Rakesh Emmadi 9bd5826020 allow customising graphql schema for a table (close #981) (#2509)
* allow customizing GraphQL root field names, close #981

* document v2 track_table API in reference

* support customising column field names in GraphQL schema

* [docs] add custom column fields doc in API reference

* add tests

* rename 'ColField' to 'ColumnField'

* embed column's graphql field in 'PGColumnInfo'

-> Value constructor of 'PGCol' is not exposed
-> Using 'parseJSON' to construct 'PGCol' in 'FromJSON' instances

* avoid using 'Maybe TableConfig'

* refactors & 'custom_column_fields' -> 'custom_column_names'

* cli-test: add configuration field in metadata export test

* update expected keys in `FromJSON` instance of `TableMeta`

* use `buildSchemaCacheFor` to update configuration in v2 track_table

* remove 'GraphQLName' type and use 'isValidName' exposed from parser lib

* point graphql-parser-hs library git repo to hasura

* support 'set_table_custom_fields' query API & added docs and tests
2019-09-19 10:17:36 +05:30

514 lines
19 KiB

module Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.Select
( convertSelect
, convertSelectByPKey
, convertAggSelect
, convertFuncQuerySimple
, convertFuncQueryAgg
, parseColumns
, fromSelSet
, QueryRootFldAST(..)
, traverseQueryRootFldAST
, QueryRootFldUnresolved
, QueryRootFldResolved
, toPGQuery
) where
import Data.Has
import Data.Parser.JSONPath
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd as OMap
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Hasura.RQL.DML.Select as RS
import qualified Hasura.SQL.DML as S
import Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.BoolExp
import Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.Context
import Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.InputValue
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema (isAggFld)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.Field
import Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.Types
import Hasura.RQL.DML.Internal (onlyPositiveInt)
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.SQL.Types
import Hasura.SQL.Value
jsonPathToColExp :: (MonadError QErr m) => T.Text -> m S.SQLExp
jsonPathToColExp t = case parseJSONPath t of
Left s -> throw400 ParseFailed $ T.pack $ "parse json path error: " ++ s
Right jPaths -> return $ S.SEArray $ map elToColExp jPaths
elToColExp (Key k) = S.SELit k
elToColExp (Index i) = S.SELit $ T.pack (show i)
argsToColOp :: (MonadResolve m) => ArgsMap -> m (Maybe RS.ColOp)
argsToColOp args = maybe (return Nothing) toOp $ Map.lookup "path" args
toJsonPathExp = fmap (RS.ColOp S.jsonbPathOp) . jsonPathToColExp
toOp v = asPGColTextM v >>= traverse toJsonPathExp
type AnnFlds = RS.AnnFldsG UnresolvedVal
:: ( MonadResolve m, MonadReader r m, Has FieldMap r
, Has OrdByCtx r, Has SQLGenCtx r
=> G.NamedType -> SelSet -> m AnnFlds
fromSelSet fldTy flds =
