mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 05:21:47 +03:00
Result of executing the following commands: ```shell # replace "as Q" imports with "as PG" (in retrospect this didn't need a regex) git grep -lE 'as Q($|[^a-zA-Z])' -- '*.hs' | xargs sed -i -E 's/as Q($|[^a-zA-Z])/as PG\1/' # replace " Q." with " PG." git grep -lE ' Q\.' -- '*.hs' | xargs sed -i 's/ Q\./ PG./g' # replace "(Q." with "(PG." git grep -lE '\(Q\.' -- '*.hs' | xargs sed -i 's/(Q\./(PG./g' # ditto, but for [, |, { and ! git grep -lE '\[Q\.' -- '*.hs' | xargs sed -i 's/\[Q\./\[PG./g' git grep -l '|Q\.' -- '*.hs' | xargs sed -i 's/|Q\./|PG./g' git grep -l '{Q\.' -- '*.hs' | xargs sed -i 's/{Q\./{PG./g' git grep -l '!Q\.' -- '*.hs' | xargs sed -i 's/!Q\./!PG./g' ``` (Doing the `grep -l` before the `sed`, instead of `sed` on the entire codebase, reduces the number of `mtime` updates, and so reduces how many times a file gets recompiled while checking intermediate results.) Finally, I manually removed a broken and unused `Arbitrary` instance in `Hasura.RQL.Network`. (It used an `import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary as Q` statement, which was erroneously caught by the first find-replace command.) After this PR, `Q` is no longer used as an import qualifier. That was not the goal of this PR, but perhaps it's a useful fact for future efforts. PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/5933 GitOrigin-RevId: 8c84c59d57789111d40f5d3322c5a885dcfbf40e
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{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Hasura.StreamingSubscriptionSuite (buildStreamingSubscriptionSuite) where
import Control.Concurrent.Async qualified as Async
import Control.Concurrent.MVar qualified as MVar
import Control.Concurrent.STM qualified as STM
import Control.Immortal qualified as Immortal
import Control.Lens ((.~))
import Data.Aeson qualified as A
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 qualified as LBS
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.IO qualified as T
import Data.UUID qualified as UUID
import Data.UUID.V4 qualified as UUID
import Database.PG.Query qualified as PG
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Connection
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Execute.Subscription (MultiplexedQuery (MultiplexedQuery))
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Instances.Transport ()
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Value (TxtEncodedVal (TELit))
import Hasura.Base.Error (showQErr)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Subscription.Options (mkSubscriptionsOptions)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Subscription.Plan
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Subscription.Poll.Common
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Subscription.Poll.StreamingQuery (pollStreamingQuery)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Subscription.State
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Subscription.TMap qualified as TMap
import Hasura.GraphQL.ParameterizedQueryHash
import Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.WebSocket.Protocol (unsafeMkOperationId)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.WebSocket.Server qualified as WS
import Hasura.Logging
import Hasura.Name qualified as Name
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Backend
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common
import Hasura.SQL.Backend
import Hasura.Server.Init (considerEnv, databaseUrlOption, runWithEnv, _envVar)
import Hasura.Server.Metrics (createServerMetrics)
import Hasura.Server.Prometheus (makeDummyPrometheusMetrics)
import Hasura.Server.Types (RequestId (..))
import Hasura.Session (RoleName, mkRoleName)
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax.QQ qualified as G
import ListT qualified
import StmContainers.Map qualified as STMMap
import System.Environment (getEnvironment)
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import System.Metrics
import Test.Hspec
buildStreamingSubscriptionSuite :: IO Spec
buildStreamingSubscriptionSuite = do
env <- getEnvironment
pgUrlText :: Text <- flip onLeft (printErrExit . T.pack) $
runWithEnv env $ do
let envVar = _envVar databaseUrlOption
maybeV <- considerEnv envVar
onNothing maybeV $
throwError $ "Expected: " <> envVar
let pgConnInfo = PG.ConnInfo 1 $ PG.CDDatabaseURI $ txtToBs pgUrlText
pgPool <- PG.initPGPool pgConnInfo PG.defaultConnParams print
let pgContext = mkPGExecCtx PG.ReadCommitted pgPool
dbSourceConfig = PGSourceConfig pgContext pgConnInfo Nothing (pure ()) defaultPostgresExtensionsSchema
pure $
describe "Streaming subscriptions polling tests" $ streamingSubscriptionPollingSpec dbSourceConfig
mkRoleNameE :: Text -> RoleName
mkRoleNameE = fromMaybe (error "Use a non empty string") . mkRoleName
-- | CohortStaticSnapshot is a data type to help to compare two cohorts at a specified instant.
