mirror of
synced 2024-12-17 20:41:49 +03:00
From `alpha-40` we've been using a `WHERE` clause to fetch required rows and generate mutation response. This has a few limitations like the requirement of a primary key/unique constraint. This also returns inconsistent data on `delete` mutation as mentioned in #1794. Now, we're using `VALUES (..)` (refer [here](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-values.html)) expression to form virtual table rows in `SQL` to generate mutation response. Internal changes:- - Not to use primary key/unique constraint columns:- - Revert back to `ConstraintName` from `TableConstraint` in `TableInfo` type - Remove `tcCols` field in `TableConstraint` type - Modify `table_info.sql` and `fetchTableMeta` function `SQL` - A test case to perform `delete` mutation and returning relational objects.
524 lines
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524 lines
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module Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.Insert
import Data.Has
import Hasura.EncJSON
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.Server.Utils
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.Casing as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.TH as J
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd as OMap
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Hasura.RQL.DML.Insert as RI
import qualified Hasura.RQL.DML.Returning as RR
import qualified Hasura.RQL.GBoolExp as RB
import qualified Hasura.SQL.DML as S
import Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.Context
import Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.InputValue
import Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.Mutation
import Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.Select
import Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.Field
import Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.Types
import Hasura.RQL.DML.Internal (dmlTxErrorHandler)
import Hasura.RQL.DML.Mutation
import Hasura.RQL.GBoolExp (toSQLBoolExp)
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.SQL.Types
import Hasura.SQL.Value
newtype InsResp
= InsResp
{ _irResponse :: Maybe J.Object
} deriving (Show, Eq)
$(J.deriveJSON (J.aesonDrop 3 J.snakeCase) ''InsResp)
data AnnIns a
= AnnIns
{ _aiInsObj :: !a
, _aiConflictClause :: !(Maybe RI.ConflictClauseP1)
, _aiView :: !QualifiedTable
, _aiTableCols :: ![PGColInfo]
, _aiDefVals :: !(Map.HashMap PGCol S.SQLExp)
} deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
type SingleObjIns = AnnIns AnnInsObj
type MultiObjIns = AnnIns [AnnInsObj]
singleToMulti :: SingleObjIns -> MultiObjIns
singleToMulti = fmap pure
multiToSingles :: MultiObjIns -> [SingleObjIns]
multiToSingles = sequenceA
data RelIns a
= RelIns
{ _riAnnIns :: !a
, _riRelInfo :: !RelInfo
} deriving (Show, Eq)
type ObjRelIns = RelIns SingleObjIns
type ArrRelIns = RelIns MultiObjIns
type PGColWithValue = (PGCol, PGColValue)
data CTEExp
= CTEExp
{ _iweExp :: !S.CTE
, _iwePrepArgs :: !(Seq.Seq Q.PrepArg)
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data AnnInsObj
= AnnInsObj
{ _aioColumns :: ![(PGCol, PGColType, PGColValue)]
, _aioObjRels :: ![ObjRelIns]
, _aioArrRels :: ![ArrRelIns]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
:: (MonadError QErr m, Has InsCtxMap r, MonadReader r m)
=> RelationInfoMap
-> AnnGObject
-> m AnnInsObj
mkAnnInsObj relInfoMap annObj =
foldrM (traverseInsObj relInfoMap) emptyInsObj $ OMap.toList annObj
emptyInsObj = AnnInsObj [] [] []
:: (MonadError QErr m, Has InsCtxMap r, MonadReader r m)
