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synced 2024-12-17 12:31:52 +03:00
An incremental PR towards # 5797 (OSS repo) * schema cache syncing without relying on a Postgres table Co-authored-by: rakeshkky <12475069+rakeshkky@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Vamshi Surabhi <0x777@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Rakesh Emmadi <12475069+rakeshkky@users.noreply.github.com> GITHUB_PR_NUMBER: 6173 GITHUB_PR_URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine/pull/6173 * fix pro compile issues Co-authored-by: Rakesh Emmadi <12475069+rakeshkky@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Vamshi Surabhi <0x777@users.noreply.github.com> GitOrigin-RevId: 055b06ae477af80892124ff55d005d04a8034c34
317 lines
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317 lines
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module Hasura.Server.SchemaUpdate
( startSchemaSyncListenerThread
, startSchemaSyncProcessorThread
, SchemaSyncCtx(..)
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Connection
import Hasura.Logging
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema (runCacheRWT)
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Run
import Hasura.Server.App (SchemaCacheRef (..), withSCUpdate)
import Hasura.Server.Init (InstanceId (..))
import Hasura.Server.Logging
import Hasura.Session
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Casing
import Data.Aeson.TH
import Data.IORef
import GHC.AssertNF
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Extended as C
import qualified Control.Concurrent.STM as STM
import qualified Control.Immortal as Immortal
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Time as UTC
import qualified Database.PG.Query as PG
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.LibPQ as PQ
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP
pgChannel :: PG.PGChannel
pgChannel = "hasura_schema_update"
data ThreadType
= TTListener
| TTProcessor
deriving (Eq)
instance Show ThreadType where
show TTListener = "listener"
show TTProcessor = "processor"
data SchemaSyncThreadLog
= SchemaSyncThreadLog
{ suelLogLevel :: !LogLevel
, suelThreadType :: !ThreadType
, suelInfo :: !Value
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance ToJSON SchemaSyncThreadLog where
toJSON (SchemaSyncThreadLog _ t info) =
object [ "thread_type" .= show t
, "info" .= info
instance ToEngineLog SchemaSyncThreadLog Hasura where
toEngineLog threadLog =
(suelLogLevel threadLog, ELTInternal ILTSchemaSyncThread, toJSON threadLog)
data EventPayload
= EventPayload
{ _epInstanceId :: !InstanceId
, _epOccurredAt :: !UTC.UTCTime
, _epInvalidations :: !CacheInvalidations
$(deriveJSON (aesonDrop 3 snakeCase) ''EventPayload)
data SchemaSyncEvent
= SSEListenStart !UTC.UTCTime
| SSEPayload !EventPayload
instance ToJSON SchemaSyncEvent where
toJSON = \case
SSEListenStart time -> String $ "event listening started at " <> T.pack (show time)
SSEPayload payload -> toJSON payload
data ThreadError
= TEJsonParse !Text
| TEQueryError !QErr
defaultOptions { constructorTagModifier = snakeCase . drop 2
, sumEncoding = TaggedObject "type" "info"
type SchemaSyncEventRef = STM.TVar (Maybe SchemaSyncEvent)
-- | Context required for schema syncing. Listener thread id,
-- event references and cache init time
data SchemaSyncCtx
= SchemaSyncCtx
{ _sscListenerThreadId :: !Immortal.Thread
, _sscSyncEventRef :: !SchemaSyncEventRef
, _sscCacheInitStartTime :: !UTC.UTCTime
:: (MonadIO m)
=> Logger Hasura -> InstanceId -> ThreadType -> Immortal.Thread -> m ()
logThreadStarted logger instanceId threadType thread =
let msg = T.pack (show threadType) <> " thread started"
in unLogger logger $
StartupLog LevelInfo "schema-sync" $
object [ "instance_id" .= getInstanceId instanceId
, "thread_id" .= show (Immortal.threadId thread)
, "message" .= msg
{- Note [Schema Cache Sync]
When multiple graphql-engine instances are serving on same metadata storage,
each instance should have schema cache in sync with latest metadata. Somehow
all instances should communicate each other when any request has modified metadata.
We make use of Postgres listen-notify to notify metadata updates and listen to those
events. Each instance is identified by an @'InstanceId'. We choose 'hasura_schema_update'
as our notify channel. Following steps take place when an API request made to update
1. After handling the request we publish an event via a postgres channel with payload
containing instance id and other information to build schema cache.
See @'notifySchemaCacheSync'.
2. On start up, before initialising schema cache, an async thread is invoked to
continuously listen to Postgres events on 'hasura_schema_update' channel. The payload
present in the event is decoded and pushed to a shared @'SchemaSyncEventRef' reference.
See @'startSchemaSyncListenerThread'.
3. Before starting API server, another async thread is invoked to process events pushed
by the listener thread via @'SchemaSyncEventRef' reference. Based on the event instance id
or listen start time we decide to reload schema cache or not.
See @'startSchemaSyncProcessorThread'.
Why we need two threads if we can capture and reload schema cache in a single thread?
If we want to implement schema sync in a single async thread we have to invoke the same
after initialising schema cache. We may loose events that published after schema cache
init and before invoking the thread. In such case, schema cache is not in sync with metadata.
So we choose two threads in which one will start listening before schema cache init and the
other after it.
What happens if listen connection to Postgres is lost?
Listener thread will keep trying to establish connection to Postgres for every one second.
Once connection established, it pushes @'SSEListenStart' event with time. We aren't sure
about any metadata modify requests made in meanwhile. So we reload schema cache unconditionally
if listen started after schema cache init start time.
