Antoine Leblanc d8c56a40f6 server: split boolean operators between core and backend-specific
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2021-03-25 17:51:08 +00:00

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{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Hasura.RQL.IR.Select where
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import Control.Lens.TH (makeLenses, makePrisms)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Schema (InputValue)
import Hasura.RQL.IR.BoolExp
import Hasura.RQL.IR.OrderBy
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Backend
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Column
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Function
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Relationship
import Hasura.RQL.Types.RemoteRelationship
import Hasura.RQL.Types.RemoteSchema
import Hasura.SQL.Backend
data AnnAggregateOrderBy (b :: BackendType)
= AAOCount
| AAOOp !Text !(ColumnInfo b)
deriving (Generic)
deriving instance (Backend b, Eq (ColumnInfo b)) => Eq (AnnAggregateOrderBy b)
instance (Backend b, Hashable (ColumnInfo b)) => Hashable (AnnAggregateOrderBy b)
data AnnOrderByElementG (b :: BackendType) v
= AOCColumn !(ColumnInfo b)
| AOCObjectRelation !(RelInfo b) !v !(AnnOrderByElementG b v)
| AOCArrayAggregation !(RelInfo b) !v !(AnnAggregateOrderBy b)
deriving (Generic, Functor)
deriving instance (Backend b, Eq (ColumnInfo b), Eq v) => Eq (AnnOrderByElementG b v)
instance (Backend b, Hashable (ColumnInfo b), Hashable v) => Hashable (AnnOrderByElementG b v)
type AnnOrderByElement b v = AnnOrderByElementG b (AnnBoolExp b v)
:: (Applicative f, Backend backend)
=> (a -> f b) -> AnnOrderByElement backend a -> f (AnnOrderByElement backend b)
traverseAnnOrderByElement f = \case
AOCColumn pgColInfo -> pure $ AOCColumn pgColInfo
AOCObjectRelation relInfo annBoolExp annObCol ->
AOCObjectRelation relInfo
<$> traverseAnnBoolExp f annBoolExp
<*> traverseAnnOrderByElement f annObCol
AOCArrayAggregation relInfo annBoolExp annAggOb ->
AOCArrayAggregation relInfo
<$> traverseAnnBoolExp f annBoolExp
<*> pure annAggOb
type AnnOrderByItemG b v = OrderByItemG b (AnnOrderByElement b v)
:: (Applicative f, Backend backend)
=> (a -> f b) -> AnnOrderByItemG backend a -> f (AnnOrderByItemG backend b)
traverseAnnOrderByItem f =
traverse (traverseAnnOrderByElement f)
type AnnOrderByItem b = AnnOrderByItemG b (SQLExpression b)
type OrderByItemExp b =
OrderByItemG b (AnnOrderByElement b (SQLExpression b), (Alias b, (SQLExpression b)))
data AnnRelationSelectG (b :: BackendType) a
= AnnRelationSelectG
{ aarRelationshipName :: !RelName -- Relationship name
, aarColumnMapping :: !(HashMap (Column b) (Column b)) -- Column of left table to join with
, aarAnnSelect :: !a -- Current table. Almost ~ to SQL Select
} deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
type ArrayRelationSelectG b v = AnnRelationSelectG b (AnnSimpleSelG b v)
type ArrayAggregateSelectG b v = AnnRelationSelectG b (AnnAggregateSelectG b v)
type ArrayConnectionSelect b v = AnnRelationSelectG b (ConnectionSelect b v)
type ArrayAggregateSelect b = ArrayAggregateSelectG b (SQLExpression b)
data AnnObjectSelectG (b :: BackendType) v
= AnnObjectSelectG
{ _aosFields :: !(AnnFieldsG b v)
, _aosTableFrom :: !(TableName b)
, _aosTableFilter :: !(AnnBoolExp b v)
type AnnObjectSelect b = AnnObjectSelectG b (SQLExpression b)
:: (Applicative f, Backend backend)
=> (a -> f b)
