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PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/2676 GitOrigin-RevId: f01574a30d3a6bf95467ce69bb8b5e69ce4cc057
293 lines
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293 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Hasura.Logging
( LoggerSettings (..),
EngineLogType (..),
InternalLogTypes (..),
EngineLog (..),
ToEngineLog (..),
UnstructuredLog (..),
Logger (..),
LogLevel (..),
LoggerCtx (..),
EnabledLogTypes (..),
import Control.AutoUpdate qualified as Auto
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
import Control.Monad.Trans.Managed (ManagedT (..), allocate)
import Data.Aeson qualified as J
import Data.Aeson.TH qualified as J
import Data.ByteString qualified as B
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BL
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 qualified as BLC
import Data.HashSet qualified as Set
import Data.TByteString qualified as TBS
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Time.Clock qualified as Time
import Data.Time.Format qualified as Format
import Data.Time.LocalTime qualified as Time
import Hasura.Prelude
import System.Log.FastLogger qualified as FL
newtype FormattedTime = FormattedTime {_unFormattedTime :: Text}
deriving (Show, Eq, J.ToJSON)
-- | Typeclass representing any type which can be parsed into a list of enabled log types, and has a @Set@
-- of default enabled log types, and can find out if a log type is enabled
class (Eq (EngineLogType impl), Hashable (EngineLogType impl)) => EnabledLogTypes impl where
parseEnabledLogTypes :: String -> Either String [EngineLogType impl]
defaultEnabledLogTypes :: Set.HashSet (EngineLogType impl)
isLogTypeEnabled :: Set.HashSet (EngineLogType impl) -> EngineLogType impl -> Bool
-- | A family of EngineLogType types
data family EngineLogType impl
data Hasura
data instance EngineLogType Hasura
= ELTHttpLog
| ELTWebsocketLog
| ELTWebhookLog
| ELTQueryLog
| ELTStartup
| ELTLivequeryPollerLog
| ELTActionHandler
| -- internal log types
ELTInternal !InternalLogTypes
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable (EngineLogType Hasura)
instance J.ToJSON (EngineLogType Hasura) where
toJSON = \case
ELTHttpLog -> "http-log"
ELTWebsocketLog -> "websocket-log"
ELTWebhookLog -> "webhook-log"
ELTQueryLog -> "query-log"
ELTStartup -> "startup"
ELTLivequeryPollerLog -> "livequery-poller-log"
ELTActionHandler -> "action-handler-log"
ELTInternal t -> J.toJSON t
instance J.FromJSON (EngineLogType Hasura) where
parseJSON = J.withText "log-type" $ \s -> case T.toLower $ T.strip s of
"startup" -> return ELTStartup
"http-log" -> return ELTHttpLog
"webhook-log" -> return ELTWebhookLog
"websocket-log" -> return ELTWebsocketLog
"query-log" -> return ELTQueryLog
"livequery-poller-log" -> return ELTLivequeryPollerLog
"action-handler-log" -> return ELTActionHandler
_ ->
fail $
"Valid list of comma-separated log types: "
<> BLC.unpack (J.encode userAllowedLogTypes)
data InternalLogTypes
= -- | mostly for debug logs - see @debugT@, @debugBS@ and @debugLBS@ functions
| ILTEventTrigger
| ILTScheduledTrigger
| -- | internal logs for the websocket server
| ILTPgClient
| -- | log type for logging metadata related actions; currently used in logging inconsistent metadata
| ILTJwkRefreshLog
| ILTTelemetry
| ILTSchemaSyncThread
| ILTSourceCatalogMigration
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable InternalLogTypes
instance J.ToJSON InternalLogTypes where
toJSON = \case
ILTUnstructured -> "unstructured"
ILTEventTrigger -> "event-trigger"
ILTScheduledTrigger -> "scheduled-trigger"
ILTWsServer -> "ws-server"
ILTPgClient -> "pg-client"
ILTMetadata -> "metadata"
ILTJwkRefreshLog -> "jwk-refresh-log"
ILTTelemetry -> "telemetry-log"
ILTSchemaSyncThread -> "schema-sync-thread"
ILTSourceCatalogMigration -> "source-catalog-migration"
-- the default enabled log-types
defaultEnabledEngineLogTypes :: Set.HashSet (EngineLogType Hasura)
defaultEnabledEngineLogTypes =
Set.fromList [ELTStartup, ELTHttpLog, ELTWebhookLog, ELTWebsocketLog]
isEngineLogTypeEnabled :: Set.HashSet (EngineLogType Hasura) -> EngineLogType Hasura -> Bool
isEngineLogTypeEnabled enabledTypes logTy = case logTy of
ELTInternal _ -> True
_ -> logTy `Set.member` enabledTypes
readLogTypes :: String -> Either String [EngineLogType Hasura]
