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synced 2024-12-17 20:41:49 +03:00
Introspection queries accept variables, but we need to make sure to also touch the variables that we ignore, so that an introspection query is marked not reusable if we are not able to build a correct query plan for it. A better solution here would be to deal with such unused variables correctly, so that more introspection queries become reusable. An even better solution would be to type-safely track *how* to reuse which variables, rather than to split the reusage marking from the planning. Co-authored-by: Tirumarai Selvan <tiru@hasura.io>
418 lines
14 KiB
418 lines
14 KiB
module Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.Introspect
( schemaR
, typeR
) where
import Data.Has
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.HashSet as Set
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import qualified Hasura.SQL.Value as S
import qualified Hasura.SQL.Types as S
import Hasura.GraphQL.Context
import Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.Context
import Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.InputValue
import Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.Context
import Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.Field
import Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.InputValue
import Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.Types
import Hasura.RQL.Types
data TypeKind
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance J.ToJSON TypeKind where
toJSON = J.toJSON . T.pack . drop 2 . show
:: (Monad m)
=> SelSet
-> (Field -> m J.Value)
-> m J.Object
withSubFields selSet fn =
fmap Map.fromList $ forM (toList selSet) $ \fld -> do
val <- fn fld
return (G.unName $ G.unAlias $ _fAlias fld, val)
namedTyToTxt :: G.NamedType -> Text
namedTyToTxt = G.unName . G.unNamedType
retJ :: (Applicative m, J.ToJSON a) => a -> m J.Value
retJ = pure . J.toJSON
retJT :: (Applicative m) => Text -> m J.Value
retJT = pure . J.toJSON
:: (MonadReusability m, MonadError QErr m)
=> ScalarTyInfo
-> Field
-> m J.Object
scalarR (ScalarTyInfo descM name _ _) fld = do
dummyReadIncludeDeprecated fld
withSubFields (_fSelSet fld) $ \subFld ->
case _fName subFld of
"__typename" -> retJT "__Type"
"kind" -> retJ TKSCALAR
"description" -> retJ $ fmap G.unDescription descM
"name" -> retJ name
_ -> return J.Null
:: ( MonadReader r m, Has TypeMap r
, MonadError QErr m, MonadReusability m)
=> ObjTyInfo
-> Field
-> m J.Object
objectTypeR objectType fld = do
dummyReadIncludeDeprecated fld
withSubFields (_fSelSet fld) $ \subFld ->
case _fName subFld of
"__typename" -> retJT "__Type"
"kind" -> retJ TKOBJECT
"name" -> retJ $ namedTyToTxt n
"description" -> retJ $ fmap G.unDescription descM
"interfaces" -> fmap J.toJSON $ mapM (`ifaceR` subFld) $ Set.toList iFaces
"fields" -> fmap J.toJSON $ mapM (`fieldR` subFld) $
sortOn _fiName $
filter notBuiltinFld $ Map.elems flds
_ -> return J.Null
descM = _otiDesc objectType
n = _otiName objectType
iFaces = _otiImplIFaces objectType
flds = _otiFields objectType
notBuiltinFld :: ObjFldInfo -> Bool
notBuiltinFld f =
fldName /= "__typename" && fldName /= "__type" && fldName /= "__schema"
fldName = _fiName f
getImplTypes :: (MonadReader t m, Has TypeMap t) => AsObjType -> m [ObjTyInfo]
getImplTypes aot = do
tyInfo :: TypeMap <- asks getter
return $ sortOn _otiName $
