Naveen Naidu dae6cfa9a6 server: enforce event triggers name in a source to be unique
GitOrigin-RevId: 78015262365985329c18ed25897ca6d6f4422ecb
2022-08-23 08:51:11 +00:00

209 lines
7.3 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
-- | Test that when a source is dropped any event trigger information such as
-- 'hdb_catalog' schema and the SQL triggers that were created on the tables is also
-- removed
module Test.EventTrigger.MSSQL.EventTriggerDropSourceCleanupSpec (spec) where
import Control.Concurrent.Chan qualified as Chan
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE
import Harness.Backend.Sqlserver qualified as Sqlserver
import Harness.GraphqlEngine qualified as GraphqlEngine
import Harness.Quoter.Yaml
import Harness.Test.Fixture qualified as Fixture
import Harness.Test.Schema (Table (..), table)
import Harness.Test.Schema qualified as Schema
import Harness.TestEnvironment (TestEnvironment, stopServer)
import Harness.Webhook qualified as Webhook
import Harness.Yaml (shouldBeYaml, shouldReturnYaml)
import Hasura.Prelude
import System.Timeout (timeout)
import Test.HUnit.Base (assertFailure)
import Test.Hspec (SpecWith, describe, it)
-- Preamble
spec :: SpecWith TestEnvironment
spec =
( NE.fromList
[ (Fixture.fixture $ Fixture.Backend Fixture.SQLServer)
{ -- setup the webhook server as the local test environment,
-- so that the server can be referenced while testing
Fixture.mkLocalTestEnvironment = webhookServerMkLocalTestEnvironment,
Fixture.setupTeardown = \testEnv ->
[ Fixture.SetupAction
{ Fixture.setupAction = mssqlSetupWithEventTriggers testEnv,
Fixture.teardownAction = \_ -> mssqlTeardown testEnv
-- * Backend
-- ** Schema
schema :: Text -> [Schema.Table]
schema authorTableName = [authorsTable authorTableName]
authorsTable :: Text -> Schema.Table
authorsTable tableName =
(table tableName)
{ tableColumns =
[ Schema.column "id" Schema.TInt,
Schema.column "name" Schema.TStr
tablePrimaryKey = ["id"],
tableData =
[ [Schema.VInt 1, Schema.VStr "Author 1"],
[Schema.VInt 2, Schema.VStr "Author 2"]
-- Tests
tests :: Fixture.Options -> SpecWith (TestEnvironment, (GraphqlEngine.Server, Webhook.EventsQueue))
tests opts = do
cleanupEventTriggersWhenSourceDropped opts
cleanupEventTriggersWhenSourceDropped :: Fixture.Options -> SpecWith (TestEnvironment, (GraphqlEngine.Server, Webhook.EventsQueue))
cleanupEventTriggersWhenSourceDropped opts =
describe "dropping a source with event triggers should remove 'hdb_catalog' schema and the SQL triggers created on the table" do
it "check: inserting a new row invokes a event trigger" $
\(testEnvironment, (_, (Webhook.EventsQueue eventsQueue))) -> do
let insertQuery =
type: mssql_run_sql
source: mssql
sql: "INSERT INTO authors (id, name) values (3, N'john')"
expectedResponse =
result_type: CommandOk
result: null
expectedEventPayload =
old: null
name: john
id: 3
-- Insert a row into the table with event trigger
(GraphqlEngine.postV2Query 200 testEnvironment insertQuery)
-- Check if there was a payload generated due to the insert statement
eventPayload <-
-- wait for the event for a maximum of 5 seconds
timeout (5 * 1000000) (Chan.readChan eventsQueue)
>>= (`onNothing` (assertFailure "Event expected, but not fired"))
eventPayload `shouldBeYaml` expectedEventPayload
it "drop source, check the table works as it was before event trigger was created on it" $
\(testEnvironment, _) -> do
let dropSourceQuery =
type: mssql_drop_source
name: mssql
cascade: true
dropSourceQueryExpectedRespnse = [yaml| message: success |]
-- Dropping the source should remove 'hdb_catalog' and SQL triggers related to it
(GraphqlEngine.postMetadata testEnvironment dropSourceQuery)
-- Test that the table works as it was before the event trigger was created
-- on it. To test that the tables are working, we need to test if
-- INSERT/DELETE/UPDATE operations on the table works as expected.
-- We do this in following steps:
-- 1. Reconnect the source, but without event triggers on any tables. We
-- do this so that we can use run_sql to make SQL queries
-- 2. Do an insert statement and see that it goes through
let sourceConfig = Sqlserver.defaultSourceConfiguration
addSourceQuery =
type: mssql_add_source
name: mssql
configuration: *sourceConfig
_ <- GraphqlEngine.postMetadata testEnvironment addSourceQuery
let insertQuery =
type: mssql_run_sql
source: mssql
sql: "INSERT INTO authors (id, name) values (4, N'harry')"
expectedResponse =
result_type: CommandOk
result: null
-- If the clean-up did not happen properly this insert query would fail
-- because the SQL triggers that were created by event triggers might try
-- to write to a non existent 'hdb_catalog' schema.
(GraphqlEngine.postV2Query 200 testEnvironment insertQuery)
-- ** Setup and teardown override
mssqlSetupWithEventTriggers :: (TestEnvironment, (GraphqlEngine.Server, Webhook.EventsQueue)) -> IO ()
mssqlSetupWithEventTriggers (testEnvironment, (webhookServer, _)) = do
Sqlserver.setup (schema "authors") (testEnvironment, ())
let webhookServerEchoEndpoint = GraphqlEngine.serverUrl webhookServer ++ "/echo"
GraphqlEngine.postMetadata_ testEnvironment $
type: bulk
- type: mssql_create_event_trigger
name: authors_all
source: mssql
name: authors
schema: hasura
webhook: *webhookServerEchoEndpoint
columns: "*"
mssqlTeardown :: (TestEnvironment, (GraphqlEngine.Server, Webhook.EventsQueue)) -> IO ()
mssqlTeardown (_, (server, _)) = do
stopServer server
Sqlserver.dropTable (authorsTable "authors")
webhookServerMkLocalTestEnvironment ::
TestEnvironment -> IO (GraphqlEngine.Server, Webhook.EventsQueue)
webhookServerMkLocalTestEnvironment _ = do