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synced 2024-12-18 13:02:11 +03:00
This upgrades the version of Ormolu required by the HGE repository to v0.5.0.1, and reformats all code accordingly. Ormolu v0.5 reformats code that uses infix operators. This is mostly useful, adding newlines and indentation to make it clear which operators are applied first, but in some cases, it's unpleasant. To make this easier on the eyes, I had to do the following: * Add a few fixity declarations (search for `infix`) * Add parentheses to make precedence clear, allowing Ormolu to keep everything on one line * Rename `relevantEq` to `(==~)` in #6651 and set it to `infix 4` * Add a few _.ormolu_ files (thanks to @hallettj for helping me get started), mostly for Autodocodec operators that don't have explicit fixity declarations In general, I think these changes are quite reasonable. They mostly affect indentation. PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/6675 GitOrigin-RevId: cd47d87f1d089fb0bc9dcbbe7798dbceedcd7d83
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295 lines
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-- | Our HTTP client library, with better ergonomics for logging and so on (see
-- 'Request').
module Network.HTTP.Client.Transformable
( Request,
Client.Response (..),
Client.HttpException (..),
Internal.HttpExceptionContent (..),
module Types,
module TLSClient,
import Control.Exception.Safe (impureThrow)
import Control.Lens (Lens', lens, set, to, view, (^.), (^?), _Just)
import Control.Lens.Iso (strict)
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadThrow, fromException)
import Data.Aeson qualified as J
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.ByteString qualified as B
import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as C8
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BL
import Data.CaseInsensitive qualified as CI
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as TE
import Data.Text.Strict.Lens qualified as Strict (utf8)
import Network.HTTP.Client qualified as Client
import Network.HTTP.Client.Internal qualified as Internal
import Network.HTTP.Client.TLS as TLSClient
import Network.HTTP.Conduit qualified as NHS
import Network.HTTP.Simple qualified as NHS
import Network.HTTP.Types as Types
import Network.URI qualified as URI
import Prelude
-- | @Network.HTTP.Client@.'Client.Request' stores the request body in a sum
-- type which has a case containing IO along with some other unwieldy cases.
-- This makes it difficult to log our requests before and after transformation.
-- In our codebase we only ever use the Lazy ByteString case. So by
-- lifting the request body out of Network.HTTP.Client.Request, we
-- make it much easier to log our Requests.
-- When executing the request we simply insert the value at `rdBody`
-- into the Request.
-- When working with Transformable Requests you should always import
-- this module qualified and use the `mkRequest*` functions for
-- constructing requests. Modification of Request should be done using
-- the provided lens API.
-- NOTE: This module is meant to be imported qualified, e.g.
-- > import qualified Network.HTTP.Client.Transformable as HTTP
-- ...or
-- > import qualified Network.HTTP.Client.Transformable as Transformable
-- Use 'performRequest' to execute the request.
data Request = Request
{ rdRequest :: Client.Request,
rdBody :: Maybe BL.ByteString
deriving (Show)
-- XXX: This function makes internal usage of `Strict.utf8`/`TE.decodeUtf8`,
-- which throws an impure exception when the supplied `ByteString` cannot be
-- decoded into valid UTF8 text!
instance J.ToJSON Request where
toJSON req@Request {rdRequest, rdBody} =
[ "url" J..= (req ^. url),
"method" J..= (req ^. method . Strict.utf8),
"headers" J..= (req ^. headers . renderHeaders),
"body" J..= (rdBody ^? _Just . strict . Strict.utf8),
"query_string" J..= (rdRequest ^. to Client.queryString . Strict.utf8),
"response_timeout" J..= (req ^. timeout . renderResponseTimeout)
renderHeaders = to $ fmap \(keyBytes, valBytes) ->
let keyTxt = TE.decodeUtf8 . CI.original $ keyBytes
valTxt = TE.decodeUtf8 valBytes
in (keyTxt, valTxt)
renderResponseTimeout = to $ \case
Internal.ResponseTimeoutMicro i -> show i
Internal.ResponseTimeoutNone -> "None"
Internal.ResponseTimeoutDefault -> "default"
-- | Convert a URL into a Request value.
-- NOTE: This function will throw an error in 'MonadThrow' if the URL is
-- invalid.
mkRequestThrow :: MonadThrow m => Text -> m Request
mkRequestThrow urlTxt = do
request <- Client.parseRequest $ T.unpack urlTxt
pure $ Request request Nothing
-- | 'mkRequestThrow' with the 'MonadThrow' instance specialized to 'Either'.
-- NOTE: While this function makes use of 'impureThrow', it should be
-- impossible to trigger in practice.
-- 'mkRequestThrow' calls 'Client.parseRequest', which only ever throws
-- 'Client.HttpException' errors (which should be "caught" by the
-- 'fromException' cast).
mkRequestEither :: Text -> Either Client.HttpException Request
mkRequestEither urlTxt =
mkRequestThrow urlTxt & first
\someExc -> case fromException @Client.HttpException someExc of
Just httpExc -> httpExc
Nothing -> impureThrow someExc
-- | Creates a 'Request', converting it from a 'Client.Request'. This only
-- supports requests that use a Strict/Lazy ByteString as a request body
-- and will fail with all other body types.
