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{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
module Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Cache.Fields
( addNonColumnFields
, mkRelationshipMetadataObject
, mkComputedFieldMetadataObject
) where
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.Extended as M
import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import Control.Arrow.Extended
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Hasura.Incremental as Inc
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.ComputedField
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Relationship
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Cache.Common
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Function
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Catalog
import Hasura.SQL.Types
:: ( ArrowChoice arr, Inc.ArrowDistribute arr, ArrowWriter (Seq CollectedInfo) arr
, ArrowKleisli m arr, MonadError QErr m )
=> ( HashMap QualifiedTable TableRawInfo
, FieldInfoMap PGColumnInfo
, [CatalogRelation]
, [CatalogComputedField]
) `arr` FieldInfoMap FieldInfo
addNonColumnFields = proc (rawTableInfo, columns, relationships, computedFields) -> do
<- buildInfoMapPreservingMetadata _crRelName mkRelationshipMetadataObject buildRelationship
-< (_tciForeignKeys <$> rawTableInfo, relationships)
<- buildInfoMapPreservingMetadata
(_afcName . _cccComputedField)
-< (HS.fromList $ M.keys rawTableInfo, computedFields)
let mapKey f = M.fromList . map (first f) . M.toList
relationshipFields = mapKey fromRel relationshipInfos
computedFieldFields = mapKey fromComputedField computedFieldInfos
-- First, check for conflicts between non-column fields, since we can raise a better error
-- message in terms of the two metadata objects that define them.
(align relationshipFields computedFieldFields >- returnA)
>-> (| Inc.keyed (\fieldName fields -> (fieldName, fields) >- noFieldConflicts) |)
-- Next, check for conflicts with custom field names. This is easiest to do before merging with
-- the column info itself because we have access to the information separately, and custom field
-- names are not currently stored as a separate map (but maybe should be!).
>-> (\fields -> (columns, M.catMaybes fields) >- noCustomFieldConflicts)
-- Finally, check for conflicts with the columns themselves.
>-> (\fields -> align columns (M.catMaybes fields) >- returnA)
>-> (| Inc.keyed (\_ fields -> fields >- noColumnConflicts) |)
noFieldConflicts = proc (fieldName, fields) -> case fields of
This (relationship, metadata) -> returnA -< Just (FIRelationship relationship, metadata)
That (computedField, metadata) -> returnA -< Just (FIComputedField computedField, metadata)
These (_, relationshipMetadata) (_, computedFieldMetadata) -> do
tellA -< Seq.singleton $ CIInconsistency $ ConflictingObjects
("conflicting definitions for field " <>> fieldName)
[relationshipMetadata, computedFieldMetadata]
returnA -< Nothing
noCustomFieldConflicts = proc (columns, nonColumnFields) -> do
let columnsByGQLName = mapFromL pgiName $ M.elems columns
(| Inc.keyed (\_ (fieldInfo, metadata) ->
(| withRecordInconsistency (do
(| traverseA_ (\fieldGQLName -> case M.lookup fieldGQLName columnsByGQLName of
-- Only raise an error if the GQL name isn’t the same as the Postgres column name.
-- If they are the same, `noColumnConflicts` will catch it, and it will produce a
-- more useful error message.
Just columnInfo | getPGColTxt (pgiColumn columnInfo) /= G.unName fieldGQLName ->
throwA -< err400 AlreadyExists
$ "field definition conflicts with custom field name for postgres column "
<>> pgiColumn columnInfo
_ -> returnA -< ())
|) (fieldInfoGraphQLNames fieldInfo)
returnA -< (fieldInfo, metadata))
|) metadata)
|) nonColumnFields
noColumnConflicts = proc fields -> case fields of
This columnInfo -> returnA -< FIColumn columnInfo
That (fieldInfo, _) -> returnA -< fieldInfo
These columnInfo (_, fieldMetadata) -> do
recordInconsistency -< (fieldMetadata, "field definition conflicts with postgres column")
returnA -< FIColumn columnInfo
mkRelationshipMetadataObject :: CatalogRelation -> MetadataObject
mkRelationshipMetadataObject (CatalogRelation qt rn rt rDef cmnt) =
let objectId = MOTableObj qt $ MTORel rn rt
definition = toJSON $ WithTable qt $ RelDef rn rDef cmnt
in MetadataObject objectId definition
:: (ArrowChoice arr, ArrowWriter (Seq CollectedInfo) arr)
=> (HashMap QualifiedTable (HashSet ForeignKey), CatalogRelation) `arr` Maybe RelInfo
buildRelationship = proc (foreignKeys, relationship) -> do
let CatalogRelation tableName rn rt rDef _ = relationship
metadataObject = mkRelationshipMetadataObject relationship
schemaObject = SOTableObj tableName $ TORel rn
addRelationshipContext e = "in relationship " <> rn <<> ": " <> e
(| withRecordInconsistency (
(| modifyErrA (do
(info, dependencies) <- liftEitherA -< case rt of
ObjRel -> do
using <- decodeValue rDef
tableForeignKeys <- getTableInfo tableName foreignKeys
objRelP2Setup tableName tableForeignKeys (RelDef rn using Nothing)
ArrRel -> do
using <- decodeValue rDef
arrRelP2Setup foreignKeys tableName (RelDef rn using Nothing)
recordDependencies -< (metadataObject, schemaObject, dependencies)
returnA -< info)
|) (addTableContext tableName . addRelationshipContext))
|) metadataObject
mkComputedFieldMetadataObject :: CatalogComputedField -> MetadataObject
mkComputedFieldMetadataObject (CatalogComputedField column _) =
let AddComputedField qt name _ _ = column
objectId = MOTableObj qt $ MTOComputedField name
in MetadataObject objectId (toJSON column)
:: ( ArrowChoice arr, ArrowWriter (Seq CollectedInfo) arr
, ArrowKleisli m arr, MonadError QErr m )
=> (HashSet QualifiedTable, CatalogComputedField) `arr` Maybe ComputedFieldInfo
buildComputedField = proc (trackedTableNames, computedField) -> do
let CatalogComputedField column funcDefs = computedField
AddComputedField qt name def comment = column
addComputedFieldContext e = "in computed field " <> name <<> ": " <> e
(| withRecordInconsistency (
(| modifyErrA (do
rawfi <- bindErrorA -< handleMultipleFunctions (_cfdFunction def) funcDefs
bindErrorA -< addComputedFieldP2Setup trackedTableNames qt name def rawfi comment)
|) (addTableContext qt . addComputedFieldContext))
|) (mkComputedFieldMetadataObject computedField)