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synced 2024-12-18 04:51:35 +03:00
GraphQL types can refer to each other in a circular way. The PDV framework used to use values of type `Unique` to recognize two fragments of GraphQL schema as being the same instance. Internally, this is based on `Data.Unique` from the `base` package, which simply increases a counter on every creation of a `Unique` object. **NB**: The `Unique` values are _not_ used for knot tying the schema combinators themselves (i.e. `Parser`s). The knot tying for `Parser`s is purely based on keys provided to `memoizeOn`. The `Unique` values are _only_ used to recognize two pieces of GraphQL _schema_ as being identical. Originally, the idea was that this would help us with a perfectly correct identification of GraphQL types. But this fully correct equality checking of GraphQL types was never implemented, and does not seem to be necessary to prevent bugs. Specifically, these `Unique` values are stored as part of `data Definition a`, which specifies a part of our internal abstract syntax tree for the GraphQL types that we expose. The `Unique` values get initialized by the `SchemaT` effect. In #2894 and #2895, we are experimenting with how (parts of) the GraphQL types can be hidden behind certain permission predicates. This would allow a single GraphQL schema in memory to serve all roles, implementing #2711. The permission predicates get evaluated at query parsing time when we know what role is doing a certain request, thus outputting the correct GraphQL types for that role. If the approach of #2895 is followed, then the `Definition` objects, and thus the `Unique` values, would be hidden behind the permission predicates. Since the permission predicates are evaluated only after the schema is already supposed to be built, this means that the permission predicates would prevent us from initializing the `Unique` values, rendering them useless. The simplest remedy to this is to remove our usage of `Unique` altogether from the GraphQL schema and schema combinators. It doesn't serve a functional purpose, doesn't prevent bugs, and requires extra bookkeeping. PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/2980 GitOrigin-RevId: 50d3f9e0b9fbf578ac49c8fc773ba64a94b1f43d
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{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.Instances.Schema () where
import Data.Has
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Data.Text.Extended
import Database.ODBC.SQLServer qualified as ODBC
import Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.Types.Insert (MSSQLExtraInsertData (..))
import Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.Types.Internal qualified as MSSQL
import Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.Types.Update (BackendUpdate (..), UpdateOperator (..))
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser hiding (EnumValueInfo, field)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser qualified as P
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Internal.Parser hiding (field)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Backend
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.BoolExp
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Build qualified as GSB
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Common
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Select
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Update qualified as SU
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.IR
import Hasura.RQL.IR.Insert qualified as IR
import Hasura.RQL.IR.Select qualified as IR
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax qualified as G
-- BackendSchema instance
instance BackendSchema 'MSSQL where
-- top level parsers
buildTableQueryFields = GSB.buildTableQueryFields
buildTableRelayQueryFields = msBuildTableRelayQueryFields
buildTableInsertMutationFields = msBuildTableInsertMutationFields
buildTableDeleteMutationFields = GSB.buildTableDeleteMutationFields
buildTableUpdateMutationFields = \_ _ _ _ _ _ -> return [] -- see _msBuildTableUpdateMutationFields.
buildFunctionQueryFields = msBuildFunctionQueryFields
buildFunctionRelayQueryFields = msBuildFunctionRelayQueryFields
buildFunctionMutationFields = msBuildFunctionMutationFields
-- backend extensions
relayExtension = Nothing
nodesAggExtension = Just ()
-- table arguments
tableArguments = msTableArgs
mkRelationshipParser = msMkRelationshipParser
-- individual components
columnParser = msColumnParser
jsonPathArg = msJsonPathArg
orderByOperators = msOrderByOperators
comparisonExps = msComparisonExps
mkCountType = msMkCountType
aggregateOrderByCountType = MSSQL.IntegerType
computedField = msComputedField
node = msNode
-- SQL literals
columnDefaultValue = msColumnDefaultValue
-- Extra insert data
getExtraInsertData tableInfo =
let pkeyColumns = fmap (map pgiColumn . toList . _pkColumns) . _tciPrimaryKey . _tiCoreInfo $ tableInfo
identityColumns = _tciExtraTableMetadata $ _tiCoreInfo tableInfo
in MSSQLExtraInsertData (fromMaybe [] pkeyColumns) identityColumns
-- | MSSQL only supports inserts into tables that have a primary key defined.
