Brandon Simmons ff62d5e0bf Migrate to GHC 8.10, upgrade dependencies. Closes #4517
This also seems to squash a stubborn space leak we see with
subscriptions (linking to canonical #3388 for reference).

This may also fix some of the "Unexpected exception" websockets
exceptions we are now surfacing (see e.g. #4344)

Also: fix hpc reporting

Initial work on this done by Vamshi.
2020-05-13 19:13:02 -04:00

342 lines
13 KiB

module Hasura.GraphQL.RemoteServer where
import Control.Exception (try)
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Data.Aeson ((.:), (.:?))
import Data.FileEmbed (embedStringFile)
import Data.Foldable (foldlM)
import Hasura.HTTP
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Parser as G
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP
import qualified Network.Wreq as Wreq
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Merge
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Headers (makeHeadersFromConf)
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.Server.Utils (httpExceptToJSON)
import Hasura.Server.Version (HasVersion)
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Context as GC
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Schema as GS
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.Types as VT
introspectionQuery :: BL.ByteString
introspectionQuery = $(embedStringFile "src-rsr/introspection.json")
:: (HasVersion, MonadIO m, MonadError QErr m)
=> HTTP.Manager
-> RemoteSchemaName
-> RemoteSchemaInfo
-> m GC.RemoteGCtx
fetchRemoteSchema manager name def@(RemoteSchemaInfo url headerConf _ timeout) = do
headers <- makeHeadersFromConf headerConf
let hdrsWithDefaults = addDefaultHeaders headers
initReqE <- liftIO $ try $ HTTP.parseRequest (show url)
initReq <- either throwHttpErr pure initReqE
let req = initReq
{ HTTP.method = "POST"
, HTTP.requestHeaders = hdrsWithDefaults
, HTTP.requestBody = HTTP.RequestBodyLBS introspectionQuery
, HTTP.responseTimeout = HTTP.responseTimeoutMicro (timeout * 1000000)
res <- liftIO $ try $ HTTP.httpLbs req manager
resp <- either throwHttpErr return res
let respData = resp ^. Wreq.responseBody
statusCode = resp ^. Wreq.responseStatus . Wreq.statusCode
when (statusCode /= 200) $ throwNon200 statusCode respData
introspectRes :: (FromIntrospection IntrospectionResult) <-
either (remoteSchemaErr . T.pack) return $ J.eitherDecode respData
let (sDoc, qRootN, mRootN, sRootN) =
fromIntrospection introspectRes
typMap <- either remoteSchemaErr return $ VT.fromSchemaDoc sDoc $
VT.TLRemoteType name def
let mQrTyp = Map.lookup qRootN typMap
mMrTyp = maybe Nothing (`Map.lookup` typMap) mRootN
mSrTyp = maybe Nothing (`Map.lookup` typMap) sRootN
qrTyp <- liftMaybe noQueryRoot mQrTyp
let mRmQR = VT.getObjTyM qrTyp
mRmMR = join $ VT.getObjTyM <$> mMrTyp
mRmSR = join $ VT.getObjTyM <$> mSrTyp
rmQR <- liftMaybe (err400 Unexpected "query root has to be an object type") mRmQR
return $ GC.RemoteGCtx typMap rmQR mRmMR mRmSR
noQueryRoot = err400 Unexpected "query root not found in remote schema"
remoteSchemaErr :: (MonadError QErr m) => T.Text -> m a
remoteSchemaErr = throw400 RemoteSchemaError
throwHttpErr :: (MonadError QErr m) => HTTP.HttpException -> m a
throwHttpErr = throwWithInternal httpExceptMsg . httpExceptToJSON
throwNon200 st = throwWithInternal (non200Msg st) . decodeNon200Resp
throwWithInternal msg v =
let err = err400 RemoteSchemaError $ T.pack msg
in throwError err{qeInternal = Just $ J.toJSON v}
httpExceptMsg =
"HTTP exception occurred while sending the request to " <> show url
non200Msg st = "introspection query to " <> show url
<> " has responded with " <> show st <> " status code"
decodeNon200Resp bs = case J.eitherDecode bs of
Right a -> J.object ["response" J..= (a :: J.Value)]
Left _ -> J.object ["raw_body" J..= bsToTxt (BL.toStrict bs)]
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> RemoteSchemaMap
-> GS.GCtxMap
-- the merged GCtxMap and the default GCtx without roles
-> m (GS.GCtxMap, GS.GCtx)
mergeSchemas rmSchemaMap gCtxMap = do
def <- mkDefaultRemoteGCtx remoteSchemas
merged <- mergeRemoteSchema gCtxMap def
return (merged, def)
remoteSchemas = map rscGCtx $ Map.elems rmSchemaMap
