pranshi06 dccc2cea03 server: unauthenticated behaviour with Apollo ws
GitOrigin-RevId: 14db3fa732c7d6430795193e425769b63a221f19
2022-10-13 09:33:53 +00:00

451 lines
18 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.WebSocket.Server
( AcceptWith (AcceptWith),
MessageDetails (MessageDetails),
MonadWSLog (..),
WSActions (..),
WSErrorMessage (..),
WSEvent (EMessageSent),
WSEventInfo (WSEventInfo, _wseiEventType, _wseiOperationId, _wseiOperationName, _wseiParameterizedQueryHash, _wseiQueryExecutionTime, _wseiResponseSize),
WSHandlers (WSHandlers),
WSLog (WSLog),
WSQueueResponse (WSQueueResponse),
-- * exported for testing
import Control.Concurrent.Async qualified as A
import Control.Concurrent.Async.Lifted.Safe qualified as LA
import Control.Concurrent.STM qualified as STM
import Control.Exception.Lifted
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control qualified as MC
import Data.Aeson qualified as J
import Data.Aeson.Casing qualified as J
import Data.Aeson.TH qualified as J
import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as B
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BL
import Data.CaseInsensitive qualified as CI
import Data.SerializableBlob qualified as SB
import Data.String
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.UUID qualified as UUID
import Data.UUID.V4 qualified as UUID
import Data.Word (Word16)
import GHC.AssertNF.CPP
import GHC.Int (Int64)
import Hasura.GraphQL.ParameterizedQueryHash (ParameterizedQueryHash)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.HTTP.Protocol
import Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.WebSocket.Protocol
import Hasura.Logging qualified as L
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.Server.Init.Config (WSConnectionInitTimeout (..))
import ListT qualified
import Network.Wai.Extended (IpAddress)
import Network.WebSockets qualified as WS
import Refined (unrefine)
import StmContainers.Map qualified as STMMap
import System.IO.Error qualified as E
newtype WSId = WSId {unWSId :: UUID.UUID}
deriving (Show, Eq, Hashable)
mkUnsafeWSId :: UUID.UUID -> WSId
mkUnsafeWSId = WSId
instance J.ToJSON WSId where
toJSON (WSId uuid) =
J.toJSON $ UUID.toText uuid
-- | Websocket message and other details
data MessageDetails = MessageDetails
{ _mdMessage :: !SB.SerializableBlob,
_mdMessageSize :: !Int64
deriving (Show)
$(J.deriveToJSON hasuraJSON ''MessageDetails)
data WSEvent
= EConnectionRequest
| EAccepted
| ERejected
| EMessageReceived !MessageDetails
| EMessageSent !MessageDetails
| EJwtExpired
| ECloseReceived
| ECloseSent !SB.SerializableBlob
| EClosed
deriving (Show)
$( J.deriveToJSON
{ J.constructorTagModifier = J.snakeCase . drop 1,
J.sumEncoding = J.TaggedObject "type" "detail"
-- extra websocket event info
data WSEventInfo = WSEventInfo
{ _wseiEventType :: !(Maybe ServerMsgType),
_wseiOperationId :: !(Maybe OperationId),
_wseiOperationName :: !(Maybe OperationName),
_wseiQueryExecutionTime :: !(Maybe Double),
_wseiResponseSize :: !(Maybe Int64),
_wseiParameterizedQueryHash :: !(Maybe ParameterizedQueryHash)
deriving (Show, Eq)
$( J.deriveToJSON
{ J.fieldLabelModifier = J.snakeCase . drop 5,
J.omitNothingFields = True
data WSLog = WSLog
{ _wslWebsocketId :: !WSId,
_wslEvent :: !WSEvent,
_wslMetadata :: !(Maybe WSEventInfo)
deriving (Show)
$( J.deriveToJSON
{ J.fieldLabelModifier = J.snakeCase . drop 4,
J.omitNothingFields = True
class Monad m => MonadWSLog m where
-- | Takes WS server log data and logs it
-- logWSServer
logWSLog :: L.Logger L.Hasura -> WSLog -> m ()
instance MonadWSLog m => MonadWSLog (ExceptT e m) where