Map.elems $ getPossibleObjTypes' tyInfo aot
:: (MonadReader t m, MonadError QErr m, Has TypeMap t, MonadReusability m)
=> UnionTyInfo -> Field -> m J.Object
unionR u@(UnionTyInfo descM n _) fld = do
dummyReadIncludeDeprecated fld
withSubFields (_fSelSet fld) $ \subFld ->
case _fName subFld of
"__typename" -> retJT "__Field"
"kind" -> retJ TKUNION
"name" -> retJ $ namedTyToTxt n
"description" -> retJ $ fmap G.unDescription descM
"possibleTypes" -> fmap J.toJSON $
mapM (`objectTypeR` subFld) =<< getImplTypes (AOTUnion u)
_ -> return J.Null
:: ( MonadReader r m, Has TypeMap r
, MonadError QErr m, MonadReusability m)
=> G.NamedType
-> Field
-> m J.Object
ifaceR n fld = do
tyInfo <- getTyInfo n
case tyInfo of
TIIFace ifaceTyInfo -> ifaceR' ifaceTyInfo fld
_ -> throw500 $ "Unknown interface " <> showNamedTy n
:: ( MonadReader r m, Has TypeMap r
, MonadError QErr m, MonadReusability m)
=> IFaceTyInfo
-> Field
-> m J.Object
ifaceR' i@(IFaceTyInfo descM n flds) fld = do
dummyReadIncludeDeprecated fld
withSubFields (_fSelSet fld) $ \subFld ->
case _fName subFld of
"__typename" -> retJT "__Type"
"kind" -> retJ TKINTERFACE
"name" -> retJ $ namedTyToTxt n
"description" -> retJ $ fmap G.unDescription descM
"fields" -> fmap J.toJSON $ mapM (`fieldR` subFld) $
sortOn _fiName $
filter notBuiltinFld $ Map.elems flds
"possibleTypes" -> fmap J.toJSON $ mapM (`objectTypeR` subFld)
=<< getImplTypes (AOTIFace i)
_ -> return J.Null
:: ( Monad m, MonadReusability m, MonadError QErr m )
=> EnumTyInfo
-> Field
-> m J.Object
enumTypeR (EnumTyInfo descM n vals _) fld = do
dummyReadIncludeDeprecated fld
withSubFields (_fSelSet fld) $ \subFld ->
case _fName subFld of
"__typename" -> retJT "__Type"
"kind" -> retJ TKENUM
"name" -> retJ $ namedTyToTxt n
"description" -> retJ $ fmap G.unDescription descM
"enumValues" -> do
includeDeprecated <- readIncludeDeprecated subFld
fmap J.toJSON $
mapM (enumValueR subFld) $
filter (\val -> includeDeprecated || not (_eviIsDeprecated val)) $
sortOn _eviVal $
Map.elems (normalizeEnumValues vals)
_ -> return J.Null
:: ( Monad m, MonadReusability m, MonadError QErr m )
=> Field
-> m Bool
readIncludeDeprecated subFld = do
let argM = Map.lookup "includeDeprecated" (_fArguments subFld)
case argM of
Nothing -> pure False
Just arg -> asScalarVal arg S.PGBoolean >>= \case
S.PGValBoolean b -> pure b
_ -> throw500 "unexpected non-Boolean argument for includeDeprecated"
{- Note [Reusability of introspection queries with variables]
Introspection queries can have variables, too, in particular to influence one of
two arguments: the @name@ argument of the @__type@ field, and the
@includeDeprecated@ argument of the @fields@ and @enumValues@ fields. The
current code does not cache all introspection queries with variables correctly.
As a workaround to this, whenever a variable is passed to an @includeDeprecated@
argument, we mark the query as unreusable. This is the purpose of
Now @fields@ and @enumValues@ are intended to be used when introspecting,
respectively [object and interface types] and enum types. However, it does not
suffice to only call 'dummyReadIncludeDeprecated' for such types, since @fields@
and @enumValues@ are valid GraphQL fields regardless of what type we are looking
at. So precisely because @__Type@ is _thought of_ as a union, but _not
actually_ a union, we need to call 'dummyReadIncludeDeprecated' in all cases.
See also issue #4547.