readLogTypes = mapM (J.eitherDecodeStrict' . quote . txtToBs) . T.splitOn "," . T.pack
quote x = "\"" <> x <> "\""
instance EnabledLogTypes Hasura where
parseEnabledLogTypes = readLogTypes
defaultEnabledLogTypes = defaultEnabledEngineLogTypes
isLogTypeEnabled = isEngineLogTypeEnabled
-- log types that can be set by the user
userAllowedLogTypes :: [EngineLogType Hasura]
userAllowedLogTypes =
[ ELTStartup,
data LogLevel
= LevelDebug
| LevelInfo
| LevelWarn
| LevelError
| LevelOther Text
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance J.ToJSON LogLevel where
toJSON =
J.toJSON . \case
LevelDebug -> "debug"
LevelInfo -> "info"
LevelWarn -> "warn"
LevelError -> "error"
LevelOther t -> t
data EngineLog impl = EngineLog
{ _elTimestamp :: !FormattedTime,
_elLevel :: !LogLevel,
_elType :: !(EngineLogType impl),
_elDetail :: !J.Value
deriving instance Show (EngineLogType impl) => Show (EngineLog impl)
deriving instance Eq (EngineLogType impl) => Eq (EngineLog impl)
-- empty splice to bring all the above definitions in scope
$(pure [])
instance J.ToJSON (EngineLogType impl) => J.ToJSON (EngineLog impl) where
toJSON = $(J.mkToJSON hasuraJSON ''EngineLog)
-- | Typeclass representing any data type that can be converted to @EngineLog@ for the purpose of
-- logging
class EnabledLogTypes impl => ToEngineLog a impl where
toEngineLog :: a -> (LogLevel, EngineLogType impl, J.Value)
data UnstructuredLog = UnstructuredLog {_ulLevel :: !LogLevel, _ulPayload :: !TBS.TByteString}
deriving (Show, Eq)
debugT :: Text -> UnstructuredLog
debugT = UnstructuredLog LevelDebug . TBS.fromText
debugBS :: B.ByteString -> UnstructuredLog
debugBS = UnstructuredLog LevelDebug . TBS.fromBS
debugLBS :: BL.ByteString -> UnstructuredLog
debugLBS = UnstructuredLog LevelDebug . TBS.fromLBS
instance ToEngineLog UnstructuredLog Hasura where
toEngineLog (UnstructuredLog level t) =
(level, ELTInternal ILTUnstructured, J.toJSON t)
data LoggerCtx impl = LoggerCtx
{ _lcLoggerSet :: !FL.LoggerSet,
_lcLogLevel :: !LogLevel,
_lcTimeGetter :: !(IO FormattedTime),
_lcEnabledLogTypes :: !(Set.HashSet (EngineLogType impl))
data LoggerSettings = LoggerSettings
{ -- | should current time be cached (refreshed every sec)
_lsCachedTimestamp :: !Bool,
_lsTimeZone :: !(Maybe Time.TimeZone),
_lsLevel :: !LogLevel
deriving (Show, Eq)
defaultLoggerSettings :: Bool -> LogLevel -> LoggerSettings
defaultLoggerSettings isCached =
LoggerSettings isCached Nothing
getFormattedTime :: Maybe Time.TimeZone -> IO FormattedTime
getFormattedTime tzM = do
tz <- onNothing tzM Time.getCurrentTimeZone
t <- Time.getCurrentTime
let zt = Time.utcToZonedTime tz t
return $ FormattedTime $ T.pack $ formatTime zt
formatTime = Format.formatTime Format.defaultTimeLocale format
format = "%FT%H:%M:%S%3Q%z"
-- format = Format.iso8601DateFormat (Just "%H:%M:%S")
mkLoggerCtx ::
(MonadIO io, MonadBaseControl IO io) =>
LoggerSettings ->
Set.HashSet (EngineLogType impl) ->
ManagedT io (LoggerCtx impl)
mkLoggerCtx (LoggerSettings cacheTime tzM logLevel) enabledLogs = do
loggerSet <-
(liftIO $ FL.newStdoutLoggerSet FL.defaultBufSize)
(liftIO . FL.rmLoggerSet)
timeGetter <- liftIO $ bool (return $ getFormattedTime tzM) cachedTimeGetter cacheTime
return $ LoggerCtx loggerSet logLevel timeGetter enabledLogs
cachedTimeGetter =
{ Auto.updateAction = getFormattedTime tzM
cleanLoggerCtx :: LoggerCtx a -> IO ()
cleanLoggerCtx =
FL.rmLoggerSet . _lcLoggerSet
-- See Note [Existentially Quantified Types]
newtype Logger impl = Logger {unLogger :: forall a m. (ToEngineLog a impl, MonadIO m) => a -> m ()}
mkLogger :: LoggerCtx Hasura -> Logger Hasura
mkLogger (LoggerCtx loggerSet serverLogLevel timeGetter enabledLogTypes) = Logger $ \l -> do
localTime <- liftIO timeGetter
let (logLevel, logTy, logDet) = toEngineLog l
when (logLevel >= serverLogLevel && isLogTypeEnabled enabledLogTypes logTy) $
liftIO $ FL.pushLogStrLn loggerSet $ FL.toLogStr (J.encode $ EngineLog localTime logLevel logTy logDet)
eventTriggerLogType :: EngineLogType Hasura
eventTriggerLogType = ELTInternal ILTEventTrigger
scheduledTriggerLogType :: EngineLogType Hasura
scheduledTriggerLogType = ELTInternal ILTScheduledTrigger
sourceCatalogMigrationLogType :: EngineLogType Hasura
sourceCatalogMigrationLogType = ELTInternal ILTSourceCatalogMigration