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module Data.Parser.JSONPathSpec (spec) where
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types (encodeJSONPath)
import Data.Parser.JSONPath
import Test.Hspec
import Test.QuickCheck
import qualified Data.Text as T
spec :: Spec
spec = describe "encode and parse JSONPath" $ do
it "JSONPath encoder" $
forM_ generateTestEncodeJSONPath $ \(jsonPath, result) ->
encodeJSONPath jsonPath `shouldBe` result
describe "JSONPath parser" $ do
it "Single $" $
parseJSONPath "$" `shouldBe` (Right [] :: Either String JSONPath)
it "Random json paths" $
withMaxSuccess 1000 $
forAll (resize 20 generateJSONPath) $ \jsonPath ->
let encPath = encodeJSONPath jsonPath
parsedJSONPathE = parseJSONPath $ T.pack encPath
in case parsedJSONPathE of
Left err -> counterexample (err <> ": " <> encPath) False
Right parsedJSONPath -> property $ parsedJSONPath == jsonPath
generateTestEncodeJSONPath :: [(JSONPath, String)]
generateTestEncodeJSONPath =
[ ([Key "7seven", Index 0, Key "@!^@*#(!("], "$['7seven'][0]['@!^@*#(!(']")
, ([Key "ABCD"], "$.ABCD")
generateJSONPath :: Gen JSONPath
generateJSONPath = map (either id id) <$> listOf1 genPathElementEither
genPathElementEither = do
indexLeft <- Left <$> genIndex
keyRight <- Right <$> genKey
elements [indexLeft, keyRight]
genIndex = Index <$> choose (0, 100)
genKey = Key . T.pack <$> listOf1 (elements $ alphaNumerics ++ ".,!@#$%^&*_-?:;|/\"")