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module Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.Introspect
( schemaR
, typeR
) where
import Data.Has
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.HashSet as Set
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.Context
import Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.InputValue
import Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.InputValue
import Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.Context
import Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.Field
import Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.Types
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.SQL.Value
data TypeKind
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance J.ToJSON TypeKind where
toJSON = J.toJSON . T.pack . drop 2 . show
:: (Monad m)
=> SelSet
-> (Field -> m J.Value)
-> m J.Object
withSubFields selSet fn =
fmap Map.fromList $ forM (toList selSet) $ \fld -> do
val <- fn fld
return (G.unName $ G.unAlias $ _fAlias fld, val)
namedTyToTxt :: G.NamedType -> Text
namedTyToTxt = G.unName . G.unNamedType
retJ :: (Applicative m, J.ToJSON a) => a -> m J.Value
retJ = pure . J.toJSON
retJT :: (Applicative m) => Text -> m J.Value
retJT = pure . J.toJSON
:: (Monad m)
=> ScalarTyInfo
-> Field
-> m J.Object
scalarR (ScalarTyInfo descM pgColType _) fld =
withSubFields (_fSelSet fld) $ \subFld ->
case _fName subFld of
"__typename" -> retJT "__Type"
"kind" -> retJ TKSCALAR
"description" -> retJ $ fmap G.unDescription descM
"name" -> retJ $ pgColTyToScalar pgColType
_ -> return J.Null
:: ( MonadReader r m, Has TypeMap r
, MonadError QErr m)
=> ObjTyInfo
-> Field
-> m J.Object
objectTypeR (ObjTyInfo descM n iFaces flds) fld =
withSubFields (_fSelSet fld) $ \subFld ->
case _fName subFld of
"__typename" -> retJT "__Type"
"kind" -> retJ TKOBJECT
"name" -> retJ $ namedTyToTxt n
"description" -> retJ $ fmap G.unDescription descM
"interfaces" -> fmap J.toJSON $ mapM (`ifaceR` subFld) $ Set.toList iFaces
"fields" -> fmap J.toJSON $ mapM (`fieldR` subFld) $
sortOn _fiName $
filter notBuiltinFld $ Map.elems flds
_ -> return J.Null
notBuiltinFld :: ObjFldInfo -> Bool
notBuiltinFld f =
fldName /= "__typename" && fldName /= "__type" && fldName /= "__schema"
fldName = _fiName f
getImplTypes :: (MonadReader t m, Has TypeMap t) => AsObjType -> m [ObjTyInfo]
getImplTypes aot = do
tyInfo :: TypeMap <- asks getter
return $ sortOn _otiName $
Map.elems $ getPossibleObjTypes' tyInfo aot
:: (MonadReader t m, MonadError QErr m, Has TypeMap t)
=> UnionTyInfo -> Field -> m J.Object
unionR u@(UnionTyInfo descM n _) fld =
withSubFields (_fSelSet fld) $ \subFld ->
case _fName subFld of
"__typename" -> retJT "__Field"
"kind" -> retJ TKUNION
"name" -> retJ $ namedTyToTxt n
"description" -> retJ $ fmap G.unDescription descM
"possibleTypes" -> fmap J.toJSON $
mapM (`objectTypeR` subFld) =<< getImplTypes (AOTUnion u)
_ -> return J.Null
:: ( MonadReader r m, Has TypeMap r
, MonadError QErr m)
=> G.NamedType
-> Field
-> m J.Object
ifaceR n fld = do
tyInfo <- getTyInfo n
case tyInfo of
TIIFace ifaceTyInfo -> ifaceR' ifaceTyInfo fld
_ -> throw500 $ "Unknown interface " <> showNamedTy n