:: ( Monad m, MonadReusability m, MonadError QErr m )
=> Field
-> m ()
dummyReadIncludeDeprecated fld =
void $ forM (toList (_fSelSet fld)) $ \subFld ->
case _fName subFld of
"fields" -> readIncludeDeprecated subFld
"enumValues" -> readIncludeDeprecated subFld
_ -> return False
:: ( MonadReader r m, Has TypeMap r
, MonadError QErr m, MonadReusability m)
=> InpObjTyInfo
-> Field
-> m J.Object
inputObjR (InpObjTyInfo descM nt flds _) fld = do
dummyReadIncludeDeprecated fld
withSubFields (_fSelSet fld) $ \subFld ->
case _fName subFld of
"__typename" -> retJT "__Type"
"kind" -> retJ TKINPUT_OBJECT
"name" -> retJ $ namedTyToTxt nt
"description" -> retJ $ fmap G.unDescription descM
"inputFields" -> fmap J.toJSON $ mapM (inputValueR subFld) $
sortOn _iviName $ Map.elems flds
_ -> return J.Null
:: ( MonadReader r m, Has TypeMap r
, MonadError QErr m, MonadReusability m)
=> G.ListType -> Field -> m J.Object
listTypeR (G.ListType ty) fld =
withSubFields (_fSelSet fld) $ \subFld ->
case _fName subFld of
"__typename" -> retJT "__Type"
"kind" -> retJ TKLIST
"ofType" -> J.toJSON <$> gtypeR ty subFld
_ -> return J.Null
:: ( MonadReader r m, Has TypeMap r
, MonadError QErr m, MonadReusability m)
=> G.GType -> Field -> m J.Object
nonNullR gTyp fld =
withSubFields (_fSelSet fld) $ \subFld ->
case _fName subFld of
"__typename" -> retJT "__Type"
"kind" -> retJ TKNON_NULL
"ofType" -> case gTyp of
G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability False) nt -> J.toJSON <$> namedTypeR nt subFld
G.TypeList (G.Nullability False) lt -> J.toJSON <$> listTypeR lt subFld
_ -> throw500 "nullable type passed to nonNullR"
_ -> return J.Null
:: ( MonadReader r m, Has TypeMap r
, MonadError QErr m, MonadReusability m)
=> G.NamedType
-> Field
-> m J.Object
namedTypeR nt fld = do
tyInfo <- getTyInfo nt
namedTypeR' fld tyInfo
:: ( MonadReader r m, Has TypeMap r
, MonadError QErr m, MonadReusability m)
=> Field
-> TypeInfo
-> m J.Object
namedTypeR' fld tyInfo = do
-- Now fetch the required type information from the corresponding
-- information generator
case tyInfo of
TIScalar colTy -> scalarR colTy fld
TIObj objTyInfo -> objectTypeR objTyInfo fld
TIEnum enumTypeInfo -> enumTypeR enumTypeInfo fld
TIInpObj inpObjTyInfo -> inputObjR inpObjTyInfo fld
TIIFace iFaceTyInfo -> ifaceR' iFaceTyInfo fld
TIUnion unionTyInfo -> unionR unionTyInfo fld
-- 4.5.3
:: ( MonadReader r m, Has TypeMap r
, MonadError QErr m, MonadReusability m)
=> ObjFldInfo -> Field -> m J.Object
fieldR (ObjFldInfo descM n params ty _) fld =
withSubFields (_fSelSet fld) $ \subFld ->
case _fName subFld of
"__typename" -> retJT "__Field"
"name" -> retJ $ G.unName n
"description" -> retJ $ fmap G.unDescription descM
"args" -> fmap J.toJSON $ mapM (inputValueR subFld) $
sortOn _iviName $ Map.elems params
"type" -> J.toJSON <$> gtypeR ty subFld
"isDeprecated" -> retJ False
_ -> return J.Null
-- 4.5.4
:: ( MonadReader r m, Has TypeMap r
, MonadError QErr m, MonadReusability m)