supportsInserts :: TableInfo 'MSSQL -> Bool
supportsInserts = isJust . _tciPrimaryKey . _tiCoreInfo
-- Top level parsers
msBuildTableRelayQueryFields ::
MonadBuildSchema 'MSSQL r m n =>
SourceName ->
TableName 'MSSQL ->
TableInfo 'MSSQL ->
G.Name ->
NESeq (ColumnInfo 'MSSQL) ->
SelPermInfo 'MSSQL ->
m [a]
msBuildTableRelayQueryFields _sourceName _tableName _tableInfo _gqlName _pkeyColumns _selPerms =
pure []
msBuildTableInsertMutationFields ::
forall r m n.
MonadBuildSchema 'MSSQL r m n =>
SourceName ->
TableName 'MSSQL ->
TableInfo 'MSSQL ->
G.Name ->
InsPermInfo 'MSSQL ->
Maybe (SelPermInfo 'MSSQL) ->
Maybe (UpdPermInfo 'MSSQL) ->
m [FieldParser n (AnnInsert 'MSSQL (RemoteSelect UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue 'MSSQL))]
| supportsInserts tableInfo =
| otherwise = return []
-- Replace the instance implementation of 'buildTableUpdateMutationFields' with
-- the below when we have an executable implementation of updates, in order to
-- enable the update schema.
_msBuildTableUpdateMutationFields ::
MonadBuildSchema 'MSSQL r m n =>
SourceName ->
TableName 'MSSQL ->
TableInfo 'MSSQL ->
G.Name ->
UpdPermInfo 'MSSQL ->
Maybe (SelPermInfo 'MSSQL) ->
m [FieldParser n (AnnotatedUpdateG 'MSSQL (RemoteSelect UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue 'MSSQL))]
_msBuildTableUpdateMutationFields =
( \ti updPerms ->
fmap BackendUpdate
<$> SU.buildUpdateOperators
(UpdateSet <$> SU.presetColumns updPerms)
[ UpdateSet <$> SU.setOp,
UpdateInc <$> SU.incOp
msBuildTableDeleteMutationFields ::
MonadBuildSchema 'MSSQL r m n =>
SourceName ->
TableName 'MSSQL ->
TableInfo 'MSSQL ->
G.Name ->
DelPermInfo 'MSSQL ->
Maybe (SelPermInfo 'MSSQL) ->
m [a]
msBuildTableDeleteMutationFields _sourceName _tableName _tableInfo _gqlName _delPerns _selPerms =
pure []
msBuildFunctionQueryFields ::
MonadBuildSchema 'MSSQL r m n =>
SourceName ->
FunctionName 'MSSQL ->
FunctionInfo 'MSSQL ->
TableName 'MSSQL ->
SelPermInfo 'MSSQL ->
m [a]
msBuildFunctionQueryFields _ _ _ _ _ =
pure []
msBuildFunctionRelayQueryFields ::
MonadBuildSchema 'MSSQL r m n =>
SourceName ->
FunctionName 'MSSQL ->
FunctionInfo 'MSSQL ->
TableName 'MSSQL ->
NESeq (ColumnInfo 'MSSQL) ->
SelPermInfo 'MSSQL ->
m [a]
msBuildFunctionRelayQueryFields _sourceName _functionName _functionInfo _tableName _pkeyColumns _selPerms =
pure []
msBuildFunctionMutationFields ::
MonadBuildSchema 'MSSQL r m n =>
SourceName ->
FunctionName 'MSSQL ->
FunctionInfo 'MSSQL ->
TableName 'MSSQL ->
SelPermInfo 'MSSQL ->
m [a]
msBuildFunctionMutationFields _ _ _ _ _ =
pure []
-- Table arguments
msTableArgs ::
forall r m n.