-- Note that two Cohorts cannot be directly compared because they have mutable references within
-- them.
data CohortStaticSnapshot = CohortStaticSnapshot
{ _cssCohortId :: CohortId,
_cssExistingSubscribers :: [SubscriberId],
_cssNewSubscribers :: [SubscriberId]
deriving (Show, Eq)
getStaticCohortSnapshot :: Cohort (STM.TVar CursorVariableValues) -> STM.STM CohortStaticSnapshot
getStaticCohortSnapshot (Cohort cohortId _respRef existingSubsTV newSubsTV _) = do
existingSubs <- TMap.toList existingSubsTV
newSubs <- TMap.toList newSubsTV
pure $ CohortStaticSnapshot cohortId (fst <$> existingSubs) (fst <$> newSubs)
streamingSubscriptionPollingSpec :: SourceConfig ('Postgres 'Vanilla) -> Spec
streamingSubscriptionPollingSpec srcConfig = do
let setupDDLTx =
CREATE TABLE "public"."numbers" (id int primary key);
setupValueTx =
INSERT INTO "public"."numbers" values (1),(2),(3),(4),(5);
teardownDDLTx =
DROP TABLE "public"."numbers";
let setup = do
runPgSourceWriteTx srcConfig setupDDLTx >>= (`onLeft` (printErrExit . showQErr))
runPgSourceWriteTx srcConfig setupValueTx >>= (`onLeft` (printErrExit . showQErr))
teardown =
runPgSourceWriteTx srcConfig teardownDDLTx >>= (`onLeft` (printErrExit . showQErr))
runIO setup
pollerId <- runIO $ PollerId <$> UUID.nextRandom
let defaultSubscriptionOptions = mkSubscriptionsOptions Nothing Nothing -- use default values
paramQueryHash = mkUnsafeParameterizedQueryHash "random"
-- hardcoded multiplexed query which is generated for the following GraphQL query:
-- { subscription { numbers_stream(cursor: {initial_value: {id: 1}}, batch_size: 1) { id }} }
multiplexedQuery =
SELECT "_subs"."result_id" , "_fld_resp"."root" AS "result", "_fld_resp"."cursor" AS "cursor" FROM UNNEST(($1)::uuid[], ($2)::json[]) AS "_subs"("result_id", "result_vars")
(SELECT json_build_object('numbers_stream', "numbers_stream"."root" ) AS "root", to_json("numbers_stream"."cursor" ) AS "cursor"
(SELECT coalesce(json_agg("root" ORDER BY "root.pg.id" ASC ), '[]' ) AS "root", json_build_object('id', (MAX("root.pg.id" ))::text ) AS "cursor"
(SELECT row_to_json((SELECT "_1_e" FROM (SELECT "_0_root.base"."id" AS "id" ) AS "_1_e" ) ) AS "root", "_0_root.base"."id" AS "root.pg.id"
FROM (SELECT * FROM "public"."numbers" WHERE (("public"."numbers"."id") > ((("_subs"."result_vars"#>>ARRAY['cursor', 'id']))::integer)) ORDER BY "id" ASC LIMIT 1 ) AS "_0_root.base"
ORDER BY "root.pg.id" ASC ) AS "_2_root" ) AS "numbers_stream" )
AS "_fld_resp" ON ('true')
let pollingAction cohortMap testSyncAction =
@('Postgres 'Vanilla)
(SNDefault, srcConfig)
(mkRoleNameE "random")
(MultiplexedQuery multiplexedQuery)
(const $ pure ())
mkSubscriber sId =
let wsId = maybe (error "Invalid UUID") WS.mkUnsafeWSId $ UUID.fromString "ec981f92-8d5a-47ab-a306-80af7cfb1113"
requestId = RequestId "randomRequestId"
subscriberMetadata = mkSubscriberMetadata wsId (unsafeMkOperationId "randomOperationId") Nothing requestId
in Subscriber sId subscriberMetadata requestId Nothing (const (pure ()))
mkNewCohort cohortId initialCursorValue = do
latestCursorValues <- STM.newTVar (CursorVariableValues initialCursorValue)
Cohort cohortId <$> STM.newTVar Nothing <*> TMap.new <*> TMap.new <*> pure latestCursorValues
