mirror of
synced 2024-12-18 13:02:11 +03:00
Manually enables: * EmptyCase * ExistentialQuantification * QuantifiedConstraints * QuasiQuotes * TemplateHaskell * TypeFamilyDependencies ...in the following components: * 'graphql-engine' library * 'graphql-engine' 'src-test' * 'graphql-engine' 'tests/integration' * 'graphql-engine' tests-hspec' Additionally, performs some light refactoring and documentation. PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/3991 GitOrigin-RevId: 514477d3466b01f60eca8935d0fef60dd0756838
196 lines
8.6 KiB
196 lines
8.6 KiB
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.OrderBy
( orderByExp,
import Data.Has
import Data.Text.Extended
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser
( InputFieldsParser,
Kind (..),
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser qualified as P
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Class
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Backend
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Common
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Table
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.IR.OrderBy qualified as IR
import Hasura.RQL.IR.Select qualified as IR
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax qualified as G
-- | Corresponds to an object type for an order by.
-- > input table_order_by {
-- > col1: order_by
-- > col2: order_by
-- > . .
-- > . .
-- > coln: order_by
-- > obj-rel: <remote-table>_order_by
-- > }
orderByExp ::
forall b r m n.
MonadBuildSchema b r m n =>
SourceName ->
TableInfo b ->
m (Parser 'Input n [IR.AnnotatedOrderByItemG b (UnpreparedValue b)])
orderByExp sourceName tableInfo = memoizeOn 'orderByExp (sourceName, tableInfoName tableInfo) $ do
tableGQLName <- getTableGQLName tableInfo
name <- P.mkTypename $ tableGQLName <> $$(G.litName "_order_by")
let description =
G.Description $
"Ordering options when selecting data from " <> tableInfoName tableInfo <<> "."
tableFields <- tableSelectFields sourceName tableInfo
fieldParsers <- sequenceA . catMaybes <$> traverse mkField tableFields
pure $ concat . catMaybes <$> P.object name (Just description) fieldParsers
mkField ::
FieldInfo b ->
m (Maybe (InputFieldsParser n (Maybe [IR.AnnotatedOrderByItemG b (UnpreparedValue b)])))
mkField fieldInfo = runMaybeT $
case fieldInfo of
FIColumn columnInfo -> do
let fieldName = ciName columnInfo
pure $
P.fieldOptional fieldName Nothing (orderByOperator @b)
<&> fmap (pure . mkOrderByItemG @b (IR.AOCColumn columnInfo)) . join
FIRelationship relationshipInfo -> do
remoteTableInfo <- askTableInfo @b sourceName $ riRTable relationshipInfo
fieldName <- hoistMaybe $ G.mkName $ relNameToTxt $ riName relationshipInfo
perms <- MaybeT $ tableSelectPermissions remoteTableInfo
let newPerms = fmap partialSQLExpToUnpreparedValue <$> spiFilter perms
case riType relationshipInfo of
ObjRel -> do
otherTableParser <- lift $ orderByExp sourceName remoteTableInfo
pure $ do
otherTableOrderBy <- join <$> P.fieldOptional fieldName Nothing (P.nullable otherTableParser)
pure $ fmap (map $ fmap $ IR.AOCObjectRelation relationshipInfo newPerms) otherTableOrderBy
ArrRel -> do
let aggregateFieldName = fieldName <> $$(G.litName "_aggregate")
aggregationParser <- lift $ orderByAggregation sourceName remoteTableInfo
pure $ do
aggregationOrderBy <- join <$> P.fieldOptional aggregateFieldName Nothing (P.nullable aggregationParser)
pure $ fmap (map $ fmap $ IR.AOCArrayAggregation relationshipInfo newPerms) aggregationOrderBy
FIComputedField ComputedFieldInfo {..} -> do
let ComputedFieldFunction {..} = _cfiFunction
mkComputedFieldOrderBy =
let functionArgs =
flip IR.FunctionArgsExp mempty $
IR.functionArgsWithTableRowAndSession P.UVSession _cffTableArgument _cffSessionArgument
in IR.ComputedFieldOrderBy _cfiXComputedFieldInfo _cfiName _cffName functionArgs
fieldName <- hoistMaybe $ G.mkName $ toTxt _cfiName
guard $ _cffInputArgs == mempty -- No input arguments other than table row and session argument
case _cfiReturnType of
CFRScalar scalarType -> do
let computedFieldOrderBy = mkComputedFieldOrderBy $ IR.CFOBEScalar scalarType
pure $
P.fieldOptional fieldName Nothing (orderByOperator @b)
<&> fmap (pure . mkOrderByItemG @b (IR.AOCComputedField computedFieldOrderBy)) . join
CFRSetofTable table -> do
let aggregateFieldName = fieldName <> $$(G.litName "_aggregate")
tableInfo' <- askTableInfo @b sourceName table
perms <- MaybeT $ tableSelectPermissions tableInfo'
let newPerms = fmap partialSQLExpToUnpreparedValue <$> spiFilter perms
aggregationParser <- lift $ orderByAggregation sourceName tableInfo'
pure $ do
aggregationOrderBy <- join <$> P.fieldOptional aggregateFieldName Nothing (P.nullable aggregationParser)
pure $
( map $
fmap $
. mkComputedFieldOrderBy
. IR.CFOBETableAggregation table newPerms
FIRemoteRelationship _ -> empty
-- those parsers are directly using Postgres' SQL representation of
-- order, rather than using a general intermediary representation
orderByAggregation ::
forall b r m n.