=> Field -> InpValInfo -> m J.Object
inputValueR fld (InpValInfo descM n defM ty) =
withSubFields (_fSelSet fld) $ \subFld ->
case _fName subFld of
"__typename" -> retJT "__InputValue"
"name" -> retJ $ G.unName n
"description" -> retJ $ fmap G.unDescription descM
"type" -> J.toJSON <$> gtypeR ty subFld
-- TODO: figure out what the spec means by 'string encoding'
"defaultValue" -> retJ $ pPrintValueC <$> defM
_ -> return J.Null
-- 4.5.5
:: (Monad m)
=> Field -> EnumValInfo -> m J.Object
enumValueR fld (EnumValInfo descM enumVal isDeprecated) =
withSubFields (_fSelSet fld) $ \subFld ->
case _fName subFld of
"__typename" -> retJT "__EnumValue"
"name" -> retJ $ G.unName $ G.unEnumValue enumVal
"description" -> retJ $ fmap G.unDescription descM
"isDeprecated" -> retJ isDeprecated
_ -> return J.Null
-- 4.5.6
:: ( MonadReader r m, Has TypeMap r
, MonadError QErr m, MonadReusability m)
=> Field -> DirectiveInfo -> m J.Object
directiveR fld (DirectiveInfo descM n args locs) =
withSubFields (_fSelSet fld) $ \subFld ->
case _fName subFld of
"__typename" -> retJT "__Directive"
"name" -> retJ $ G.unName n
"description" -> retJ $ fmap G.unDescription descM
"locations" -> retJ $ map showDirLoc locs
"args" -> fmap J.toJSON $ mapM (inputValueR subFld) $
sortOn _iviName $ Map.elems args
_ -> return J.Null
showDirLoc :: G.DirectiveLocation -> Text
showDirLoc = \case
G.DLExecutable edl -> T.pack $ drop 3 $ show edl
G.DLTypeSystem tsdl -> T.pack $ drop 4 $ show tsdl
:: ( MonadReader r m, Has TypeMap r
, MonadError QErr m, MonadReusability m)
=> G.GType -> Field -> m J.Object
gtypeR ty fld =
case ty of
G.TypeList (G.Nullability True) lt -> listTypeR lt fld
G.TypeList (G.Nullability False) _ -> nonNullR ty fld
G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability True) nt -> namedTypeR nt fld
G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability False) _ -> nonNullR ty fld
:: ( MonadReader r m, Has TypeMap r
, MonadError QErr m, MonadReusability m)
=> Field -> m J.Object
schemaR fld =
withSubFields (_fSelSet fld) $ \subFld -> do
(tyMap :: TypeMap) <- asks getter
case _fName subFld of
"__typename" -> retJT "__Schema"
"types" -> fmap J.toJSON $ mapM (namedTypeR' subFld) $
sortOn getNamedTy $ Map.elems tyMap
"queryType" -> J.toJSON <$> namedTypeR queryRootNamedType subFld
"mutationType" -> typeR' mutationRootNamedType subFld
"subscriptionType" -> typeR' subscriptionRootNamedType subFld
"directives" -> J.toJSON <$> mapM (directiveR subFld)
(sortOn _diName defaultDirectives)
_ -> return J.Null
:: (MonadReusability m, MonadError QErr m, MonadReader r m, Has TypeMap r)
=> Field -> m J.Value
typeR fld = do
name <- asPGColText =<< getArg args "name"
typeR' (G.NamedType $ G.Name name) fld
args = _fArguments fld
:: (MonadReader r m, Has TypeMap r, MonadError QErr m, MonadReusability m)
=> G.NamedType -> Field -> m J.Value
typeR' n fld = do
tyMap <- asks getter
case Map.lookup n tyMap of
Nothing -> return J.Null
Just tyInfo -> J.Object <$> namedTypeR' fld tyInfo