1](ceba6d6226/server/src-lib/Hasura/RQL/DDL/RemoteSchema.hs (L55)
) and [2](ceba6d6226/server/src-lib/Hasura/RQL/DDL/RemoteSchema.hs (L91)
), it made more sense to create a separate top-level module for `MetadataAPI`s. Maybe we can just have `Hasura.RemoteSchema.Metadata` and get rid of the extra nesting or have `Hasura.RemoteSchema.Metadata.{Core,Permission,RemoteRelationship}` if we want to break them down further. 1. `buildRemoteSchemas` in `H.RS.SchemaCache.Build` has the following type: ```haskell buildRemoteSchemas :: ( ArrowChoice arr, Inc.ArrowDistribute arr, ArrowWriter (Seq CollectedInfo) arr, Inc.ArrowCache m arr, MonadIO m, HasHttpManagerM m, Inc.Cacheable remoteRelationshipDefinition, ToJSON remoteRelationshipDefinition, MonadError QErr m ) => Env.Environment -> ( (Inc.Dependency (HashMap RemoteSchemaName Inc.InvalidationKey), OrderedRoles), [RemoteSchemaMetadataG remoteRelationshipDefinition] ) `arr` HashMap RemoteSchemaName (PartiallyResolvedRemoteSchemaCtxG remoteRelationshipDefinition, MetadataObject) ``` Note the dependence on `CollectedInfo` which is defined as ```haskell data CollectedInfo = CIInconsistency InconsistentMetadata | CIDependency MetadataObject -- ^ for error reporting on missing dependencies SchemaObjId SchemaDependency deriving (Eq) ``` this pretty much means that remote schemas is dependent on types from databases, actions, .... How do we fix this? Maybe introduce a typeclass such as `ArrowCollectRemoteSchemaDependencies` which is defined in `Hasura.RemoteSchema` and then implemented in graphql-engine? 1. The dependency on `buildSchemaCacheFor` in `.MetadataAPI.Execute` which has the following signature: ```haskell buildSchemaCacheFor :: (QErrM m, CacheRWM m, MetadataM m) => MetadataObjId -> MetadataModifier -> ``` This can be easily resolved if we restrict what the metadata APIs are allowed to do. Currently, they operate in an unfettered access to modify SchemaCache (the `CacheRWM` constraint): ```haskell runAddRemoteSchema :: ( QErrM m, CacheRWM m, MonadIO m, HasHttpManagerM m, MetadataM m, Tracing.MonadTrace m ) => Env.Environment -> AddRemoteSchemaQuery -> m EncJSON ``` This should instead be changed to restrict remote schema APIs to only modify remote schema metadata (but has access to the remote schemas part of the schema cache), this dependency is completely removed. ```haskell runAddRemoteSchema :: ( QErrM m, MonadIO m, HasHttpManagerM m, MonadReader RemoteSchemasSchemaCache m, MonadState RemoteSchemaMetadata m, Tracing.MonadTrace m ) => Env.Environment -> AddRemoteSchemaQuery -> m RemoteSchemeMetadataObjId ``` The idea is that the core graphql-engine would call these functions and then call `buildSchemaCacheFor`. PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/6291 GitOrigin-RevId: 51357148c6404afe70219afa71bd1d59bdf4ffc6
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{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Hasura.GraphQL.RemoteServer
( fetchRemoteSchema,
import Control.Arrow.Extended (left)
import Control.Exception (try)
import Control.Lens (set, (^.))
import Control.Monad.Memoize
import Data.Aeson ((.:), (.:?))
import Data.Aeson qualified as J
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BL
import Data.Environment qualified as Env
import Data.FileEmbed (makeRelativeToProject)
import Data.HashMap.Strict.Extended qualified as Map
import Data.HashSet qualified as Set
import Data.List.Extended (duplicates)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.Extended (dquoteList, (<<>))
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Monad (Parse)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Name qualified as GName
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Common
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Remote (buildRemoteParser)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Typename
import Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.HTTP.Protocol
import Hasura.HTTP
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Headers (makeHeadersFromConf)
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common
import Hasura.RemoteSchema.Metadata
import Hasura.RemoteSchema.SchemaCache.Types
import Hasura.Server.Utils
import Hasura.Session
import Hasura.Tracing qualified as Tracing
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Parser qualified as G
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax qualified as G
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax qualified as TH
import Network.HTTP.Client.Transformable qualified as HTTP
import Network.URI (URI)
import Network.Wreq qualified as Wreq
-- Core API
-- | Make an introspection query to the remote graphql server for the data we
-- need to present and stitch the remote schema. This powers add_remote_schema,
-- and also is called by schema cache rebuilding code in "Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Cache".
fetchRemoteSchema ::
forall m.
