Jesse Hallett 4d6604ba08 server: event trigger codecs
Codecs for event triggers, including webhook transforms. These are not hooked into the higher-up table metadata codec yet because some backend implementations implement event triggers with `error` which causes an error when codecs are evaluated. I plan to follow up with another PR to resolve that.


GitOrigin-RevId: 8ce40fe6fedcf8b109d6ca50a505333df855a8ce
2022-12-15 20:38:21 +00:00

197 lines
5.9 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
-- | The 'Transform' typeclass with various types and helper functions
-- for evaluating transformations.
module Hasura.RQL.DDL.Webhook.Transform.Class
( -- * Transformation Interface and Utilities
Transform (..),
-- ** Error Context
TransformErrorBundle (..),
-- * Templating
TemplatingEngine (..),
Template (..),
-- * Unescaped
UnescapedTemplate (..),
import Autodocodec (HasCodec (codec), dimapCodec, stringConstCodec)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, FromJSONKey, ToJSON, ToJSONKey)
import Data.Aeson qualified as J
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.ByteString.Builder.Extra (toLazyByteStringWith, untrimmedStrategy)
import Data.ByteString.Builder.Scientific (scientificBuilder)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as LBS
import Data.Kind (Constraint, Type)
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Data.Validation (Validation)
import Hasura.Prelude
-- | 'Transform' describes how to reify a defunctionalized transformation for
-- a particular request field.
type Transform :: Type -> Constraint
class Transform a where
-- | The associated type 'TransformFn a' is the defunctionalized version
-- of some transformation that should be applied to a given request field.
-- In most cases it is some variation on a piece of template text describing
-- the transformation.
data TransformFn a :: Type
data TransformCtx a :: Type
-- | 'transform' is a function which takes 'TransformFn' of @a@ and reifies
-- it into a function of the form:
-- @
-- ReqTransformCtx -> a -> m a
-- @
transform ::
MonadError TransformErrorBundle m =>
TransformFn a ->
TransformCtx a ->
a ->
m a
-- | Validate a 'TransformFn' of @a@.
validate ::
TemplatingEngine ->
TransformFn a ->
Validation TransformErrorBundle ()
-- | We use collect all transformation failures as a '[J.Value]'.
newtype TransformErrorBundle = TransformErrorBundle
{ tebMessages :: [J.Value]
deriving stock (Eq, Generic, Show)
deriving newtype (Monoid, Semigroup, FromJSON, ToJSON)
deriving anyclass (NFData)
-- | A helper function for serializing transformation errors to JSON.
throwErrorBundle ::
MonadError TransformErrorBundle m =>
Text ->
Maybe J.Value ->
m a
throwErrorBundle msg val = do
let requiredCtx =
[ "error_code" J..= ("TransformationError" :: Text),
"message" J..= msg
optionalCtx =
[ ("value" J..=) <$> val
err = J.object (requiredCtx <> catMaybes optionalCtx)
throwError $ TransformErrorBundle [err]
-- | Available templating engines.
data TemplatingEngine
= Kriti
deriving stock (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Generic, Show)
deriving anyclass (NFData)
instance HasCodec TemplatingEngine where
codec = stringConstCodec [(Kriti, "Kriti")]
-- XXX(jkachmar): We need roundtrip tests for these instances.
instance FromJSON TemplatingEngine where
parseJSON =
{ J.tagSingleConstructors = True
-- XXX(jkachmar): We need roundtrip tests for these instances.
instance ToJSON TemplatingEngine where
toJSON =
{ J.tagSingleConstructors = True
toEncoding =
{ J.tagSingleConstructors = True
-- | Textual transformation template.
newtype Template = Template
{ unTemplate :: Text
deriving stock (Eq, Generic, Ord, Show)
deriving newtype (Hashable, FromJSONKey, ToJSONKey)
deriving anyclass (NFData)
instance HasCodec Template where
codec = dimapCodec Template unTemplate codec
instance J.FromJSON Template where
parseJSON = J.withText "Template" (pure . Template)
instance J.ToJSON Template where
toJSON = J.String . coerce
-- | Validated textual transformation template /for string
-- interpolation only/.
-- This is necessary due to Kriti not distinguishing between string
-- literals and string templates.
newtype UnescapedTemplate = UnescapedTemplate
{ getUnescapedTemplate :: Text
deriving stock (Eq, Generic, Ord, Show)
deriving newtype (Hashable, FromJSONKey, ToJSONKey)
deriving anyclass (NFData)
instance HasCodec UnescapedTemplate where
codec = dimapCodec UnescapedTemplate getUnescapedTemplate codec
instance J.FromJSON UnescapedTemplate where
parseJSON = J.withText "Template" (pure . UnescapedTemplate)
instance J.ToJSON UnescapedTemplate where
toJSON = J.String . coerce
-- | Wrap an 'UnescapedTemplate' with escaped double quotes.
wrapUnescapedTemplate :: UnescapedTemplate -> Template
wrapUnescapedTemplate (UnescapedTemplate txt) = Template $ "\"" <> txt <> "\""
-- Utility functions.
-- | Encode a JSON Scalar Value as a 'ByteString'.
-- If a non-Scalar value is provided, will return a 'TrnasformErrorBundle'
encodeScalar ::
MonadError TransformErrorBundle m =>
J.Value ->
m ByteString
encodeScalar = \case
J.String str -> pure $ encodeUtf8 str
J.Number num ->
-- like toLazyByteString, but tuned for output and for common small size:
pure . LBS.toStrict . toLazyByteStringWith (untrimmedStrategy 24 1024) "" $ scientificBuilder num
J.Bool True -> pure "true"
J.Bool False -> pure "false"
val ->
throwErrorBundle "Template must produce a String, Number, or Boolean value" (Just val)