mirror of
synced 2024-12-17 12:31:52 +03:00
Modifying schema-sync implementation to use polling for OSS/Pro. Invalidations are now propagated via the `hdb_catalog.hdb_schema_notifications` table in OSS/Pro. Pattern followed is now a Listener/Processor split with Cloud listening for changes via a LISTEN/NOTIFY channel and OSS polling for resource version changes in the metadata table. See issue #460 for more details. GitOrigin-RevId: 48434426df02e006f4ec328c0d5cd5b30183db25
485 lines
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485 lines
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-- | The RQL metadata query ('/v1/metadata')
module Hasura.Server.API.Metadata where
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client.Extended as HTTP
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl)
import Control.Monad.Unique
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Casing
import Data.Aeson.TH
import qualified Hasura.Tracing as Tracing
import Hasura.EncJSON
import Hasura.Metadata.Class
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Action
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.ApiLimit
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.ComputedField
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.CustomTypes
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Endpoint
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.EventTrigger
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.InheritedRoles
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Metadata
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Permission
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.QueryCollection
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Relationship
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Relationship.Rename
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.RemoteRelationship
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.RemoteSchema
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.ScheduledTrigger
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Source
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Run
import Hasura.Server.Types (InstanceId (..), MaintenanceMode (..))
import Hasura.Server.Utils (APIVersion (..))
import Hasura.Server.Version (HasVersion)
import Hasura.Session
data RQLMetadataV1
= RMPgAddSource !(AddSource 'Postgres)
| RMPgDropSource !DropSource
| RMPgTrackTable !(TrackTableV2 'Postgres)
| RMPgUntrackTable !(UntrackTable 'Postgres)
| RMPgSetTableIsEnum !SetTableIsEnum
| RMPgSetTableCustomization !SetTableCustomization
-- Postgres functions
| RMPgTrackFunction !TrackFunctionV2
| RMPgUntrackFunction !(UnTrackFunction 'Postgres)
-- Postgres function permissions
| RMPgCreateFunctionPermission !(CreateFunctionPermission 'Postgres)
| RMPgDropFunctionPermission !(DropFunctionPermission 'Postgres)
-- Postgres table relationships
| RMPgCreateObjectRelationship !(CreateObjRel 'Postgres)
| RMPgCreateArrayRelationship !(CreateArrRel 'Postgres)
| RMPgDropRelationship !(DropRel 'Postgres)
| RMPgSetRelationshipComment !(SetRelComment 'Postgres)
| RMPgRenameRelationship !(RenameRel 'Postgres)
-- Postgres computed fields
| RMPgAddComputedField !(AddComputedField 'Postgres)
| RMPgDropComputedField !(DropComputedField 'Postgres)
-- Postgres tables remote relationships
