Karthikeyan Chinnakonda 15ed0cf536 server: document the remote joins architecture
GitOrigin-RevId: f142908fa3dd3b0cb8887521c639be4a017e606a
2021-03-03 11:47:13 +00:00

251 lines
10 KiB

module Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.RemoteJoin
( RemoteJoins
, RemoteJoinMap
, FieldPath(..)
, appendPath
, getRemoteJoins
, getRemoteJoinsSelect
, getRemoteJoinsAggregateSelect
, getRemoteJoinsConnectionSelect
, getRemoteJoinsMutationOutput
) where
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Control.Lens
import Hasura.GraphQL.Context
import Hasura.RQL.IR.RemoteJoin
import Hasura.RQL.IR.Returning
import Hasura.RQL.IR.Select
import Hasura.RQL.Types
{- Note: [Remote Joins Architecture]
Unparsed Incoming GraphQL +------------------------------+
--------------------------> | Parsing of the GraphQL query |-----+
+------------------------------+ |
| DB Query and remote joins (if any)
+----------------------------------+ SQL query response +----------------------------+
| Traverse the DB response to | <------------------- | Execution of the DB query |
| get the values of the arguments | +----------------------------+
| of the remote field |
| Remote field arguments
+--------------------------+ Remote schema response +----------------------------------------+
| Query the remote schema | ------------------------> | Replace the remote join fields in |
| with the remote field | | the SQL query response (JSON) with |
| arguments to the remote | | the response obtained from the remote |
| field configured in the | | schema at appropriate places. |
| remote join. | +----------------------------------------+
-- remote joins info
-- | Path to the remote join field in query response JSON from Postgres.
newtype FieldPath = FieldPath {unFieldPath :: [FieldName]}
deriving (Show, Eq, Semigroup, Monoid, Hashable)
appendPath :: FieldName -> FieldPath -> FieldPath
appendPath fieldName = FieldPath . (<> [fieldName]) . unFieldPath
type RemoteJoins b = NE.NonEmpty (FieldPath, NE.NonEmpty (RemoteJoin b))
type RemoteJoinMap b = Map.HashMap FieldPath (NE.NonEmpty (RemoteJoin b))
-- extract remote joins out of a root field
:: Backend b
=> QueryDB b u
-> Maybe (RemoteJoins b)
getRemoteJoins = \case
QDBMultipleRows s -> snd $ getRemoteJoinsSelect s
QDBSingleRow s -> snd $ getRemoteJoinsSelect s
QDBAggregation s -> snd $ getRemoteJoinsAggregateSelect s
QDBConnection s -> snd $ getRemoteJoinsConnectionSelect s
-- | Traverse through 'AnnSimpleSel' and collect remote join fields (if any).
:: Backend b
=> AnnSimpleSelG b u
-> (AnnSimpleSelG b u, Maybe (RemoteJoins b))
getRemoteJoinsSelect =
second mapToNonEmpty . flip runState mempty . transformSelect mempty
-- | Traverse through @'AnnAggregateSelect' and collect remote join fields (if any).
:: Backend b
=> AnnAggregateSelectG b u
-> (AnnAggregateSelectG b u, Maybe (RemoteJoins b))
getRemoteJoinsAggregateSelect =
second mapToNonEmpty . flip runState mempty . transformAggregateSelect mempty
-- | Traverse through @'ConnectionSelect' and collect remote join fields (if any).
:: Backend b
=> ConnectionSelect b u
-> (ConnectionSelect b u, Maybe (RemoteJoins b))
getRemoteJoinsConnectionSelect =
second mapToNonEmpty . flip runState mempty . transformConnectionSelect mempty
-- | Traverse through 'MutationOutput' and collect remote join fields (if any)
:: Backend b
=> MutationOutputG b u
-> (MutationOutputG b u, Maybe (RemoteJoins b))
getRemoteJoinsMutationOutput =
second mapToNonEmpty . flip runState mempty . transformMutationOutput mempty
transformMutationOutput path = \case
MOutMultirowFields mutationFields ->
MOutMultirowFields <$> transfromMutationFields mutationFields
MOutSinglerowObject annFields ->
MOutSinglerowObject <$> transformAnnFields path annFields
transfromMutationFields fields =
forM fields $ \(fieldName, field') -> do
let fieldPath = appendPath fieldName path
(fieldName,) <$> case field' of
MCount -> pure MCount
MExp t -> pure $ MExp t
MRet annFields -> MRet <$> transformAnnFields fieldPath annFields
-- local helpers
:: Backend b
=> FieldPath
-> AnnSimpleSelG b u
-> State (RemoteJoinMap b) (AnnSimpleSelG b u)
transformSelect path sel = do
let fields = _asnFields sel
-- Transform selects in array, object and computed fields
transformedFields <- transformAnnFields path fields
pure sel{_asnFields = transformedFields}