MonadBuildSchema 'MSSQL r m n =>
SourceName ->
TableInfo 'MSSQL ->
SelPermInfo 'MSSQL ->
m (InputFieldsParser n (IR.SelectArgsG 'MSSQL (UnpreparedValue 'MSSQL)))
msTableArgs sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions = do
whereParser <- tableWhereArg sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions
orderByParser <- tableOrderByArg sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions
pure do
whereArg <- whereParser
orderByArg <- orderByParser
limitArg <- tableLimitArg
offsetArg <- tableOffsetArg
pure $
{ IR._saWhere = whereArg,
IR._saOrderBy = orderByArg,
IR._saLimit = limitArg,
IR._saOffset = offsetArg,
-- not supported on MSSQL for now
IR._saDistinct = Nothing
msMkRelationshipParser ::
forall r m n.
MonadBuildSchema 'MSSQL r m n =>
SourceName ->
RelInfo 'MSSQL ->
m (Maybe (InputFieldsParser n (Maybe (IR.AnnotatedInsert 'MSSQL (UnpreparedValue 'MSSQL)))))
msMkRelationshipParser _sourceName _relationshipInfo = do
-- When we support nested inserts, we also need to ensure we limit ourselves
-- to inserting into tables whch supports inserts:
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Mutation qualified as GSB
runMaybeT $ do
let otherTableName = riRTable relationshipInfo
otherTableInfo <- lift $ askTableInfo sourceName otherTableName
guard (supportsInserts otherTableInfo)
return Nothing
-- Individual components
msColumnParser ::
(MonadSchema n m, MonadError QErr m, MonadReader r m, Has MkTypename r) =>
ColumnType 'MSSQL ->
G.Nullability ->
m (Parser 'Both n (ValueWithOrigin (ColumnValue 'MSSQL)))
msColumnParser columnType (G.Nullability isNullable) =
peelWithOrigin . fmap (ColumnValue columnType) <$> case columnType of
-- TODO: the mapping here is not consistent with mkMSSQLScalarTypeName. For
-- example, exposing all the float types as a GraphQL Float type is
-- incorrect, similarly exposing all the integer types as a GraphQL Int
ColumnScalar scalarType ->
possiblyNullable scalarType <$> case scalarType of
-- bytestring
MSSQL.CharType -> pure $ ODBC.ByteStringValue . encodeUtf8 <$> P.string
MSSQL.VarcharType -> pure $ ODBC.ByteStringValue . encodeUtf8 <$> P.string
-- text
MSSQL.WcharType -> pure $ ODBC.TextValue <$> P.string
MSSQL.WvarcharType -> pure $ ODBC.TextValue <$> P.string
MSSQL.WtextType -> pure $ ODBC.TextValue <$> P.string
MSSQL.TextType -> pure $ ODBC.TextValue <$> P.string
-- integer
MSSQL.IntegerType -> pure $ ODBC.IntValue . fromIntegral <$> P.int
MSSQL.SmallintType -> pure $ ODBC.IntValue . fromIntegral <$> P.int
MSSQL.BigintType -> pure $ ODBC.IntValue . fromIntegral <$> P.int
MSSQL.TinyintType -> pure $ ODBC.IntValue . fromIntegral <$> P.int
-- float
MSSQL.NumericType -> pure $ ODBC.DoubleValue <$> P.float
MSSQL.DecimalType -> pure $ ODBC.DoubleValue <$> P.float
MSSQL.FloatType -> pure $ ODBC.DoubleValue <$> P.float
MSSQL.RealType -> pure $ ODBC.DoubleValue <$> P.float
-- boolean
MSSQL.BitType -> pure $ ODBC.BoolValue <$> P.boolean
_ -> do
name <- MSSQL.mkMSSQLScalarTypeName scalarType
let schemaType = P.NonNullable $ P.TNamed $ P.Definition name Nothing P.TIScalar