-> AnnObjectSelectG backend a -> f (AnnObjectSelectG backend b)
traverseAnnObjectSelect f (AnnObjectSelectG fields fromTable permissionFilter) =
<$> traverseAnnFields f fields
<*> pure fromTable
<*> traverseAnnBoolExp f permissionFilter
type ObjectRelationSelectG b v = AnnRelationSelectG b (AnnObjectSelectG b v)
type ObjectRelationSelect b = ObjectRelationSelectG b (SQLExpression b)
data ComputedFieldScalarSelect (b :: BackendType) v
= ComputedFieldScalarSelect
{ _cfssFunction :: !(FunctionName b)
, _cfssArguments :: !(FunctionArgsExpTableRow b v)
, _cfssType :: !(ScalarType b)
, _cfssColumnOp :: !(Maybe (ColumnOp b))
} deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
deriving instance (Backend b, Show v) => Show (ComputedFieldScalarSelect b v)
deriving instance (Backend b, Eq v) => Eq (ComputedFieldScalarSelect b v)
data ComputedFieldSelect (b :: BackendType) v
= CFSScalar
!(ComputedFieldScalarSelect b v)
-- ^ Type containing info about the computed field
!(Maybe (AnnColumnCaseBoolExp b v))
-- ^ This type is used to determine if whether the scalar
-- computed field should be nullified. When the value is `Nothing`,
-- the scalar computed value will be outputted as computed and when the
-- value is `Just c`, the scalar computed field will be outputted when
-- `c` evaluates to `true` and `null` when `c` evaluates to `false`
| CFSTable !JsonAggSelect !(AnnSimpleSelG b v)
:: (Applicative f, Backend backend)
=> (v -> f w)
-> ComputedFieldSelect backend v -> f (ComputedFieldSelect backend w)
traverseComputedFieldSelect fv = \case
CFSScalar scalarSel caseBoolExpMaybe ->
CFSScalar <$> traverse fv scalarSel <*> traverse (traverseAnnColumnCaseBoolExp fv) caseBoolExpMaybe
CFSTable b tableSel -> CFSTable b <$> traverseAnnSimpleSelect fv tableSel
type Fields a = [(FieldName, a)]
data ArraySelectG (b :: BackendType) v
= ASSimple !(ArrayRelationSelectG b v)
| ASAggregate !(ArrayAggregateSelectG b v)
| ASConnection !(ArrayConnectionSelect b v)
:: (Applicative f, Backend backend)
=> (a -> f b)
-> ArraySelectG backend a
-> f (ArraySelectG backend b)
traverseArraySelect f = \case
ASSimple arrRel ->
ASSimple <$> traverse (traverseAnnSimpleSelect f) arrRel
ASAggregate arrRelAgg ->
ASAggregate <$> traverse (traverseAnnAggregateSelect f) arrRelAgg
ASConnection relConnection ->
ASConnection <$> traverse (traverseConnectionSelect f) relConnection
type ArraySelect b = ArraySelectG b (SQLExpression b)
type ArraySelectFieldsG b v = Fields (ArraySelectG b v)
data ColumnOp (b :: BackendType)
= ColumnOp
{ _colOp :: (SQLOperator b)
, _colExp :: (SQLExpression b)
deriving instance Backend b => Show (ColumnOp b)
deriving instance Backend b => Eq (ColumnOp b)
type ColumnBoolExpression b = Either (AnnBoolExpPartialSQL b) (AnnBoolExpSQL b)
data AnnColumnField (b :: BackendType) v
= AnnColumnField
{ _acfInfo :: !(ColumnInfo b)
, _acfAsText :: !Bool
-- ^ If this field is 'True', columns are explicitly casted to @text@ when fetched, which avoids
-- an issue that occurs because we dont currently have proper support for array types. See
-- for more details.
, _acfOp :: !(Maybe (ColumnOp b))
, _acfCaseBoolExpression :: !(Maybe (AnnColumnCaseBoolExp b v))
-- ^ This type is used to determine if whether the column
-- should be nullified. When the value is `Nothing`, the column value
-- will be outputted as computed and when the value is `Just c`, the
-- column will be outputted when `c` evaluates to `true` and `null`
-- when `c` evaluates to `false`.