:: Backend b
=> FieldPath
-> AnnAggregateSelectG b u
-> State (RemoteJoinMap b) (AnnAggregateSelectG b u)
transformAggregateSelect path sel = do
let aggFields = _asnFields sel
transformedFields <- forM aggFields $ \(fieldName, aggField) ->
(fieldName,) <$> case aggField of
TAFAgg agg -> pure $ TAFAgg agg
TAFNodes x annFields -> TAFNodes x <$> transformAnnFields (appendPath fieldName path) annFields
TAFExp t -> pure $ TAFExp t
pure sel{_asnFields = transformedFields}
:: Backend b
=> FieldPath
-> ConnectionSelect b u
-> State (RemoteJoinMap b) (ConnectionSelect b u)
transformConnectionSelect path ConnectionSelect{..} = do
let connectionFields = _asnFields _csSelect
transformedFields <- forM connectionFields $ \(fieldName, field) ->
(fieldName,) <$> case field of
ConnectionTypename t -> pure $ ConnectionTypename t
ConnectionPageInfo p -> pure $ ConnectionPageInfo p
ConnectionEdges edges -> ConnectionEdges <$> transformEdges (appendPath fieldName path) edges
let select = _csSelect{_asnFields = transformedFields}
pure $ ConnectionSelect _csXRelay _csPrimaryKeyColumns _csSplit _csSlice select
transformEdges edgePath edgeFields =
forM edgeFields $ \(fieldName, edgeField) ->
(fieldName,) <$> case edgeField of
EdgeTypename t -> pure $ EdgeTypename t
EdgeCursor -> pure EdgeCursor
EdgeNode annFields ->
EdgeNode <$> transformAnnFields (appendPath fieldName edgePath) annFields
:: Backend b
=> FieldPath
-> AnnObjectSelectG b u
-> State (RemoteJoinMap b) (AnnObjectSelectG b u)
transformObjectSelect path sel = do
let fields = _aosFields sel
transformedFields <- transformAnnFields path fields
pure sel{_aosFields = transformedFields}
:: forall b u
. Backend b
=> FieldPath
-> AnnFieldsG b u
-> State (RemoteJoinMap b) (AnnFieldsG b u)
transformAnnFields path fields = do
let pgColumnFields = map fst $ getFields _AFColumn fields
remoteSelects = getFields (_AFRemote . _2) fields
remoteJoins = flip map remoteSelects $ \(fieldName, remoteSelect) ->
let RemoteSelect argsMap selSet hasuraColumns remoteFields rsi = remoteSelect
hasuraColumnL = toList hasuraColumns
hasuraColumnFields = HS.fromList $ map (fromCol @b . pgiColumn) hasuraColumnL
phantomColumns = filter ((`notElem` pgColumnFields) . fromCol @b . pgiColumn) hasuraColumnL
in RemoteJoin fieldName argsMap selSet hasuraColumnFields remoteFields rsi phantomColumns
transformedFields <- forM fields $ \(fieldName, field') -> do
let fieldPath = appendPath fieldName path
(fieldName,) <$> case field' of
AFNodeId x qt pkeys -> pure $ AFNodeId x qt pkeys
AFColumn c -> pure $ AFColumn c
AFObjectRelation annRel ->
AFObjectRelation <$> transformAnnRelation annRel (transformObjectSelect fieldPath)
AFArrayRelation (ASSimple annRel) ->
AFArrayRelation . ASSimple <$> transformAnnRelation annRel (transformSelect fieldPath)
AFArrayRelation (ASAggregate aggRel) ->
AFArrayRelation . ASAggregate <$> transformAnnAggregateRelation fieldPath aggRel
AFArrayRelation (ASConnection annRel) ->
AFArrayRelation . ASConnection <$> transformArrayConnection fieldPath annRel
AFComputedField x computedField ->
AFComputedField x <$> case computedField of
CFSScalar _ -> pure computedField
CFSTable jas annSel -> CFSTable jas <$> transformSelect fieldPath annSel
AFRemote x rs -> pure $ AFRemote x rs
AFExpression t -> pure $ AFExpression t
case NE.nonEmpty remoteJoins of
Nothing -> pure transformedFields
Just nonEmptyRemoteJoins -> do
let phantomColumns = map (\ci -> (fromCol @b $ pgiColumn ci, AFColumn $ AnnColumnField ci False Nothing)) $
concatMap _rjPhantomFields remoteJoins
modify (Map.insert path nonEmptyRemoteJoins)
pure $ transformedFields <> phantomColumns
getFields f = mapMaybe (sequence . second (^? f))
transformAnnRelation annRel f = do
let annSel = aarAnnSelect annRel
transformedSel <- f annSel
pure annRel{aarAnnSelect = transformedSel}
transformAnnAggregateRelation fieldPath annRel = do
let annSel = aarAnnSelect annRel
transformedSel <- transformAggregateSelect fieldPath annSel
pure annRel{aarAnnSelect = transformedSel}
transformArrayConnection fieldPath annRel = do
let connectionSelect = aarAnnSelect annRel
transformedConnectionSelect <- transformConnectionSelect fieldPath connectionSelect
pure annRel{aarAnnSelect = transformedConnectionSelect}
mapToNonEmpty :: RemoteJoinMap backend -> Maybe (RemoteJoins backend)
mapToNonEmpty = NE.nonEmpty . Map.toList