pure $
{ pType = schemaType,
pParser =
valueToJSON (P.toGraphQLType schemaType)
>=> either (parseErrorWith ParseFailed . qeError) pure . (MSSQL.parseScalarValue scalarType)
ColumnEnumReference (EnumReference tableName enumValues) ->
case nonEmpty (Map.toList enumValues) of
Just enumValuesList -> do
tableGQLName <- tableGraphQLName @'MSSQL tableName `onLeft` throwError
enumName <- P.mkTypename $ tableGQLName <> $$(G.litName "_enum")
pure $ possiblyNullable MSSQL.VarcharType $ P.enum enumName Nothing (mkEnumValue <$> enumValuesList)
Nothing -> throw400 ValidationFailed "empty enum values"
possiblyNullable _scalarType
| isNullable = fmap (fromMaybe ODBC.NullValue) . P.nullable
| otherwise = id
mkEnumValue :: (EnumValue, EnumValueInfo) -> (P.Definition P.EnumValueInfo, ScalarValue 'MSSQL)
mkEnumValue (EnumValue value, EnumValueInfo description) =
( P.Definition value (G.Description <$> description) P.EnumValueInfo,
ODBC.TextValue $ G.unName value
msJsonPathArg ::
MonadParse n =>
ColumnType 'MSSQL ->
InputFieldsParser n (Maybe (IR.ColumnOp 'MSSQL))
msJsonPathArg _columnType = pure Nothing
msOrderByOperators ::
( Definition P.EnumValueInfo,
(BasicOrderType 'MSSQL, NullsOrderType 'MSSQL)
msOrderByOperators =
[ ( define $$(G.litName "asc") "in ascending order, nulls first",
(MSSQL.AscOrder, MSSQL.NullsFirst)
( define $$(G.litName "asc_nulls_first") "in ascending order, nulls first",
(MSSQL.AscOrder, MSSQL.NullsFirst)
( define $$(G.litName "asc_nulls_last") "in ascending order, nulls last",
(MSSQL.AscOrder, MSSQL.NullsLast)
( define $$(G.litName "desc") "in descending order, nulls last",
(MSSQL.DescOrder, MSSQL.NullsLast)
( define $$(G.litName "desc_nulls_first") "in descending order, nulls first",
(MSSQL.DescOrder, MSSQL.NullsFirst)
( define $$(G.litName "desc_nulls_last") "in descending order, nulls last",
(MSSQL.DescOrder, MSSQL.NullsLast)
define name desc = P.Definition name (Just desc) P.EnumValueInfo
msComparisonExps ::
forall m n r.
( BackendSchema 'MSSQL,
MonadSchema n m,
MonadError QErr m,
MonadReader r m,
Has QueryContext r,
Has MkTypename r
) =>
ColumnType 'MSSQL ->
m (Parser 'Input n [ComparisonExp 'MSSQL])
msComparisonExps = P.memoize 'comparisonExps \columnType -> do
-- see Note [Columns in comparison expression are never nullable]
collapseIfNull <- asks $ qcDangerousBooleanCollapse . getter
-- parsers used for individual values
typedParser <- columnParser columnType (G.Nullability False)
nullableTextParser <- columnParser (ColumnScalar @'MSSQL MSSQL.VarcharType) (G.Nullability True)
textParser <- columnParser (ColumnScalar @'MSSQL MSSQL.VarcharType) (G.Nullability False)
let columnListParser = fmap openValueOrigin <$> P.list typedParser
textListParser = fmap openValueOrigin <$> P.list textParser
-- field info
let name = P.getName typedParser <> $$(G.litName "_MSSQL_comparison_exp")
desc =
G.Description $
"Boolean expression to compare columns of type "
<> P.getName typedParser
<<> ". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'."
