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{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
-- |
module Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.Meta
( loadDBMetadata
) where
import Hasura.Prelude
import Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
import Data.String
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q (sqlFromFile)
import Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.Connection
import Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.Instances.Types ()
import Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.Types
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Column
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common (OID (..))
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Error
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Table
import Hasura.SQL.Backend
-- Loader
:: (MonadError QErr m, MonadIO m)
=> MSSQLPool -> m (DBTablesMetadata 'MSSQL)
loadDBMetadata pool = do
let sql = $(Q.sqlFromFile "src-rsr/mssql_table_metadata.sql")
sysTablesText <- runJSONPathQuery pool (fromString sql)
case Aeson.eitherDecodeStrict (T.encodeUtf8 sysTablesText) of
Left e -> throw500 $ T.pack $ "error loading sql server database schema: " <> e
Right sysTables -> pure $ HM.fromList $ map transformTable sysTables
-- Local types
data SysTable = SysTable
{ staName :: Text
, staObjectId :: Int
, staJoinedSysColumn :: [SysColumn]
, staJoinedSysSchema :: SysSchema
} deriving (Show, Generic)
instance FromJSON (SysTable) where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON hasuraJSON
data SysSchema = SysSchema
{ ssName :: Text
, ssSchemaId :: Int
} deriving (Show, Generic)
instance FromJSON (SysSchema) where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON hasuraJSON
data SysColumn = SysColumn
{ scName :: Text
, scColumnId :: Int
, scUserTypeId :: Int
, scIsNullable :: Bool
, scJoinedSysType :: SysType
, scJoinedForeignKeyColumns :: [SysForeignKeyColumn]
} deriving (Show, Generic)
instance FromJSON SysColumn where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON hasuraJSON
data SysType = SysType
{ styName :: Text
, stySchemaId :: Int
, styUserTypeId :: Int
} deriving (Show, Generic)
instance FromJSON (SysType) where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON hasuraJSON
data SysForeignKeyColumn = SysForeignKeyColumn
{ sfkcConstraintObjectId :: Int
, sfkcConstraintColumnId :: Int
, sfkcParentObjectId :: Int
, sfkcParentColumnId :: Int
, sfkcReferencedObjectId :: Int
, sfkcReferencedColumnId :: Int
, sfkcJoinedReferencedTableName :: Text
, sfkcJoinedReferencedColumnName :: Text
, sfkcJoinedReferencedSysSchema :: SysSchema
} deriving (Show, Generic)
instance FromJSON (SysForeignKeyColumn) where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON hasuraJSON
-- Transform
transformTable :: SysTable -> (TableName, DBTableMetadata 'MSSQL)
transformTable tableInfo =
let schemaName = ssName $ staJoinedSysSchema tableInfo
tableName = TableName (staName tableInfo) schemaName
tableOID = OID $ staObjectId tableInfo
(columns, foreignKeys) = unzip $ fmap transformColumn $ staJoinedSysColumn tableInfo
in ( tableName
, DBTableMetadata
Nothing -- no primary key information?
HS.empty -- no unique constraints?
(HS.fromList $ map ForeignKeyMetadata $ HM.elems $ coalesceKeys $ concat foreignKeys)
Nothing -- no views, only tables
Nothing -- no description
:: SysColumn
-> (RawColumnInfo 'MSSQL, [ForeignKey 'MSSQL])
transformColumn columnInfo =
let prciName = ColumnName $ scName columnInfo
prciPosition = scColumnId columnInfo
-- ^ the IR uses this to uniquely identify columns, as Postgres will
-- keep a unique position for a column even when columns are added
-- or dropped. We assume here that this arbitrary column id can
-- serve the same purpose.
prciIsNullable = scIsNullable columnInfo
prciDescription = Nothing
prciType = parseScalarType $ styName $ scJoinedSysType columnInfo
foreignKeys = scJoinedForeignKeyColumns columnInfo <&> \foreignKeyColumn ->
let _fkConstraint = Constraint () {- FIXME -} $ OID $ sfkcConstraintObjectId foreignKeyColumn
-- ^ there's currently no ConstraintName type in our MSSQL code?
schemaName = ssName $ sfkcJoinedReferencedSysSchema foreignKeyColumn
_fkForeignTable = TableName (sfkcJoinedReferencedTableName foreignKeyColumn) schemaName
_fkColumnMapping = HM.singleton prciName $ ColumnName $ sfkcJoinedReferencedColumnName foreignKeyColumn
in ForeignKey {..}
in (RawColumnInfo{..}, foreignKeys)
-- Helpers
coalesceKeys :: [ForeignKey 'MSSQL] -> HM.HashMap TableName (ForeignKey 'MSSQL)
coalesceKeys = foldl' coalesce HM.empty
where coalesce mapping fk@(ForeignKey _ tableName _) = HM.insertWith combine tableName fk mapping
-- is it ok to assume we can coalesce only on table name?
combine oldFK newFK = oldFK { _fkColumnMapping = (HM.union `on` _fkColumnMapping) oldFK newFK }
parseScalarType :: Text -> ScalarType
parseScalarType = \case
"char" -> CharType
"numeric" -> NumericType
"decimal" -> DecimalType
"money" -> DecimalType
"smallmoney" -> DecimalType
"int" -> IntegerType
"smallint" -> SmallintType
"float" -> FloatType
"real" -> RealType
"date" -> DateType
"time" -> Ss_time2Type
"varchar" -> VarcharType
"nchar" -> WcharType
"nvarchar" -> WvarcharType
"ntext" -> WtextType
"timestamp" -> TimestampType
"text" -> TextType
"binary" -> BinaryType
"bigint" -> BigintType
"tinyint" -> TinyintType
"varbinary" -> VarbinaryType
"bit" -> BitType
"uniqueidentifier" -> GuidType
"geography" -> GeographyType
"geometry" -> GeometryType
t -> UnknownType t