=> RelationInfoMap
-> (G.Name, AnnInpVal)
-> AnnInsObj
-> m AnnInsObj
traverseInsObj rim (gName, annVal) defVal@(AnnInsObj cols objRels arrRels) =
case _aivValue annVal of
AGScalar colty mColVal -> do
let col = PGCol $ G.unName gName
colVal = fromMaybe (PGNull colty) mColVal
return (AnnInsObj ((col, colty, colVal):cols) objRels arrRels)
_ -> do
objM <- asObjectM annVal
-- if relational insert input is 'null' then ignore
-- return default value
fmap (fromMaybe defVal) $ forM objM $ \obj -> do
let relName = RelName $ G.unName gName
onConflictM = OMap.lookup "on_conflict" obj
dataVal <- onNothing (OMap.lookup "data" obj) $
throw500 "\"data\" object not found"
relInfo <- onNothing (Map.lookup relName rim) $
throw500 $ "relation " <> relName <<> " not found"
let rTable = riRTable relInfo
InsCtx rtView rtCols rtDefVals rtRelInfoMap rtUpdPerm <- getInsCtx rTable
withPathK (G.unName gName) $ case riType relInfo of
ObjRel -> do
dataObj <- asObject dataVal
annDataObj <- mkAnnInsObj rtRelInfoMap dataObj
ccM <- forM onConflictM $ parseOnConflict rTable rtUpdPerm
let singleObjIns = AnnIns annDataObj ccM rtView rtCols rtDefVals
objRelIns = RelIns singleObjIns relInfo
return (AnnInsObj cols (objRelIns:objRels) arrRels)
ArrRel -> do
arrDataVals <- asArray dataVal
let withNonEmptyArrData = do
annDataObjs <- forM arrDataVals $ \arrDataVal -> do
dataObj <- asObject arrDataVal
mkAnnInsObj rtRelInfoMap dataObj
ccM <- forM onConflictM $ parseOnConflict rTable rtUpdPerm
let multiObjIns = AnnIns annDataObjs ccM rtView rtCols rtDefVals
arrRelIns = RelIns multiObjIns relInfo
return (AnnInsObj cols objRels (arrRelIns:arrRels))
-- if array relation insert input data has empty objects
-- then ignore and return default value
bool withNonEmptyArrData (return defVal) $ null arrDataVals
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> QualifiedTable -> Maybe UpdPermForIns
-> AnnInpVal -> m RI.ConflictClauseP1
parseOnConflict tn updFiltrM val = withPathK "on_conflict" $
flip withObject val $ \_ obj -> do
constraint <- RI.Constraint <$> parseConstraint obj
updCols <- getUpdCols obj
case updCols of
[] -> return $ RI.CP1DoNothing $ Just constraint
_ -> do
UpdPermForIns _ updFiltr preSet <- onNothing updFiltrM $ throw500
"cannot update columns since update permission is not defined"
return $ RI.CP1Update constraint updCols preSet $
toSQLBoolExp (S.mkQual tn) updFiltr
getUpdCols o = do
updColsVal <- onNothing (OMap.lookup "update_columns" o) $ throw500
"\"update_columns\" argument in expected in \"on_conflict\" field "
parseColumns updColsVal
parseConstraint o = do
v <- onNothing (OMap.lookup "constraint" o) $ throw500
"\"constraint\" is expected, but not found"
(_, enumVal) <- asEnumVal v
return $ ConstraintName $ G.unName $ G.unEnumValue enumVal
:: (MonadError QErr m, MonadState PrepArgs m)
=> [(PGCol, PGColType, PGColValue)]
-> m [(PGCol, S.SQLExp)]
toSQLExps cols =
forM cols $ \(c, ty, v) -> do
prepExp <- prepareColVal ty v
return (c, prepExp)
mkSQLRow :: Map.HashMap PGCol S.SQLExp -> [(PGCol, S.SQLExp)] -> [S.SQLExp]
mkSQLRow defVals withPGCol =
Map.elems $ Map.union (Map.fromList withPGCol) defVals
:: MonadError QErr m
=> QualifiedTable
-> Maybe RI.ConflictClauseP1
-> [(PGCol, PGColType, PGColValue)]
-> [PGCol]
-> Map.HashMap PGCol S.SQLExp
-> RoleName
-> m (CTEExp, Maybe RI.ConflictCtx)
mkInsertQ vn onConflictM insCols tableCols defVals role = do
(givenCols, args) <- flip runStateT Seq.Empty $ toSQLExps insCols
let sqlConflict = RI.toSQLConflict <$> onConflictM
sqlExps = mkSQLRow defVals givenCols
valueExp = S.ValuesExp [S.TupleExp sqlExps]