addSubscriberToCohort subscriber cohort =
TMap.insert subscriber (_sId subscriber) $ _cNewSubscribers cohort
-- The multiplexed query we chose only deals with cursor variables, so we might as
-- well create a new function with the other variables being set to `mempty`
mkCohortVariables' = mkCohortVariables mempty mempty mempty mempty
describe "Streaming subcription poll" $ do
cohortId1 <- runIO newCohortId
(subscriberId1, subscriberId2) <- runIO $ (,) <$> newSubscriberId <*> newSubscriberId
let subscriber1 = mkSubscriber subscriberId1
subscriber2 = mkSubscriber subscriberId2
let initialCursorValue = Map.singleton Name._id (TELit "1")
cohort1 <- runIO $
liftIO $
STM.atomically $ do
cohort1' <- mkNewCohort cohortId1 initialCursorValue
-- adding a subscriber to the newly created cohort
addSubscriberToCohort subscriber1 cohort1'
pure cohort1'
cohortMap <- runIO $ liftIO $ STM.atomically $ TMap.new
let cohortKey1 = mkCohortVariables' (mkUnsafeValidateVariables initialCursorValue)
cohortId2 <- runIO newCohortId
cohort2 <- runIO $
liftIO $
STM.atomically $ do
cohort2' <- mkNewCohort cohortId2 initialCursorValue
addSubscriberToCohort subscriber2 cohort2'
pure cohort2'
let mkCohortKey n = cohortKey1 & cvCursorVariables . unValidatedVariables . ix [G.name|id|] .~ TELit n
cohortKey2 = mkCohortKey "2"
cohortKey3 = mkCohortKey "3"
describe "after first poll, the key of the cohort should be updated to contain the next cursor value" $ do
runIO $
STM.atomically $ do
TMap.reset cohortMap
TMap.insert cohort1 cohortKey1 cohortMap
runIO $ pollingAction cohortMap Nothing
currentCohortMap <- runIO $ STM.atomically $ TMap.getMap cohortMap
it "the key of the cohort1 should have been moved from the cohortKey1 to cohortKey2, so it should not be found anymore at cohortKey1" $ do
cohortMappedToCohortKey1 <- STM.atomically $ traverse getStaticCohortSnapshot $ Map.lookup cohortKey1 currentCohortMap
cohortMappedToCohortKey1 `shouldBe` Nothing
it "the key of the cohort1 should have been moved from the cohortKey1 to cohortKey2, so it should be found anymore at cohortKey2" $ do
cohortMappedToCohortKey2 <- STM.atomically $ traverse getStaticCohortSnapshot $ Map.lookup cohortKey2 currentCohortMap
cohortMappedToCohortKey2 `shouldBe` Just (CohortStaticSnapshot cohortId1 [subscriberId1] mempty)
describe "manipulating cohorts" $ do
it "adding a new cohort concurrently to the poll, should leave the new cohort as it is in the cohort map" $ do
syncMVar <- MVar.newEmptyMVar -- MVar to synchronize code
STM.atomically $ do
TMap.reset cohortMap
TMap.insert cohort1 cohortKey1 cohortMap
let syncAction = do
-- This action will block until the `syncMVar` is not empty. This action
-- is run after the cohorts are snapshotted in `pollStreamingQuery`
MVar.readMVar syncMVar
STM.atomically $ TMap.insert cohort2 cohortKey3 cohortMap
(pollingAction cohortMap (Just syncAction))
( \pollAsync -> do
MVar.putMVar syncMVar ()
Async.wait pollAsync
currentCohortMap <- STM.atomically $ TMap.getMap cohortMap
let currentCohort2 = Map.lookup cohortKey3 currentCohortMap
(originalCohort2StaticSnapshot, currentCohort2StaticSnapshot) <-
STM.atomically $
(,) <$> getStaticCohortSnapshot cohort2 <*> traverse getStaticCohortSnapshot currentCohort2