forM (toList flds) $ \fld -> do
let fldName = _fName fld
let rqlFldName = FieldName $ G.unName $ G.unAlias $ _fAlias fld
(rqlFldName,) <$> case fldName of
"__typename" -> return $ RS.FExp $ G.unName $ G.unNamedType fldTy
_ -> do
fldInfo <- getFldInfo fldTy fldName
case fldInfo of
Left colInfo ->
RS.FCol colInfo <$> argsToColOp (_fArguments fld)
Right (RelationshipField relInfo isAgg colGNameMap tableFilter tableLimit) -> do
let relTN = riRTable relInfo
colMapping = riMapping relInfo
rn = riName relInfo
if isAgg then do
aggSel <- fromAggField relTN colGNameMap tableFilter tableLimit fld
return $ RS.FArr $ RS.ASAgg $ RS.AnnRelG rn colMapping aggSel
else do
annSel <- fromField relTN colGNameMap tableFilter tableLimit fld
let annRel = RS.AnnRelG rn colMapping annSel
return $ case riType relInfo of
ObjRel -> RS.FObj annRel
ArrRel -> RS.FArr $ RS.ASSimple annRel
type TableAggFlds = RS.TableAggFldsG UnresolvedVal
:: ( MonadResolve m, MonadReader r m, Has FieldMap r
, Has OrdByCtx r, Has SQLGenCtx r
=> PGColGNameMap -> G.NamedType -> SelSet -> m TableAggFlds
fromAggSelSet colGNameMap fldTy selSet = fmap toFields $
withSelSet selSet $ \f -> do
let fTy = _fType f
fSelSet = _fSelSet f
case _fName f of
"__typename" -> return $ RS.TAFExp $ G.unName $ G.unNamedType fldTy
"aggregate" -> RS.TAFAgg <$> convertAggFld colGNameMap fTy fSelSet
"nodes" -> RS.TAFNodes <$> fromSelSet fTy fSelSet
G.Name t -> throw500 $ "unexpected field in _agg node: " <> t
type TableArgs = RS.TableArgsG UnresolvedVal
:: ( MonadResolve m, MonadReader r m
, Has FieldMap r, Has OrdByCtx r
=> PGColGNameMap -> ArgsMap -> m TableArgs
parseTableArgs colGNameMap args = do
whereExpM <- withArgM args "where" parseBoolExp
ordByExpML <- withArgM args "order_by" parseOrderBy
let ordByExpM = NE.nonEmpty =<< ordByExpML
limitExpM <- withArgM args "limit" parseLimit
offsetExpM <- withArgM args "offset" $ asPGColumnValue >=> openOpaqueValue >=> txtConverter
distOnColsML <- withArgM args "distinct_on" $ parseColumns colGNameMap
let distOnColsM = NE.nonEmpty =<< distOnColsML
mapM_ (validateDistOn ordByExpM) distOnColsM
return $ RS.TableArgs whereExpM ordByExpM limitExpM offsetExpM distOnColsM
validateDistOn Nothing _ = return ()
validateDistOn (Just ordBys) cols = withPathK "args" $ do
let colsLen = length cols
initOrdBys = take colsLen $ toList ordBys
initOrdByCols = flip mapMaybe initOrdBys $ \ob ->
case obiColumn ob of
RS.AOCPG ci -> Just $ pgiColumn ci
_ -> Nothing
isValid = (colsLen == length initOrdByCols)
&& all (`elem` initOrdByCols) (toList cols)
unless isValid $ throwVE
"\"distinct_on\" columns must match initial \"order_by\" columns"
type AnnSimpleSelect = RS.AnnSimpleSelG UnresolvedVal
:: ( MonadResolve m, MonadReader r m, Has FieldMap r
, Has OrdByCtx r, Has SQLGenCtx r
=> QualifiedTable
-> PGColGNameMap
-> AnnBoolExpPartialSQL
-> Maybe Int
-> Field -> m AnnSimpleSelect
fromField tn colGNameMap permFilter permLimitM fld = fieldAsPath fld $ do