(MonadIO m, MonadError QErr m, Tracing.MonadTrace m) =>
Env.Environment ->
HTTP.Manager ->
RemoteSchemaName ->
ValidatedRemoteSchemaDef ->
m (IntrospectionResult, BL.ByteString, RemoteSchemaInfo)
fetchRemoteSchema env manager _rscName rsDef@ValidatedRemoteSchemaDef {..} = do
(_, _, _rscRawIntrospectionResult) <-
execRemoteGQ env manager adminUserInfo [] rsDef introspectionQuery
-- Parse the JSON into flat GraphQL type AST.
FromIntrospection _rscIntroOriginal <-
J.eitherDecode _rscRawIntrospectionResult `onLeft` (throwRemoteSchema . T.pack)
-- Possibly transform type names from the remote schema, per the user's 'RemoteSchemaDef'.
let rsCustomizer = getCustomizer (addDefaultRoots _rscIntroOriginal) _vrsdCustomization
validateSchemaCustomizations rsCustomizer (irDoc _rscIntroOriginal)
let remoteSchemaInfo = RemoteSchemaInfo {..}
-- Check that the parsed GraphQL type info is valid by running the schema
-- generation. The result is discarded, as the local schema will be built
-- properly for each role at schema generation time, but this allows us to
-- quickly reject an invalid schema.
void $
runMemoizeT $
runRemoteSchema minimumValidContext $
buildRemoteParser @_ @_ @Parse
mempty -- remote relationships
-- The 'rawIntrospectionResult' contains the 'Bytestring' response of
-- the introspection result of the remote server. We store this in the
-- 'RemoteSchemaCtx' because we can use this when the 'introspect_remote_schema'
-- is called by simple encoding the result to JSON.
return (_rscIntroOriginal, _rscRawIntrospectionResult, remoteSchemaInfo)
-- If there is no explicit mutation or subscription root type we need to check for
-- objects type definitions with the default names "Mutation" and "Subscription".
-- If found, we add the default roots explicitly to the IntrospectionResult.
-- This simplifies the customization code.
addDefaultRoots :: IntrospectionResult -> IntrospectionResult
addDefaultRoots IntrospectionResult {..} =
{ irMutationRoot = getRootTypeName GName._Mutation irMutationRoot,
irSubscriptionRoot = getRootTypeName GName._Subscription irSubscriptionRoot,
getRootTypeName defaultName providedName =
providedName <|> (defaultName <$ lookupObject irDoc defaultName)
-- Minimum valid information required to run schema generation for
-- the remote schema.
minimumValidContext =
-- | Sends a GraphQL query to the given server.
