Auke Booij f026d44438 Role-invariant schema constructors
We build the GraphQL schema by combining building blocks such as `tableSelectionSet` and `columnParser`. These building blocks individually build `{InputFields,Field,}Parser` objects. Those object specify the valid GraphQL schema.

Since the GraphQL schema is role-dependent, at some point we need to know what fragment of the GraphQL schema a specific role is allowed to access, and this is stored in `{Sel,Upd,Ins,Del}PermInfo` objects.

We have passed around these permission objects as function arguments to the schema building blocks since we first started dealing with permissions during the PDV refactor - see hasura/graphql-engine@5168b99e46 in hasura/graphql-engine#4111. This means that, for instance, `tableSelectionSet` has as its type:
tableSelectionSet ::
  forall b r m n.
  MonadBuildSchema b r m n =>
  SourceName ->
  TableInfo b ->
  SelPermInfo b ->
  m (Parser 'Output n (AnnotatedFields b))

There are three reasons to change this.

1. We often pass a `Maybe (xPermInfo b)` instead of a proper `xPermInfo b`, and it's not clear what the intended semantics of this is. Some potential improvements on the data types involved are discussed in issue hasura/graphql-engine-mono#3125.
2. In most cases we also already pass a `TableInfo b`, and together with the `MonadRole` that is usually also in scope, this means that we could look up the required permissions regardless: so passing the permissions explicitly undermines the "single source of truth" principle. Breaking this principle also makes the code more difficult to read.
3. We are working towards role-based parsers (see hasura/graphql-engine-mono#2711), where the `{InputFields,Field,}Parser` objects are constructed in a role-invariant way, so that we have a single object that can be used for all roles. In particular, this means that the schema building blocks _need_ to be constructed in a role-invariant way. While this PR doesn't accomplish that, it does reduce the amount of role-specific arguments being passed, thus fixing hasura/graphql-engine-mono#3068.

Concretely, this PR simply drops the `xPermInfo b` argument from almost all schema building blocks. Instead these objects are looked up from the `TableInfo b` as-needed. The resulting code is considerably simpler and shorter.

One way to interpret this change is as follows. Before this PR, we figured out permissions at the top-level in `Hasura.GraphQL.Schema`, passing down the obtained `xPermInfo` objects as required. After this PR, we have a bottom-up approach where the schema building blocks themselves decide whether they want to be included for a particular role.

So this moves some permission logic out of `Hasura.GraphQL.Schema`, which is very complex.

GitOrigin-RevId: 51a744f34ec7d57bc8077667ae7f9cb9c4f6c962
2022-02-17 08:17:17 +00:00

