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module Data.Parser.JSONPath
( parseJSONPath
, JSONPathElement(..)
, JSONPath
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Data.Aeson.Internal (JSONPath, JSONPathElement (..))
import Data.Attoparsec.Text
import Data.Bool (bool)
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Prelude hiding (takeWhile)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
parseKey :: Parser T.Text
parseKey = do
firstChar <- letter
<?> "the first character of property name must be a letter."
name <- many' (letter
<|> digit
<|> satisfy (`elem` ("-_" :: String))
return $ T.pack (firstChar:name)
parseIndex :: Parser Int
parseIndex = skip (== '[') *> anyChar >>= parseDigits
parseDigits :: Char -> Parser Int
parseDigits firstDigit
| firstDigit == ']' = fail "empty array index"
| not $ isDigit firstDigit =
fail $ "invalid array index: " ++ [firstDigit]
| otherwise = do
remain <- many' (notChar ']')
skip (== ']')
let content = firstDigit:remain
case (readMaybe content :: Maybe Int) of
Nothing -> fail $ "invalid array index: " ++ content
Just v -> return v
parseElement :: Parser JSONPathElement
parseElement = do
dotLen <- T.length <$> takeWhile (== '.')
if dotLen > 1
then fail "multiple dots in json path"
else peekChar >>= \case
Nothing -> fail "empty json path"
Just '[' -> Index <$> parseIndex
_ -> Key <$> parseKey
parseElements :: Parser JSONPath
parseElements = skipWhile (== '$') *> many1 parseElement
parseJSONPath :: T.Text -> Either String JSONPath
parseJSONPath = parseResult . parse parseElements
parseResult = \case
Fail _ pos err ->
Left $ bool (head pos) err (null pos)
Partial p -> parseResult $ p ""
Done remain r ->
if not $ T.null remain then
Left $ invalidMessage remain
Right r
invalidMessage s = "invalid property name: " ++ T.unpack s
++ ". Accept letters, digits, underscore (_) or hyphen (-) only"