execRemoteGQ ::
( MonadIO m,
MonadError QErr m,
Tracing.MonadTrace m
) =>
Env.Environment ->
HTTP.Manager ->
UserInfo ->
[HTTP.Header] ->
ValidatedRemoteSchemaDef ->
GQLReqOutgoing ->
-- | Returns the response body and headers, along with the time taken for the
-- HTTP request to complete
m (DiffTime, [HTTP.Header], BL.ByteString)
execRemoteGQ env manager userInfo reqHdrs rsdef gqlReq@GQLReq {..} = do
let gqlReqUnparsed = renderGQLReqOutgoing gqlReq
when (G._todType _grQuery == G.OperationTypeSubscription) $
throwRemoteSchema "subscription to remote server is not supported"
confHdrs <- makeHeadersFromConf env hdrConf
let clientHdrs = bool [] (mkClientHeadersForward reqHdrs) fwdClientHdrs
-- filter out duplicate headers
-- priority: conf headers > resolved userinfo vars > client headers
hdrMaps =
[ Map.fromList confHdrs,
Map.fromList userInfoToHdrs,
Map.fromList clientHdrs
headers = Map.toList $ foldr Map.union Map.empty hdrMaps
finalHeaders = addDefaultHeaders headers
initReq <- onLeft (HTTP.mkRequestEither $ tshow url) (throwRemoteSchemaHttp webhookEnvRecord)
let req =
initReq & set HTTP.method "POST"
& set HTTP.headers finalHeaders
& set HTTP.body (Just $ J.encode gqlReqUnparsed)
& set HTTP.timeout (HTTP.responseTimeoutMicro (timeout * 1000000))
Tracing.tracedHttpRequest req \req' -> do
(time, res) <- withElapsedTime $ liftIO $ try $ HTTP.performRequest req' manager
resp <- onLeft res (throwRemoteSchemaHttp webhookEnvRecord)
pure (time, mkSetCookieHeaders resp, resp ^. Wreq.responseBody)
ValidatedRemoteSchemaDef webhookEnvRecord hdrConf fwdClientHdrs timeout _mPrefix = rsdef
url = _envVarValue webhookEnvRecord
userInfoToHdrs = sessionVariablesToHeaders $ _uiSession userInfo
-- Validation
validateSchemaCustomizations ::
forall m.
MonadError QErr m =>
RemoteSchemaCustomizer ->
RemoteSchemaIntrospection ->
m ()
validateSchemaCustomizations remoteSchemaCustomizer remoteSchemaIntrospection = do
validateSchemaCustomizationsConsistent remoteSchemaCustomizer remoteSchemaIntrospection
validateSchemaCustomizationsDistinct remoteSchemaCustomizer remoteSchemaIntrospection
validateSchemaCustomizationsConsistent ::
forall m.
MonadError QErr m =>
RemoteSchemaCustomizer ->
RemoteSchemaIntrospection ->
m ()
validateSchemaCustomizationsConsistent remoteSchemaCustomizer (RemoteSchemaIntrospection typeDefinitions) = do
traverse_ validateInterfaceFields typeDefinitions
customizeFieldName = remoteSchemaCustomizeFieldName remoteSchemaCustomizer
validateInterfaceFields :: G.TypeDefinition [G.Name] a -> m ()
validateInterfaceFields = \case
G.TypeDefinitionInterface G.InterfaceTypeDefinition {..} ->
for_ _itdPossibleTypes $ \typeName ->
for_ _itdFieldsDefinition $ \G.FieldDefinition {..} -> do
let interfaceCustomizedFieldName = runCustomizeRemoteFieldName customizeFieldName _itdName _fldName
typeCustomizedFieldName = runCustomizeRemoteFieldName customizeFieldName typeName _fldName
when (interfaceCustomizedFieldName /= typeCustomizedFieldName) $
throwRemoteSchema $
"Remote schema customization inconsistency: field name mapping for field "
<> _fldName
<<> " of interface "
<> _itdName
<<> " is inconsistent with mapping for type "
<> typeName
<<> ". Interface field name maps to "
<> interfaceCustomizedFieldName
<<> ". Type field name maps to "
<> typeCustomizedFieldName
<<> "."
_ -> pure ()
validateSchemaCustomizationsDistinct ::
forall m.