tableArgs <- parseTableArgs colGNameMap args
annFlds <- fromSelSet (_fType fld) $ _fSelSet fld
let unresolvedPermFltr = fmapAnnBoolExp partialSQLExpToUnresolvedVal permFilter
let tabFrom = RS.TableFrom tn Nothing
tabPerm = RS.TablePerm unresolvedPermFltr permLimitM
strfyNum <- stringifyNum <$> asks getter
return $ RS.AnnSelG annFlds tabFrom tabPerm tableArgs strfyNum
args = _fArguments fld
:: ( MonadError QErr m
, MonadReader r m
, Has OrdByCtx r
=> G.NamedType -> m OrdByItemMap
getOrdByItemMap nt = do
ordByCtx <- asks getter
onNothing (Map.lookup nt ordByCtx) $
throw500 $ "could not lookup " <> showNamedTy nt
:: ( MonadResolve m
, MonadReader r m
, Has OrdByCtx r
=> AnnInpVal -> m [RS.AnnOrderByItemG UnresolvedVal]
parseOrderBy = fmap concat . withArray f
f _ = mapM (withObject (getAnnObItems id))
:: ( MonadResolve m
, MonadReader r m
, Has OrdByCtx r
=> (RS.AnnObColG UnresolvedVal -> RS.AnnObColG UnresolvedVal)
-> G.NamedType
-> AnnGObject
-> m [RS.AnnOrderByItemG UnresolvedVal]
getAnnObItems f nt obj = do
ordByItemMap <- getOrdByItemMap nt
fmap concat $ forM (OMap.toList obj) $ \(k, v) -> do
ordByItem <- onNothing (Map.lookup k ordByItemMap) $ throw500 $
"cannot lookup " <> showName k <> " order by item in "
<> showNamedTy nt <> " map"
case ordByItem of
OBIPGCol ci -> do
let aobCol = f $ RS.AOCPG ci
(_, enumValM) <- asEnumValM v
ordByItemM <- forM enumValM $ \enumVal -> do
(ordTy, nullsOrd) <- parseOrderByEnum enumVal
return $ mkOrdByItemG ordTy aobCol nullsOrd
return $ maybe [] pure ordByItemM
OBIRel ri fltr -> do
let unresolvedFltr = fmapAnnBoolExp partialSQLExpToUnresolvedVal fltr
let annObColFn = f . RS.AOCObj ri unresolvedFltr
flip withObjectM v $ \nameTy objM ->
maybe (pure []) (getAnnObItems annObColFn nameTy) objM
OBIAgg ri relColGNameMap fltr -> do
let unresolvedFltr = fmapAnnBoolExp partialSQLExpToUnresolvedVal fltr
let aobColFn = f . RS.AOCAgg ri unresolvedFltr
flip withObjectM v $ \_ objM ->
maybe (pure []) (parseAggOrdBy relColGNameMap aobColFn) objM
mkOrdByItemG :: S.OrderType -> a -> S.NullsOrder -> OrderByItemG a
mkOrdByItemG ordTy aobCol nullsOrd =
OrderByItemG (Just $ OrderType ordTy) aobCol (Just $ NullsOrder nullsOrd)
:: (MonadResolve m)
=> PGColGNameMap
-> (RS.AnnAggOrdBy -> RS.AnnObColG UnresolvedVal)
-> AnnGObject
-> m [RS.AnnOrderByItemG UnresolvedVal]
parseAggOrdBy colGNameMap f annObj =
fmap concat <$> forM (OMap.toList annObj) $ \(op, obVal) ->
case op of
"count" -> do
(_, enumValM) <- asEnumValM obVal
ordByItemM <- forM enumValM $ \enumVal -> do
(ordTy, nullsOrd) <- parseOrderByEnum enumVal
return $ mkOrdByItemG ordTy (f RS.AAOCount) nullsOrd
return $ maybe [] pure ordByItemM
G.Name opT ->
flip withObject obVal $ \_ opObObj -> fmap catMaybes $
forM (OMap.toList opObObj) $ \(colName, eVal) -> do
(_, enumValM) <- asEnumValM eVal
forM enumValM $ \enumVal -> do
(ordTy, nullsOrd) <- parseOrderByEnum enumVal