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> [GC.RemoteGCtx] -> m GS.GCtx
mkDefaultRemoteGCtx =
foldlM (\combG -> mergeGCtx combG . convRemoteGCtx) GC.emptyGCtx
-- merge a remote schema `gCtx` into current `gCtxMap`
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> GS.GCtxMap
-> GS.GCtx
-> m GS.GCtxMap
mergeRemoteSchema ctxMap mergedRemoteGCtx =
flip Map.traverseWithKey ctxMap $ \_ schemaCtx ->
for schemaCtx $ \gCtx -> mergeGCtx gCtx mergedRemoteGCtx
convRemoteGCtx :: GC.RemoteGCtx -> GS.GCtx
convRemoteGCtx rmGCtx =
GC.emptyGCtx { GS._gTypes = GC._rgTypes rmGCtx
, GS._gQueryRoot = GC._rgQueryRoot rmGCtx
, GS._gMutRoot = GC._rgMutationRoot rmGCtx
, GS._gSubRoot = GC._rgSubscriptionRoot rmGCtx
-- | Parsing the introspection query result
newtype FromIntrospection a
= FromIntrospection { fromIntrospection :: a }
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
pErr :: (MonadFail m) => Text -> m a
pErr = fail . T.unpack
kindErr :: (MonadFail m) => Text -> Text -> m a
kindErr gKind eKind = pErr $ "Invalid `kind: " <> gKind <> "` in " <> eKind
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.Description) where
parseJSON = fmap (FromIntrospection . G.Description) . J.parseJSON
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.ScalarTypeDefinition) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "ScalarTypeDefinition" $ \o -> do
kind <- o .: "kind"
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
when (kind /= "SCALAR") $ kindErr kind "scalar"
let desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
r = G.ScalarTypeDefinition desc' name []
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.ObjectTypeDefinition) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "ObjectTypeDefinition" $ \o -> do
kind <- o .: "kind"
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
fields <- o .:? "fields"
interfaces <- o .:? "interfaces"
when (kind /= "OBJECT") $ kindErr kind "object"
let implIfaces = map (G.NamedType . G._itdName) $
maybe [] (fmap fromIntrospection) interfaces
flds = maybe [] (fmap fromIntrospection) fields
desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
r = G.ObjectTypeDefinition desc' name implIfaces [] flds
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.FieldDefinition) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "FieldDefinition" $ \o -> do
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
args <- o .: "args"
_type <- o .: "type"
let desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
r = G.FieldDefinition desc' name (fmap fromIntrospection args)
(fromIntrospection _type) []
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.GType) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "GType" $ \o -> do
kind <- o .: "kind"
mName <- o .:? "name"
mType <- o .:? "ofType"
r <- case (kind, mName, mType) of
("NON_NULL", _, Just typ) -> return $ mkNotNull (fromIntrospection typ)
("NON_NULL", _, Nothing) -> pErr "NON_NULL should have `ofType`"
("LIST", _, Just typ) ->
return $ G.TypeList (G.Nullability True)
(G.ListType $ fromIntrospection typ)
("LIST", _, Nothing) -> pErr "LIST should have `ofType`"
(_, Just name, _) -> return $ G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability True) name
_ -> pErr $ "kind: " <> kind <> " should have name"
return $ FromIntrospection r
mkNotNull typ = case typ of
G.TypeList _ ty -> G.TypeList (G.Nullability False) ty
G.TypeNamed _ n -> G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability False) n
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.InputValueDefinition) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "InputValueDefinition" $ \o -> do
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
_type <- o .: "type"
defVal <- o .:? "defaultValue"
let desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
let defVal' = fmap fromIntrospection defVal
r = G.InputValueDefinition desc' name (fromIntrospection _type) defVal'
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.ValueConst) where
parseJSON = J.withText "defaultValue" $ \t -> fmap FromIntrospection
$ either (fail . T.unpack) return $ G.parseValueConst t
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.InterfaceTypeDefinition) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "InterfaceTypeDefinition" $ \o -> do