:: ( MonadReader r m, Has TypeMap r
, MonadError QErr m)
=> IFaceTyInfo
-> Field
-> m J.Object
ifaceR' i@(IFaceTyInfo descM n flds) fld =
withSubFields (_fSelSet fld) $ \subFld ->
case _fName subFld of
"__typename" -> retJT "__Type"
"kind" -> retJ TKINTERFACE
"name" -> retJ $ namedTyToTxt n
"description" -> retJ $ fmap G.unDescription descM
"fields" -> fmap J.toJSON $ mapM (`fieldR` subFld) $
sortOn _fiName $
filter notBuiltinFld $ Map.elems flds
"possibleTypes" -> fmap J.toJSON $ mapM (`objectTypeR` subFld)
=<< getImplTypes (AOTIFace i)
_ -> return J.Null
:: ( Monad m )
=> EnumTyInfo
-> Field
-> m J.Object
enumTypeR (EnumTyInfo descM n vals _) fld =
withSubFields (_fSelSet fld) $ \subFld ->
case _fName subFld of
"__typename" -> retJT "__Type"
"kind" -> retJ TKENUM
"name" -> retJ $ namedTyToTxt n
"description" -> retJ $ fmap G.unDescription descM
"enumValues" -> fmap J.toJSON $ mapM (enumValueR subFld) $
sortOn _eviVal $ Map.elems vals
_ -> return J.Null
:: ( MonadReader r m, Has TypeMap r
, MonadError QErr m)
=> InpObjTyInfo
-> Field
-> m J.Object
inputObjR (InpObjTyInfo descM nt flds _) fld =
withSubFields (_fSelSet fld) $ \subFld ->
case _fName subFld of
"__typename" -> retJT "__Type"
"kind" -> retJ TKINPUT_OBJECT
"name" -> retJ $ namedTyToTxt nt
"description" -> retJ $ fmap G.unDescription descM
"inputFields" -> fmap J.toJSON $ mapM (inputValueR subFld) $
sortOn _iviName $ Map.elems flds
_ -> return J.Null
:: ( MonadReader r m, Has TypeMap r
, MonadError QErr m)
=> G.ListType -> Field -> m J.Object
listTypeR (G.ListType ty) fld =
withSubFields (_fSelSet fld) $ \subFld ->
case _fName subFld of
"__typename" -> retJT "__Type"
"kind" -> retJ TKLIST
"ofType" -> J.toJSON <$> gtypeR ty subFld
_ -> return J.Null
:: ( MonadReader r m, Has TypeMap r
, MonadError QErr m)
=> G.GType -> Field -> m J.Object
nonNullR gTyp fld =
withSubFields (_fSelSet fld) $ \subFld ->
case _fName subFld of
"__typename" -> retJT "__Type"
"kind" -> retJ TKNON_NULL
"ofType" -> case gTyp of
G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability False) nt -> J.toJSON <$> namedTypeR nt subFld
G.TypeList (G.Nullability False) lt -> J.toJSON <$> listTypeR lt subFld
_ -> throw500 "nullable type passed to nonNullR"
_ -> return J.Null
:: ( MonadReader r m, Has TypeMap r
, MonadError QErr m)
=> G.NamedType
-> Field
-> m J.Object
namedTypeR nt fld = do
tyInfo <- getTyInfo nt
namedTypeR' fld tyInfo
:: ( MonadReader r m, Has TypeMap r
, MonadError QErr m)
=> Field
-> TypeInfo
-> m J.Object
namedTypeR' fld = \case
TIScalar colTy -> scalarR colTy fld
TIObj objTyInfo -> objectTypeR objTyInfo fld
TIEnum enumTypeInfo -> enumTypeR enumTypeInfo fld
TIInpObj inpObjTyInfo -> inputObjR inpObjTyInfo fld
TIIFace iFaceTyInfo -> ifaceR' iFaceTyInfo fld
TIUnion unionTyInfo -> unionR unionTyInfo fld
-- 4.5.3
:: ( MonadReader r m, Has TypeMap r
, MonadError QErr m)
=> ObjFldInfo -> Field -> m J.Object
fieldR (ObjFldInfo descM n params ty _) fld =
withSubFields (_fSelSet fld) $ \subFld ->
case _fName subFld of
"__typename" -> retJT "__Field"
"name" -> retJ $ G.unName n
"description" -> retJ $ fmap G.unDescription descM
"args" -> fmap J.toJSON $ mapM (inputValueR subFld) $
sortOn _iviName $ Map.elems params