Just originalCohort2StaticSnapshot `shouldBe` currentCohort2StaticSnapshot
it "deleting a cohort concurrently should not retain the deleted cohort in the cohort map" $ do
STM.atomically $ do
-- reset the cohort map and add a single cohort
TMap.reset cohortMap
TMap.insert cohort2 cohortKey1 cohortMap
syncMVar <- MVar.newEmptyMVar
let syncAction = do
MVar.readMVar syncMVar
STM.atomically $ TMap.delete cohortKey1 cohortMap
(pollingAction cohortMap (Just syncAction))
( \pollAsync -> do
MVar.putMVar syncMVar ()
Async.wait pollAsync
currentCohortMap <- STM.atomically $ TMap.getMap cohortMap
Map.size currentCohortMap `shouldBe` 0 -- since there was only one cohort initially, now the cohort map should not have any cohorts
describe "manipulating adding and deleting of subscribers concurrently" $ do
it "adding a new subscriber concurrently should place the subscriber in the appropriate cohort" $ do
temporarySubscriberId <- newSubscriberId
let newTemporarySubscriber = mkSubscriber temporarySubscriberId
STM.atomically $ do
TMap.reset cohortMap
TMap.insert cohort1 cohortKey1 cohortMap
syncMVar <- MVar.newEmptyMVar
let syncAction = do
MVar.readMVar syncMVar
STM.atomically $ addSubscriberToCohort newTemporarySubscriber cohort1
(pollingAction cohortMap (Just syncAction))
( \pollAsync -> do
-- concurrently inserting a new cohort to a key (cohortKey2) to which
-- cohort1 is expected to be associated after the current poll
MVar.putMVar syncMVar ()
Async.wait pollAsync
currentCohortMap <- STM.atomically $ TMap.getMap cohortMap
let cohortKey2Cohort = Map.lookup cohortKey2 currentCohortMap
cohortKey1Cohort = Map.lookup cohortKey1 currentCohortMap
cohortKey1CohortSnapshot <- STM.atomically $ traverse getStaticCohortSnapshot cohortKey1Cohort
_cssNewSubscribers <$> cohortKey1CohortSnapshot `shouldBe` Just [temporarySubscriberId]
-- Checking below that the newly added subscriber is not added in the updated cohort
cohortKey2CohortSnapshot <- STM.atomically $ traverse getStaticCohortSnapshot cohortKey2Cohort
_cssNewSubscribers <$> cohortKey2CohortSnapshot `shouldSatisfy` maybe True (notElem temporarySubscriberId)
_cssExistingSubscribers <$> cohortKey2CohortSnapshot `shouldSatisfy` maybe True (notElem temporarySubscriberId)
STM.atomically $
TMap.delete temporarySubscriberId (_cNewSubscribers cohort1)
it "deleting a subscriber from a cohort should not retain the subscriber in any of the cohorts" $ do
temporarySubscriberId <- newSubscriberId
let newTemporarySubscriber = mkSubscriber temporarySubscriberId
STM.atomically $ do
TMap.reset cohortMap
TMap.insert cohort1 cohortKey1 cohortMap
addSubscriberToCohort newTemporarySubscriber cohort1
syncMVar <- MVar.newEmptyMVar
let syncAction = do
MVar.readMVar syncMVar
STM.atomically $ TMap.delete temporarySubscriberId (_cNewSubscribers cohort1)
(pollingAction cohortMap (Just syncAction))
( \pollAsync -> do
MVar.putMVar syncMVar ()
Async.wait pollAsync
currentCohortMap <- STM.atomically $ TMap.getMap cohortMap
let cohortKey2Cohort = Map.lookup cohortKey2 currentCohortMap
cohortKey1Cohort = Map.lookup cohortKey1 currentCohortMap
cohortKey1CohortSnapshot <- STM.atomically $ traverse getStaticCohortSnapshot cohortKey1Cohort