:: (Applicative f, Backend backend)
=> (a -> f b)
-> AnnColumnField backend a
-> f (AnnColumnField backend b)
traverseAnnColumnField f (AnnColumnField info asText op caseBoolExpMaybe) =
<$> pure info
<*> pure asText
<*> pure op
<*> (traverse (traverseAnnColumnCaseBoolExp f) caseBoolExpMaybe)
data RemoteFieldArgument
= RemoteFieldArgument
{ _rfaArgument :: !G.Name
, _rfaValue :: !(InputValue RemoteSchemaVariable)
} deriving (Eq,Show)
data RemoteSelect (b :: BackendType)
= RemoteSelect
{ _rselArgs :: ![RemoteFieldArgument]
, _rselSelection :: !(G.SelectionSet G.NoFragments RemoteSchemaVariable)
, _rselHasuraColumns :: !(HashSet (ColumnInfo b))
, _rselFieldCall :: !(NonEmpty FieldCall)
, _rselRemoteSchema :: !RemoteSchemaInfo
data AnnFieldG (b :: BackendType) v
= AFColumn !(AnnColumnField b v)
| AFObjectRelation !(ObjectRelationSelectG b v)
| AFArrayRelation !(ArraySelectG b v)
| AFComputedField !(XComputedField b) !(ComputedFieldSelect b v)
| AFRemote !(XRemoteField b) !(RemoteSelect b)
| AFNodeId !(XRelay b) !(TableName b) !(PrimaryKeyColumns b)
| AFExpression !Text
:: ColumnInfo backend
-> Maybe (AnnColumnCaseBoolExp backend v)
-> Maybe (ColumnOp backend)
-> AnnFieldG backend v
mkAnnColumnField ci caseBoolExp colOpM =
AFColumn (AnnColumnField ci False colOpM caseBoolExp)
:: ColumnInfo backend
-> AnnFieldG backend v
mkAnnColumnFieldAsText ci =
AFColumn (AnnColumnField ci True Nothing Nothing)
:: (Applicative f, Backend backend)
=> (a -> f b) -> AnnFieldG backend a -> f (AnnFieldG backend b)
traverseAnnField f = \case
AFColumn colFld -> AFColumn <$> traverseAnnColumnField f colFld
AFObjectRelation sel -> AFObjectRelation <$> traverse (traverseAnnObjectSelect f) sel
AFArrayRelation sel -> AFArrayRelation <$> traverseArraySelect f sel
AFComputedField x sel -> AFComputedField x <$> traverseComputedFieldSelect f sel
AFRemote x s -> pure $ AFRemote x s
AFNodeId x qt pKeys -> pure $ AFNodeId x qt pKeys
AFExpression t -> pure $ AFExpression t
type AnnField b = AnnFieldG b (SQLExpression b)
data SelectArgsG (b :: BackendType) v
= SelectArgs
{ _saWhere :: !(Maybe (AnnBoolExp b v))
, _saOrderBy :: !(Maybe (NE.NonEmpty (AnnOrderByItemG b v)))
, _saLimit :: !(Maybe Int)
, _saOffset :: !(Maybe (SQLExpression b))
, _saDistinct :: !(Maybe (XDistinct b, NE.NonEmpty (Column b)))
} deriving (Generic)
deriving instance
( Backend b
, Eq (BooleanOperators b v)
, Eq v
) => Eq (SelectArgsG b v)
( Backend b
, Hashable (BooleanOperators b v)
, Hashable v
) => Hashable (SelectArgsG b v)
:: (Applicative f, Backend backend)
=> (a -> f b) -> SelectArgsG backend a -> f (SelectArgsG backend b)
traverseSelectArgs f (SelectArgs wh ordBy lmt ofst distCols) =
<$> traverse (traverseAnnBoolExp f) wh
-- traversing through maybe -> nonempty -> annorderbyitem
<*> traverse (traverse (traverseAnnOrderByItem f)) ordBy
<*> pure lmt
<*> pure ofst
<*> pure distCols
type SelectArgs b = SelectArgsG b (SQLExpression b)
noSelectArgs :: SelectArgsG backend v
noSelectArgs = SelectArgs Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
data ColFld (b :: BackendType)
= CFCol !(Column b) !(ColumnType b)
| CFExp !Text
type ColumnFields b = Fields (ColFld b)
data AggregateOp (b :: BackendType)
= AggregateOp
{ _aoOp :: !Text
, _aoFields :: !(ColumnFields b)
data AggregateField (b :: BackendType)
= AFCount !(CountType b)
| AFOp !(AggregateOp b)
| AFExp !Text
type AggregateFields b = Fields (AggregateField b)
type AnnFieldsG b v = Fields (AnnFieldG b v)
:: (Applicative f, Backend backend)
