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synced 2024-12-19 05:21:47 +03:00
This fix is a little ugly, but it’s the only simple solution without a significant refactoring that restructures the relationship between GraphQL/Validate and GraphQL/Resolve. The ugliness should go away if we implement something like #2801.
188 lines
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188 lines
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module Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.BoolExp
( parseBoolExp
) where
import Data.Has
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd as OMap
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.Context
import Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.InputValue
import Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.Types
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.SQL.Types
import Hasura.SQL.Value
import qualified Hasura.SQL.DML as S
type OpExp = OpExpG UnresolvedVal
parseOpExps :: (MonadReusability m, MonadError QErr m) => PGColumnType -> AnnInpVal -> m [OpExp]
parseOpExps colTy annVal = do
opExpsM <- flip withObjectM annVal $ \nt objM -> forM objM $ \obj ->
forM (OMap.toList obj) $ \(k, v) ->
case k of
"_cast" -> fmap ACast <$> parseCastExpression v
"_eq" -> fmap (AEQ True) <$> asOpRhs v
"_ne" -> fmap (ANE True) <$> asOpRhs v
"_neq" -> fmap (ANE True) <$> asOpRhs v
"_is_null" -> resolveIsNull v
"_in" -> fmap AIN <$> asPGArray colTy v
"_nin" -> fmap ANIN <$> asPGArray colTy v
"_gt" -> fmap AGT <$> asOpRhs v
"_lt" -> fmap ALT <$> asOpRhs v
"_gte" -> fmap AGTE <$> asOpRhs v
"_lte" -> fmap ALTE <$> asOpRhs v
"_like" -> fmap ALIKE <$> asOpRhs v
"_nlike" -> fmap ANLIKE <$> asOpRhs v
"_ilike" -> fmap AILIKE <$> asOpRhs v
"_nilike" -> fmap ANILIKE <$> asOpRhs v
"_similar" -> fmap ASIMILAR <$> asOpRhs v
"_nsimilar" -> fmap ANSIMILAR <$> asOpRhs v
-- jsonb related operators
"_contains" -> fmap AContains <$> asOpRhs v
"_contained_in" -> fmap AContainedIn <$> asOpRhs v
"_has_key" -> fmap AHasKey <$> asOpRhs v
"_has_keys_any" -> fmap AHasKeysAny <$> asPGArray (PGColumnScalar PGText) v
"_has_keys_all" -> fmap AHasKeysAll <$> asPGArray (PGColumnScalar PGText) v
-- geometry/geography type related operators
"_st_contains" -> fmap ASTContains <$> asOpRhs v
"_st_crosses" -> fmap ASTCrosses <$> asOpRhs v
"_st_equals" -> fmap ASTEquals <$> asOpRhs v
"_st_intersects" -> fmap ASTIntersects <$> asOpRhs v
"_st_overlaps" -> fmap ASTOverlaps <$> asOpRhs v
"_st_touches" -> fmap ASTTouches <$> asOpRhs v
"_st_within" -> fmap ASTWithin <$> asOpRhs v
"_st_d_within" -> parseAsObjectM v parseAsSTDWithinObj
-- raster type related operators
"_st_intersects_rast" -> fmap ASTIntersectsRast <$> asOpRhs v
"_st_intersects_nband_geom" -> parseAsObjectM v parseAsSTIntersectsNbandGeomObj
"_st_intersects_geom_nband" -> parseAsObjectM v parseAsSTIntersectsGeomNbandObj
_ ->
$ "unexpected operator found in opexp of "
<> showNamedTy nt
<> ": "
<> showName k
return $ catMaybes $ fromMaybe [] opExpsM
asOpRhs = fmap (fmap mkParameterizablePGValue) . asPGColumnValueM
parseAsObjectM v f = asObjectM v >>= mapM f
asPGArray rhsTy v = do
valsM <- parseMany (openOpaqueValue <=< asPGColumnValue) v
forM valsM $ \vals -> do
let arrayExp = S.SEArray $ map (txtEncoder . pstValue . _apvValue) vals
return $ UVSQL $ S.SETyAnn arrayExp $ S.mkTypeAnn $
-- Safe here because asPGColumnValue ensured all the values are of the right type, but if the
-- list is empty, we don’t actually have a scalar type to use, so we need to use
-- unsafePGColumnToRepresentation to create it. (It would be nice to refactor things to
-- somehow get rid of this.)