MonadError QErr m =>
RemoteSchemaCustomizer ->
RemoteSchemaIntrospection ->
m ()
validateSchemaCustomizationsDistinct remoteSchemaCustomizer (RemoteSchemaIntrospection typeDefinitions) = do
traverse_ validateFieldMappingsAreDistinct typeDefinitions
customizeTypeName = remoteSchemaCustomizeTypeName remoteSchemaCustomizer
customizeFieldName = runCustomizeRemoteFieldName (remoteSchemaCustomizeFieldName remoteSchemaCustomizer)
validateTypeMappingsAreDistinct :: m ()
validateTypeMappingsAreDistinct = do
let dups = duplicates $ runMkTypename customizeTypeName <$> Map.keys typeDefinitions
unless (Set.null dups) $
throwRemoteSchema $
"Type name mappings are not distinct; the following types appear more than once: "
<> dquoteList dups
validateFieldMappingsAreDistinct :: G.TypeDefinition a b -> m ()
validateFieldMappingsAreDistinct = \case
G.TypeDefinitionInterface G.InterfaceTypeDefinition {..} -> do
let dups = duplicates $ customizeFieldName _itdName . G._fldName <$> _itdFieldsDefinition
unless (Set.null dups) $
throwRemoteSchema $
"Field name mappings for interface type " <> _itdName
<<> " are not distinct; the following fields appear more than once: "
<> dquoteList dups
G.TypeDefinitionObject G.ObjectTypeDefinition {..} -> do
let dups = duplicates $ customizeFieldName _otdName . G._fldName <$> _otdFieldsDefinition
unless (Set.null dups) $
throwRemoteSchema $
"Field name mappings for object type " <> _otdName
<<> " are not distinct; the following fields appear more than once: "
<> dquoteList dups
_ -> pure ()
-- Introspection
introspectionQuery :: GQLReqOutgoing
introspectionQuery =
$( do
fp <- makeRelativeToProject "src-rsr/introspection.json"
TH.qAddDependentFile fp
eitherResult <- TH.runIO $ J.eitherDecodeFileStrict fp
either fail TH.lift $ do
r@GQLReq {..} <- eitherResult
op <- left (T.unpack . showQErr) $ getSingleOperation r
pure GQLReq {_grQuery = op, ..}
-- | Parsing the introspection query result. We use this newtype wrapper to
-- avoid orphan instances and parse JSON in the way that we need for GraphQL
-- introspection results.
newtype FromIntrospection a = FromIntrospection {fromIntrospection :: a}
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Functor)
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.Description) where
parseJSON = fmap (FromIntrospection . G.Description) . J.parseJSON
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.ScalarTypeDefinition) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "ScalarTypeDefinition" $ \o -> do
kind <- o .: "kind"
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
when (kind /= "SCALAR") $ kindErr kind "scalar"
let desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
r = G.ScalarTypeDefinition desc' name []
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection (G.ObjectTypeDefinition G.InputValueDefinition)) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "ObjectTypeDefinition" $ \o -> do
kind <- o .: "kind"
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
fields <- o .:? "fields"
interfaces :: Maybe [FromIntrospection (G.InterfaceTypeDefinition [G.Name] G.InputValueDefinition)] <- o .:? "interfaces"
when (kind /= "OBJECT") $ kindErr kind "object"
let implIfaces = map G._itdName $ maybe [] (fmap fromIntrospection) interfaces
flds = maybe [] (fmap fromIntrospection) fields
desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
r = G.ObjectTypeDefinition desc' name implIfaces [] flds
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance (J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection a)) => J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection (G.FieldDefinition a)) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "FieldDefinition" $ \o -> do
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
args <- o .: "args"
_type <- o .: "type"
let desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
r =
(fmap fromIntrospection args)
(fromIntrospection _type)
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.GType) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "GType" $ \o -> do
kind <- o .: "kind"
mName <- o .:? "name"
mType <- o .:? "ofType"
r <- case (kind, mName, mType) of
("NON_NULL", _, Just typ) -> return $ mkNotNull (fromIntrospection typ)
("NON_NULL", _, Nothing) -> pErr "NON_NULL should have `ofType`"
("LIST", _, Just typ) ->
return $ G.TypeList (G.Nullability True) (fromIntrospection typ)
("LIST", _, Nothing) -> pErr "LIST should have `ofType`"
(_, Just name, _) -> return $ G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability True) name
_ -> pErr $ "kind: " <> kind <> " should have name"
return $ FromIntrospection r
mkNotNull typ = case typ of
G.TypeList _ ty -> G.TypeList (G.Nullability False) ty
G.TypeNamed _ n -> G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability False) n
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.InputValueDefinition) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "InputValueDefinition" $ \o -> do
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
_type <- o .: "type"
defVal <- o .:? "defaultValue"
let desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
let defVal' = fmap fromIntrospection defVal
r = G.InputValueDefinition desc' name (fromIntrospection _type) defVal' []
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection (G.Value Void)) where
parseJSON = J.withText "Value Void" $ \t ->
let parseValueConst = G.runParser G.value
in FromIntrospection <$> onLeft (parseValueConst t) (fail . T.unpack)
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection (G.InterfaceTypeDefinition [G.Name] G.InputValueDefinition)) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "InterfaceTypeDefinition" $ \o -> do
kind <- o .: "kind"
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
fields <- o .:? "fields"
possibleTypes :: Maybe [FromIntrospection (G.ObjectTypeDefinition G.InputValueDefinition)] <- o .:? "possibleTypes"
let flds = maybe [] (fmap fromIntrospection) fields
desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
possTps = map G._otdName $ maybe [] (fmap fromIntrospection) possibleTypes
when (kind /= "INTERFACE") $ kindErr kind "interface"
-- TODO (non PDV) track which interfaces implement which other interfaces, after a
-- GraphQL spec > Jun 2018 is released.
