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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module Hasura.SQL.Backend
( PostgresKind (..),
BackendType (..),
BackendSourceKind (..),
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types (Parser)
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Text (unpack)
import Data.Text.Extended
import Data.Text.NonEmpty (NonEmptyText, mkNonEmptyText, nonEmptyTextQQ)
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.Adapter.Types (DataConnectorName (..))
import Hasura.Incremental
import Hasura.Prelude
import Witch qualified
-- | Argument to Postgres; we represent backends which are variations on Postgres as sub-types of
-- Postgres. This value indicates which "flavour" of Postgres a backend is.
data PostgresKind
= Vanilla
| Citus
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
deriving anyclass (Hashable, Cacheable)
-- | An enum that represents each backend we support.
data BackendType
= Postgres PostgresKind
| BigQuery
| DataConnector
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
deriving anyclass (Hashable, Cacheable)
-- | The name of the backend, as we expect it to appear in our metadata and API.
instance Witch.From BackendType NonEmptyText where
from (Postgres Vanilla) = [nonEmptyTextQQ|postgres|]
from (Postgres Citus) = [nonEmptyTextQQ|citus|]
from MSSQL = [nonEmptyTextQQ|mssql|]
from BigQuery = [nonEmptyTextQQ|bigquery|]
from MySQL = [nonEmptyTextQQ|mysql|]
from DataConnector = [nonEmptyTextQQ|dataconnector|]
instance ToTxt BackendType where
toTxt = toTxt . Witch.into @NonEmptyText
instance FromJSON BackendType where
parseJSON = withText "backend type" parseBackendTypeFromText
instance ToJSON BackendType where
toJSON = String . toTxt
instance Cacheable (Proxy (b :: BackendType))
-- | Similar to 'BackendType', however, in the case of 'DataConnectorKind' we need to be able
-- capture the name of the data connector that should be used by the DataConnector backend.
-- This type correlates to the kind property of 'SourceMetadata', which is usually just
-- postgres, mssql, etc for static backends, but can be a configurable value for DataConnector
-- hence requiring 'DataConnectorName' for 'DataConnectorKind'
-- This type cannot entirely replace 'BackendType' because 'BackendType' has a fixed number of
-- possible values which can be enumerated over at compile time, but 'BackendSourceKind' does
-- not because DataConnector fundamentally is configured at runtime with 'DataConnectorName'.
data BackendSourceKind (b :: BackendType) where
PostgresVanillaKind :: BackendSourceKind ('Postgres 'Vanilla)
PostgresCitusKind :: BackendSourceKind ('Postgres 'Citus)
MSSQLKind :: BackendSourceKind 'MSSQL
BigQueryKind :: BackendSourceKind 'BigQuery
MySQLKind :: BackendSourceKind 'MySQL
DataConnectorKind :: DataConnectorName -> BackendSourceKind 'DataConnector
deriving instance Show (BackendSourceKind b)
deriving instance Eq (BackendSourceKind b)
deriving instance Ord (BackendSourceKind b)
instance Cacheable (BackendSourceKind b) where
unchanged _ = (==)
instance Witch.From (BackendSourceKind b) NonEmptyText where
-- All cases are specified explicitly here to ensure compiler warnings highlight
-- this area for consideration and update if another BackendType is added
from k@PostgresVanillaKind = Witch.into @NonEmptyText $ backendTypeFromBackendSourceKind k
from k@PostgresCitusKind = Witch.into @NonEmptyText $ backendTypeFromBackendSourceKind k
from k@MSSQLKind = Witch.into @NonEmptyText $ backendTypeFromBackendSourceKind k
from k@BigQueryKind = Witch.into @NonEmptyText $ backendTypeFromBackendSourceKind k
from k@MySQLKind = Witch.into @NonEmptyText $ backendTypeFromBackendSourceKind k
from (DataConnectorKind dataConnectorName) = Witch.into @NonEmptyText dataConnectorName
instance ToTxt (BackendSourceKind b) where
toTxt = toTxt . Witch.into @NonEmptyText
-- If you need to parse an arbitrary string into a BackendSourceKind, you can't because of the
-- b type parameter. You actually want to parse into 'AnyBackend BackendSourceKind'.
-- See 'backendSourceKindFromText' from the AnyBackend module for that.
instance ToJSON (BackendSourceKind b) where
toJSON = String . toTxt
instance FromJSON (BackendSourceKind ('Postgres 'Vanilla)) where
parseJSON = mkParseStaticBackendSourceKind PostgresVanillaKind
instance FromJSON (BackendSourceKind ('Postgres 'Citus)) where
parseJSON = mkParseStaticBackendSourceKind PostgresCitusKind
instance FromJSON (BackendSourceKind ('MSSQL)) where
parseJSON = mkParseStaticBackendSourceKind MSSQLKind
instance FromJSON (BackendSourceKind ('BigQuery)) where
parseJSON = mkParseStaticBackendSourceKind BigQueryKind
instance FromJSON (BackendSourceKind ('MySQL)) where
parseJSON = mkParseStaticBackendSourceKind MySQLKind
instance FromJSON (BackendSourceKind ('DataConnector)) where
parseJSON = withText "BackendSourceKind" $ \text ->
DataConnectorKind . DataConnectorName <$> mkNonEmptyText text
`onNothing` fail "Cannot be empty string"
mkParseStaticBackendSourceKind :: BackendSourceKind b -> (Value -> Parser (BackendSourceKind b))
mkParseStaticBackendSourceKind backendSourceKind =
withText "BackendSourceKind" $ \text ->
if text `elem` validValues
then pure backendSourceKind
else fail ("got: " <> unpack text <> ", expected one of: " <> unpack (commaSeparated validValues))
validValues = backendTextNames $ backendTypeFromBackendSourceKind backendSourceKind
-- | Some generated APIs use a shortened version of the backend's name rather than its full
-- name. This function returns the "short form" of a backend, if any.
backendShortName :: BackendType -> Maybe Text
backendShortName = \case
Postgres Vanilla -> Just "pg"
_ -> Nothing
supportedBackends :: [BackendType]
supportedBackends =
[ Postgres Vanilla,
Postgres Citus,
backendTextNames :: BackendType -> [Text]
backendTextNames b =
[ Just (toTxt b), -- long form
backendShortName b -- short form
backendTextNameLookup :: [(Text, BackendType)]
backendTextNameLookup =
supportedBackends >>= (\b -> (,b) <$> backendTextNames b)
-- | This uses this lookup mechanism to avoid having to duplicate and hardcode the
-- backend string. We accept both the short form and the long form of the backend's name.
backendTypeFromText :: Text -> Maybe BackendType
backendTypeFromText txt =
lookup txt backendTextNameLookup
parseBackendTypeFromText :: Text -> Parser BackendType
parseBackendTypeFromText txt =
let uniqueBackends = commaSeparated $ fst <$> backendTextNameLookup
in backendTypeFromText txt
`onNothing` fail ("got: " <> unpack txt <> ", expected one of: " <> unpack uniqueBackends)
backendTypeFromBackendSourceKind :: BackendSourceKind b -> BackendType
backendTypeFromBackendSourceKind = \case
PostgresVanillaKind -> Postgres Vanilla
PostgresCitusKind -> Postgres Citus
BigQueryKind -> BigQuery
MySQLKind -> MySQL
DataConnectorKind _ -> DataConnector