=> (a -> f b) -> AnnFieldsG backend a -> f (AnnFieldsG backend b)
traverseAnnFields f = traverse (traverse (traverseAnnField f))
type AnnFields b = AnnFieldsG b (SQLExpression b)
data TableAggregateFieldG (b :: BackendType) v
= TAFAgg !(AggregateFields b)
| TAFNodes (XNodesAgg b) !(AnnFieldsG b v)
| TAFExp !Text
data PageInfoField
= PageInfoTypename !Text
| PageInfoHasNextPage
| PageInfoHasPreviousPage
| PageInfoStartCursor
| PageInfoEndCursor
deriving (Show, Eq)
type PageInfoFields = Fields PageInfoField
data EdgeField (b :: BackendType) v
= EdgeTypename !Text
| EdgeCursor
| EdgeNode !(AnnFieldsG b v)
type EdgeFields b v = Fields (EdgeField b v)
:: (Applicative f, Backend backend)
=> (a -> f b) -> EdgeField backend a -> f (EdgeField backend b)
traverseEdgeField f = \case
EdgeTypename t -> pure $ EdgeTypename t
EdgeCursor -> pure EdgeCursor
EdgeNode fields -> EdgeNode <$> traverseAnnFields f fields
data ConnectionField (b :: BackendType) v
= ConnectionTypename !Text
| ConnectionPageInfo !PageInfoFields
| ConnectionEdges !(EdgeFields b v)
type ConnectionFields b v = Fields (ConnectionField b v)
:: (Applicative f, Backend backend)
=> (a -> f b) -> ConnectionField backend a -> f (ConnectionField backend b)
traverseConnectionField f = \case
ConnectionTypename t -> pure $ ConnectionTypename t
ConnectionPageInfo fields -> pure $ ConnectionPageInfo fields
ConnectionEdges fields ->
ConnectionEdges <$> traverse (traverse (traverseEdgeField f)) fields
:: (Applicative f, Backend backend)
=> (a -> f b) -> TableAggregateFieldG backend a -> f (TableAggregateFieldG backend b)
traverseTableAggregateField f = \case
TAFAgg aggFlds -> pure $ TAFAgg aggFlds
TAFNodes x annFlds -> TAFNodes x <$> traverseAnnFields f annFlds
TAFExp t -> pure $ TAFExp t
type TableAggregateField b = TableAggregateFieldG b (SQLExpression b)
type TableAggregateFieldsG b v = Fields (TableAggregateFieldG b v)
type TableAggregateFields b = TableAggregateFieldsG b (SQLExpression b)
data ArgumentExp (b :: BackendType) a
= AETableRow !(Maybe (Identifier b)) -- ^ table row accessor
| AESession !a -- ^ JSON/JSONB hasura session variable object
| AEInput !a
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic)
deriving instance (Backend b, Show a) => Show (ArgumentExp b a)
deriving instance (Backend b, Eq a) => Eq (ArgumentExp b a)
instance (Backend b, Hashable v) => Hashable (ArgumentExp b v)
type FunctionArgsExpTableRow b v = FunctionArgsExpG (ArgumentExp b v)
data SelectFromG (b :: BackendType) v
= FromTable !(TableName b)
| FromIdentifier !(Identifier b)
| FromFunction !(FunctionName b)
!(FunctionArgsExpTableRow b v)
-- a definition list
!(Maybe [(Column b, ScalarType b)])
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic)
instance (Backend b, Hashable v) => Hashable (SelectFromG b v)
type SelectFrom b = SelectFromG b (SQLExpression b)
data TablePermG (b :: BackendType) v
= TablePerm
{ _tpFilter :: !(AnnBoolExp b v)
, _tpLimit :: !(Maybe Int)
} deriving (Generic)
( Backend b
, Hashable (BooleanOperators b v)
, Hashable (ColumnInfo b)
, Hashable v
) => Hashable (TablePermG b v)
:: (Applicative f, Backend backend)
=> (a -> f b)
-> TablePermG backend a
-> f (TablePermG backend b)
traverseTablePerm f (TablePerm boolExp limit) =
<$> traverseAnnBoolExp f boolExp
<*> pure limit
noTablePermissions :: TablePermG backend v
noTablePermissions =
TablePerm annBoolExpTrue Nothing
type TablePerm b = TablePermG b (SQLExpression b)
data AnnSelectG (b :: BackendType) a v
= AnnSelectG
{ _asnFields :: !a
, _asnFrom :: !(SelectFromG b v)
