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synced 2024-12-17 12:31:52 +03:00
This fixes the simple HLint warnings, and adds a few suppressions to avoid noise. The suppressions don't really solve the problems, but I think the warnings here are quite benign and I'm uncomfortable with how likely I would be to introduce a bug during refactoring. In the case of _pg-client_ and _resource-pool_, we can't use the recommended functions anyway, and there doesn't seem to be a way to tell HLint to ignore entire packages. I have updated the `make` targets to only fail if errors or warnings are found, not suggestions. This brings it in line with the CI job. PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/8910 GitOrigin-RevId: 596277b4ae5833876fc3f43875208c1279518a59
236 lines
7.9 KiB
236 lines
7.9 KiB
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Main (main) where
import Control.Concurrent (MVar, forkIO, modifyMVar_, readMVar, threadDelay, yield)
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async as Async
import Control.Concurrent.MVar (newMVar)
import Control.Exception (Exception (fromException), throwIO)
import Control.Exception.Base (IOException, SomeException)
import Control.Monad (replicateM, replicateM_, void)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Pool
import Data.Time (NominalDiffTime, nominalDiffTimeToSeconds)
import Debug.Trace (traceShow)
import Test.Hspec
{-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore avoid Control.Concurrent.forkIO" :: String) #-}
{-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore avoid Control.Concurrent.threadDelay" :: String) #-}
main :: IO ()
main = hspec do
describe "a resource pool" do
describe "when acquiring resources" do
it "acquires a single available resource" do
pool <- mkPool defaultConfiguration
value <- fst <$> takeResource pool
value `shouldBe` ()
it "acquires a resource after it was released" do
pool <- mkPool defaultConfiguration
(res, lp) <- takeResource pool
putResource lp res
value <- fst <$> takeResource pool
value `shouldBe` ()
describe "upon exception" do
it "automatically destroys a resource after an exception is thrown" do
(pool, logVar) <- mkPoolWithLog defaultConfiguration {confMaxResources = 3}
flip shouldThrow anIOError $ withResource pool $ const do
append Acquired logVar
throwIO (userError "Oh no!")
append Released logVar
flip shouldThrow anIOError $ withResource pool $ const do
append Acquired logVar
throwIO (userError "Oh no!")
append Released logVar
void $ withResource pool $ const do
append Acquired logVar
append Released logVar
logContents <- readLog logVar
`shouldBe` [ Created,
describe "with regards to sizing" do
it "respects the size of the pool" do
let maxResources = 10
(pool, logVar) <- mkPoolWithLog defaultConfiguration {confMaxResources = maxResources}
Async.replicateConcurrently_ 100 $ withResource pool $ const do
append Acquired logVar
threadDelay 100_000
append Released logVar
logContents <- readLog logVar
let createdEntries = filter (== Created) logContents
acquiredEntries = filter (== Acquired) logContents
length createdEntries `shouldBe` maxResources
length acquiredEntries `shouldSatisfy` (> maxResources)
it "adjusts resource acquisition to respect resizing" do
pool <- mkPool defaultConfiguration
(res, lp) <- takeResource pool
Nothing <- tryTakeResource pool
resizePool pool 2
(res', lp') <- takeResource pool
2 <- getInUseResourceCount pool
resizePool pool 1
-- this resource should get destroyed
releaseResource pool lp res
1 <- getInUseResourceCount pool
-- this resource should get returned to the pool
releaseResource pool lp' res'
1 <- getInUseResourceCount pool
value <- fst <$> takeResource pool
value `shouldBe` ()
describe "when resources reach their idle limit" do
it "destroys old resources" do
let idleTime = 1
let replications = 3
(pool, logVar) <- mkPoolWithLog defaultConfiguration {confMaxResources = 10, confIdleTime = idleTime}
Async.replicateConcurrently_ replications $ withResource pool $ const do
append Acquired logVar
sleep 0.1
append Released logVar
sleep (idleTime * 2)
Async.replicateConcurrently_ replications $ withResource pool $ const do
append Acquired logVar
sleep 0.1
append Released logVar
logContents <- readLog logVar
let createdEntries = filter (== Created) logContents
destroyedEntries = filter (== Destroyed) logContents
acquiredEntries = filter (== Acquired) logContents
length createdEntries `shouldBe` (replications * 2)
length destroyedEntries `shouldBe` (replications)
length acquiredEntries `shouldBe` (replications * 2)
it "does not hand out resources in the process of being destroyed" do
let idleTime = 1
(pool, logVar) <- mkPoolWithLog defaultConfiguration {confMaxResources = 10, confIdleTime = idleTime, confDestroyDelay = idleTime * 3}
withResource pool $ const do
append Acquired logVar
sleep 0.1
append Released logVar
sleep (idleTime * 2)
withResource pool $ const do
append Acquired logVar
sleep 0.1
append Released logVar
logContents <- readLog logVar
let createdEntries = filter (== Created) logContents
destroyedEntries = filter (== Destroyed) logContents
acquiredEntries = filter (== Acquired) logContents
length createdEntries `shouldBe` 2
length destroyedEntries `shouldBe` 0 -- not yet destroyed
length acquiredEntries `shouldBe` 2
describe "with regards to timing out" do
it "acquires a resource with a delay shorter than the timeout" do
pool <- mkPool defaultConfiguration
(res, lp) <- takeResource pool
_ <- forkIO do
sleep 0.3
putResource lp res
value <- fst <$> takeResource pool
value `shouldBe` ()
it "throws when the timeout expires and no resource is available" do
pool <- mkPool defaultConfiguration
_ <- takeResource pool
(fst <$> takeResource pool) `shouldThrow` timeoutException
it "throws when waiting for longer than the timeout" do
pool <- mkPool defaultConfiguration
(res, lp) <- takeResource pool
_ <- forkIO do
sleep 2
putResource lp res
(fst <$> takeResource pool) `shouldThrow` timeoutException
anIOError :: Selector IOError
anIOError = const True
timeoutException :: Selector TimeoutException
timeoutException = const True
mkPool :: PoolConfiguration -> IO (Pool ())
mkPool PoolConfiguration {..} =
(pure ())
(const (pure ()))
mkPoolWithLog :: PoolConfiguration -> IO (Pool (), MVar Log)
mkPoolWithLog PoolConfiguration {..} = do
logVar <- newMVar (Log [])
pool <-
(append Created logVar)
( const do
sleep confDestroyDelay
append Destroyed logVar
pure (pool, logVar)
data PoolConfiguration = PoolConfiguration
{ confStripes :: Int,
confIdleTime :: NominalDiffTime,
confMaxResources :: Int,
confTimeout :: Maybe NominalDiffTime,
confDestroyDelay :: NominalDiffTime
defaultConfiguration =
{ confStripes = 1,
confIdleTime = 1000,
confMaxResources = 1,
confTimeout = Just 1,
confDestroyDelay = 0
newtype Log = Log {unLog :: [LogEntry]}
data LogEntry = Created | Destroyed | Acquired | Released
deriving (Eq, Show)
append :: LogEntry -> MVar Log -> IO ()
append entry logVar = modifyMVar_ logVar (pure . appendPure entry)
appendPure :: LogEntry -> Log -> Log
appendPure entry (Log log) = Log (entry : log)
readLog :: MVar Log -> IO [LogEntry]
readLog logVar = reverse . unLog <$> readMVar logVar
sleep :: NominalDiffTime -> IO ()
sleep diffTime = threadDelay (truncate (diffTime * 1_000_000))