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https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/1680 GitOrigin-RevId: c92d4f977b5b7fe9a0b71d3841e960a95f722299
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376 lines
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-- | Types and classes related to configuration when the server is initialised
module Hasura.Server.Init.Config where
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.Casing as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.TH as J
import qualified Data.HashSet as Set
import qualified Data.String as DataString
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Network.WebSockets as WS
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.Time
import Data.URL.Template
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (HostPreference)
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.LiveQuery.Options as LQ
import qualified Hasura.Logging as L
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.Server.Auth
import Hasura.Server.Cors
import Hasura.Server.Types
import Hasura.Server.Utils
import Hasura.Session
data RawConnParams
= RawConnParams
{ rcpStripes :: !(Maybe Int)
, rcpConns :: !(Maybe Int)
, rcpIdleTime :: !(Maybe Int)
, rcpConnLifetime :: !(Maybe NominalDiffTime)
-- ^ Time from connection creation after which to destroy a connection and
-- choose a different/new one.
, rcpAllowPrepare :: !(Maybe Bool)
, rcpPoolTimeout :: !(Maybe NominalDiffTime)
} deriving (Show, Eq)
type RawAuthHook = AuthHookG (Maybe Text) (Maybe AuthHookType)
-- | Sleep time interval for recurring activities such as (@'asyncActionsProcessor')
-- Presently @'msToOptionalInterval' interprets `0` as Skip.
data OptionalInterval
= Skip -- ^ No polling
| Interval !Milliseconds -- ^ Interval time
deriving (Show, Eq)
msToOptionalInterval :: Milliseconds -> OptionalInterval
msToOptionalInterval = \case
0 -> Skip
s -> Interval s
instance FromJSON OptionalInterval where
parseJSON v = msToOptionalInterval <$> parseJSON v
instance ToJSON OptionalInterval where
toJSON = \case
Skip -> toJSON @Milliseconds 0
Interval s -> toJSON s
data RawServeOptions impl
= RawServeOptions
{ rsoPort :: !(Maybe Int)
, rsoHost :: !(Maybe HostPreference)
, rsoConnParams :: !RawConnParams
, rsoTxIso :: !(Maybe Q.TxIsolation)
, rsoAdminSecret :: !(Maybe AdminSecretHash)
, rsoAuthHook :: !RawAuthHook
, rsoJwtSecret :: !(Maybe JWTConfig)
, rsoUnAuthRole :: !(Maybe RoleName)
, rsoCorsConfig :: !(Maybe CorsConfig)
, rsoEnableConsole :: !Bool
, rsoConsoleAssetsDir :: !(Maybe Text)
, rsoEnableTelemetry :: !(Maybe Bool)
, rsoWsReadCookie :: !Bool
, rsoStringifyNum :: !Bool
, rsoDangerousBooleanCollapse :: !(Maybe Bool)
, rsoEnabledAPIs :: !(Maybe [API])
, rsoMxRefetchInt :: !(Maybe LQ.RefetchInterval)
, rsoMxBatchSize :: !(Maybe LQ.BatchSize)
, rsoEnableAllowlist :: !Bool
, rsoEnabledLogTypes :: !(Maybe [L.EngineLogType impl])
, rsoLogLevel :: !(Maybe L.LogLevel)
, rsoDevMode :: !Bool
, rsoAdminInternalErrors :: !(Maybe Bool)
, rsoEventsHttpPoolSize :: !(Maybe Int)
, rsoEventsFetchInterval :: !(Maybe Milliseconds)
, rsoAsyncActionsFetchInterval :: !(Maybe Milliseconds)
, rsoLogHeadersFromEnv :: !Bool
, rsoEnableRemoteSchemaPermissions :: !Bool
, rsoWebSocketCompression :: !Bool
, rsoWebSocketKeepAlive :: !(Maybe Int)
, rsoInferFunctionPermissions :: !(Maybe Bool)
, rsoEnableMaintenanceMode :: !Bool
, rsoSchemaPollInterval :: !(Maybe Milliseconds)
, rsoExperimentalFeatures :: !(Maybe [ExperimentalFeature])
, rsoEventsFetchBatchSize :: !(Maybe NonNegativeInt)
, rsoGracefulShutdownTimeout :: !(Maybe Seconds)
-- | @'ResponseInternalErrorsConfig' represents the encoding of the internal
-- errors in the response to the client.