PGTypeArray (unsafePGColumnToRepresentation rhsTy)
resolveIsNull v = asPGColumnValueM v >>= traverse openOpaqueValue >>= \case
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just annPGVal -> case pstValue $ _apvValue annPGVal of
PGValBoolean b -> pure . Just $ bool ANISNOTNULL ANISNULL b
_ -> throw500 "boolean value is expected"
parseAsSTDWithinObj obj = do
distanceVal <- onNothing (OMap.lookup "distance" obj) $
throw500 "expected \"distance\" input field in st_d_within"
dist <- mkParameterizablePGValue <$> asPGColumnValue distanceVal
fromVal <- onNothing (OMap.lookup "from" obj) $
throw500 "expected \"from\" input field in st_d_within"
from <- mkParameterizablePGValue <$> asPGColumnValue fromVal
case colTy of
PGColumnScalar PGGeography -> do
useSpheroidVal <-
onNothing (OMap.lookup "use_spheroid" obj) $
throw500 "expected \"use_spheroid\" input field in st_d_within"
useSpheroid <- mkParameterizablePGValue <$> asPGColumnValue useSpheroidVal
return $ ASTDWithinGeog $ DWithinGeogOp dist from useSpheroid
PGColumnScalar PGGeometry ->
return $ ASTDWithinGeom $ DWithinGeomOp dist from
_ -> throw500 "expected PGGeometry/PGGeography column for st_d_within"
parseAsSTIntersectsNbandGeomObj obj = do
nbandVal <- onNothing (OMap.lookup "nband" obj) $
throw500 "expected \"nband\" input field"
nband <- mkParameterizablePGValue <$> asPGColumnValue nbandVal
geommin <- parseGeommin obj
return $ ASTIntersectsNbandGeom $ STIntersectsNbandGeommin nband geommin
parseAsSTIntersectsGeomNbandObj obj = do
nbandMM <- fmap (fmap mkParameterizablePGValue) <$>
traverse asPGColumnValueM (OMap.lookup "nband" obj)
geommin <- parseGeommin obj
return $ ASTIntersectsGeomNband $ STIntersectsGeomminNband geommin $ join nbandMM
parseGeommin obj = do
geomminVal <- onNothing (OMap.lookup "geommin" obj) $
throw500 "expected \"geommin\" input field"
mkParameterizablePGValue <$> asPGColumnValue geomminVal
:: (MonadReusability m, MonadError QErr m)
=> AnnInpVal -> m (Maybe (CastExp UnresolvedVal))
parseCastExpression =
withObjectM $ \_ objM -> forM objM $ \obj -> do
targetExps <- forM (OMap.toList obj) $ \(targetTypeName, castedComparisonExpressionInput) -> do
let targetType = txtToPgColTy $ G.unName targetTypeName
castedComparisonExpressions <- parseOpExps (PGColumnScalar targetType) castedComparisonExpressionInput
return (targetType, castedComparisonExpressions)
return $ Map.fromList targetExps
:: ( MonadReusability m
, MonadError QErr m
, MonadReader r m
, Has FieldMap r
=> G.NamedType -> G.Name -> AnnInpVal
-> m (AnnBoolExpFld UnresolvedVal)
parseColExp nt n val = do
fldInfo <- getFldInfo nt n
case fldInfo of
Left pgColInfo -> do
opExps <- parseOpExps (pgiType pgColInfo) val
return $ AVCol pgColInfo opExps
Right (RelationshipField relInfo _ _ permExp _)-> do
relBoolExp <- parseBoolExp val
return $ AVRel relInfo $ andAnnBoolExps relBoolExp $
fmapAnnBoolExp partialSQLExpToUnresolvedVal permExp
:: ( MonadReusability m
, MonadError QErr m
, MonadReader r m
, Has FieldMap r
=> AnnInpVal -> m (AnnBoolExp UnresolvedVal)
parseBoolExp annGVal = do
boolExpsM <-
flip withObjectM annGVal
$ \nt objM -> forM objM $ \obj -> forM (OMap.toList obj) $ \(k, v) -> if
| k == "_or" -> BoolOr . fromMaybe []
<$> parseMany parseBoolExp v
| k == "_and" -> BoolAnd . fromMaybe []
<$> parseMany parseBoolExp v
| k == "_not" -> BoolNot <$> parseBoolExp v
| otherwise -> BoolFld <$> parseColExp nt k v
return $ BoolAnd $ fromMaybe [] boolExpsM