col <- pgiColumn <$> resolvePGCol colGNameMap colName
let aobCol = f $ RS.AAOOp opT col
return $ mkOrdByItemG ordTy aobCol nullsOrd
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> G.EnumValue
-> m (S.OrderType, S.NullsOrder)
parseOrderByEnum = \case
G.EnumValue "asc" -> return (S.OTAsc, S.NLast)
G.EnumValue "asc_nulls_last" -> return (S.OTAsc, S.NLast)
G.EnumValue "asc_nulls_first" -> return (S.OTAsc, S.NFirst)
G.EnumValue "desc" -> return (S.OTDesc, S.NFirst)
G.EnumValue "desc_nulls_first" -> return (S.OTDesc, S.NFirst)
G.EnumValue "desc_nulls_last" -> return (S.OTDesc, S.NLast)
G.EnumValue v -> throw500 $
"enum value " <> showName v <> " not found in type order_by"
parseLimit :: (MonadResolve m) => AnnInpVal -> m Int
parseLimit v = do
pgColVal <- openOpaqueValue =<< asPGColumnValue v
limit <- maybe noIntErr return . pgColValueToInt . pstValue $ _apvValue pgColVal
-- validate int value
onlyPositiveInt limit
return limit
noIntErr = throwVE "expecting Integer value for \"limit\""
type AnnSimpleSel = RS.AnnSimpleSelG UnresolvedVal
type PGColValMap = Map.HashMap G.Name AnnInpVal
pgColValToBoolExp :: (MonadResolve m) => PGColArgMap -> PGColValMap -> m AnnBoolExpUnresolved
pgColValToBoolExp colArgMap colValMap = do
colExps <- forM colVals $ \(name, val) ->
BoolFld <$> do
opExp <- AEQ True . mkParameterizablePGValue <$> asPGColumnValue val
colInfo <- onNothing (Map.lookup name colArgMap) $
throw500 $ "column name " <> showName name
<> " not found in column arguments map"
return $ AVCol colInfo [opExp]
return $ BoolAnd colExps
colVals = Map.toList colValMap
:: ( MonadResolve m
, MonadReader r m
, Has FieldMap r
, Has OrdByCtx r
, Has SQLGenCtx r
=> QualifiedTable -> PGColArgMap
-> AnnBoolExpPartialSQL -> Field -> m AnnSimpleSel
fromFieldByPKey tn colArgMap permFilter fld = fieldAsPath fld $ do
boolExp <- pgColValToBoolExp colArgMap $ _fArguments fld
annFlds <- fromSelSet fldTy $ _fSelSet fld
let tabFrom = RS.TableFrom tn Nothing
unresolvedPermFltr = fmapAnnBoolExp partialSQLExpToUnresolvedVal
tabPerm = RS.TablePerm unresolvedPermFltr Nothing
tabArgs = RS.noTableArgs { RS._taWhere = Just boolExp}
strfyNum <- stringifyNum <$> asks getter
return $ RS.AnnSelG annFlds tabFrom tabPerm tabArgs strfyNum
fldTy = _fType fld
:: ( MonadResolve m, MonadReader r m, Has FieldMap r
, Has OrdByCtx r, Has SQLGenCtx r
=> SelOpCtx -> Field -> m QueryRootFldUnresolved
convertSelect opCtx fld =
withPathK "selectionSet" $ QRFSimple <$>
fromField qt colGNameMap permFilter permLimit fld
SelOpCtx qt _ colGNameMap permFilter permLimit = opCtx
:: ( MonadResolve m, MonadReader r m, Has FieldMap r
, Has OrdByCtx r, Has SQLGenCtx r
=> SelPkOpCtx -> Field -> m QueryRootFldUnresolved
convertSelectByPKey opCtx fld =
withPathK "selectionSet" $ QRFPk <$>
fromFieldByPKey qt colArgMap permFilter fld
SelPkOpCtx qt _ permFilter colArgMap = opCtx
-- agg select related
parseColumns :: (MonadResolve m) => PGColGNameMap -> AnnInpVal -> m [PGCol]
