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synced 2025-01-05 14:27:59 +03:00
This PR is on top of #7789. ### Description This PR entirely rewrites the API of the Tracing library, to make `interpTraceT` a thing of the past. Before this change, we ran traces by sticking a `TraceT` on top of whatever we were doing. This had several major drawbacks: - we were carrying a bunch of `TraceT` across the codebase, and the entire codebase had to know about it - we needed to carry a second class constraint around (`HasReporterM`) to be able to run all of those traces - we kept having to do stack rewriting with `interpTraceT`, which went from inconvenient to horrible - we had to declare several behavioral instances on `TraceT m` This PR rewrite all of `Tracing` using a more conventional model: there is ONE `TraceT` at the bottom of the stack, and there is an associated class constraint `MonadTrace`: any part of the code that happens to satisfy `MonadTrace` is able to create new traces. We NEVER have to do stack rewriting, `interpTraceT` is gone, and `TraceT` and `Reporter` become implementation details that 99% of the code is blissfully unaware of: code that needs to do tracing only needs to declare that the monad in which it operates implements `MonadTrace`. In doing so, this PR revealed **several bugs in the codebase**: places where we were expecting to trace something, but due to the default instance of `HasReporterM IO` we would actually not do anything. This PR also splits the code of `Tracing` in more byte-sized modules, with the goal of potentially moving to `server/lib` down the line. ### Remaining work This PR is a draft; what's left to do is: - [x] make Pro compile; i haven't updated `HasuraPro/Main` yet - [x] document Tracing by writing a note that explains how to use the library, and the meaning of "reporter", "trace" and "span", as well as the pitfalls - [x] discuss some of the trade-offs in the implementation, which is why i'm opening this PR already despite it not fully building yet - [x] it depends on #7789 being merged first PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/7791 GitOrigin-RevId: cadd32d039134c93ddbf364599a2f4dd988adea8
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379 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.Adapter.Metadata () where
import Control.Arrow.Extended
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
import Data.Aeson qualified as J
import Data.Aeson.Key qualified as K
import Data.Aeson.KeyMap qualified as KM
import Data.Environment (Environment)
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.HashMap.Strict.Extended qualified as HashMap
import Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd qualified as OMap
import Data.HashMap.Strict.NonEmpty qualified as NEHashMap
import Data.HashSet qualified as HashSet
import Data.Sequence qualified as Seq
import Data.Sequence.NonEmpty qualified as NESeq
import Data.Text.Extended (toTxt, (<<>), (<>>))
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.API (capabilitiesCase, errorResponseSummary, schemaCase)
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.API qualified as API
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.API.V0.ErrorResponse (_crDetails)
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.Adapter.Backend (columnTypeToScalarType)
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.Adapter.ConfigTransform (transformConnSourceConfig)
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.Adapter.Types qualified as DC
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.Agent.Client (AgentClientContext (..), runAgentClientT)
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Types (PGDescription (..))
import Hasura.Base.Error (Code (..), QErr (..), decodeValue, throw400, throw400WithDetail, withPathK)
import Hasura.Incremental qualified as Inc
import Hasura.Incremental.Select qualified as Inc
import Hasura.Logging (Hasura, Logger)
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.IR.BoolExp (OpExpG (..), PartialSQLExp (..), RootOrCurrent (..), RootOrCurrentColumn (..))
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Column qualified as RQL.T.C
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common (OID (..), SourceName)
import Hasura.RQL.Types.EventTrigger (RecreateEventTriggers (RETDoNothing))
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata (SourceMetadata (..))
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata.Backend (BackendMetadata (..))
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata.Object
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCache.Build
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Source (DBObjectsIntrospection (..))
