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module Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Mutation.Insert
( mkInsInp
, mkInsInpTy
, mkRelInsInps
, mkInsMutFld
, mkOnConflictTypes
) where
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.Types
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.BoolExp
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Common
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Mutation.Common
import Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.Types
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.SQL.Types
-- table_insert_input
mkInsInpTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType
mkInsInpTy tn =
G.NamedType $ qualObjectToName tn <> "_insert_input"
-- table_obj_rel_insert_input
mkObjInsInpTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType
mkObjInsInpTy tn =
G.NamedType $ qualObjectToName tn <> "_obj_rel_insert_input"
-- table_arr_rel_insert_input
mkArrInsInpTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType
mkArrInsInpTy tn =
G.NamedType $ qualObjectToName tn <> "_arr_rel_insert_input"
-- table_on_conflict
mkOnConflictInpTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType
mkOnConflictInpTy tn =
G.NamedType $ qualObjectToName tn <> "_on_conflict"
-- table_constraint
mkConstraintInpTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType
mkConstraintInpTy tn =
G.NamedType $ qualObjectToName tn <> "_constraint"
-- table_update_column
mkUpdColumnInpTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType
mkUpdColumnInpTy tn =
G.NamedType $ qualObjectToName tn <> "_update_column"
input table_obj_rel_insert_input {
data: table_insert_input!
on_conflict: table_on_conflict
input table_arr_rel_insert_input {
data: [table_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: table_on_conflict
:: QualifiedTable -> Bool -> [InpObjTyInfo]
mkRelInsInps tn upsertAllowed = [objRelInsInp, arrRelInsInp]
onConflictInpVal =
InpValInfo Nothing "on_conflict" Nothing $ G.toGT $ mkOnConflictInpTy tn
onConflictInp = bool [] [onConflictInpVal] upsertAllowed
objRelDesc = G.Description $
"input type for inserting object relation for remote table " <>> tn
objRelDataInp = InpValInfo Nothing "data" Nothing $ G.toGT $
G.toNT $ mkInsInpTy tn
objRelInsInp = mkHsraInpTyInfo (Just objRelDesc) (mkObjInsInpTy tn)
$ fromInpValL $ objRelDataInp : onConflictInp
arrRelDesc = G.Description $
"input type for inserting array relation for remote table " <>> tn
arrRelDataInp = InpValInfo Nothing "data" Nothing $ G.toGT $
G.toNT $ G.toLT $ G.toNT $ mkInsInpTy tn
arrRelInsInp = mkHsraInpTyInfo (Just arrRelDesc) (mkArrInsInpTy tn)
$ fromInpValL $ arrRelDataInp : onConflictInp
input table_insert_input {
col1: colty1
coln: coltyn
:: QualifiedTable -> [PGColumnInfo] -> RelationInfoMap -> InpObjTyInfo
mkInsInp tn insCols relInfoMap =
mkHsraInpTyInfo (Just desc) (mkInsInpTy tn) $ fromInpValL $
map mkPGColInp insCols <> relInps
desc = G.Description $
"input type for inserting data into table " <>> tn
relInps = flip map (Map.toList relInfoMap) $
\(relName, relInfo) ->
let remoteQT = riRTable relInfo
tyMaker = case riType relInfo of
ObjRel -> mkObjInsInpTy
ArrRel -> mkArrInsInpTy
in InpValInfo Nothing (mkRelName relName) Nothing $
G.toGT $ tyMaker remoteQT
input table_on_conflict {
constraint: table_constraint!
update_columns: [table_column!]
where: table_bool_exp
mkOnConflictInp :: QualifiedTable -> InpObjTyInfo
mkOnConflictInp tn =
mkHsraInpTyInfo (Just desc) (mkOnConflictInpTy tn) $ fromInpValL
[constraintInpVal, updateColumnsInpVal, whereInpVal]
desc = G.Description $
"on conflict condition type for table " <>> tn
constraintInpVal = InpValInfo Nothing (G.Name "constraint") Nothing $
G.toGT $ G.toNT $ mkConstraintInpTy tn
updateColumnsInpVal = InpValInfo Nothing (G.Name "update_columns") Nothing $
G.toGT $ G.toNT $ G.toLT $ G.toNT $ mkUpdColumnInpTy tn
whereInpVal = InpValInfo Nothing (G.Name "where") Nothing $
G.toGT $ mkBoolExpTy tn
objects: [table_insert_input!]!
on_conflict: table_on_conflict
): table_mutation_response!
mkInsMutFld :: Maybe G.Name -> QualifiedTable -> Bool -> ObjFldInfo
mkInsMutFld mCustomName tn isUpsertable =
mkHsraObjFldInfo (Just desc) fldName (fromInpValL inputVals) $
G.toGT $ mkMutRespTy tn
inputVals = catMaybes [Just objectsArg , onConflictInpVal]
desc = G.Description $
"insert data into the table: " <>> tn
defFldName = "insert_" <> qualObjectToName tn
fldName = fromMaybe defFldName mCustomName
objsArgDesc = "the rows to be inserted"
objectsArg =
InpValInfo (Just objsArgDesc) "objects" Nothing $ G.toGT $
G.toNT $ G.toLT $ G.toNT $ mkInsInpTy tn
onConflictInpVal = bool Nothing (Just onConflictArg) isUpsertable
onConflictDesc = "on conflict condition"
onConflictArg = InpValInfo (Just onConflictDesc) "on_conflict"
Nothing $ G.toGT $ mkOnConflictInpTy tn
mkConstraintTy :: QualifiedTable -> [ConstraintName] -> EnumTyInfo
mkConstraintTy tn cons = enumTyInfo
enumTyInfo = mkHsraEnumTyInfo (Just desc) (mkConstraintInpTy tn) $
EnumValuesSynthetic . mapFromL _eviVal $ map mkConstraintEnumVal cons
desc = G.Description $
"unique or primary key constraints on table " <>> tn
mkConstraintEnumVal (ConstraintName n) =
EnumValInfo (Just "unique or primary key constraint")
(G.EnumValue $ G.Name n) False
mkUpdColumnTy :: QualifiedTable -> [G.Name] -> EnumTyInfo
mkUpdColumnTy tn cols = enumTyInfo
enumTyInfo = mkHsraEnumTyInfo (Just desc) (mkUpdColumnInpTy tn) $
EnumValuesSynthetic . mapFromL _eviVal $ map mkColumnEnumVal cols
desc = G.Description $
"update columns of table " <>> tn
:: QualifiedTable -> [ConstraintName] -> [G.Name] -> Bool -> [TypeInfo]
mkOnConflictTypes tn uniqueOrPrimaryCons cols =
bool [] tyInfos
tyInfos = [ TIEnum $ mkConstraintTy tn uniqueOrPrimaryCons
, TIEnum $ mkUpdColumnTy tn cols
, TIInpObj $ mkOnConflictInp tn