parseColumns allColFldMap val =
flip withArray val $ \_ vals ->
forM vals $ \v -> do
(_, G.EnumValue enumVal) <- asEnumVal v
pgiColumn <$> resolvePGCol allColFldMap enumVal
convertCount :: (MonadResolve m) => PGColGNameMap -> ArgsMap -> m S.CountType
convertCount colGNameMap args = do
columnsM <- withArgM args "columns" $ parseColumns colGNameMap
isDistinct <- or <$> withArgM args "distinct" parseDistinct
maybe (return S.CTStar) (mkCType isDistinct) columnsM
parseDistinct v = do
val <- openOpaqueValue =<< asPGColumnValue v
case pstValue $ _apvValue val of
PGValBoolean b -> return b
_ ->
throw500 "expecting Boolean for \"distinct\""
mkCType isDistinct cols = return $
bool (S.CTSimple cols) (S.CTDistinct cols) isDistinct
toFields :: [(T.Text, a)] -> RS.Fields a
toFields = map (first FieldName)
:: MonadError QErr m
=> PGColGNameMap -> G.NamedType -> SelSet -> m RS.ColFlds
convertColFlds colGNameMap ty selSet = fmap toFields $
withSelSet selSet $ \fld ->
case _fName fld of
"__typename" -> return $ RS.PCFExp $ G.unName $ G.unNamedType ty
n -> (RS.PCFCol . pgiColumn) <$> resolvePGCol colGNameMap n
:: (MonadResolve m)
=> PGColGNameMap -> G.NamedType -> SelSet -> m RS.AggFlds
convertAggFld colGNameMap ty selSet = fmap toFields $
withSelSet selSet $ \fld -> do
let fType = _fType fld
fSelSet = _fSelSet fld
case _fName fld of
"__typename" -> return $ RS.AFExp $ G.unName $ G.unNamedType ty
"count" -> RS.AFCount <$> convertCount colGNameMap (_fArguments fld)
n -> do
colFlds <- convertColFlds colGNameMap fType fSelSet
unless (isAggFld n) $ throwInvalidFld n
return $ RS.AFOp $ RS.AggOp (G.unName n) colFlds
throwInvalidFld (G.Name t) =
throw500 $ "unexpected field in _aggregate node: " <> t
type AnnAggSel = RS.AnnAggSelG UnresolvedVal
:: ( MonadResolve m, MonadReader r m, Has FieldMap r
, Has OrdByCtx r, Has SQLGenCtx r
=> QualifiedTable
-> PGColGNameMap
-> AnnBoolExpPartialSQL
-> Maybe Int
-> Field -> m AnnAggSel
fromAggField tn colGNameMap permFilter permLimit fld = fieldAsPath fld $ do
tableArgs <- parseTableArgs colGNameMap args
aggSelFlds <- fromAggSelSet colGNameMap (_fType fld) (_fSelSet fld)
let unresolvedPermFltr =
fmapAnnBoolExp partialSQLExpToUnresolvedVal permFilter
let tabFrom = RS.TableFrom tn Nothing
tabPerm = RS.TablePerm unresolvedPermFltr permLimit
strfyNum <- stringifyNum <$> asks getter
return $ RS.AnnSelG aggSelFlds tabFrom tabPerm tableArgs strfyNum
args = _fArguments fld
:: ( MonadResolve m, MonadReader r m, Has FieldMap r
, Has OrdByCtx r, Has SQLGenCtx r
=> SelOpCtx -> Field -> m QueryRootFldUnresolved
convertAggSelect opCtx fld =
withPathK "selectionSet" $ QRFAgg <$>
fromAggField qt colGNameMap permFilter permLimit fld
-- return $ RS.selectAggQuerySQL selData
SelOpCtx qt _ colGNameMap permFilter permLimit = opCtx
:: (MonadResolve m)
=> FuncArgSeq
-> AnnInpVal
-> m (RS.FunctionArgsExpG UnresolvedVal)