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Table (ForeignKey (_fkConstraint))
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Table qualified as RQL.T.T
import Hasura.SQL.Backend (BackendSourceKind (..), BackendType (..))
import Hasura.SQL.Types (CollectableType (..))
import Hasura.Server.Migrate.Version (SourceCatalogMigrationState (..))
import Hasura.Server.Utils qualified as HSU
import Hasura.Services.Network
import Hasura.Session (SessionVariable, mkSessionVariable)
import Hasura.Tracing (ignoreTraceT)
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax qualified as GQL
import Network.HTTP.Client qualified as HTTP
import Servant.Client.Core.HasClient ((//))
import Servant.Client.Generic (genericClient)
import Witch qualified
instance BackendMetadata 'DataConnector where
prepareCatalog _ = pure (RETDoNothing, SCMSNotSupported)
type BackendInvalidationKeys 'DataConnector = HashMap DC.DataConnectorName Inc.InvalidationKey
resolveBackendInfo = resolveBackendInfo'
resolveSourceConfig = resolveSourceConfig'
resolveDatabaseMetadata = resolveDatabaseMetadata'
parseBoolExpOperations = parseBoolExpOperations'
parseCollectableType = parseCollectableType'
buildComputedFieldInfo = error "buildComputedFieldInfo: not implemented for the Data Connector backend."
-- If/when we implement enums for Data Connector backend, we will also need to fix columnTypeToScalarType function
-- in Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.Adapter.Backend. See note there for more information.
fetchAndValidateEnumValues = error "fetchAndValidateEnumValues: not implemented for the Data Connector backend."
buildFunctionInfo = error "buildFunctionInfo: not implemented for the Data Connector backend."
updateColumnInEventTrigger = error "updateColumnInEventTrigger: not implemented for the Data Connector backend."
postDropSourceHook _sourceConfig _tableTriggerMap = pure ()
buildComputedFieldBooleanExp _ _ _ _ _ _ =
error "buildComputedFieldBooleanExp: not implemented for the Data Connector backend."
supportsBeingRemoteRelationshipTarget = supportsBeingRemoteRelationshipTarget'
resolveBackendInfo' ::
forall arr m.
( ArrowChoice arr,
Inc.ArrowCache m arr,
Inc.ArrowDistribute arr,
ArrowWriter (Seq (Either InconsistentMetadata MetadataDependency)) arr,
MonadIO m,
MonadBaseControl IO m,
ProvidesNetwork m
) =>
Logger Hasura ->
(Inc.Dependency (Maybe (HashMap DC.DataConnectorName Inc.InvalidationKey)), InsOrdHashMap DC.DataConnectorName DC.DataConnectorOptions) `arr` HashMap DC.DataConnectorName DC.DataConnectorInfo
resolveBackendInfo' logger = proc (invalidationKeys, optionsMap) -> do
maybeDataConnectorCapabilities <-
( \dataConnectorName dataConnectorOptions -> do
getDataConnectorCapabilitiesIfNeeded -< (invalidationKeys, dataConnectorName, dataConnectorOptions)
|) (OMap.toHashMap optionsMap)
returnA -< HashMap.catMaybes maybeDataConnectorCapabilities
getDataConnectorCapabilitiesIfNeeded ::
(Inc.Dependency (Maybe (HashMap DC.DataConnectorName Inc.InvalidationKey)), DC.DataConnectorName, DC.DataConnectorOptions) `arr` Maybe DC.DataConnectorInfo
getDataConnectorCapabilitiesIfNeeded = Inc.cache proc (invalidationKeys, dataConnectorName, dataConnectorOptions) -> do
let metadataObj = MetadataObject (MODataConnectorAgent dataConnectorName) $ J.toJSON dataConnectorName
httpMgr <- bindA -< askHTTPManager
Inc.dependOn -< Inc.selectMaybeD (Inc.ConstS dataConnectorName) invalidationKeys