-- | An async thread which listen to Postgres notify to enable schema syncing
-- See Note [Schema Cache Sync]
:: (MonadIO m)
=> PG.PGPool
-> Logger Hasura
-> InstanceId
-> m (Immortal.Thread, SchemaSyncEventRef)
startSchemaSyncListenerThread pool logger instanceId = do
-- only the latest event is recorded here
-- we don't want to store and process all the events, only the latest event
schemaSyncEventRef <- liftIO $ STM.newTVarIO Nothing
-- Start listener thread
listenerThread <- liftIO $ C.forkImmortal "SchemeUpdate.listener" logger $
listener pool logger schemaSyncEventRef
logThreadStarted logger instanceId TTListener listenerThread
pure (listenerThread, schemaSyncEventRef)
-- | An async thread which processes the schema sync events
-- See Note [Schema Cache Sync]
:: (MonadIO m)
=> SQLGenCtx
-> PG.PGPool
-> Logger Hasura
-> HTTP.Manager
-> SchemaSyncEventRef
-> SchemaCacheRef
-> InstanceId
-> UTC.UTCTime
-> m Immortal.Thread
startSchemaSyncProcessorThread sqlGenCtx pool logger httpMgr
schemaSyncEventRef cacheRef instanceId cacheInitStartTime = do
-- Start processor thread
processorThread <- liftIO $ C.forkImmortal "SchemeUpdate.processor" logger $
processor sqlGenCtx pool logger httpMgr schemaSyncEventRef cacheRef instanceId cacheInitStartTime
logThreadStarted logger instanceId TTProcessor processorThread
pure processorThread
-- | An IO action that listens to postgres for events and pushes them to a Queue, in a loop forever.
:: PG.PGPool
-> Logger Hasura
-> SchemaSyncEventRef
-> IO void
listener pool logger updateEventRef =
-- Never exits
forever $ do
listenResE <-
liftIO $ runExceptT $ PG.listen pool pgChannel notifyHandler
onLeft listenResE onError
-- Trying to start listening after one second.
-- See Note [Schema Cache Sync].
C.sleep $ seconds 1
threadType = TTListener
notifyHandler = \case
PG.PNEOnStart -> do
time <- UTC.getCurrentTime
STM.atomically $ STM.writeTVar updateEventRef $ Just $ SSEListenStart time
PG.PNEPQNotify notif ->
case eitherDecodeStrict $ PQ.notifyExtra notif of
Left e -> logError logger threadType $ TEJsonParse $ T.pack e
Right payload -> do
logInfo logger threadType $ object ["received_event" .= payload]
$assertNFHere payload -- so we don't write thunks to mutable vars
-- Push a notify event to Queue
STM.atomically $ STM.writeTVar updateEventRef $ Just $ SSEPayload payload
onError = logError logger threadType . TEQueryError
-- NOTE: we handle expected error conditions here, while unexpected exceptions will result in
-- a restart and log from 'forkImmortal'
logWarn = unLogger logger $
SchemaSyncThreadLog LevelWarn TTListener $ String
"error occurred, retrying postgres listen after 1 second"
-- | An IO action that processes events from Queue, in a loop forever.
:: SQLGenCtx
-> PG.PGPool
-> Logger Hasura
-> HTTP.Manager
-> SchemaSyncEventRef
-> SchemaCacheRef
-> InstanceId
-> UTC.UTCTime
-> IO void
processor sqlGenCtx pool logger httpMgr updateEventRef
cacheRef instanceId cacheInitStartTime =
-- Never exits
forever $ do
event <- STM.atomically getLatestEvent
logInfo logger threadType $ object ["processed_event" .= event]
when (shouldReload event) $
refreshSchemaCache sqlGenCtx pool logger httpMgr cacheRef (getCacheInvalidations event)
threadType "schema cache reloaded"
-- checks if there is an event
-- and replaces it with Nothing
getLatestEvent = do
eventM <- STM.readTVar updateEventRef
case eventM of
Just event -> do
STM.writeTVar updateEventRef Nothing
return event
Nothing -> STM.retry
threadType = TTProcessor
shouldReload = \case
SSEListenStart time ->
-- If listening started after cache initialization, just refresh the schema cache unconditionally.
-- See Note [Schema Cache Sync]
time > cacheInitStartTime
SSEPayload payload ->
-- When event is from other sever instance
_epInstanceId payload /= instanceId
getCacheInvalidations = \case
SSEListenStart _ -> mempty
SSEPayload payload -> _epInvalidations payload
:: SQLGenCtx
-> PG.PGPool
-> Logger Hasura
-> HTTP.Manager
-> SchemaCacheRef
-> CacheInvalidations
-> ThreadType
-> Text -> IO ()
refreshSchemaCache sqlGenCtx pool logger httpManager cacheRef invalidations threadType msg = do
-- Reload schema cache from catalog
resE <- liftIO $ runExceptT $ withSCUpdate cacheRef logger do
rebuildableCache <- fst <$> liftIO (readIORef $ _scrCache cacheRef)
((), cache, _) <- buildSchemaCacheWithOptions CatalogSync invalidations
& runCacheRWT rebuildableCache
& peelRun runCtx pgCtx PG.ReadWrite Nothing
pure ((), cache)
case resE of
Left e -> logError logger threadType $ TEQueryError e
Right () -> logInfo logger threadType $ object ["message" .= msg]
runCtx = RunCtx adminUserInfo httpManager sqlGenCtx
pgCtx = mkPGExecCtx PG.Serializable pool
logInfo :: Logger Hasura -> ThreadType -> Value -> IO ()
logInfo logger threadType val = unLogger logger $
SchemaSyncThreadLog LevelInfo threadType val
logError :: ToJSON a => Logger Hasura -> ThreadType -> a -> IO ()
logError logger threadType err =
unLogger logger $ SchemaSyncThreadLog LevelError threadType $
object ["error" .= toJSON err]