logWSLog l ws = lift $ logWSLog l ws
instance MonadWSLog m => MonadWSLog (ReaderT r m) where
logWSLog l ws = lift $ logWSLog l ws
instance L.ToEngineLog WSLog L.Hasura where
toEngineLog wsLog =
(L.LevelDebug, L.ELTInternal L.ILTWsServer, J.toJSON wsLog)
data WSQueueResponse = WSQueueResponse
{ _wsqrMessage :: !BL.ByteString,
-- | extra metadata that we use for other actions, such as print log
-- we don't want to inlcude them into websocket message payload
_wsqrEventInfo :: !(Maybe WSEventInfo)
data WSConn a = WSConn
{ _wcConnId :: !WSId,
_wcLogger :: !(L.Logger L.Hasura),
_wcConnRaw :: !WS.Connection,
_wcSendQ :: !(STM.TQueue WSQueueResponse),
_wcExtraData :: !a
getRawWebSocketConnection :: WSConn a -> WS.Connection
getRawWebSocketConnection = _wcConnRaw
getData :: WSConn a -> a
getData = _wcExtraData
getWSId :: WSConn a -> WSId
getWSId = _wcConnId
closeConn :: WSConn a -> BL.ByteString -> IO ()
closeConn wsConn = closeConnWithCode wsConn 1000 -- 1000 is "normal close"
-- | Closes a connection with code 1012, which means "Server is restarting"
-- good clients will implement a retry logic with a backoff of a few seconds
forceConnReconnect :: MonadIO m => WSConn a -> BL.ByteString -> m ()
forceConnReconnect wsConn bs = liftIO $ closeConnWithCode wsConn 1012 bs
closeConnWithCode :: WSConn a -> Word16 -> BL.ByteString -> IO ()
closeConnWithCode wsConn code bs = do
((\x -> L.unLogger x) . _wcLogger) wsConn $
WSLog (_wcConnId wsConn) (ECloseSent $ SB.fromLBS bs) Nothing
WS.sendCloseCode (_wcConnRaw wsConn) code bs
sendMsgAndCloseConn :: WSConn a -> Word16 -> BL.ByteString -> ServerMsg -> IO ()
sendMsgAndCloseConn wsConn errCode bs serverErr = do
WS.sendTextData (_wcConnRaw wsConn) (encodeServerMsg serverErr)
WS.sendCloseCode (_wcConnRaw wsConn) errCode bs
-- writes to a queue instead of the raw connection
-- so that sendMsg doesn't block
sendMsg :: WSConn a -> WSQueueResponse -> IO ()
sendMsg wsConn !resp = do
$assertNFHere resp -- so we don't write thunks to mutable vars
STM.atomically $ STM.writeTQueue (_wcSendQ wsConn) resp
type ConnMap a = STMMap.Map WSId (WSConn a)
data ServerStatus a
= AcceptingConns !(ConnMap a)
| ShuttingDown
data WSServer a = WSServer
{ _wssLogger :: !(L.Logger L.Hasura),
-- | See e.g. createServerApp.onAccept for how we use STM to preserve consistency
_wssStatus :: !(STM.TVar (ServerStatus a))
createWSServer :: L.Logger L.Hasura -> STM.STM (WSServer a)
createWSServer logger = do
connMap <-
serverStatus <- STM.newTVar (AcceptingConns connMap)
return $ WSServer logger serverStatus
closeAllWith ::
(BL.ByteString -> WSConn a -> IO ()) ->
BL.ByteString ->
[(WSId, WSConn a)] ->
IO ()
closeAllWith closer msg conns =
void $ A.mapConcurrently (closer msg . snd) conns
-- | Resets the current connections map to an empty one if the server is
-- running and returns the list of connections that were in the map
-- before flushing it.
flushConnMap :: STM.TVar (ServerStatus a) -> STM.STM [(WSId, WSConn a)]
flushConnMap serverStatus = do
status <- STM.readTVar serverStatus
case status of
AcceptingConns connMap -> do
conns <- ListT.toList $ STMMap.listT connMap
STMMap.reset connMap
return conns
ShuttingDown -> return []
data AcceptWith a = AcceptWith
{ _awData :: !a,
_awReq :: !WS.AcceptRequest,
_awKeepAlive :: !(WSConn a -> IO ()),
_awOnJwtExpiry :: !(WSConn a -> IO ())
-- | These set of functions or message handlers is used by the
-- server while communicating with the client. They are particularly
-- useful for the case when the messages being sent to the client
-- are different for each of the sub-protocol(s) supported by the server.