sqlInsert = S.SQLInsert vn tableCols valueExp sqlConflict $ Just S.returningStar
adminIns = return (CTEExp (S.CTEInsert sqlInsert) args, Nothing)
nonAdminInsert = do
ccM <- mapM RI.extractConflictCtx onConflictM
let cteIns = S.CTEInsert sqlInsert{S.siConflict=Nothing}
return (CTEExp cteIns args, ccM)
bool nonAdminInsert adminIns $ isAdmin role
:: MonadError QErr m
=> [ColVals] -> m (Maybe ColVals)
asSingleObject = \case
[] -> return Nothing
[a] -> return $ Just a
_ -> throw500 "more than one row returned"
:: MonadError QErr m
=> ColVals
-> [PGColInfo]
-> (PGColInfo -> a)
-> m [(a, PGColValue)]
fetchFromColVals colVal reqCols f =
forM reqCols $ \ci -> do
let valM = Map.lookup (pgiName ci) colVal
val <- onNothing valM $ throw500 $ "column "
<> pgiName ci <<> " not found in given colVal"
pgColVal <- RB.pgValParser (pgiType ci) val
return (f ci, pgColVal)
:: MonadError QErr m
=> QualifiedTable
-> [PGColInfo]
-> Maybe ColVals
-> m CTEExp
mkSelCTE tn allCols colValM = do
selCTE <- mkSelCTEFromColVals tn allCols $ maybe [] pure colValM
return $ CTEExp selCTE Seq.Empty
:: Bool
-> QualifiedTable
-> CTEExp
-> RR.MutFlds
-> Q.TxE QErr J.Object
execCTEExp strfyNum tn (CTEExp cteExp args) flds =
Q.getAltJ . runIdentity . Q.getRow
<$> Q.rawQE dmlTxErrorHandler (Q.fromBuilder sqlBuilder) (toList args) True
sqlBuilder = toSQL $ RR.mkSelWith tn cteExp flds True strfyNum
-- | validate an insert object based on insert columns,
-- | insert object relations and additional columns from parent
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> [PGCol] -- ^ inserting columns
-> [RelInfo] -- ^ object relation inserts
-> [PGCol] -- ^ additional fields from parent
-> m ()
validateInsert insCols objRels addCols = do
-- validate insertCols
unless (null insConflictCols) $ throwVE $
"cannot insert " <> showPGCols insConflictCols
<> " columns as their values are already being determined by parent insert"
forM_ objRels $ \relInfo -> do
let lCols = map fst $ riMapping relInfo
relName = riName relInfo
relNameTxt = getRelTxt relName
lColConflicts = lCols `intersect` (addCols <> insCols)
withPathK relNameTxt $ unless (null lColConflicts) $ throwVE $
"cannot insert object relation ship " <> relName
<<> " as " <> showPGCols lColConflicts
<> " column values are already determined"
insConflictCols = insCols `intersect` addCols
-- | insert an object relationship and return affected rows
-- | and parent dependent columns
:: Bool
-> RoleName
-> ObjRelIns
-> Q.TxE QErr (Int, [PGColWithValue])
insertObjRel strfyNum role objRelIns =
withPathK relNameTxt $ do
resp <- insertMultipleObjects strfyNum role tn multiObjIns [] mutFlds "data"
MutateResp aRows colVals <- decodeEncJSON resp
colValM <- asSingleObject colVals
colVal <- onNothing colValM $ throw400 NotSupported errMsg
retColsWithVals <- fetchFromColVals colVal rColInfos pgiName
let c = mergeListsWith mapCols retColsWithVals
(\(_, rCol) (col, _) -> rCol == col)
(\(lCol, _) (_, cVal) -> (lCol, cVal))
return (aRows, c)
RelIns singleObjIns relInfo = objRelIns
multiObjIns = singleToMulti singleObjIns
relName = riName relInfo
relNameTxt = getRelTxt relName
mapCols = riMapping relInfo
tn = riRTable relInfo
allCols = _aiTableCols singleObjIns
rCols = map snd mapCols
rColInfos = getColInfos rCols allCols
errMsg = "cannot proceed to insert object relation "
<> relName <<> " since insert to table "
<> tn <<> " affects zero rows"
mutFlds = [ ("affected_rows", RR.MCount)
, ( "returning_columns"
, RR.MRet $ RR.pgColsToSelFlds rColInfos
decodeEncJSON :: (J.FromJSON a, QErrM m) => EncJSON -> m a
decodeEncJSON =
either (throw500 . T.pack) decodeValue .