"type" -> J.toJSON <$> gtypeR ty subFld
"isDeprecated" -> retJ False
_ -> return J.Null
-- 4.5.4
:: ( MonadReader r m, Has TypeMap r
, MonadError QErr m)
=> Field -> InpValInfo -> m J.Object
inputValueR fld (InpValInfo descM n defM ty) =
withSubFields (_fSelSet fld) $ \subFld ->
case _fName subFld of
"__typename" -> retJT "__InputValue"
"name" -> retJ $ G.unName n
"description" -> retJ $ fmap G.unDescription descM
"type" -> J.toJSON <$> gtypeR ty subFld
-- TODO: figure out what the spec means by 'string encoding'
"defaultValue" -> retJ $ pPrintValueC <$> defM
_ -> return J.Null
-- 4.5.5
:: (Monad m)
=> Field -> EnumValInfo -> m J.Object
enumValueR fld (EnumValInfo descM enumVal isDeprecated) =
withSubFields (_fSelSet fld) $ \subFld ->
case _fName subFld of
"__typename" -> retJT "__EnumValue"
"name" -> retJ $ G.unName $ G.unEnumValue enumVal
"description" -> retJ $ fmap G.unDescription descM
"isDeprecated" -> retJ isDeprecated
_ -> return J.Null
-- 4.5.6
:: ( MonadReader r m, Has TypeMap r
, MonadError QErr m)
=> Field -> DirectiveInfo -> m J.Object
directiveR fld (DirectiveInfo descM n args locs) =
withSubFields (_fSelSet fld) $ \subFld ->
case _fName subFld of
"__typename" -> retJT "__Directive"
"name" -> retJ $ G.unName n
"description" -> retJ $ fmap G.unDescription descM
"locations" -> retJ $ map showDirLoc locs
"args" -> fmap J.toJSON $ mapM (inputValueR subFld) $
sortOn _iviName $ Map.elems args
_ -> return J.Null
showDirLoc :: G.DirectiveLocation -> Text
showDirLoc = \case
G.DLExecutable edl -> T.pack $ drop 3 $ show edl
G.DLTypeSystem tsdl -> T.pack $ drop 4 $ show tsdl
:: ( MonadReader r m, Has TypeMap r
, MonadError QErr m)
=> G.GType -> Field -> m J.Object
gtypeR ty fld =
case ty of
G.TypeList (G.Nullability True) lt -> listTypeR lt fld
G.TypeList (G.Nullability False) _ -> nonNullR ty fld
G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability True) nt -> namedTypeR nt fld
G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability False) _ -> nonNullR ty fld
:: ( MonadReader r m, Has TypeMap r
, MonadError QErr m)
=> Field -> m J.Object
schemaR fld =
withSubFields (_fSelSet fld) $ \subFld -> do
(tyMap :: TypeMap) <- asks getter
case _fName subFld of
"__typename" -> retJT "__Schema"
"types" -> fmap J.toJSON $ mapM (namedTypeR' subFld) $
sortOn getNamedTy $ Map.elems tyMap
"queryType" -> J.toJSON <$> namedTypeR (G.NamedType "query_root") subFld
"mutationType" -> typeR' "mutation_root" subFld
"subscriptionType" -> typeR' "subscription_root" subFld
"directives" -> J.toJSON <$> mapM (directiveR subFld)
(sortOn _diName defaultDirectives)
_ -> return J.Null
:: ( MonadReader r m, Has TypeMap r
, MonadError QErr m)
=> Field -> m J.Value
typeR fld = do
name <- withArg args "name" $ \arg -> do
pgColVal <- _apvValue <$> asPGColVal arg
case pgColVal of
PGValText t -> return t
_ -> throw500 "expecting string for name arg of __type"
typeR' (G.Name name) fld
args = _fArguments fld
:: ( MonadReader r m, Has TypeMap r
, MonadError QErr m)
=> G.Name -> Field -> m J.Value
typeR' n fld = do
tyMap <- asks getter
case Map.lookup (G.NamedType n) tyMap of
Nothing -> return J.Null
Just tyInfo -> J.Object <$> namedTypeR' fld tyInfo