pure $
P.object name (Just desc) $
fmap catMaybes $
sequenceA $
[ -- Common ops for all types
(mkParameter <$> typedParser)
(mkListLiteral <$> columnListParser),
(mkParameter <$> typedParser),
-- Ops for String like types
guard (isScalarColumnWhere (`elem` MSSQL.stringTypes) columnType)
*> [ P.fieldOptional
$$(G.litName "_like")
(Just "does the column match the given pattern")
(ALIKE . mkParameter <$> typedParser),
$$(G.litName "_nlike")
(Just "does the column NOT match the given pattern")
(ANLIKE . mkParameter <$> typedParser)
-- Ops for Geometry/Geography types
guard (isScalarColumnWhere (`elem` MSSQL.geoTypes) columnType)
*> [ P.fieldOptional
$$(G.litName "_st_contains")
(Just "does the column contain the given value")
(ABackendSpecific . MSSQL.ASTContains . mkParameter <$> typedParser),
$$(G.litName "_st_equals")
(Just "is the column equal to given value (directionality is ignored)")
(ABackendSpecific . MSSQL.ASTEquals . mkParameter <$> typedParser),
$$(G.litName "_st_intersects")
(Just "does the column spatially intersect the given value")
(ABackendSpecific . MSSQL.ASTIntersects . mkParameter <$> typedParser),
$$(G.litName "_st_overlaps")
(Just "does the column 'spatially overlap' (intersect but not completely contain) the given value")
(ABackendSpecific . MSSQL.ASTOverlaps . mkParameter <$> typedParser),
$$(G.litName "_st_within")
(Just "is the column contained in the given value")
(ABackendSpecific . MSSQL.ASTWithin . mkParameter <$> typedParser)
-- Ops for Geometry types
guard (isScalarColumnWhere (MSSQL.GeometryType ==) columnType)
*> [ P.fieldOptional
$$(G.litName "_st_crosses")
(Just "does the column cross the given geometry value")
(ABackendSpecific . MSSQL.ASTCrosses . mkParameter <$> typedParser),
$$(G.litName "_st_touches")
(Just "does the column have at least one point in common with the given geometry value")
(ABackendSpecific . MSSQL.ASTTouches . mkParameter <$> typedParser)
mkListLiteral :: [ColumnValue 'MSSQL] -> UnpreparedValue 'MSSQL
mkListLiteral =
P.UVLiteral . MSSQL.ListExpression . fmap (MSSQL.ValueExpression . cvValue)
msMkCountType ::
-- | distinct values
Maybe Bool ->
Maybe [Column 'MSSQL] ->
CountType 'MSSQL
msMkCountType _ Nothing = MSSQL.StarCountable
msMkCountType (Just True) (Just cols) =
maybe MSSQL.StarCountable MSSQL.DistinctCountable $ nonEmpty cols
msMkCountType _ (Just cols) =
maybe MSSQL.StarCountable MSSQL.NonNullFieldCountable $ nonEmpty cols
-- | Computed field parser.
-- Currently unsupported: returns Nothing for now.
msComputedField ::
MonadBuildSchema 'MSSQL r m n =>
SourceName ->
ComputedFieldInfo 'MSSQL ->
TableName 'MSSQL ->
SelPermInfo 'MSSQL ->
m (Maybe (FieldParser n (AnnotatedField 'MSSQL)))
msComputedField _sourceName _fieldInfo _table _selectPemissions = pure Nothing
-- | Remote join field parser.
-- Currently unsupported: returns Nothing for now.
msRemoteRelationshipField ::
MonadBuildSchema 'MSSQL r m n =>
RemoteFieldInfo 'MSSQL ->
m (Maybe [FieldParser n (AnnotatedField 'MSSQL)])
msRemoteRelationshipField _remoteFieldInfo = pure Nothing
-- | The 'node' root field of a Relay request. Relay is currently unsupported on MSSQL,
-- meaning this parser will never be called: any attempt to create this parser should
-- therefore fail.
msNode ::
MonadBuildSchema 'MSSQL r m n =>
( Parser
( HashMap
(TableName 'MSSQL)
( SourceName,
SourceConfig 'MSSQL,
SelPermInfo 'MSSQL,
PrimaryKeyColumns 'MSSQL,
AnnotatedFields 'MSSQL
msNode = throw500 "MSSQL does not support relay; `node` should never be exposed in the schema."
-- SQL literals
-- FIXME: this is nonsensical for MSSQL, we'll need to adjust the corresponding mutation
-- and its representation.
msColumnDefaultValue :: Column 'MSSQL -> SQLExpression 'MSSQL
msColumnDefaultValue = const $ MSSQL.ValueExpression ODBC.NullValue