| RMPgCreateRemoteRelationship !(RemoteRelationship 'Postgres)
| RMPgUpdateRemoteRelationship !(RemoteRelationship 'Postgres)
| RMPgDeleteRemoteRelationship !DeleteRemoteRelationship
-- Postgres tables permissions
| RMPgCreateInsertPermission !(CreateInsPerm 'Postgres)
| RMPgCreateSelectPermission !(CreateSelPerm 'Postgres)
| RMPgCreateUpdatePermission !(CreateUpdPerm 'Postgres)
| RMPgCreateDeletePermission !(CreateDelPerm 'Postgres)
| RMPgDropInsertPermission !(DropPerm 'Postgres (InsPerm 'Postgres))
| RMPgDropSelectPermission !(DropPerm 'Postgres (SelPerm 'Postgres))
| RMPgDropUpdatePermission !(DropPerm 'Postgres (UpdPerm 'Postgres))
| RMPgDropDeletePermission !(DropPerm 'Postgres (DelPerm 'Postgres))
| RMPgSetPermissionComment !(SetPermComment 'Postgres)
-- Postgres tables event triggers
| RMPgCreateEventTrigger !CreateEventTriggerQuery
| RMPgDeleteEventTrigger !DeleteEventTriggerQuery
| RMPgRedeliverEvent !RedeliverEventQuery
| RMPgInvokeEventTrigger !InvokeEventTriggerQuery
-- MSSQL sources
| RMMssqlAddSource !(AddSource 'MSSQL)
| RMMssqlDropSource !DropSource
| RMMssqlTrackTable !(TrackTableV2 'MSSQL)
| RMMssqlUntrackTable !(UntrackTable 'MSSQL)
| RMMssqlCreateObjectRelationship !(CreateObjRel 'MSSQL)
| RMMssqlCreateArrayRelationship !(CreateArrRel 'MSSQL)
| RMMssqlDropRelationship !(DropRel 'MSSQL)
| RMMssqlSetRelationshipComment !(SetRelComment 'MSSQL)
| RMMssqlRenameRelationship !(RenameRel 'MSSQL)
| RMMssqlCreateInsertPermission !(CreateInsPerm 'MSSQL)
| RMMssqlCreateSelectPermission !(CreateSelPerm 'MSSQL)
| RMMssqlCreateUpdatePermission !(CreateUpdPerm 'MSSQL)
| RMMssqlCreateDeletePermission !(CreateDelPerm 'MSSQL)
| RMMssqlDropInsertPermission !(DropPerm 'MSSQL (InsPerm 'MSSQL))
| RMMssqlDropSelectPermission !(DropPerm 'MSSQL (SelPerm 'MSSQL))
| RMMssqlDropUpdatePermission !(DropPerm 'MSSQL (UpdPerm 'MSSQL))
| RMMssqlDropDeletePermission !(DropPerm 'MSSQL (DelPerm 'MSSQL))
| RMMssqlSetPermissionComment !(SetPermComment 'MSSQL)
-- Inconsistent metadata
| RMGetInconsistentMetadata !GetInconsistentMetadata
| RMDropInconsistentMetadata !DropInconsistentMetadata
-- Remote schemas
| RMAddRemoteSchema !AddRemoteSchemaQuery
| RMRemoveRemoteSchema !RemoteSchemaNameQuery
| RMReloadRemoteSchema !RemoteSchemaNameQuery
| RMIntrospectRemoteSchema !RemoteSchemaNameQuery
-- remote-schema permissions
| RMAddRemoteSchemaPermissions !AddRemoteSchemaPermissions
| RMDropRemoteSchemaPermissions !DropRemoteSchemaPermissions
-- scheduled triggers
| RMCreateCronTrigger !CreateCronTrigger
| RMDeleteCronTrigger !ScheduledTriggerName
| RMCreateScheduledEvent !CreateScheduledEvent
| RMDeleteScheduledEvent !DeleteScheduledEvent
| RMGetScheduledEvents !GetScheduledEvents
| RMGetEventInvocations !GetEventInvocations
-- query collections, allow list related
| RMCreateQueryCollection !CreateCollection
| RMDropQueryCollection !DropCollection
| RMAddQueryToCollection !AddQueryToCollection
| RMDropQueryFromCollection !DropQueryFromCollection
| RMAddCollectionToAllowlist !CollectionReq
| RMDropCollectionFromAllowlist !CollectionReq
-- basic metadata management
| RMReplaceMetadata !ReplaceMetadata
| RMExportMetadata !ExportMetadata
| RMClearMetadata !ClearMetadata
| RMReloadMetadata !ReloadMetadata
-- actions
| RMCreateAction !CreateAction
| RMDropAction !DropAction
| RMUpdateAction !UpdateAction
