Vamshi Surabhi ce243f5899
multiplexed subscriptions (#1934)
* add types to represent unparsed http gql requests

This will help when we add caching of frequently used ASTs

* query plan caching

* move livequery to execute

* add multiplexed module

* session variable can be customised depending on the context

Previously the value was always "current_setting('hasura.user')"

* get rid of typemap requirement in reusable plan

* subscriptions are multiplexed when possible

* use lazytx for introspection to avoid acquiring a pg connection

* refactor to make execute a completely decoupled module

* don't issue a transaction for a query

* don't use current setting for explained sql

* move postgres related types to a different module

* validate variableValues on postgres before multiplexing subs

* don't user current_setting for queries over ws

* plan_cache is only visible when developer flag is enabled

* introduce 'batch size' when multiplexing subscriptions

* bump stackage to 13.16

* fix schema_stitching test case error code

* store hashes instead of actual responses for subscriptions

* internal api to dump subscriptions state

* remove PlanCache from SchemaCacheRef

* allow live query options to be configured on server startup

* capture metrics for multiplexed subscriptions

* more metrics captured for multiplexed subs

* switch to tvar based hashmap for faster snapshotting

* livequery modules do not expose internal details

* fix typo in live query env vars

* switch to hasura's pg-client-hs
2019-04-17 15:18:41 +05:30

136 lines
4.0 KiB

module Hasura.RQL.DML.Count
( CountQueryP1(..)
, getCountDeps
, validateCountQWith
, validateCountQ
, runCount
, countQToTx
) where
import Data.Aeson
import Instances.TH.Lift ()
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as BB
import qualified Data.Sequence as DS
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.EncJSON
import Hasura.RQL.DML.Internal
import Hasura.RQL.GBoolExp
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.SQL.Types
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Hasura.SQL.DML as S
data CountQueryP1
= CountQueryP1
{ cqp1Table :: !QualifiedTable
, cqp1Where :: !(AnnBoolExpSQL, Maybe AnnBoolExpSQL)
, cqp1Distinct :: !(Maybe [PGCol])
} deriving (Show, Eq)
:: CountQueryP1 -> [SchemaDependency]
getCountDeps (CountQueryP1 tn (_, mWc) mDistCols) =
mkParentDep tn
: fromMaybe [] whereDeps
<> fromMaybe [] distDeps
distDeps = map (mkColDep "untyped" tn) <$> mDistCols
whereDeps = getBoolExpDeps tn <$> mWc
:: CountQueryP1 -> S.Select
mkSQLCount (CountQueryP1 tn (permFltr, mWc) mDistCols) =
{ S.selExtr = [S.Extractor S.countStar Nothing]
, S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp
[S.mkSelFromExp False innerSel $ TableName "r"]
finalWC =
toSQLBoolExp (S.QualTable tn) $
maybe permFltr (andAnnBoolExps permFltr) mWc
innerSel = partSel
{ S.selFrom = Just $ S.mkSimpleFromExp tn
, S.selWhere = S.WhereFrag <$> Just finalWC
partSel = case mDistCols of
Just distCols ->
let extrs = flip map distCols $ \c -> S.Extractor (S.mkSIdenExp c) Nothing
in S.mkSelect
{ S.selDistinct = Just S.DistinctSimple
, S.selExtr = extrs
Nothing -> S.mkSelect
{ S.selExtr = [S.Extractor S.SEStar Nothing] }
-- SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT c1, .. cn FROM .. WHERE ..) r;
-- SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT * FROM .. WHERE ..) r;
:: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m, CacheRM m)
=> SessVarBldr m
-> (PGColType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp)
-> CountQuery
-> m CountQueryP1
validateCountQWith sessVarBldr prepValBldr (CountQuery qt mDistCols mWhere) = do
tableInfo <- askTabInfo qt
-- Check if select is allowed
selPerm <- modifyErr (<> selNecessaryMsg) $
askSelPermInfo tableInfo
let colInfoMap = tiFieldInfoMap tableInfo
forM_ mDistCols $ \distCols -> do
let distColAsrns = [ checkSelOnCol selPerm
, assertPGCol colInfoMap relInDistColsErr]
withPathK "distinct" $ verifyAsrns distColAsrns distCols
-- convert the where clause
annSQLBoolExp <- forM mWhere $ \be ->
withPathK "where" $
convBoolExp colInfoMap selPerm be sessVarBldr prepValBldr
resolvedSelFltr <- convAnnBoolExpPartialSQL sessVarBldr $
spiFilter selPerm
return $ CountQueryP1
(resolvedSelFltr, annSQLBoolExp)
selNecessaryMsg =
"; \"count\" is only allowed if the role "
<> "has \"select\" permissions on the table"
relInDistColsErr =
"Relationships can't be used in \"distinct\"."
:: (QErrM m, UserInfoM m, CacheRM m, HasSQLGenCtx m)
=> CountQuery -> m (CountQueryP1, DS.Seq Q.PrepArg)
validateCountQ =
liftDMLP1 . validateCountQWith sessVarFromCurrentSetting binRHSBuilder
:: (QErrM m, MonadTx m)
=> (CountQueryP1, DS.Seq Q.PrepArg) -> m EncJSON
countQToTx (u, p) = do
qRes <- liftTx $ Q.rawQE dmlTxErrorHandler
(Q.fromBuilder countSQL) (toList p) True
return $ encJFromBuilder $ encodeCount qRes
countSQL = toSQL $ mkSQLCount u
encodeCount (Q.SingleRow (Identity c)) =
BB.byteString "{\"count\":" <> BB.intDec c <> BB.char7 '}'
:: (QErrM m, UserInfoM m, CacheRWM m, MonadTx m, HasSQLGenCtx m)
=> CountQuery -> m EncJSON
runCount q =
validateCountQ q >>= countQToTx