cohortKey2CohortSnapshot <- STM.atomically $ traverse getStaticCohortSnapshot cohortKey2Cohort
-- check the deleted subscriber in the older cohort
_cssExistingSubscribers <$> cohortKey1CohortSnapshot
`shouldSatisfy` (\existingSubs -> temporarySubscriberId `notElem` concat (maybeToList existingSubs))
_cssNewSubscribers <$> cohortKey1CohortSnapshot
`shouldSatisfy` (\newSubs -> temporarySubscriberId `notElem` concat (maybeToList newSubs))
_cssExistingSubscribers <$> cohortKey2CohortSnapshot
`shouldSatisfy` (\existingSubs -> temporarySubscriberId `notElem` concat (maybeToList existingSubs))
_cssNewSubscribers <$> cohortKey2CohortSnapshot
`shouldSatisfy` (\newSubs -> temporarySubscriberId `notElem` concat (maybeToList newSubs))
STM.atomically $
TMap.delete temporarySubscriberId (_cNewSubscribers cohort1)
describe "Adding two subscribers concurrently" $ do
dummyServerStore <- runIO newStore
dummyServerMetrics <- runIO $ createServerMetrics dummyServerStore
dummyPromMetrics <- runIO makeDummyPrometheusMetrics
subscriptionState <- do
let subOptions = mkSubscriptionsOptions Nothing Nothing
runIO $ initSubscriptionsState subOptions subOptions (const (pure ()))
let requestId1 = RequestId "request-id1"
requestId2 = RequestId "request-id2"
dummyWSId <- runIO $ WS.mkUnsafeWSId <$> UUID.nextRandom
let parameterizedSubscriptionQueryPlan = ParameterizedSubscriptionQueryPlan (mkRoleNameE "user") $ MultiplexedQuery multiplexedQuery
opID1 = unsafeMkOperationId "1"
opID2 = unsafeMkOperationId "2"
subscriber1Metadata = mkSubscriberMetadata dummyWSId opID1 Nothing requestId1
subscriber2Metadata = mkSubscriberMetadata dummyWSId opID2 Nothing requestId2
dummyParamQueryHash = mkUnsafeParameterizedQueryHash "unsafeParamHash"
subscriptionQueryPlan =
let logger :: Logger Hasura = Logger $ \l -> do
let (logLevel, logType :: EngineLogType Hasura, logDetail) = toEngineLog l
t <- liftIO $ getFormattedTime Nothing
liftIO $ putStrLn $ LBS.toString $ A.encode $ EngineLog t logLevel logType logDetail
addStreamSubQuery subscriberMetadata reqId =
@('Postgres 'Vanilla)
(const (pure ()))
it "concurrently adding two subscribers should retain both of them in the poller map" $ do
-- Adding two subscribers that query identical queries should be adding them into the same
-- cohort of the same poller
liftIO $
(addStreamSubQuery subscriber1Metadata requestId1)
(addStreamSubQuery subscriber2Metadata requestId2)
let streamQueryMap = _ssStreamQueryMap subscriptionState
streamQueryMapEntries <- STM.atomically $ ListT.toList $ STMMap.listT streamQueryMap
length streamQueryMapEntries `shouldBe` 1
let (pollerKey, (Poller currentCohortMap ioState)) = head streamQueryMapEntries
cohorts <- STM.atomically $ TMap.toList currentCohortMap
length cohorts `shouldBe` 1
let (_cohortKey, Cohort _ _ curSubsTV newSubsTV _) = head cohorts
allSubscribers <- STM.atomically $ do
curSubs <- TMap.toList curSubsTV
newSubs <- TMap.toList newSubsTV
pure $ curSubs <> newSubs
length allSubscribers `shouldBe` 2
threadRef <- STM.atomically $ do
STMMap.delete pollerKey streamQueryMap
_pThread <$> STM.readTMVar ioState
Immortal.stop threadRef
runIO teardown
printErrExit :: Text -> IO a
printErrExit = (*> exitFailure) . T.putStrLn