| RMCreateActionPermission !CreateActionPermission
| RMDropActionPermission !DropActionPermission
| RMCreateRestEndpoint !CreateEndpoint
| RMDropRestEndpoint !DropEndpoint
| RMSetCustomTypes !CustomTypes
| RMDumpInternalState !DumpInternalState
| RMGetCatalogState !GetCatalogState
| RMSetCatalogState !SetCatalogState
-- 'ApiLimit' related
| RMSetApiLimits !ApiLimit
| RMRemoveApiLimits
-- 'MetricsConfig' related
| RMSetMetricsConfig !MetricsConfig
| RMRemoveMetricsConfig
-- inherited roles
| RMAddInheritedRole !AddInheritedRole
| RMDropInheritedRole !DropInheritedRole
-- bulk metadata queries
| RMBulk [RQLMetadataRequest]
deriving (Eq)
data RQLMetadataV2
= RMV2ReplaceMetadata !ReplaceMetadataV2
| RMV2ExportMetadata !ExportMetadata
deriving (Eq)
data RQLMetadataRequest
= RMV1 !RQLMetadataV1
| RMV2 !RQLMetadataV2
deriving (Eq)
instance FromJSON RQLMetadataRequest where
parseJSON = withObject "RQLMetadataRequest" $ \o -> do
version <- o .:? "version" .!= VIVersion1
let val = Object o
case version of
VIVersion1 -> RMV1 <$> parseJSON val
VIVersion2 -> RMV2 <$> parseJSON val
instance ToJSON RQLMetadataRequest where
toJSON = \case
RMV1 q -> embedVersion VIVersion1 $ toJSON q
RMV2 q -> embedVersion VIVersion2 $ toJSON q
embedVersion version (Object o) =
Object $ o <> "version" .= version
-- never happens since JSON value of RQL queries are always objects
embedVersion _ _ = error "Unexpected: toJSON of RQLMetadtaV is not an object"
data RQLMetadata
= RQLMetadata
{ _rqlMetadataResourceVersion :: !(Maybe MetadataResourceVersion)
, _rqlMetadata :: !RQLMetadataRequest
} deriving (Eq)
instance FromJSON RQLMetadata where
parseJSON = withObject "RQLMetadata" $ \o -> do
_rqlMetadataResourceVersion <- o .:? "resource_version"
_rqlMetadata <- parseJSON $ Object o
pure RQLMetadata{..}
instance ToJSON RQLMetadata where
toJSON RQLMetadata{..} =
embedResourceVersion $ toJSON _rqlMetadata
embedResourceVersion (Object o) =
Object $ o <> "resource_version" .= _rqlMetadataResourceVersion
-- never happens since JSON value of RQL queries are always objects
embedResourceVersion _ = error "Unexpected: toJSON of RQLMetadata is not an object"
defaultOptions { constructorTagModifier = snakeCase . drop 2
, sumEncoding = TaggedObject "type" "args"
defaultOptions { constructorTagModifier = snakeCase . drop 4
, sumEncoding = TaggedObject "type" "args"
:: ( HasVersion
, MonadIO m
, MonadBaseControl IO m
, Tracing.MonadTrace m
, MonadMetadataStorage m
, MonadResolveSource m
=> Env.Environment
-> InstanceId
-> UserInfo
-> HTTP.Manager
-> ServerConfigCtx
-> RebuildableSchemaCache
-> RQLMetadata
-> m (EncJSON, RebuildableSchemaCache)
runMetadataQuery env instanceId userInfo httpManager serverConfigCtx schemaCache RQLMetadata{..} = do
(metadata, currentResourceVersion) <- fetchMetadata
((r, modMetadata), modSchemaCache, cacheInvalidations) <-
runMetadataQueryM env currentResourceVersion _rqlMetadata
& runMetadataT metadata
& runCacheRWT schemaCache
& peelRun (RunCtx userInfo httpManager serverConfigCtx)
& runExceptT
& liftEitherM
-- set modified metadata in storage
if (queryModifiesMetadata _rqlMetadata)
case (_sccMaintenanceMode serverConfigCtx) of
MaintenanceModeDisabled -> do
-- set modified metadata in storage
newResourceVersion <- setMetadata (fromMaybe currentResourceVersion _rqlMetadataResourceVersion) modMetadata