-- NOTE: You should avoid creating 'Client.Request's and use the 'mk'
-- functions to create 'Request's. This is for if a framework hands you
-- a precreated 'Client.Request' and you don't have a choice.
tryFromClientRequest :: Client.Request -> Either Text Request
tryFromClientRequest req = case Client.requestBody req of
Client.RequestBodyLBS lbs -> Right $ Request req (Just lbs)
Client.RequestBodyBS bs -> Right $ Request req (Just $ BL.fromStrict bs)
Client.RequestBodyBuilder _ _ -> Left "Unsupported body: Builder"
Client.RequestBodyStream _ _ -> Left "Unsupported body: Stream"
Client.RequestBodyStreamChunked _ -> Left "Unsupported body: Stream Chunked"
Client.RequestBodyIO _ -> Left "Unsupported body: IO"
-- | Url is 'materialized view' into `Request` consisting of
-- concatenation of `host`, `port`, `queryParams`, and `path` in the
-- underlying request object, as well as a literal url field that
-- stores the textual representation that was supplied from metadata.
-- The reason why we store the textual URL in addition to the parsed
-- URL in the request is that the parsed URL loses syntactic information
-- such as "does http://foo.com end in a slash?" which is important
-- when a template user has expectations about the $url variable
-- matching the string that was configured in the action.
-- We use the literal field to `view` the value but we must
-- carefully set the subcomponents by hand during `set` operations. Be
-- careful modifying this lens and verify against the unit tests..
url :: Lens' Request Text
url = lens getUrl setUrl
getUrl :: Request -> Text
getUrl Request {rdRequest} = T.pack $ URI.uriToString id (Client.getUri rdRequest) mempty
setUrl :: Request -> Text -> Request
setUrl req url' = fromMaybe req $ do
uri <- URI.parseURI (T.unpack url')
URI.URIAuth {..} <- URI.uriAuthority uri
let host' = C8.pack $ uriUserInfo <> uriRegName
ssl = URI.uriScheme uri == "https:"
port' = case uriPort of
':' : newPort -> read @Int newPort
_ -> if ssl then 443 else 80
queryString = Types.queryTextToQuery $ Types.parseQueryText $ C8.pack $ URI.uriQuery uri
path' = C8.pack $ URI.uriPath uri
pure $
& set host host'
& set secure ssl
& set port port'
& set queryParams queryString
& set path path'
body :: Lens' Request (Maybe BL.ByteString)
body = lens rdBody setBody
setBody :: Request -> Maybe BL.ByteString -> Request
setBody req body' = req {rdBody = body'}
headers :: Lens' Request [Types.Header]
headers = lens getHeaders setHeaders
getHeaders :: Request -> [Types.Header]
getHeaders Request {rdRequest} = Client.requestHeaders rdRequest
setHeaders :: Request -> [Types.Header] -> Request
setHeaders req@Request {rdRequest} headers' =
req {rdRequest = NHS.setRequestHeaders headers' rdRequest}
host :: Lens' Request B.ByteString
host = lens getHost setHost
getHost :: Request -> B.ByteString
getHost Request {rdRequest} = Client.host rdRequest
setHost :: Request -> B.ByteString -> Request
setHost req@Request {rdRequest} host' =
req {rdRequest = NHS.setRequestHost host' rdRequest}
secure :: Lens' Request Bool
secure = lens getSecure setSecure
getSecure :: Request -> Bool
getSecure Request {rdRequest} = Client.secure rdRequest
setSecure :: Request -> Bool -> Request
setSecure req@Request {rdRequest} ssl =
req {rdRequest = NHS.setRequestSecure ssl rdRequest}
method :: Lens' Request B.ByteString
method = lens getMethod setMethod
getMethod :: Request -> B.ByteString
getMethod Request {rdRequest} = Client.method rdRequest
setMethod :: Request -> B.ByteString -> Request
setMethod req@Request {rdRequest} method' = req {rdRequest = NHS.setRequestMethod method' rdRequest}
path :: Lens' Request B.ByteString
path = lens getPath setPath
getPath :: Request -> B.ByteString
getPath Request {rdRequest} = Client.path rdRequest
setPath :: Request -> B.ByteString -> Request
setPath req@Request {rdRequest} p =
req {rdRequest = rdRequest {Client.path = p}}
port :: Lens' Request Int
port = lens getPort setPort
getPort :: Request -> Int
getPort Request {rdRequest} = Client.port rdRequest
setPort :: Request -> Int -> Request
setPort req@Request {rdRequest} i =
req {rdRequest = NHS.setRequestPort i rdRequest}
getQueryStr :: Request -> ByteString
getQueryStr = Types.renderQuery True . view queryParams
queryParams :: Lens' Request NHS.Query
queryParams = lens getQueryParams setQueryParams
getQueryParams :: Request -> NHS.Query
getQueryParams Request {rdRequest} = NHS.getRequestQueryString rdRequest
setQueryParams :: Request -> NHS.Query -> Request
setQueryParams req@Request {rdRequest} params = req {rdRequest = NHS.setQueryString params rdRequest}
timeout :: Lens' Request Client.ResponseTimeout
timeout = lens getTimeout setTimeout
getTimeout :: Request -> Client.ResponseTimeout
getTimeout Request {rdRequest} = Client.responseTimeout rdRequest
setTimeout :: Request -> Client.ResponseTimeout -> Request
setTimeout req@Request {rdRequest} timeout' =
let updatedReq = rdRequest {Client.responseTimeout = timeout'}
in req {rdRequest = updatedReq}
getReqSize :: Request -> Int64
getReqSize Request {rdBody} = maybe 0 BL.length rdBody
toRequest :: Request -> Client.Request
toRequest Request {rdRequest, rdBody} = case rdBody of
Nothing -> rdRequest
Just body' -> NHS.setRequestBody (Client.RequestBodyLBS body') rdRequest
-- | NOTE: for now, please always wrap this in @tracedHttpRequest@ to make sure
-- a trace is logged.
performRequest :: Request -> Client.Manager -> IO (Client.Response BL.ByteString)
performRequest req manager = Client.httpLbs (toRequest req) manager