type WSKeepAliveMessageAction a = WSConn a -> IO ()
type WSPostExecErrMessageAction a = WSConn a -> OperationId -> GQExecError -> IO ()
type WSOnErrorMessageAction a = WSConn a -> ConnErrMsg -> WSErrorMessage -> IO ()
type WSCloseConnAction a = WSConn a -> OperationId -> String -> IO ()
-- | Used for specific actions within the `onConn` and `onMessage` handlers
data WSActions a = WSActions
{ _wsaPostExecErrMessageAction :: !(WSPostExecErrMessageAction a),
_wsaOnErrorMessageAction :: !(WSOnErrorMessageAction a),
_wsaConnectionCloseAction :: !(WSCloseConnAction a),
-- | NOTE: keep alive action was made redundant because we need to send this message
-- after the connection has been successfully established after `connection_init`
_wsaKeepAliveAction :: !(WSKeepAliveMessageAction a),
_wsaGetDataMessageType :: !(DataMsg -> ServerMsg),
_wsaAcceptRequest :: !WS.AcceptRequest,
_wsaErrorMsgFormat :: !([J.Value] -> J.Value)
data WSErrorMessage = ClientMessageParseFailed | ConnInitFailed
mkWSServerErrorCode :: WSErrorMessage -> ConnErrMsg -> ServerErrorCode
mkWSServerErrorCode errorMessage connErrMsg = case errorMessage of
ClientMessageParseFailed -> (GenericError4400 $ ("Parsing client message failed: ") <> (T.unpack . unConnErrMsg $ connErrMsg))
ConnInitFailed -> (GenericError4400 $ ("Connection initialization failed: ") <> (T.unpack . unConnErrMsg $ connErrMsg))
type OnConnH m a = WSId -> WS.RequestHead -> IpAddress -> WSActions a -> m (Either WS.RejectRequest (AcceptWith a))
-- type OnMessageH m a = WSConn a -> BL.ByteString -> WSActions a -> m ()
type OnCloseH m a = WSConn a -> m ()
-- | aka generalized 'WS.ServerApp' over @m@, which takes an IPAddress
type HasuraServerApp m = IpAddress -> WS.PendingConnection -> m ()
-- | NOTE: The types of `_hOnConn` and `_hOnMessage` were updated from `OnConnH` and `OnMessageH`
-- because we needed to pass the subprotcol here to these methods to eventually get to `OnConnH` and `OnMessageH`.
-- Please see `createServerApp` to get a better understanding of how these handlers are used.
data WSHandlers m a = WSHandlers
{ _hOnConn :: (WSId -> WS.RequestHead -> IpAddress -> WSSubProtocol -> m (Either WS.RejectRequest (AcceptWith a))),
_hOnMessage :: (WSConn a -> BL.ByteString -> WSSubProtocol -> m ()),
_hOnClose :: OnCloseH m a
createServerApp ::
(MonadIO m, MC.MonadBaseControl IO m, LA.Forall (LA.Pure m), MonadWSLog m) =>
WSConnectionInitTimeout ->
WSServer a ->
-- | user provided handlers
WSHandlers m a ->
-- | aka WS.ServerApp
HasuraServerApp m
{-# INLINE createServerApp #-}
createServerApp wsConnInitTimeout (WSServer logger@(L.Logger writeLog) serverStatus) wsHandlers !ipAddress !pendingConn = do
wsId <- WSId <$> liftIO UUID.nextRandom
logWSLog logger $ WSLog wsId EConnectionRequest Nothing
-- NOTE: this timer is specific to `graphql-ws`. the server has to close the connection
-- if the client doesn't send a `connection_init` message within the timeout period
wsConnInitTimer <- liftIO $ getNewWSTimer (unrefine $ unWSConnectionInitTimeout wsConnInitTimeout)
status <- liftIO $ STM.readTVarIO serverStatus
case status of
AcceptingConns _ -> logUnexpectedExceptions $ do
onConnRes <- connHandler wsId reqHead ipAddress subProtocol
either (onReject wsId) (onAccept wsConnInitTimer wsId) onConnRes
ShuttingDown ->
onReject wsId shuttingDownReject
reqHead = WS.pendingRequest pendingConn
getSubProtocolHeader rhdrs =
filter (\(x, _) -> x == ( . B.pack $ "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol")) $ WS.requestHeaders rhdrs
subProtocol = case getSubProtocolHeader reqHead of
[sph] -> toWSSubProtocol . B.unpack . snd $ sph
_ -> Apollo -- NOTE: we default to the apollo implemenation
connHandler = _hOnConn wsHandlers
messageHandler = _hOnMessage wsHandlers
closeHandler = _hOnClose wsHandlers
-- It's not clear what the unexpected exception handling story here should be. So at
-- least log properly and re-raise:
logUnexpectedExceptions = handle $ \(e :: SomeException) -> do
writeLog $
L.UnstructuredLog L.LevelError $
fromString $
"Unexpected exception raised in websocket. Please report this as a bug: " <> show e
throwIO e
shuttingDownReject =
"Service Unavailable"
[("Retry-After", "0")]
"Server is shutting down"
onReject wsId rejectRequest = do
liftIO $ WS.rejectRequestWith pendingConn rejectRequest
logWSLog logger $ WSLog wsId ERejected Nothing
onAccept wsConnInitTimer wsId (AcceptWith a acceptWithParams keepAlive onJwtExpiry) = do
conn <- liftIO $ WS.acceptRequestWith pendingConn acceptWithParams
logWSLog logger $ WSLog wsId EAccepted Nothing
sendQ <- liftIO STM.newTQueueIO
let !wsConn = WSConn wsId logger conn sendQ a
-- TODO there are many thunks here. Difficult to trace how much is retained, and
-- how much of that would be shared anyway.