parseFunctionArgs argSeq val = flip withObject val $ \_ obj -> do
(positionalArgs, argsLeft) <- spanMaybeM (parsePositionalArg obj) argSeq
namedArgs <- Map.fromList . catMaybes <$> traverse (parseNamedArg obj) argsLeft
pure $ RS.FunctionArgsExp positionalArgs namedArgs
parsePositionalArg obj (FuncArgItem gqlName _ _) =
maybe (pure Nothing) (fmap Just . parseArg) $ OMap.lookup gqlName obj
parseArg = fmap (maybe (UVSQL S.SENull) mkParameterizablePGValue) . asPGColumnValueM
parseNamedArg obj (FuncArgItem gqlName maybeSqlName hasDefault) =
case OMap.lookup gqlName obj of
Just argInpVal -> case maybeSqlName of
Just sqlName -> Just . (getFuncArgNameTxt sqlName,) <$> parseArg argInpVal
Nothing -> throw400 NotSupported
"Only last set of positional arguments can be omitted"
Nothing -> if not hasDefault then
throw400 NotSupported "Non default arguments cannot be omitted"
else pure Nothing
:: (MonadResolve m)
=> (Field -> m s)
-> QualifiedFunction -> FuncArgSeq
-> Field
-> m (RS.AnnFnSelG s UnresolvedVal)
fromFuncQueryField fn qf argSeq fld = fieldAsPath fld $ do
funcArgsM <- withArgM (_fArguments fld) "args" $ parseFunctionArgs argSeq
let funcArgs = fromMaybe RS.emptyFunctionArgsExp funcArgsM
RS.AnnFnSel qf funcArgs <$> fn fld
:: ( MonadResolve m
, MonadReader r m
, Has FieldMap r
, Has OrdByCtx r
, Has SQLGenCtx r
=> FuncQOpCtx -> Field -> m QueryRootFldUnresolved
convertFuncQuerySimple funcOpCtx fld =
withPathK "selectionSet" $ QRFFnSimple <$>
fromFuncQueryField (fromField qt colGNameMap permFilter permLimit) qf argSeq fld
FuncQOpCtx qt _ colGNameMap permFilter permLimit qf argSeq = funcOpCtx
:: ( MonadResolve m
, MonadReader r m
, Has FieldMap r
, Has OrdByCtx r
, Has SQLGenCtx r
=> FuncQOpCtx -> Field -> m QueryRootFldUnresolved
convertFuncQueryAgg funcOpCtx fld =
withPathK "selectionSet" $ QRFFnAgg <$>
fromFuncQueryField (fromAggField qt colGNameMap permFilter permLimit) qf argSeq fld
FuncQOpCtx qt _ colGNameMap permFilter permLimit qf argSeq = funcOpCtx
data QueryRootFldAST v
= QRFPk !(RS.AnnSimpleSelG v)
| QRFSimple !(RS.AnnSimpleSelG v)
| QRFAgg !(RS.AnnAggSelG v)
| QRFFnSimple !(RS.AnnFnSelSimpleG v)
| QRFFnAgg !(RS.AnnFnSelAggG v)
deriving (Show, Eq)
type QueryRootFldUnresolved = QueryRootFldAST UnresolvedVal
type QueryRootFldResolved = QueryRootFldAST S.SQLExp
:: (Applicative f)
=> (a -> f b)
-> QueryRootFldAST a
-> f (QueryRootFldAST b)
traverseQueryRootFldAST f = \case
QRFPk s -> QRFPk <$> RS.traverseAnnSimpleSel f s
QRFSimple s -> QRFSimple <$> RS.traverseAnnSimpleSel f s
QRFAgg s -> QRFAgg <$> RS.traverseAnnAggSel f s
QRFFnSimple s -> QRFFnSimple <$> RS.traverseAnnFnSimple f s
QRFFnAgg s -> QRFFnAgg <$> RS.traverseAnnFnAgg f s
toPGQuery :: QueryRootFldResolved -> Q.Query
toPGQuery = \case
QRFPk s -> RS.selectQuerySQL True s
QRFSimple s -> RS.selectQuerySQL False s
QRFAgg s -> RS.selectAggQuerySQL s
QRFFnSimple s -> RS.mkFuncSelectSimple s
QRFFnAgg s -> RS.mkFuncSelectAgg s