, _asnPerm :: !(TablePermG b v)
, _asnArgs :: !(SelectArgsG b v)
, _asnStrfyNum :: !Bool
:: (Applicative f, Backend backend)
=> (a -> f b)
-> AnnSimpleSelG backend a -> f (AnnSimpleSelG backend b)
traverseAnnSimpleSelect f = traverseAnnSelect (traverseAnnFields f) f
:: (Applicative f, Backend backend)
=> (a -> f b)
-> AnnAggregateSelectG backend a -> f (AnnAggregateSelectG backend b)
traverseAnnAggregateSelect f =
traverseAnnSelect (traverse (traverse (traverseTableAggregateField f))) f
:: (Applicative f, Backend backend)
=> (a -> f b) -> (v -> f w)
-> AnnSelectG backend a v -> f (AnnSelectG backend b w)
traverseAnnSelect f1 f2 (AnnSelectG flds tabFrom perm args strfyNum) =
<$> f1 flds
<*> traverse f2 tabFrom
<*> traverseTablePerm f2 perm
<*> traverseSelectArgs f2 args
<*> pure strfyNum
type AnnSimpleSelG b v = AnnSelectG b (AnnFieldsG b v) v
type AnnSimpleSel b = AnnSimpleSelG b (SQLExpression b)
type AnnAggregateSelectG b v = AnnSelectG b (TableAggregateFieldsG b v) v
type AnnAggregateSelect b = AnnAggregateSelectG b (SQLExpression b)
data ConnectionSlice
= SliceFirst !Int
| SliceLast !Int
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable ConnectionSlice
data ConnectionSplitKind
= CSKBefore
| CSKAfter
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable ConnectionSplitKind
data ConnectionSplit (b :: BackendType) v
= ConnectionSplit
{ _csKind :: !ConnectionSplitKind
, _csValue :: !v
, _csOrderBy :: !(OrderByItemG b (AnnOrderByElementG b ()))
} deriving (Functor, Generic, Foldable, Traversable)
instance (Backend b, Hashable (ColumnInfo b), Hashable v) => Hashable (ConnectionSplit b v)
:: (Applicative f)
=> (a -> f b) -> ConnectionSplit backend a -> f (ConnectionSplit backend b)
traverseConnectionSplit f (ConnectionSplit k v ob) =
ConnectionSplit k <$> f v <*> pure ob
data ConnectionSelect (b :: BackendType) v
= ConnectionSelect
{ _csXRelay :: !(XRelay b)
, _csPrimaryKeyColumns :: !(PrimaryKeyColumns b)
, _csSplit :: !(Maybe (NE.NonEmpty (ConnectionSplit b v)))
, _csSlice :: !(Maybe ConnectionSlice)
, _csSelect :: !(AnnSelectG b (ConnectionFields b v) v)
:: (Applicative f, Backend backend)
=> (a -> f b)
-> ConnectionSelect backend a -> f (ConnectionSelect backend b)
traverseConnectionSelect f (ConnectionSelect x pkCols cSplit cSlice sel) =
ConnectionSelect x pkCols
<$> traverse (traverse (traverseConnectionSplit f)) cSplit
<*> pure cSlice
<*> traverseAnnSelect (traverse (traverse (traverseConnectionField f))) f sel
data FunctionArgsExpG a
= FunctionArgsExp
{ _faePositional :: ![a]
, _faeNamed :: !(HM.HashMap Text a)
} deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic)
instance (Hashable a) => Hashable (FunctionArgsExpG a)
emptyFunctionArgsExp :: FunctionArgsExpG a
emptyFunctionArgsExp = FunctionArgsExp [] HM.empty
type FunctionArgExp b = FunctionArgsExpG (SQLExpression b)
-- | If argument positional index is less than or equal to length of
-- 'positional' arguments then insert the value in 'positional' arguments else
-- insert the value with argument name in 'named' arguments
:: FunctionArgName
-> Int
-> a
-> FunctionArgsExpG a
-> FunctionArgsExpG a
insertFunctionArg argName idx value (FunctionArgsExp positional named) =
if (idx + 1) <= length positional then
FunctionArgsExp (insertAt idx value positional) named
else FunctionArgsExp positional $
HM.insert (getFuncArgNameTxt argName) value named
insertAt i a = toList . Seq.insertAt i a . Seq.fromList
$(makeLenses ''AnnSelectG)
$(makePrisms ''AnnFieldG)
$(makePrisms ''AnnOrderByElementG)