MonadBuildSchema b r m n =>
SourceName ->
TableInfo b ->
m (Parser 'Input n [IR.OrderByItemG b (IR.AnnotatedAggregateOrderBy b)])
orderByAggregation sourceName tableInfo = memoizeOn 'orderByAggregation (sourceName, tableName) do
-- there is heavy duplication between this and Select.tableAggregationFields
-- it might be worth putting some of it in common, just to avoid issues when
-- we change one but not the other?
tableGQLName <- getTableGQLName @b tableInfo
allColumns <- tableSelectColumns sourceName tableInfo
mkTypename <- asks getter
let numColumns = onlyNumCols allColumns
compColumns = onlyComparableCols allColumns
numFields = catMaybes <$> traverse mkField numColumns
compFields = catMaybes <$> traverse mkField compColumns
aggFields =
fmap (concat . catMaybes . concat) $
sequenceA $
[ -- count
Just $
P.fieldOptional $$(G.litName "count") Nothing (orderByOperator @b)
<&> pure . fmap (pure . mkOrderByItemG @b IR.AAOCount) . join,
-- operators on numeric columns
if null numColumns
then Nothing
else Just $
for numericAggOperators \operator ->
parseOperator mkTypename operator tableGQLName numFields,
-- operators on comparable columns
if null compColumns
then Nothing
else Just $
for comparisonAggOperators \operator ->
parseOperator mkTypename operator tableGQLName compFields
objectName <- P.mkTypename $ tableGQLName <> $$(G.litName "_aggregate_order_by")
let description = G.Description $ "order by aggregate values of table " <>> tableName
pure $ P.object objectName (Just description) aggFields
tableName = tableInfoName tableInfo
mkField :: ColumnInfo b -> InputFieldsParser n (Maybe (ColumnInfo b, (BasicOrderType b, NullsOrderType b)))
mkField columnInfo =
P.fieldOptional (ciName columnInfo) (ciDescription columnInfo) (orderByOperator @b)
<&> fmap (columnInfo,) . join
parseOperator ::
P.MkTypename ->
G.Name ->
G.Name ->
InputFieldsParser n [(ColumnInfo b, (BasicOrderType b, NullsOrderType b))] ->
InputFieldsParser n (Maybe [IR.OrderByItemG b (IR.AnnotatedAggregateOrderBy b)])
parseOperator mkTypename operator tableGQLName columns =
let opText = G.unName operator
objectName = P.runMkTypename mkTypename $ tableGQLName <> $$(G.litName "_") <> operator <> $$(G.litName "_order_by")
objectDesc = Just $ G.Description $ "order by " <> opText <> "() on columns of table " <>> tableName
in P.fieldOptional operator Nothing (P.object objectName objectDesc columns)
`mapField` map (\(col, info) -> mkOrderByItemG (IR.AAOOp opText col) info)
orderByOperator ::
forall b n.
(BackendSchema b, MonadParse n) =>
Parser 'Both n (Maybe (BasicOrderType b, NullsOrderType b))
orderByOperator =
P.nullable $ P.enum $$(G.litName "order_by") (Just "column ordering options") $ orderByOperators @b
mkOrderByItemG :: forall b a. a -> (BasicOrderType b, NullsOrderType b) -> IR.OrderByItemG b a
mkOrderByItemG column (orderType, nullsOrder) =
{ obiType = Just orderType,
obiColumn = column,
obiNulls = Just nullsOrder