-- notify schema cache sync
notifySchemaCacheSync newResourceVersion instanceId cacheInvalidations
(_, modSchemaCache', _) <- setMetadataResourceVersionInSchemaCache newResourceVersion
& runCacheRWT modSchemaCache
& peelRun (RunCtx userInfo httpManager serverConfigCtx)
& runExceptT
& liftEitherM
pure (r, modSchemaCache')
MaintenanceModeEnabled ->
throw500 "metadata cannot be modified in maintenance mode"
pure (r, modSchemaCache)
queryModifiesMetadata :: RQLMetadataRequest -> Bool
queryModifiesMetadata = \case
RMV1 q ->
case q of
RMGetCatalogState _ -> False
RMExportMetadata _ -> False
RMGetEventInvocations _ -> False
RMGetScheduledEvents _ -> False
RMCreateScheduledEvent _ -> False
RMDeleteScheduledEvent _ -> False
RMBulk qs -> any queryModifiesMetadata qs
_ -> True
RMV2 q ->
case q of
RMV2ExportMetadata _ -> False
RMV2ReplaceMetadata _ -> True
:: ( HasVersion
, MonadIO m
, MonadBaseControl IO m
, CacheRWM m
, Tracing.MonadTrace m
, UserInfoM m
, MonadUnique m
, HTTP.HasHttpManagerM m
, MetadataM m
, MonadMetadataStorageQueryAPI m
, HasServerConfigCtx m
=> Env.Environment
-> MetadataResourceVersion
-> RQLMetadataRequest
-> m EncJSON
runMetadataQueryM env currentResourceVersion = withPathK "args" . \case
RMV1 q -> runMetadataQueryV1M env currentResourceVersion q
RMV2 q -> runMetadataQueryV2M currentResourceVersion q
:: ( HasVersion
, MonadIO m
, MonadBaseControl IO m
, CacheRWM m
, Tracing.MonadTrace m
, UserInfoM m
, MonadUnique m
, HTTP.HasHttpManagerM m
, MetadataM m
, MonadMetadataStorageQueryAPI m
, HasServerConfigCtx m
=> Env.Environment
-> MetadataResourceVersion
-> RQLMetadataV1
-> m EncJSON
runMetadataQueryV1M env currentResourceVersion = \case
RMPgAddSource q -> runAddSource q
RMPgDropSource q -> runDropSource q
RMPgTrackTable q -> runTrackTableV2Q q
RMPgUntrackTable q -> runUntrackTableQ q
RMPgSetTableIsEnum q -> runSetExistingTableIsEnumQ q
RMPgSetTableCustomization q -> runSetTableCustomization q
RMPgTrackFunction q -> runTrackFunctionV2 q
RMPgUntrackFunction q -> runUntrackFunc q
RMPgCreateFunctionPermission q -> runCreateFunctionPermission q
RMPgDropFunctionPermission q -> runDropFunctionPermission q
RMPgCreateObjectRelationship q -> runCreateRelationship ObjRel q
RMPgCreateArrayRelationship q -> runCreateRelationship ArrRel q
RMPgDropRelationship q -> runDropRel q
RMPgSetRelationshipComment q -> runSetRelComment q
RMPgRenameRelationship q -> runRenameRel q
RMPgAddComputedField q -> runAddComputedField q
RMPgDropComputedField q -> runDropComputedField q
RMPgCreateRemoteRelationship q -> runCreateRemoteRelationship q
RMPgUpdateRemoteRelationship q -> runUpdateRemoteRelationship q
RMPgDeleteRemoteRelationship q -> runDeleteRemoteRelationship q
RMPgCreateInsertPermission q -> runCreatePerm q
RMPgCreateSelectPermission q -> runCreatePerm q
RMPgCreateUpdatePermission q -> runCreatePerm q
RMPgCreateDeletePermission q -> runCreatePerm q
RMPgDropInsertPermission q -> runDropPerm q
RMPgDropSelectPermission q -> runDropPerm q
RMPgDropUpdatePermission q -> runDropPerm q
RMPgDropDeletePermission q -> runDropPerm q
RMPgSetPermissionComment q -> runSetPermComment q
RMPgCreateEventTrigger q -> runCreateEventTriggerQuery q
RMPgDeleteEventTrigger q -> runDeleteEventTriggerQuery q
RMPgRedeliverEvent q -> runRedeliverEvent q
RMPgInvokeEventTrigger q -> runInvokeEventTrigger q