( liftEitherA <<< bindA -< getDataConnectorCapabilities dataConnectorOptions httpMgr
|) metadataObj
getDataConnectorCapabilities ::
DC.DataConnectorOptions ->
HTTP.Manager ->
m (Either QErr DC.DataConnectorInfo)
getDataConnectorCapabilities options@DC.DataConnectorOptions {..} manager = runExceptT do
capabilitiesU <-
. flip runAgentClientT (AgentClientContext logger _dcoUri manager Nothing)
$ genericClient @API.Routes // API._capabilities
let defaultAction = throw400 DataConnectorError "Unexpected data connector capabilities response - Unexpected Type"
capabilitiesAction API.CapabilitiesResponse {..} = pure $ DC.DataConnectorInfo options _crCapabilities _crConfigSchemaResponse _crDisplayName _crReleaseName
capabilitiesCase defaultAction capabilitiesAction errorAction capabilitiesU
resolveSourceConfig' ::
( MonadIO m,
MonadBaseControl IO m
) =>
Logger Hasura ->
SourceName ->
DC.ConnSourceConfig ->
BackendSourceKind 'DataConnector ->
HashMap DC.DataConnectorName DC.DataConnectorInfo ->
Environment ->
HTTP.Manager ->
m (Either QErr DC.SourceConfig)
csc@DC.ConnSourceConfig {template, timeout, value = originalConfig}
(DataConnectorKind dataConnectorName)
manager = runExceptT do
DC.DataConnectorInfo {..} <- getDataConnectorInfo dataConnectorName backendInfo
let DC.DataConnectorOptions {_dcoUri} = _dciOptions
transformedConfig <- transformConnSourceConfig dataConnectorName sourceName _dciConfigSchemaResponse csc [("$session", J.object []), ("$env", J.toJSON env)] env
schemaResponseU <-
. flip runAgentClientT (AgentClientContext logger _dcoUri manager (DC.sourceTimeoutMicroseconds <$> timeout))
$ (genericClient // API._schema) (toTxt sourceName) transformedConfig
let defaultAction = throw400 DataConnectorError "Unexpected data connector schema response - Unexpected Type"
schemaResponse <- schemaCase defaultAction pure errorAction schemaResponseU
{ _scEndpoint = _dcoUri,
_scConfig = originalConfig,
_scTemplate = template,
_scCapabilities = _dciCapabilities,
_scSchema = schemaResponse,
_scManager = manager,
_scTimeoutMicroseconds = (DC.sourceTimeoutMicroseconds <$> timeout),
_scDataConnectorName = dataConnectorName
getDataConnectorInfo :: (MonadError QErr m) => DC.DataConnectorName -> HashMap DC.DataConnectorName DC.DataConnectorInfo -> m DC.DataConnectorInfo
getDataConnectorInfo dataConnectorName backendInfo =
onNothing (Map.lookup dataConnectorName backendInfo) $
throw400 DataConnectorError ("Data connector named " <> toTxt dataConnectorName <<> " was not found in the data connector backend info")
resolveDatabaseMetadata' ::
Applicative m =>
SourceMetadata 'DataConnector ->
DC.SourceConfig ->
m (Either QErr (DBObjectsIntrospection 'DataConnector))
resolveDatabaseMetadata' _ DC.SourceConfig {_scSchema = API.SchemaResponse {..}, ..} =
let tables = Map.fromList $ do
API.TableInfo {..} <- _srTables
let primaryKeyColumns = Seq.fromList $ coerce <$> _tiPrimaryKey
let meta =
{ _ptmiOid = OID 0, -- TODO: This is wrong and needs to be fixed. It is used for diffing tables and seeing what's new/deleted/altered, so reusing 0 for all tables is problematic.
_ptmiColumns = do
API.ColumnInfo {..} <- _tiColumns
pure $
{ rciName = Witch.from _ciName,
rciPosition = 1, -- TODO: This is very wrong and needs to be fixed. It is used for diffing tables and seeing what's new/deleted/altered, so reusing 1 for all columns is problematic.