J.eitherDecode . encJToLBS
-- | insert an array relationship and return affected rows
:: Bool
-> RoleName
-> [PGColWithValue]
-> ArrRelIns
-> Q.TxE QErr Int
insertArrRel strfyNum role resCols arrRelIns =
withPathK relNameTxt $ do
let addCols = mergeListsWith resCols colMapping
(\(col, _) (lCol, _) -> col == lCol)
(\(_, colVal) (_, rCol) -> (rCol, colVal))
resBS <- insertMultipleObjects strfyNum role tn multiObjIns addCols mutFlds "data"
resObj <- decodeEncJSON resBS
onNothing (Map.lookup ("affected_rows" :: T.Text) resObj) $
throw500 "affected_rows not returned in array rel insert"
RelIns multiObjIns relInfo = arrRelIns
colMapping = riMapping relInfo
tn = riRTable relInfo
relNameTxt = getRelTxt $ riName relInfo
mutFlds = [("affected_rows", RR.MCount)]
-- | insert an object with object and array relationships
:: Bool
-> RoleName
-> QualifiedTable
-> SingleObjIns
-> [PGColWithValue] -- ^ additional fields
-> Q.TxE QErr (Int, CTEExp)
insertObj strfyNum role tn singleObjIns addCols = do
-- validate insert
validateInsert (map _1 cols) (map _riRelInfo objRels) $ map fst addCols
-- insert all object relations and fetch this insert dependent column values
objInsRes <- forM objRels $ insertObjRel strfyNum role
-- prepare final insert columns
let objRelAffRows = sum $ map fst objInsRes
objRelDeterminedCols = concatMap snd objInsRes
objRelInsCols = mkPGColWithTypeAndVal allCols objRelDeterminedCols
addInsCols = mkPGColWithTypeAndVal allCols addCols
finalInsCols = cols <> objRelInsCols <> addInsCols
-- prepare insert query as with expression
(CTEExp cte insPArgs, ccM) <-
mkInsertQ vn onConflictM finalInsCols (map pgiName allCols) defVals role
RI.setConflictCtx ccM
MutateResp affRows colVals <- mutateAndFetchCols tn allCols (cte, insPArgs) strfyNum
colValM <- asSingleObject colVals
cteExp <- mkSelCTE tn allCols colValM
arrRelAffRows <- bool (withArrRels colValM) (return 0) $ null arrRels
let totAffRows = objRelAffRows + affRows + arrRelAffRows
return (totAffRows, cteExp)
AnnIns annObj onConflictM vn allCols defVals = singleObjIns
AnnInsObj cols objRels arrRels = annObj
arrRelDepCols = flip getColInfos allCols $
concatMap (map fst . riMapping . _riRelInfo) arrRels
withArrRels colValM = do
colVal <- onNothing colValM $ throw400 NotSupported cannotInsArrRelErr
arrDepColsWithVal <- fetchFromColVals colVal arrRelDepCols pgiName
arrInsARows <- forM arrRels $ insertArrRel strfyNum role arrDepColsWithVal
return $ sum arrInsARows
cannotInsArrRelErr =
"cannot proceed to insert array relations since insert to table "
<> tn <<> " affects zero rows"
-- | insert multiple Objects in postgres
:: Bool
-> RoleName
-> QualifiedTable
-> MultiObjIns
-> [PGColWithValue] -- ^ additional fields
-> RR.MutFlds
-> T.Text -- ^ error path
-> Q.TxE QErr EncJSON
insertMultipleObjects strfyNum role tn multiObjIns addCols mutFlds errP =
bool withoutRelsInsert withRelsInsert anyRelsToInsert
AnnIns insObjs onConflictM vn tableColInfos defVals = multiObjIns
singleObjInserts = multiToSingles multiObjIns
insCols = map _aioColumns insObjs
allInsObjRels = concatMap _aioObjRels insObjs
allInsArrRels = concatMap _aioArrRels insObjs
anyRelsToInsert = not $ null allInsArrRels && null allInsObjRels
withErrPath = withPathK errP
-- insert all column rows at one go
withoutRelsInsert = withErrPath $ do
indexedForM_ insCols $ \insCol ->
validateInsert (map _1 insCol) [] $ map fst addCols