211 lines
7.8 KiB

-- | Helper functions for generating the schema of database tables
module Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Table
( getTableGQLName,
import Data.Has
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.HashSet qualified as Set
import Data.Text.Extended
import Hasura.Base.Error (QErr)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser (Kind (..), Parser)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser qualified as P
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Class
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Backend
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.DML.Internal (getRolePermInfo)
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax qualified as G
-- | Helper function to get the table GraphQL name. A table may have a
-- custom name configured with it. When the custom name exists, the GraphQL nodes
-- that are generated according to the custom name. For example: Let's say,
-- we have a table called `users address`, the name of the table is not GraphQL
-- compliant so we configure the table with a GraphQL compliant name,
-- say `users_address`
-- The generated top-level nodes of this table will be like `users_address`,
-- `insert_users_address` etc
getTableGQLName ::
forall b m.
(Backend b, MonadError QErr m) =>
TableInfo b ->
m G.Name
getTableGQLName tableInfo = do
let coreInfo = _tiCoreInfo tableInfo
tableName = _tciName coreInfo
tableCustomName = _tcCustomName $ _tciCustomConfig coreInfo
`onNothing` tableGraphQLName @b tableName
`onLeft` throwError
-- | Table select columns enum
-- Parser for an enum type that matches the columns of the given
-- table. Used as a parameter for "distinct", among others. Maps to
-- the table_select_column object.
-- Return Nothing if there's no column the current user has "select"
-- permissions for.
tableSelectColumnsEnum ::
forall m n r b.
(BackendSchema b, MonadSchema n m, MonadRole r m, MonadTableInfo r m, Has P.MkTypename r) =>
SourceName ->
TableInfo b ->
m (Maybe (Parser 'Both n (Column b)))
tableSelectColumnsEnum sourceName tableInfo = do
tableGQLName <- getTableGQLName @b tableInfo
columns <- tableSelectColumns sourceName tableInfo
enumName <- P.mkTypename $ tableGQLName <> $$(G.litName "_select_column")
let description =
Just $
G.Description $
"select columns of table " <>> tableInfoName tableInfo
pure $
P.enum enumName description
<$> nonEmpty
[ ( define $ ciName column,
ciColumn column
| column <- columns
define name =
P.Definition name (Just $ G.Description "column name") P.EnumValueInfo
-- | Table update columns enum
-- Parser for an enum type that matches the columns of the given
-- table. Used for conflict resolution in "insert" mutations, among
-- others. Maps to the table_update_column object.
tableUpdateColumnsEnum ::
forall m n r b.
(BackendSchema b, MonadSchema n m, MonadTableInfo r m, MonadRole r m, Has P.MkTypename r) =>
TableInfo b ->
m (Maybe (Parser 'Both n (Column b)))
tableUpdateColumnsEnum tableInfo = do
tableGQLName <- getTableGQLName tableInfo
columns <- tableUpdateColumns tableInfo
enumName <- P.mkTypename $ tableGQLName <> $$(G.litName "_update_column")
let tableName = tableInfoName tableInfo
enumDesc = Just $ G.Description $ "update columns of table " <>> tableName
enumValues = do
column <- columns
pure (define $ ciName column, ciColumn column)
pure $ P.enum enumName enumDesc <$> nonEmpty enumValues
define name = P.Definition name (Just $ G.Description "column name") P.EnumValueInfo
-- If there's no column for which the current user has "update"
-- permissions, this functions returns an enum that only contains a
-- placeholder, so as to still allow this type to exist in the schema.
updateColumnsPlaceholderParser ::
MonadBuildSchema backend r m n =>
TableInfo backend ->
m (Parser 'Both n (Maybe (Column backend)))
updateColumnsPlaceholderParser tableInfo = do
maybeEnum <- tableUpdateColumnsEnum tableInfo
case maybeEnum of
Just e -> pure $ Just <$> e
Nothing -> do
tableGQLName <- getTableGQLName tableInfo
enumName <- P.mkTypename $ tableGQLName <> $$(G.litName "_update_column")
pure $
P.enum enumName (Just $ G.Description $ "placeholder for update columns of table " <> tableInfoName tableInfo <<> " (current role has no relevant permissions)") $
( P.Definition @P.EnumValueInfo $$(G.litName "_PLACEHOLDER") (Just $ G.Description "placeholder (do not use)") P.EnumValueInfo,
tablePermissions ::
forall m n r b.
(MonadSchema n m, MonadRole r m) =>
TableInfo b ->
m (Maybe (RolePermInfo b))
tablePermissions tableInfo = do
roleName <- askRoleName
pure $ getRolePermInfo roleName tableInfo
tableSelectPermissions ::
forall b r m n.
(MonadSchema n m, MonadRole r m) =>
TableInfo b ->
m (Maybe (SelPermInfo b))
tableSelectPermissions tableInfo = (_permSel =<<) <$> tablePermissions tableInfo
tableSelectFields ::
forall m n r b.
(Backend b, MonadSchema n m, MonadTableInfo r m, MonadRole r m) =>
SourceName ->
TableInfo b ->
m [FieldInfo b]
tableSelectFields sourceName tableInfo = do
let tableFields = _tciFieldInfoMap . _tiCoreInfo $ tableInfo
permissions <- tableSelectPermissions tableInfo
filterM (canBeSelected permissions) $ Map.elems tableFields
canBeSelected Nothing _ = pure False
canBeSelected (Just permissions) (FIColumn columnInfo) =
pure $ Map.member (ciColumn columnInfo) (spiCols permissions)
canBeSelected _ (FIRelationship relationshipInfo) = do
tableInfo' <- askTableInfo sourceName $ riRTable relationshipInfo
isJust <$> tableSelectPermissions @b tableInfo'
canBeSelected (Just permissions) (FIComputedField computedFieldInfo) =
case _cfiReturnType computedFieldInfo of
CFRScalar _ ->
pure $ Map.member (_cfiName computedFieldInfo) $ spiScalarComputedFields permissions
CFRSetofTable tableName -> do
tableInfo' <- askTableInfo sourceName tableName
isJust <$> tableSelectPermissions @b tableInfo'
canBeSelected _ (FIRemoteRelationship _) = pure True
tableColumns ::
forall b. TableInfo b -> [ColumnInfo b]
tableColumns tableInfo =
mapMaybe columnInfo . Map.elems . _tciFieldInfoMap . _tiCoreInfo $ tableInfo
columnInfo (FIColumn ci) = Just ci
columnInfo _ = Nothing
-- | Get the columns of a table that my be selected under the given select
-- permissions.
tableSelectColumns ::
forall m n r b.
(Backend b, MonadSchema n m, MonadTableInfo r m, MonadRole r m) =>
SourceName ->
TableInfo b ->
m [ColumnInfo b]
tableSelectColumns sourceName tableInfo =
mapMaybe columnInfo <$> tableSelectFields sourceName tableInfo
columnInfo (FIColumn ci) = Just ci
columnInfo _ = Nothing
-- | Get the columns of a table that my be updated under the given update
-- permissions.
tableUpdateColumns ::
forall m n r b.
(Backend b, MonadSchema n m, MonadTableInfo r m, MonadRole r m) =>
TableInfo b ->
m [ColumnInfo b]
tableUpdateColumns tableInfo = do
permissions <- (_permUpd =<<) <$> tablePermissions tableInfo
pure $ filter (isUpdatable permissions) $ tableColumns tableInfo
isUpdatable :: Maybe (UpdPermInfo b) -> ColumnInfo b -> Bool
isUpdatable (Just permissions) columnInfo = columnIsUpdatable && columnIsPermitted && columnHasNoPreset
columnIsUpdatable = _cmIsUpdatable (ciMutability columnInfo)
columnIsPermitted = Set.member (ciColumn columnInfo) (upiCols permissions)
columnHasNoPreset = not (Map.member (ciColumn columnInfo) (upiSet permissions))
isUpdatable Nothing _ = False