kind <- o .: "kind"
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
fields <- o .:? "fields"
let flds = maybe [] (fmap fromIntrospection) fields
desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
when (kind /= "INTERFACE") $ kindErr kind "interface"
let r = G.InterfaceTypeDefinition desc' name [] flds
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.UnionTypeDefinition) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "UnionTypeDefinition" $ \o -> do
kind <- o .: "kind"
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
possibleTypes <- o .: "possibleTypes"
let memberTys = map (G.NamedType . G._otdName) $
fmap fromIntrospection possibleTypes
desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
when (kind /= "UNION") $ kindErr kind "union"
let r = G.UnionTypeDefinition desc' name [] memberTys
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.EnumTypeDefinition) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "EnumTypeDefinition" $ \o -> do
kind <- o .: "kind"
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
vals <- o .: "enumValues"
when (kind /= "ENUM") $ kindErr kind "enum"
let desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
let r = G.EnumTypeDefinition desc' name [] (fmap fromIntrospection vals)
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.EnumValueDefinition) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "EnumValueDefinition" $ \o -> do
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
let desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
let r = G.EnumValueDefinition desc' name []
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.InputObjectTypeDefinition) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "InputObjectTypeDefinition" $ \o -> do
kind <- o .: "kind"
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
mInputFields <- o .:? "inputFields"
let inputFields = maybe [] (fmap fromIntrospection) mInputFields
let desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
when (kind /= "INPUT_OBJECT") $ kindErr kind "input_object"
let r = G.InputObjectTypeDefinition desc' name [] inputFields
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.TypeDefinition) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "TypeDefinition" $ \o -> do
kind :: Text <- o .: "kind"
r <- case kind of
G.TypeDefinitionScalar . fromIntrospection <$> J.parseJSON (J.Object o)
G.TypeDefinitionObject . fromIntrospection <$> J.parseJSON (J.Object o)
G.TypeDefinitionInterface . fromIntrospection <$> J.parseJSON (J.Object o)
"UNION" ->
G.TypeDefinitionUnion . fromIntrospection <$> J.parseJSON (J.Object o)
"ENUM" ->
G.TypeDefinitionEnum . fromIntrospection <$> J.parseJSON (J.Object o)
G.TypeDefinitionInputObject . fromIntrospection <$> J.parseJSON (J.Object o)
_ -> pErr $ "unknown kind: " <> kind
return $ FromIntrospection r
type IntrospectionResult = ( G.SchemaDocument
, G.NamedType
, Maybe G.NamedType
, Maybe G.NamedType
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection IntrospectionResult) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "SchemaDocument" $ \o -> do
_data <- o .: "data"
schema <- _data .: "__schema"
-- the list of types
types <- schema .: "types"
-- query root
queryType <- schema .: "queryType"
queryRoot <- queryType .: "name"
-- mutation root
mMutationType <- schema .:? "mutationType"
mutationRoot <- case mMutationType of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just mutType -> do
mutRoot <- mutType .: "name"
return $ Just mutRoot
-- subscription root
mSubsType <- schema .:? "subscriptionType"
subsRoot <- case mSubsType of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just subsType -> do
subRoot <- subsType .: "name"
return $ Just subRoot
let r = ( G.SchemaDocument (fmap fromIntrospection types)
, queryRoot
, mutationRoot
, subsRoot
return $ FromIntrospection r
getNamedTyp :: G.TypeDefinition -> G.Name
getNamedTyp ty = case ty of
G.TypeDefinitionScalar t -> G._stdName t
G.TypeDefinitionObject t -> G._otdName t
G.TypeDefinitionInterface t -> G._itdName t
G.TypeDefinitionUnion t -> G._utdName t
G.TypeDefinitionEnum t -> G._etdName t
G.TypeDefinitionInputObject t -> G._iotdName t