let addColsWithType = mkPGColWithTypeAndVal tableColInfos addCols
withAddCols = flip map insCols $ union addColsWithType
tableCols = map pgiName tableColInfos
(sqlRows, prepArgs) <- flip runStateT Seq.Empty $ do
rowsWithCol <- mapM toSQLExps withAddCols
return $ map (mkSQLRow defVals) rowsWithCol
let insQP1 = RI.InsertQueryP1 tn vn tableCols sqlRows onConflictM mutFlds tableColInfos
p1 = (insQP1, prepArgs)
bool (RI.nonAdminInsert strfyNum p1) (RI.insertP2 strfyNum p1) $ isAdmin role
-- insert each object with relations
withRelsInsert = withErrPath $ do
insResps <- indexedForM singleObjInserts $ \objIns ->
insertObj strfyNum role tn objIns addCols
let affRows = sum $ map fst insResps
cteExps = map snd insResps
retFlds = mapMaybe getRet mutFlds
respVals <- forM cteExps $ \cteExp ->
execCTEExp strfyNum tn cteExp retFlds
respTups <- forM mutFlds $ \(t, mutFld) -> do
jsonVal <- case mutFld of
RR.MCount -> return $ J.toJSON affRows
RR.MExp txt -> return $ J.toJSON txt
RR.MRet _ -> J.toJSON <$> mapM (fetchVal t) respVals
return (t, jsonVal)
return $ encJFromJValue $ OMap.fromList respTups
getRet (t, r@(RR.MRet _)) = Just (t, r)
getRet _ = Nothing
prefixErrPath :: (MonadError QErr m) => Field -> m a -> m a
prefixErrPath fld =
withPathK "selectionSet" . fieldAsPath fld . withPathK "args"
:: RoleName
-> QualifiedTable -- table
-> Field -- the mutation field
-> Convert RespTx
convertInsert role tn fld = prefixErrPath fld $ do
mutFlds <- convertMutResp (_fType fld) $ _fSelSet fld
annVals <- withArg arguments "objects" asArray
-- if insert input objects is empty array then
-- do not perform insert and return mutation response
bool (withNonEmptyObjs annVals mutFlds) (withEmptyObjs mutFlds) $ null annVals
withNonEmptyObjs annVals mutFlds = do
InsCtx vn tableCols defValMap relInfoMap updPerm <- getInsCtx tn
annObjs <- mapM asObject annVals
annInsObjs <- forM annObjs $ mkAnnInsObj relInfoMap
conflictClauseM <- forM onConflictM $ parseOnConflict tn updPerm
let multiObjIns = AnnIns annInsObjs conflictClauseM vn tableCols defValMap
strfyNum <- stringifyNum <$> asks getter
return $ prefixErrPath fld $ insertMultipleObjects strfyNum role tn
multiObjIns [] mutFlds "objects"
withEmptyObjs mutFlds =
return $ return $ buildEmptyMutResp mutFlds
arguments = _fArguments fld
onConflictM = Map.lookup "on_conflict" arguments
-- helper functions
:: (MonadError QErr m, MonadReader r m, Has InsCtxMap r)
=> QualifiedTable -> m InsCtx
getInsCtx tn = do
ctxMap <- asks getter
insCtx <- onNothing (Map.lookup tn ctxMap) $
throw500 $ "table " <> tn <<> " not found"
let defValMap = S.mkColDefValMap $ map pgiName $ icColumns insCtx
setCols = icSet insCtx
return $ insCtx {icSet = Map.union setCols defValMap}
fetchVal :: (MonadError QErr m)
=> T.Text -> Map.HashMap T.Text a -> m a
fetchVal t m = onNothing (Map.lookup t m) $ throw500 $
"key " <> t <> " not found in hashmap"
:: [a] -> [b] -> (a -> b -> Bool) -> (a -> b -> c) -> [c]
mergeListsWith _ [] _ _ = []
mergeListsWith [] _ _ _ = []
mergeListsWith (x:xs) l b f = case find (b x) l of
Nothing -> mergeListsWith xs l b f
Just y -> f x y : mergeListsWith xs l b f
mkPGColWithTypeAndVal :: [PGColInfo] -> [PGColWithValue]
-> [(PGCol, PGColType, PGColValue)]
mkPGColWithTypeAndVal pgColInfos pgColWithVal =
mergeListsWith pgColInfos pgColWithVal
(\ci (c, _) -> pgiName ci == c)
(\ci (c, v) -> (c, pgiType ci, v))