RMMssqlAddSource q -> runAddSource q
RMMssqlDropSource q -> runDropSource q
RMMssqlTrackTable q -> runTrackTableV2Q q
RMMssqlUntrackTable q -> runUntrackTableQ q
RMMssqlCreateObjectRelationship q -> runCreateRelationship ObjRel q
RMMssqlCreateArrayRelationship q -> runCreateRelationship ArrRel q
RMMssqlDropRelationship q -> runDropRel q
RMMssqlSetRelationshipComment q -> runSetRelComment q
RMMssqlRenameRelationship q -> runRenameRel q
RMMssqlCreateInsertPermission q -> runCreatePerm q
RMMssqlCreateSelectPermission q -> runCreatePerm q
RMMssqlCreateUpdatePermission q -> runCreatePerm q
RMMssqlCreateDeletePermission q -> runCreatePerm q
RMMssqlDropInsertPermission q -> runDropPerm q
RMMssqlDropSelectPermission q -> runDropPerm q
RMMssqlDropUpdatePermission q -> runDropPerm q
RMMssqlDropDeletePermission q -> runDropPerm q
RMMssqlSetPermissionComment q -> runSetPermComment q
RMGetInconsistentMetadata q -> runGetInconsistentMetadata q
RMDropInconsistentMetadata q -> runDropInconsistentMetadata q
RMAddRemoteSchema q -> runAddRemoteSchema env q
RMRemoveRemoteSchema q -> runRemoveRemoteSchema q
RMReloadRemoteSchema q -> runReloadRemoteSchema q
RMIntrospectRemoteSchema q -> runIntrospectRemoteSchema q
RMAddRemoteSchemaPermissions q -> runAddRemoteSchemaPermissions q
RMDropRemoteSchemaPermissions q -> runDropRemoteSchemaPermissions q
RMCreateCronTrigger q -> runCreateCronTrigger q
RMDeleteCronTrigger q -> runDeleteCronTrigger q
RMCreateScheduledEvent q -> runCreateScheduledEvent q
RMDeleteScheduledEvent q -> runDeleteScheduledEvent q
RMGetScheduledEvents q -> runGetScheduledEvents q
RMGetEventInvocations q -> runGetEventInvocations q
RMCreateQueryCollection q -> runCreateCollection q
RMDropQueryCollection q -> runDropCollection q
RMAddQueryToCollection q -> runAddQueryToCollection q
RMDropQueryFromCollection q -> runDropQueryFromCollection q
RMAddCollectionToAllowlist q -> runAddCollectionToAllowlist q
RMDropCollectionFromAllowlist q -> runDropCollectionFromAllowlist q
RMReplaceMetadata q -> runReplaceMetadata q
RMExportMetadata q -> runExportMetadata q
RMClearMetadata q -> runClearMetadata q
RMReloadMetadata q -> runReloadMetadata q
RMCreateAction q -> runCreateAction q
RMDropAction q -> runDropAction q
RMUpdateAction q -> runUpdateAction q
RMCreateActionPermission q -> runCreateActionPermission q
RMDropActionPermission q -> runDropActionPermission q
RMCreateRestEndpoint q -> runCreateEndpoint q
RMDropRestEndpoint q -> runDropEndpoint q
RMSetCustomTypes q -> runSetCustomTypes q
RMDumpInternalState q -> runDumpInternalState q
RMGetCatalogState q -> runGetCatalogState q
RMSetCatalogState q -> runSetCatalogState q
RMSetApiLimits q -> runSetApiLimits q
RMRemoveApiLimits -> runRemoveApiLimits
RMSetMetricsConfig q -> runSetMetricsConfig q
RMRemoveMetricsConfig -> runRemoveMetricsConfig
RMAddInheritedRole q -> runAddInheritedRole q
RMDropInheritedRole q -> runDropInheritedRole q
RMBulk q -> encJFromList <$> indexedMapM (runMetadataQueryM env currentResourceVersion) q
:: ( MonadIO m
, CacheRWM m
, MetadataM m
, MonadMetadataStorageQueryAPI m
, HasServerConfigCtx m
=> MetadataResourceVersion
-> RQLMetadataV2
-> m EncJSON
runMetadataQueryV2M currentResourceVersion = \case
RMV2ReplaceMetadata q -> runReplaceMetadataV2 q
RMV2ExportMetadata q -> runExportMetadataV2 currentResourceVersion q