-- Requires a fork of 'wai-websockets' and 'websockets', it looks like.
-- Adding `package` stanzas with -Xstrict -XStrictData for those two packages
-- helped, cutting the number of thunks approximately in half.
liftIO $ $assertNFHere wsConn -- so we don't write thunks to mutable vars
let whenAcceptingInsertConn = liftIO $
STM.atomically $ do
status <- STM.readTVar serverStatus
case status of
ShuttingDown -> pure ()
AcceptingConns connMap -> STMMap.insert wsConn wsId connMap
return status
-- ensure we clean up connMap even if an unexpected exception is raised from our worker
-- threads, or an async exception is raised somewhere in the body here:
(onConnClose wsConn)
$ \case
ShuttingDown -> do
-- Bad luck, we were in the process of shutting the server down but a new
-- connection was accepted. Let's just close it politely
forceConnReconnect wsConn "shutting server down"
closeHandler wsConn
AcceptingConns _ -> do
let rcv = forever $ do
-- Process all messages serially (important!), in a separate thread:
msg <-
liftIO $
-- Re-throw "receiveloop: resource vanished (Connection reset by peer)" :
-- as WS exception signaling cleanup below. It's not clear why exactly this gets
-- raised occasionally; I suspect an equivalent handler is missing from WS itself.
-- Regardless this should be safe:
handleJust (guard . E.isResourceVanishedError) (\() -> throw WS.ConnectionClosed) $
WS.receiveData conn
let message = MessageDetails (SB.fromLBS msg) (BL.length msg)
logWSLog logger $ WSLog wsId (EMessageReceived message) Nothing
messageHandler wsConn msg subProtocol
let send = forever $ do
WSQueueResponse msg wsInfo <- liftIO $ STM.atomically $ STM.readTQueue sendQ
let message = MessageDetails (SB.fromLBS msg) (BL.length msg)
liftIO $ WS.sendTextData conn msg
logWSLog logger $ WSLog wsId (EMessageSent message) wsInfo
-- withAsync lets us be very sure that if e.g. an async exception is raised while we're
-- forking that the threads we launched will be cleaned up. See also below.
LA.withAsync rcv $ \rcvRef -> do
LA.withAsync send $ \sendRef -> do
LA.withAsync (liftIO $ keepAlive wsConn) $ \keepAliveRef -> do
LA.withAsync (liftIO $ onJwtExpiry wsConn) $ \onJwtExpiryRef -> do
-- once connection is accepted, check the status of the timer, and if it's expired, close the connection for `graphql-ws`
timeoutStatus <- liftIO $ getWSTimerState wsConnInitTimer
when (timeoutStatus == Done && subProtocol == GraphQLWS) $
liftIO $ closeConnWithCode wsConn 4408 "Connection initialisation timed out"
-- terminates on WS.ConnectionException and JWT expiry
let waitOnRefs = [keepAliveRef, onJwtExpiryRef, rcvRef, sendRef]
-- withAnyCancel re-raises exceptions from forkedThreads, and is guarenteed to cancel in
-- case of async exceptions raised while blocking here:
try (LA.waitAnyCancel waitOnRefs) >>= \case
-- NOTE: 'websockets' is a bit of a rat's nest at the moment wrt
-- exceptions; for now handle all ConnectionException by closing
-- and cleaning up, see:
Left (_ :: WS.ConnectionException) -> do
logWSLog logger $ WSLog (_wcConnId wsConn) ECloseReceived Nothing
-- this will happen when jwt is expired
Right _ -> do
logWSLog logger $ WSLog (_wcConnId wsConn) EJwtExpired Nothing
onConnClose wsConn = \case
ShuttingDown -> pure ()
AcceptingConns connMap -> do
liftIO $ STM.atomically $ STMMap.delete (_wcConnId wsConn) connMap
closeHandler wsConn
logWSLog logger $ WSLog (_wcConnId wsConn) EClosed Nothing
shutdown :: WSServer a -> IO ()
shutdown (WSServer (L.Logger writeLog) serverStatus) = do
writeLog $ L.debugT "Shutting websockets server down"
conns <- STM.atomically $ do
conns <- flushConnMap serverStatus
STM.writeTVar serverStatus ShuttingDown
return conns
closeAllWith (flip forceConnReconnect) "shutting server down" conns