-- See the github comment https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine/issues/4031#issuecomment-609747705 for more details.
data ResponseInternalErrorsConfig
= InternalErrorsAllRequests
| InternalErrorsAdminOnly
| InternalErrorsDisabled
deriving (Show, Eq)
shouldIncludeInternal :: RoleName -> ResponseInternalErrorsConfig -> Bool
shouldIncludeInternal role = \case
InternalErrorsAllRequests -> True
InternalErrorsAdminOnly -> role == adminRoleName
InternalErrorsDisabled -> False
newtype KeepAliveDelay
= KeepAliveDelay
{ unKeepAliveDelay :: Seconds
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data ServeOptions impl
= ServeOptions
{ soPort :: !Int
, soHost :: !HostPreference
, soConnParams :: !Q.ConnParams
, soTxIso :: !Q.TxIsolation
, soAdminSecret :: !(Maybe AdminSecretHash)
, soAuthHook :: !(Maybe AuthHook)
, soJwtSecret :: !(Maybe JWTConfig)
, soUnAuthRole :: !(Maybe RoleName)
, soCorsConfig :: !CorsConfig
, soEnableConsole :: !Bool
, soConsoleAssetsDir :: !(Maybe Text)
, soEnableTelemetry :: !Bool
, soStringifyNum :: !Bool
, soDangerousBooleanCollapse :: !Bool
, soEnabledAPIs :: !(Set.HashSet API)
, soLiveQueryOpts :: !LQ.LiveQueriesOptions
, soEnableAllowlist :: !Bool
, soEnabledLogTypes :: !(Set.HashSet (L.EngineLogType impl))
, soLogLevel :: !L.LogLevel
, soResponseInternalErrorsConfig :: !ResponseInternalErrorsConfig
, soEventsHttpPoolSize :: !(Maybe Int)
, soEventsFetchInterval :: !(Maybe Milliseconds)
, soAsyncActionsFetchInterval :: !OptionalInterval
, soLogHeadersFromEnv :: !Bool
, soEnableRemoteSchemaPermissions :: !RemoteSchemaPermsCtx
, soConnectionOptions :: !WS.ConnectionOptions
, soWebsocketKeepAlive :: !KeepAliveDelay
, soInferFunctionPermissions :: !FunctionPermissionsCtx
, soEnableMaintenanceMode :: !MaintenanceMode
, soSchemaPollInterval :: !OptionalInterval
, soExperimentalFeatures :: !(Set.HashSet ExperimentalFeature)
, soEventsFetchBatchSize :: !NonNegativeInt
, soDevMode :: !Bool
, soGracefulShutdownTimeout :: !Seconds
data DowngradeOptions
= DowngradeOptions
{ dgoTargetVersion :: !Text
, dgoDryRun :: !Bool
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data PostgresConnInfo a
= PostgresConnInfo
{ _pciDatabaseConn :: !a
, _pciRetries :: !(Maybe Int)
} deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
data PostgresRawConnDetails =
{ connHost :: !String
, connPort :: !Int
, connUser :: !String
, connPassword :: !String
, connDatabase :: !String
, connOptions :: !(Maybe String)
} deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
data PostgresRawConnInfo
= PGConnDatabaseUrl !URLTemplate
| PGConnDetails !PostgresRawConnDetails
deriving (Show, Eq)
rawConnDetailsToUrl :: PostgresRawConnDetails -> URLTemplate
rawConnDetailsToUrl =
mkPlainURLTemplate . rawConnDetailsToUrlText
rawConnDetailsToUrlText :: PostgresRawConnDetails -> Text
rawConnDetailsToUrlText PostgresRawConnDetails{..} =
T.pack $
"postgresql://" <> connUser <>
":" <> connPassword <>
"@" <> connHost <>
":" <> show connPort <>
"/" <> connDatabase <>
maybe "" ("?options=" <>) connOptions
data HGECommandG a
= HCServe !a
| HCExport
| HCClean
| HCExecute
| HCVersion
| HCDowngrade !DowngradeOptions
deriving (Show, Eq)
data API
deriving (Show, Eq, Read, Generic)
$(J.deriveJSON (J.defaultOptions { J.constructorTagModifier = map toLower })
instance Hashable API
$(J.deriveJSON (J.aesonPrefix J.camelCase){J.omitNothingFields=True} ''PostgresRawConnDetails)
type HGECommand impl = HGECommandG (ServeOptions impl)
type RawHGECommand impl = HGECommandG (RawServeOptions impl)
data HGEOptionsG a b
= HGEOptionsG
{ hoDatabaseUrl :: !(PostgresConnInfo a)
, hoMetadataDbUrl :: !(Maybe String)
, hoCommand :: !(HGECommandG b)
} deriving (Show, Eq)
type RawHGEOptions impl = HGEOptionsG (Maybe PostgresRawConnInfo) (RawServeOptions impl)
type HGEOptions impl = HGEOptionsG (Maybe UrlConf) (ServeOptions impl)