rciType = DC.mkScalarType _scCapabilities _ciType,
rciIsNullable = _ciNullable,
rciDescription = fmap GQL.Description _ciDescription,
rciMutability = RQL.T.C.ColumnMutability _ciInsertable _ciUpdatable
_ptmiPrimaryKey = RQL.T.T.PrimaryKey (RQL.T.T.Constraint (DC.ConstraintName "") (OID 0)) <$> NESeq.nonEmptySeq primaryKeyColumns,
_ptmiUniqueConstraints = mempty,
_ptmiForeignKeys = buildForeignKeySet _tiForeignKeys,
_ptmiViewInfo =
( if _tiType == API.Table && _tiInsertable && _tiUpdatable && _tiDeletable
then Nothing
else Just $ RQL.T.T.ViewInfo _tiInsertable _tiUpdatable _tiDeletable
_ptmiDescription = fmap PGDescription _tiDescription,
_ptmiExtraTableMetadata = ()
pure (coerce _tiName, meta)
in pure $
pure $
{ _rsTables = tables,
_rsFunctions = mempty,
_rsScalars = mempty
-- | Construct a 'HashSet' 'RQL.T.T.ForeignKeyMetadata'
-- 'DataConnector' to build the foreign key constraints in the table
-- metadata.
buildForeignKeySet :: API.ForeignKeys -> HashSet (RQL.T.T.ForeignKeyMetadata 'DataConnector)
buildForeignKeySet (API.ForeignKeys constraints) =
HashSet.fromList $
constraints & HashMap.foldMapWithKey @[RQL.T.T.ForeignKeyMetadata 'DataConnector]
\constraintName API.Constraint {..} -> maybeToList do
let columnMapAssocList = HashMap.foldrWithKey' (\(API.ColumnName k) (API.ColumnName v) acc -> (DC.ColumnName k, DC.ColumnName v) : acc) [] _cColumnMapping
columnMapping <- NEHashMap.fromList columnMapAssocList
let foreignKey =
{ _fkConstraint = RQL.T.T.Constraint (Witch.from constraintName) (OID 1),
_fkForeignTable = Witch.from _cForeignTable,
_fkColumnMapping = columnMapping
pure $ RQL.T.T.ForeignKeyMetadata foreignKey
-- | This is needed to get permissions to work
parseBoolExpOperations' ::
forall m v.
(MonadError QErr m) =>
RQL.T.C.ValueParser 'DataConnector m v ->
RQL.T.T.FieldInfoMap (RQL.T.T.FieldInfo 'DataConnector) ->
RQL.T.T.FieldInfoMap (RQL.T.T.FieldInfo 'DataConnector) ->
RQL.T.C.ColumnReference 'DataConnector ->
J.Value ->
m [OpExpG 'DataConnector v]
parseBoolExpOperations' rhsParser rootFieldInfoMap fieldInfoMap columnRef value =
withPathK (toTxt columnRef) $ parseOperations value
columnType :: RQL.T.C.ColumnType 'DataConnector
columnType = RQL.T.C.columnReferenceType columnRef
parseWithTy ty = rhsParser (CollectableTypeScalar ty)
parseOperations :: J.Value -> m [OpExpG 'DataConnector v]
parseOperations = \case
J.Object o -> traverse (parseOperation . first K.toText) $ KM.toList o
v -> pure . AEQ False <$> parseWithTy columnType v
parseOperation :: (Text, J.Value) -> m (OpExpG 'DataConnector v)
parseOperation (opStr, val) = withPathK opStr $
case opStr of
"_eq" -> parseEq
"$eq" -> parseEq
"_neq" -> parseNeq
"$neq" -> parseNeq
"_gt" -> parseGt
"$gt" -> parseGt
"_lt" -> parseLt
"$lt" -> parseLt
"_gte" -> parseGte
"$gte" -> parseGte
"_lte" -> parseLte
"$lte" -> parseLte
"_in" -> parseIn
"$in" -> parseIn
"_nin" -> parseNin
"$nin" -> parseNin
"_is_null" -> parseIsNull
"$is_null" -> parseIsNull
"_ceq" -> parseCeq
"$ceq" -> parseCeq
"_cneq" -> parseCne
"$cneq" -> parseCne
"_cgt" -> parseCgt
"$cgt" -> parseCgt
"_clt" -> parseClt
"$clt" -> parseClt
"_cgte" -> parseCgte
"$cgte" -> parseCgte
"_clte" -> parseClte
"$clte" -> parseClte
-- "_like" -> parseLike
-- "$like" -> parseLike