let r = G.InterfaceTypeDefinition desc' name [] flds possTps
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.UnionTypeDefinition) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "UnionTypeDefinition" $ \o -> do
kind <- o .: "kind"
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
possibleTypes :: [FromIntrospection (G.ObjectTypeDefinition G.InputValueDefinition)] <- o .: "possibleTypes"
let possibleTypes' = map G._otdName $ fmap fromIntrospection possibleTypes
desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
when (kind /= "UNION") $ kindErr kind "union"
let r = G.UnionTypeDefinition desc' name [] possibleTypes'
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.EnumTypeDefinition) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "EnumTypeDefinition" $ \o -> do
kind <- o .: "kind"
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
vals <- o .: "enumValues"
when (kind /= "ENUM") $ kindErr kind "enum"
let desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
let r = G.EnumTypeDefinition desc' name [] (fmap fromIntrospection vals)
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.EnumValueDefinition) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "EnumValueDefinition" $ \o -> do
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
let desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
let r = G.EnumValueDefinition desc' name []
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection (G.InputObjectTypeDefinition G.InputValueDefinition)) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "InputObjectTypeDefinition" $ \o -> do
kind <- o .: "kind"
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
mInputFields <- o .:? "inputFields"
let inputFields = maybe [] (fmap fromIntrospection) mInputFields
let desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
when (kind /= "INPUT_OBJECT") $ kindErr kind "input_object"
let r = G.InputObjectTypeDefinition desc' name [] inputFields
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection (G.TypeDefinition [G.Name] G.InputValueDefinition)) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "TypeDefinition" $ \o -> do
kind :: Text <- o .: "kind"
r <- case kind of
G.TypeDefinitionScalar . fromIntrospection <$> J.parseJSON (J.Object o)
G.TypeDefinitionObject . fromIntrospection <$> J.parseJSON (J.Object o)
G.TypeDefinitionInterface . fromIntrospection <$> J.parseJSON (J.Object o)
"UNION" ->
G.TypeDefinitionUnion . fromIntrospection <$> J.parseJSON (J.Object o)
"ENUM" ->
G.TypeDefinitionEnum . fromIntrospection <$> J.parseJSON (J.Object o)
G.TypeDefinitionInputObject . fromIntrospection <$> J.parseJSON (J.Object o)
_ -> pErr $ "unknown kind: " <> kind
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection IntrospectionResult) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "SchemaDocument" $ \o -> do
_data <- o .: "data"
schema <- _data .: "__schema"
-- the list of types
types <- schema .: "types"
-- query root
queryType <- schema .: "queryType"
queryRoot <- queryType .: "name"
-- mutation root
mMutationType <- schema .:? "mutationType"
mutationRoot <- case mMutationType of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just mutType -> do
mutRoot <- mutType .: "name"
return $ Just mutRoot
-- subscription root
mSubsType <- schema .:? "subscriptionType"
subsRoot <- case mSubsType of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just subsType -> do
subRoot <- subsType .: "name"
return $ Just subRoot
let types' =
(fmap . fmap . fmap)
-- presets are only defined for non-admin roles,
-- an admin will not have any presets
-- defined and the admin will be the one,
-- who'll be adding the remote schema,
-- hence presets are set to `Nothing`