type Env = [(String, String)]
readHookType :: String -> Either String AuthHookType
readHookType tyS =
case tyS of
"GET" -> Right AHTGet
"POST" -> Right AHTPost
_ -> Left "Only expecting GET / POST"
parseStrAsBool :: String -> Either String Bool
parseStrAsBool t
| map toLower t `elem` truthVals = Right True
| map toLower t `elem` falseVals = Right False
| otherwise = Left errMsg
truthVals = ["true", "t", "yes", "y"]
falseVals = ["false", "f", "no", "n"]
errMsg = " Not a valid boolean text. " ++ "True values are "
++ show truthVals ++ " and False values are " ++ show falseVals
++ ". All values are case insensitive"
readNonNegativeInt :: String -> Either String NonNegativeInt
readNonNegativeInt s =
onNothing (mkNonNegativeInt =<< readMaybe s) $ Left "Only expecting a non negative integer"
readAPIs :: String -> Either String [API]
readAPIs = mapM readAPI . T.splitOn "," . T.pack
where readAPI si = case T.toUpper $ T.strip si of
_ -> Left "Only expecting list of comma separated API types metadata,graphql,pgdump,developer,config"
readExperimentalFeatures :: String -> Either String [ExperimentalFeature]
readExperimentalFeatures = mapM readAPI . T.splitOn "," . T.pack
where readAPI si = case T.toLower $ T.strip si of
"inherited_roles" -> Right EFInheritedRoles
_ -> Left "Only expecting list of comma separated experimental features"
readLogLevel :: String -> Either String L.LogLevel
readLogLevel s = case T.toLower $ T.strip $ T.pack s of
"debug" -> Right L.LevelDebug
"info" -> Right L.LevelInfo
"warn" -> Right L.LevelWarn
"error" -> Right L.LevelError
_ -> Left "Valid log levels: debug, info, warn or error"
readJson :: (J.FromJSON a) => String -> Either String a
readJson = J.eitherDecodeStrict . txtToBs . T.pack
class FromEnv a where
fromEnv :: String -> Either String a
-- Deserialize from seconds, in the usual way
instance FromEnv NominalDiffTime where
fromEnv s = maybe (Left "could not parse as a Double") (Right . realToFrac) $
(readMaybe s :: Maybe Double)
instance FromEnv String where
fromEnv = Right
instance FromEnv HostPreference where
fromEnv = Right . DataString.fromString
instance FromEnv Text where
fromEnv = Right . T.pack
instance FromEnv AuthHookType where
fromEnv = readHookType
instance FromEnv Int where
fromEnv = maybe (Left "Expecting Int value") Right . readMaybe
instance FromEnv AdminSecretHash where
fromEnv = Right . hashAdminSecret . T.pack
instance FromEnv RoleName where
fromEnv string = case mkRoleName (T.pack string) of
Nothing -> Left "empty string not allowed"
Just roleName -> Right roleName
instance FromEnv Bool where
fromEnv = parseStrAsBool
instance FromEnv Q.TxIsolation where
fromEnv = readIsoLevel
instance FromEnv CorsConfig where
fromEnv = readCorsDomains
instance FromEnv [API] where
fromEnv = readAPIs
instance FromEnv [ExperimentalFeature] where
fromEnv = readExperimentalFeatures
instance FromEnv LQ.BatchSize where
fromEnv s = do
val <- readEither s
maybe (Left "batch size should be a non negative integer") Right $ LQ.mkBatchSize val
instance FromEnv LQ.RefetchInterval where
fromEnv x = do
val <- fmap (milliseconds . fromInteger) . readEither $ x
maybe (Left "refetch interval should be a non negative integer") Right $ LQ.mkRefetchInterval val
instance FromEnv Milliseconds where
fromEnv = fmap fromInteger . readEither
instance FromEnv Seconds where
fromEnv = fmap fromInteger . readEither
instance FromEnv JWTConfig where
fromEnv = readJson
instance L.EnabledLogTypes impl => FromEnv [L.EngineLogType impl] where
fromEnv = L.parseEnabledLogTypes
instance FromEnv L.LogLevel where
fromEnv = readLogLevel
instance FromEnv URLTemplate where
fromEnv = parseURLTemplate . T.pack
instance FromEnv NonNegativeInt where
fromEnv = readNonNegativeInt
type WithEnv a = ReaderT Env (ExceptT String Identity) a
runWithEnv :: Env -> WithEnv a -> Either String a
runWithEnv env m = runIdentity $ runExceptT $ runReaderT m env