-- "_nlike" -> parseNlike
-- "$nlike" -> parseNlike
-- "_cast" -> parseCast
-- "$cast" -> parseCast
x -> throw400 UnexpectedPayload $ "Unknown operator: " <> x
parseOne = parseWithTy columnType val
parseManyWithType ty = rhsParser (CollectableTypeArray ty) val
parseEq = AEQ False <$> parseOne
parseNeq = ANE False <$> parseOne
parseIn = AIN <$> parseManyWithType columnType
parseNin = ANIN <$> parseManyWithType columnType
parseGt = AGT <$> parseOne
parseLt = ALT <$> parseOne
parseGte = AGTE <$> parseOne
parseLte = ALTE <$> parseOne
parseIsNull = bool ANISNOTNULL ANISNULL <$> decodeValue val
parseCeq = CEQ <$> decodeAndValidateRhsCol val
parseCne = CNE <$> decodeAndValidateRhsCol val
parseCgt = CGT <$> decodeAndValidateRhsCol val
parseClt = CLT <$> decodeAndValidateRhsCol val
parseCgte = CGTE <$> decodeAndValidateRhsCol val
parseClte = CLTE <$> decodeAndValidateRhsCol val
decodeAndValidateRhsCol :: J.Value -> m (RootOrCurrentColumn 'DataConnector)
decodeAndValidateRhsCol v = case v of
J.String _ -> go IsCurrent fieldInfoMap v
J.Array path -> case toList path of
[] -> throw400 Unexpected "path cannot be empty"
[col] -> go IsCurrent fieldInfoMap col
[J.String "$", col] -> go IsRoot rootFieldInfoMap col
_ -> throw400 NotSupported "Relationship references are not supported in column comparison RHS"
_ -> throw400 Unexpected "a boolean expression JSON must be either a string or an array"
go rootInfo fieldInfoMap' columnValue = do
colName <- decodeValue columnValue
colInfo <- validateRhsColumn fieldInfoMap' colName
pure $ RootOrCurrentColumn rootInfo colInfo
validateRhsColumn :: RQL.T.T.FieldInfoMap (RQL.T.T.FieldInfo 'DataConnector) -> DC.ColumnName -> m DC.ColumnName
validateRhsColumn fieldInfoMap' rhsCol = do
rhsType <- RQL.T.T.askColumnType fieldInfoMap' rhsCol "column operators can only compare table columns"
when (columnType /= rhsType) $
throw400 UnexpectedPayload $
"incompatible column types: "
<> columnRef <<> " has type "
<> columnType <<> ", but "
<> rhsCol <<> " has type " <>> rhsType
pure rhsCol
parseCollectableType' ::
MonadError QErr m =>
CollectableType (RQL.T.C.ColumnType 'DataConnector) ->
J.Value ->
m (PartialSQLExp 'DataConnector)
parseCollectableType' collectableType = \case
J.String t
| HSU.isSessionVariable t -> pure $ mkTypedSessionVar collectableType $ mkSessionVariable t
| HSU.isReqUserId t -> pure $ mkTypedSessionVar collectableType HSU.userIdHeader
val -> case collectableType of
CollectableTypeScalar columnType ->
PSESQLExp . DC.ValueLiteral (columnTypeToScalarType columnType) <$> RQL.T.C.parseScalarValueColumnType columnType val
CollectableTypeArray _ ->
throw400 NotSupported "Array types are not supported by the Data Connector backend"
mkTypedSessionVar ::
CollectableType (RQL.T.C.ColumnType 'DataConnector) ->
SessionVariable ->
PartialSQLExp 'DataConnector
mkTypedSessionVar columnType =
PSESessVar (columnTypeToScalarType <$> columnType)
errorAction :: MonadError QErr m => API.ErrorResponse -> m a
errorAction e = throw400WithDetail DataConnectorError (errorResponseSummary e) (_crDetails e)
supportsBeingRemoteRelationshipTarget' :: DC.SourceConfig -> Bool
supportsBeingRemoteRelationshipTarget' DC.SourceConfig {..} =
isJust $ API._qcForeach =<< API._cQueries _scCapabilities