(`RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition` Nothing)
r =
(RemoteSchemaIntrospection $ Map.fromListOn getTypeName $ fromIntrospection <$> types')
return $ FromIntrospection r
-- Customization
getCustomizer :: IntrospectionResult -> Maybe RemoteSchemaCustomization -> RemoteSchemaCustomizer
getCustomizer _ Nothing = identityCustomizer
getCustomizer IntrospectionResult {..} (Just RemoteSchemaCustomization {..}) = RemoteSchemaCustomizer {..}
rootTypeNames =
if isNothing _rscRootFieldsNamespace
then Set.fromList $ catMaybes [Just irQueryRoot, irMutationRoot, irSubscriptionRoot]
else mempty
-- root type names should not be prefixed or suffixed unless
-- there is a custom root namespace field
protectedTypeNames = GName.builtInScalars <> rootTypeNames
nameFilter name = not $ "__" `T.isPrefixOf` G.unName name || name `Set.member` protectedTypeNames
mkPrefixSuffixMap :: Maybe G.Name -> Maybe G.Name -> [G.Name] -> HashMap G.Name G.Name
mkPrefixSuffixMap mPrefix mSuffix names = Map.fromList $ case (mPrefix, mSuffix) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> []
(Just prefix, Nothing) -> map (\name -> (name, prefix <> name)) names
(Nothing, Just suffix) -> map (\name -> (name, name <> suffix)) names
(Just prefix, Just suffix) -> map (\name -> (name, prefix <> name <> suffix)) names
RemoteSchemaIntrospection typeDefinitions = irDoc
typesToRename = filter nameFilter $ Map.keys typeDefinitions
-- NOTE: We are creating a root type name mapping, this will be used to
-- prefix the root field names with the root field namespace. We are doing
-- this inorder to reduce typename conflicts while adding the root field
-- namespace. Please note that this will have lower precedence order than
-- the _rtcMapping. This means that a user can still change the root type
-- name.
rootTypeNameMap =
mkPrefixSuffixMap _rscRootFieldsNamespace Nothing $
catMaybes [Just irQueryRoot, irMutationRoot, irSubscriptionRoot]
typeRenameMap =
case _rscTypeNames of
Nothing -> rootTypeNameMap
Just RemoteTypeCustomization {..} ->
_rtcMapping <> rootTypeNameMap <> mkPrefixSuffixMap _rtcPrefix _rtcSuffix typesToRename
typeFieldMap :: HashMap G.Name [G.Name] -- typeName -> fieldNames
typeFieldMap =
mapMaybe getFieldsNames typeDefinitions
getFieldsNames = \case
G.TypeDefinitionObject G.ObjectTypeDefinition {..} -> Just $ G._fldName <$> _otdFieldsDefinition
G.TypeDefinitionInterface G.InterfaceTypeDefinition {..} -> Just $ G._fldName <$> _itdFieldsDefinition
_ -> Nothing
mkFieldRenameMap RemoteFieldCustomization {..} fieldNames =
_rfcMapping <> mkPrefixSuffixMap _rfcPrefix _rfcSuffix fieldNames
fieldRenameMap =
case _rscFieldNames of
Nothing -> Map.empty
Just fieldNameCustomizations ->
let customizationMap = Map.fromList $ map (\rfc -> (_rfcParentType rfc, rfc)) fieldNameCustomizations
in Map.intersectionWith mkFieldRenameMap customizationMap typeFieldMap
_rscNamespaceFieldName = _rscRootFieldsNamespace
_rscCustomizeTypeName = typeRenameMap
_rscCustomizeFieldName = fieldRenameMap
-- Local error handling
pErr :: (MonadFail m) => Text -> m a
pErr = fail . T.unpack
kindErr :: (MonadFail m) => Text -> Text -> m a
kindErr gKind eKind = pErr $ "Invalid `kind: " <> gKind <> "` in " <> eKind
throwRemoteSchema :: QErrM m => Text -> m a
throwRemoteSchema = throw400 RemoteSchemaError
throwRemoteSchemaHttp ::
QErrM m =>
EnvRecord URI ->
HTTP.HttpException ->
m a
throwRemoteSchemaHttp urlEnvRecord exception =
throwError $
(baseError urlEnvRecord)
{ qeInternal = Just $ ExtraInternal $ J.toJSON $ HttpException exception
baseError val = err400 RemoteSchemaError (httpExceptMsg val)
httpExceptMsg val = "HTTP exception occurred while sending the request to " <> tshow (_envVarName val)